"Do not raise your voice, do not talk unnecessarily,do not run,do not mess around, do not daze off, do not get too friendly do not disobey, do not shout do not scream do not whine do not complain do not argue with me do not tell me what to do and most of all do NOT touch me." He says looking down at me he looked so intimidating.
"Am I clear?"
"Mhm" I mumble.
"Good.Very good."
"Well you better get packing. " He says before heading out.
My eyes are actually wet from fear. Holy. He's like a monster breathing down my neck. He's so scary and mean. You know when I see his face it makes me wanna give him a bruise on his pretty face. That feeling of breaking his mouth! If I can't beat him in real might as well in my head.
"Well you should sleep early. Your flight is at 10 am in the morning. Meaning you'll be leaving at about 8 am. 7 am you'll wake up . So you might wanna sleep early okay?" Mama says and I nod.
"Yaseen! Good you're here come eat. She turns her attention towards him and he takes a glance at me and back to his mom.
"I'll be down in a bit."
"Hurry before it gets cold...Sumi made it you know" She says and can I just say she said it in the most, cutest way ever. you know when a little girl says it all shy that's literally how she said it.
"Oh. I don't really wanna eat." He says and then heads up. I don't really wanna eat he's such a brat he thinks he's so cool by having that ego and his stupid big manly voice like I'm too good for her. Well it's not like I want him to eat my food anyway. He can starve for all I care. So bossy.
But again. I feel bad. I don't know why. It's like he's trapped in this box. Well actually I hate him more so it's fine he can starve.
After cleaning up, I head up to pray. walking past his room the door was half way open. And there he was reading Qur'an. Okay, what? He makes NO sense. Okay he goes to the mosque prays respects his mom but he acts like a complete asshole.
What's his deal?
Hm...I feel the need to ask his mom about this.
I mean I'm not saying assholes can't recite the Qur'an but I'm curious as to why all the sudden he's decided to pray.
She turns to look up at me.
"yeah what's up?"
"Does Yaseen...always read Qur'an?"
"oh" she smiles.
"Um I wish. But um he usually reads when he's about to go abroad like whenever he's gonna go on an airplane, or anything big. Something similar to that. Then he'll pray two raq'at but yes. He does do that. But he does read the Qur'an in Ramadan time. Also...I am very proud to say that he has even lead Salah in the mosque before. A couple of times. I wasn't there obviously but he told me and my friends and many people complimented him. It made me feel so good Wallah. "
I nod and smile.
"Okay I was just curious. I'm gonna go sleep now Salam Alaykum." I say and she nods.
He's so..confusing. I don't understand. I really don't.
My eyes shoot open hearing the alarm.
Oh God. I rush to the bathroom do my stuff wear my clothes and mama walks in.
"Okay! make up time." She says
"Excuse me?"
"Not makeup..really. Just a little eyeliner and mascara."
"Oh God." I mumble and she chuckles.
"I'm sorry. Please? you should try. It's so much fun to do it."
"Can I?" I ask and she nods.
"Go on." I'll do it first and you watch from the mirror then you can do my makeup.
"Yup. " she says laughing her cute laugh.
I watch her do my upper lid with that cat point thing and then just curl and use that eyebrow curler and then the mascara.
Finally my turn.
"Okay ready?" I ask and she nods.
I start with the upper eye and she chuckles.
"Your hands are wiggling keep them steady."
"Okay, I'll try."
I do the other one.
"Okay be careful with the curler I don't want my eyebrows ripped off." She says and we start laughing.
"Okay, I'll try."
Using it wasn't that hard actually. The eyeliner was so much harder.
"Can I open my eyes?"
"Wait the mascara."
"with my eyes closed?"
"um yes..I think."
"Okay. go ahead."
I open the mascara and slowly apply it and after I finish she opens her eyes and bursts out laughing.
"Oh my god the eyeliner is so off!" She says still laughing and I laugh as well. I'm not professional.
"Well I gave it my best shot."
"It's okay it'll take practice. See wasn't that fun? It's just like painting. "
"Okay, you better get moving. We just wasted five 10 minutes doing this. " she says laughing.
"Okay let's head down." I say and we head towards the kitchen where the robot already sat, reading ...Qur'an wow. When he impresses you with reciting the Qur'an.
"Salam Alaykum Yaseen." She says and he looks up and he looks at her face and looks surprised in a weird way.
"what?" she asks laughing.
"...What happened to your eye." He asks with a small smile. Aw wow. That was a nice smile.
"Do you like it? It's Sumi's design. She did it. It's nice isn't it. First time doing it herself."She says with a bright smile.
His smile fades. he takes a glance towards me and then back to his mom. I feel like every time he hears my name it just makes him mad,
I can sense the hatred he feels for me knowing that he's married to me.
"If she can't do it. Why bother?" He mumbles.
"Well she's going to learn. Don't be so rude."
"I'm not."
"Well I like it."
"Fix it. It looks like a kid drew on you." He says without a single stutter or change in his tone. That stupid guy! God he's so mean and inconsiderate.
"I'm keeping it on.It looks cute."
"You look cute without the makeup."He mumbles and she smiles.
"Did you eat yet?"
He closes his Qur'an and then looks at me and back to his mom.
"Saima can you get me my hijab?" She calls out.
"What's she doing here? Isn't she gonna cook." He asks looking at me. It was this evil look I could just tell.
"Today? no-" Mama begins to say
"Yes. I will cook today." I say budging in.
Annoying disgusting ugly prick! I hate you so much go die! Just kidding.
Oh I'm so gonna teach him a lesson.
I quickly cook up scrambled egg and put the plates on the trolly. Except on his plate, I have put spicy chili. Extra. I've had enough of him for one day.
I give the first plate to mama and the middle plate to the robot and the last for me.
As we eat I take small glances. He seems to get that face but he wasn't reacting the way I expected him to.
"How is it Yaseen?" Mama asks he looks up looking satisfied.
"Not bad. It's good. Perfect amount of spice."
"Really?" she says taking another bite he nods.
He lets a heavy breath out and looks at me.
"Something tells me the spice in my plate is different from yours." He says taking a glance at his mom and back at me with a smirk. I keep my eyes on the plate. Gosh why is he so damn smart!
"Really? That's good." She says and I almost spit out my food.
"Well finish up we don't wanna get late now do we." He says. I don't dare to look at him but he seems to keep his focus on me. Not as a good thing but like you know when you notice something and kind of, stare at it.
"Is her face painted?" He asks turning to his mom.
She smiles.
"Yeah, I put a little bit on her. Why? She looks pretty doesn't she." She says smiling.
"Mhm, Sure." He says . I tighten my grip on the fork. Just picturing him with a bruise on his jaw. Yes. with a bat. hit him with a bat.
"Oh look Yaseen she's looking at you so sweetly." She says and I burst out laughing.
"Sorry, sorry.I just thought of something funny." I say and I could sense him looking at me with irritation
"She's so cute."
"Mama stop over complimenting her. " He says.
"Keep quiet stop being jealous."
We were going to head into the check up now. So Time to say goodbye to her.
I hug her tight and she does the same. It felt so nice. It felt like a mother and daughter moment you know.
"Take care okay? Make sure you call me when you get there." She says and I nod and we pull apart and she smiles and kisses my forehead.
She then turns to her robotic son who shows no sign of care.
He wraps his arms around her and puts his chin against the top of her head. He's way too tall.
"Take care of yourself, yeah" He whispers as they pull apart she nods. then he does the unexpected and kisses her forehead. Okay woah. woah. woah.
"I love you." he whispers so silently and he smiles and she smiles back.
"I love you too. " She says smiling again with wet eyes.
What just happened. Shock mode. SHOCK MODE! Pause! WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. He literally just said "I love you" first to his mom. usually its the mom who says it first and the guy like you know brushes it off. But this in this case... WHAT? AND him??? out of all the guys HE does it? What? he has emotions? Since when? I am so lost right now.
"Oye mate, do you plan on staying here?" he says giving me a light push.
"Huh? yeah, let's go."
He put the bags away and sat down on the seat next to me.
Okay well, let's get to it! First time flying. Can't be that bad. Just gotta relax. Oh wait the rides...It's probably not as bad.
The plane starts to move and suddenly a nerve hits me. Relax just got to relax. Never panic. That's the worst thing you can do. Allahu Akbar. Just relax woman RELAX. Oh god.
I tighten my grip on the seat sides. he turns to me raising an eyebrow. I give him a satisfying smile.
Suddenly a noise starts going.
He looks at me again and I try my best to force a smile.
"This is normal, right? " I ask.
He doesn't respond. Does that mean it's not normal?
"What do we do? Oh my God. okay we'll die, La ila ha illalah-"
"The plane hasn't even lifted off yet... What are you stupid?"
I press my lips together and smile awkwardly.
"First time flying you know...being off the ground in the air... How high are we gonna go?"
"Shut up."
"No. Shut up."
I take a deep breath in and out and again he looks at me.
A whole bunch of announcements and instruction of using a parachute and all that finishes and then the lift off announcement.
"I can't do it. I need to get off." I say unbuckling my belt but he grabs my arm.
"you're not going anywhere. Sit tight and buckle up."
"I can't I can't "
"BUCKLE UP." He says raising his voice.
I do as he says. Everything's okay.
I stick my head forward to take a look at the people in the same row as us. They all seemed to relax.
Why am I the only one? Gosh.
"Allahu Akbar." I begin to whisper to myself.
"I feel it! We are lift-" I turn to the window.
"We ARE LIFTING OFF! As IN a whole PLANE OFF THE GROUND!" I shout and I feel a grip on my arm.
"What did I just tell you? "
I quickly sit back and avoid eye contact. I was feeling all woozy something in my stomach.
"Can I use the bathroom?" I ask and he turns his head towards me.
"No. You were supposed to go before. Wait half an hour."
"But -"
"I don't care. Take a piss in your pants but sit still. You've already caused a scene there's no need for more attention."
"How many times have you gone over plane?" I ask and I can sense his irriation.
"Well...I mean we're safe right? Have you noticed anything different from the others you've sat in? Maybe there's a problem! You want this plane to fall? All these people dead?
And what about the people that are waiting in the other country! They'll just wait and wait! And -"
He covers my mouth and puts his finger on his lips motioning to be quiet.
"If you don't f*ck off I'll personally call the pilots to throw you off. "
"Wait- you can do that?"
"You know what? Go take your piss. At Least I won't have to answer your bullshit."
Yaseen's POV
Does she even have an off button. Her stupidity was plain annoying she's like a child. A child whose never been anywhere. How does someone like this even have a friend.
What has she done that made my mom love her so much? She's an idiot.
I sit there in peace it was over 5 minutes now. What the hell is she doing?
I look behind my seat but she wasn't there. Great. I got up and went towards where she went.
I knocked on the door lightly.
"Hold on" I hear her say.
Two more minutes pass by and I knock on the door again.
"Wait" she manages to say. Finally after another 5 minute wait the door opens and she comes out and looks at me and then heads towards our seat.
She takes a seat as do I and she buckles up.
"What the hell were you doing in there?" I ask.
I stare at her and she looks at me.
"What? I'm serious."
I don't respond and everything was good so far.
The flight attendant comes with food and Qulsum sticks her head up.
"Oh food!"
She was so irritating with her stupid childish act. Is she just acting or is she actually retarded.
The announcement goes on to give us notice that the planes gonna land.
"Oh finally!" She murmurs.
Finally the plane lands and everyone gets up taking there bags down and shoving past the people.
We make our way out and I look around and see a short chubby man holding a sign with my name on it.
"Follow me." I say and she nods and I walk toward the guy.
"Ah you must be-"
"That is correct." I say.
He looks at me and then Qulsum.
"Well then what are you waiting for?" I say and he flinches.
"Sorry sir right this way." He says.
He holds the door open for us and then puts our luggage in the trunk and he comes in and begins to drive.
"S-sir we have a hotel booked for you already and Mr. Dasiv said if you need anything let him know. "
"Sir I didn't know you got married"
"Is there a problem?"
"N-n-no s-sir of course not!"
"It's best you stay out of my personal life. Just do your job no more. No less."
"Yes sir yes sir. Sorry"
My phone rings and I check my pockets and then pick up.
"Hello Hello Yasin How are you! I hope you had a good flight! " Mr.Dasiv was calling.
"It was fine. Thanks." I say.
"That's great! Now tell me where are you headed right now?"
"The hotel"
"Oh good good! Now how about a dinner with me and a couple of my partners. Our deals are going good so far. The markets high my friend it is high!" Mr Dasiv says sounding so excited.
"Good to hear that."
"Now after your set call me alright? Then we'll talk about that dinner."
"Have a good afternoon!"
"Evening Mr.Dasiv" I correct him.
"Oh right right bye now."
I called up my mom to let her know we were here.
"Assalmualaikum Amina speaking."
"Walaikunsalam. How are you ma."
"Oh! I miss you guys already. "
"We'll be back soon don't worry."
We talk on the phone for a while and then Qulsum talks to her for a bit until we park.
The guy holds the door open and takes our bags as we head in.
"Welcome sir! We hope you have a nice stay." He says and leads us up.
We walk into the hotel room. It was nice and simple. A bit too big for one person.
"I'd like to switch the room " I say and his face turns pale.
"Sir? Is there a problem? "
"No. I just want another room."
"One for her and one for me." I say and he turns to Qulsum who looked just as confused.
"As you wish. I'll be right back." He says leaving.
"What's the point of having different rooms? " Qulsum asks,
"That is none of your concern."
"Of course not. But you know I don't wanna be in a room with you either-"
"SHUT UP! I've heard enough of your bullshit! I was being patient but you just- don't bring a single word out of your mouth or I'll get you kicked out of this hotel. Not a single f*cking word!" I shout.
She stands there playing with her fingers with her head down.
We wait there in silence until the guy returns.
"Ok there isn't much space as of right now. We have another room but it's not as fine as this one. It's more..small and not as good quality.."
"What the f*ck does that mean.-"
"We'll take it! I'm sorry we didn't get your name?" Qulsum says interrupting me.
"Call me Junior."
She nods and smiles.
"He's a f*cking driver." I say staring at her.
"Ok but don't you think calling someone drivers a bit general and quite frankly its rude."
I want to kick her out right now with her stupid childish act.
"Ok junior you can show us the room."
The hotel assistant greets us and leads us to the other side of the hotel.
"Here you are."
"Thanks." I mutter.
"Have fun." Yaseen says walking off.
"I will." I say and he slightly turns his head towards me with irritation.
What you think?
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~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~
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