Aliza's POV
"we're going to Qulsum's house tomorrow."My mom says as she brings the food and sits down.
"for what?" Zainab asks rolling her eyes and we smirk.
"she's going out of country." My mom says and our mouth's drop open.
"They're going on a honeymoon?! Already?" I yell.
"have you gone crazy.She's just going with that guy for a business trip or something." My mom says eating.
"There's something odd I'm telling you guys-"
"shut up.There's nothing. she's perfectly fine and besides even if there is something weird she deserves it. The pride of that girl! " My mom says.
"Why're you taking her side?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"idiots! If her father finds out he'll bring that witch back here. we got lucky that someone actually agreed to marry her or she'd be on our heads for the rest of our lives."
"aren't they the ones who asked-"Danish asks and me my sister burst out laughing.
"shut up. whatever it is doesn't matter.she's out of here and that's all that matters. I swear something about her isn't right.I never trusted that girl." Mom says .
"you idiot whose gonna ask to marry her? Everyone would obviously ask for me what's she got anyway that we don't. she's got no looks,no character,no talents, she doesn't even know how to talk to people. now whose gonna marry her?"I ask.
"exactly" mom says
"A piece of advise Danish think before you start babbling."
the phone rings and my mom picks up and leaves.
we all get up and head up.
"there's something wrong there."I say.
"yeah. very.Her mother in law seems alright she probably just feels bad for her." Danish says.
"yeah! But her husband!" I say.
"he's hot." Zainab says.
"i know right!He's got abs and his jaw! oh god and that sexy voice." I say and Danish stares at us.
"They didn't seem to get along. Well I mean he-"
"well obviously the guy isn't attracted to her. why on earth would he like her? " I say rolling my eyes.
"But that's the weird part you idiots.I was telling her to stay there and he showed up and told me to leave her alone. She's the one who told him to leave me alone!"Danish says.
"she what? Maybe she likes you Danish." Zainab says smirking as we burst out laughing.
"f*ck off."
"why are you blushing huh?" I say nudging him.
"I'm not!"
"Tell me Danish were you jealous of her wedding?" Zainab says putting her arms on his shoulder.
"what's wrong with you guys. She's our sister!" He shouts and me and Zainab continue to giggle.
"STEP sister." I say.
"shut the f*ck up." he says.
"don't you remember the time when you..." Zainab pauses and we both laugh.
"you were all like. I think she's hot." Zainab says trying to sound manly.
"and you tried to see her without her hijab! Don't you remember how we helped you do that." I say laughing.
"and why do you take her to your room alone? who know what he does!" Zainab says and I burst out laughing.
"what the f*ck! You think I molest her! what's wrong with you guys! f*cking faggots." He mutters.
"you know what I think?" I say.
"what do you think?"Zainab asks with a smirk.
"he tries to hate her and hit her to avoid loving her but it still gives him the chance to touch her." I say raising an eyebrow
"oh that's it!" He shouts pulling my hair.
"let me go!" I shout and Zainab grabs his arm and the two of us run and lock the door and start laughing.
The fact that she was already married before me that two with a model looking guy.. was irritating. Why would they say yes anyway? Something's wrong.
"Why do you think he got married to her?" I ask Zainab putting my phone to the side.
"He might have some disability."
"I'm thinking the same thing. It doesn't add up.." I mumble.
"Why're you so worried anyway. She's out our lives. We don't have to see her cocky smart ass ever again."
"You know she just thinks she's all cool just cause she's smart." I say and Zainab nods.
"I don't get it." I say and Zainab stares at me waiting for an explanation.
"You know Asad?"
She nods.
"He told me how he liked her and all this crap."
"What? When?"
"Last year."
"Why do guys like her? Why would ANYONE like her."
"I don't know she probably traps them and manipulates them."
"Obviously. I mean seriously. "
"You know what? We should sleep over or soemthing and see what's really up."
"I don't know but seriously I'm curious"
"Let's do it. We have nothing to do this summer anyway. It'll be fun." Zainab says smiling.
"Dad I'm going out I need money." Danish says as I sat in the couch texting my friend.
"I just gave you money 4 days ago. What do you need the money for?" My dad asks.
"It's my business. I just need 50 bucks." Danish says and my dad begins to laugh.
"What's so funny? I need money."
"Start working." He says.
"I. Need. Money." He repeats and my mom walks in.
"What's the problem?" My mom asks.
"I gave him money 4 days ago. He wants more. He won't even tell me what for."
"Yeah so? Danish what's the need?"
"Stuff. Tell him." He says.
"What's the problem? Just give him the money. He probably needs it urgently." She says.
"I gave him a hundred already. I am not giving him anymore.If he wants money go work."
"Excuse me? If Qulsum was here you would give it to her instantly!"
"She asked for 10 dollars not 50. I've never even seen her use it. "
"What're you trying to say?" My mom asks.
"Are you implying that we took it from her?" Zainab snaps.
"Whatever you think." He says.
"Oh. See. You never thought if them as your real kids." My mom says.
"What're you talking about? Where are you going with this?" He asks.
"Yeah. Qulsum is your only daughter right? See now you have only 3 kids and you still won't give-"
He gets up and leaves and my mom shuts up.
"See? If Qulsum was here he would have never talked to me like that!"
"Because Qulsum is the only daughter he has right? What kind of a dad is he. You married some freak."
Danish walks out and me and Zainab exchange glances.
"Ok come help me now." My mom says.
"I don't do kitchen work tell Zainab." I say rolling my eyes.
"Oh yeah ask me! I'm not doing anything I'm tired already."
"Oh my God."
"Dad. We're going shopping we need money." I say as he comes inside.
"Great. At least let me sit. I just came from work. I'm tired."
"Oh my God! There you go again! Are we even your kids!" I shout.
"Calm down. Of course you're all my kids."
"Then why won't you give us money!" I shout.
"Did I say no?"
"Mama! Look how he's treating us! God I feel like a damn beggar. " I shout.
"It's not like that-"
"Then what's it like? You're so cheap! And listen okay? You're not rich that we come to you begging. I mean we have a reputation to uphold. We're barely keeping up with the fashion!" Zainab shouts.
It's about time he starts treating us like his kids.
"Relax guys I just came from work can I at least get some water? Tea? Anything?" He asks.
It's like we're servants. He treats himself like a damn king.
"That's it!" My mom shouts coming from the kitchen.
"Open your ears and listen! If you won't treat us like family then go ahead! You can cook for yourself. I won't do any work for you. That's it. Ever since Qulsum has left-"
"This has nothing to do with Qulsum? I don't understand? Qulsum's not here so I need someone else to give me water or tea or anything. I'm tired and I mean I don't understand what this drama is all about! I haven't said no? So why all this craze? I will give you it in a minute darling. Just relax." He says.
"You know what you are? You're a hypocrite! "
"You only care and cared about Qulsum."
"That is not true-"
"Yes it is! Do you have any idea what kind of things she use to do? She was picky and did no work! She simply sat in her room all day and then when you came home she acted like she does all the work! She's nothing but a worthless disgusting fake girl. I treat her like my own daughter and she treats me like a maid! Have I ever complained-"
"Then why didn't you?"
"To avoid fights like this! You know what Qulsum if Qulsum-"
"Say another word about Qulsum and I will give you a divorce! I am sick if these ridiculous fights every damn day! Just yelling at me! " my dad shouts and the room goes silent.
"If you cannot live with me with peace you may leave. I do not want to fight over silly things everyday of my life!
I stayed quiet all these years why? YES FOR QULSUM BECAUSE I KNEW HER PAIN! And I have been trying to treat you all with love but whatever I do you guys do not appreciate it!
If I give you guys a gift you say Qulsum got better things! Enough is Enough! I'm sick of it! I will NOT tolerate it any more. " my dad shouts.
"You want money?" He takes out his wallet and takes a couple cards out and throws the wallet onto the table.
"Take all of it. Happy?" He shouts.
"Listen-" my mom says but he walks off."
"See? It's all about Qulsum."
"Mama he's ready to give you a divorce!" Zainab whispers.
"Listen here! We need to stop. I don't need another divorce! Now go and make some tea for him." My mom says grabbing my wrist.
I'd never thing he's dare to shout let alone throw out the word "divorce"
The only reason my mom married him was because he made good enough money and he was a calm man.
He never yelled at us. Always stayed quiet. It's not our fault he treats us like shit. Him and Qulsum are just idiots. I hate the both of them.
The way he threw the money as if we were beggars. Anyway I admit that I'm a gold difger. We all only like him for his money.
He's not rich but we get our weekly allowances and that's good enough.
"It doesn't make sense." I say laying down
"What?" Zainab and Danish both say at the same time.
"I mean if he knows that we've been taking the money from Qulsum why didn't he say anything?" I ask.
"And here we thought he liked Qulsum more. I still can't believe he threatened our mom. How did he say it?" Danish asks.
"He was like oh I'll divorce you if you say more about Qulsum you shameless woman!" I say remembering what an asshole he was.
"Damn! I'm gonna teach him a lesson how dare he!" Danish says balling his hands into fists.
"He's bigger than you he can end you in the hospital you better shut up and sit down. Tough guy" I scoff.
"And anyway you'll get us kicked out. He's real serious now." Zainab says and I nod.
"If Qulsum was here this would never happen."
"Me and Zainab are gonna make an excuse and stay over for a couple days. We can make a fight or something and bring her back home. That way her dad can't do shit!" I say smiling and they nod.
"Perfect! What should we do?" Zainab asks.
"Simple just make her look bad in front of her husband. We can like make her look like a complete bitch to us. Or like to his mom or like make it look like she's in a relationship or some shit."
"OH YEAH!!!" Zainab says and we both smile.
"Well good luck with your plans I'm sleeping!" Danish says leaving.
"I can't wait to go shopping. I haven't even counted the money but it's over 500!" I squeak.
Hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to Vote!I'll update depending on how many votes I get.
And as always Do I even have to....
~Be loyal and Stay Royal~
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