I wasn't sad or anything. The fact that my husband is making me sleep far away from him is great.
One. I don't have a phone.
Two. I have no idea what number Yaseen's hotel room is.
Three. I don't know ANYONE!
What am I expected to do here anyway. Sleep? Is that it?
I flicked the lights on and jumped onto the bed.
There is NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I could just take a walk around the hotel. It's extremely big and it's definitely gonna be a while to get through all of it. So I could just check out half of it.
I went out walking forward, there were two girls and a man standing talking and as soon as I walked past em they shut up. I smiled one of the ladies and the man smiled back and they continued talking.
I check my wallet and smile. I got money. I so got money. I can get food.
After Finding the hotels food court I got into the line.
"How can I help you ma'am,"
"Um I'd like the special thank you. No pork. Actually please, keep it to vegetarian."
"Alright, follow me." He says and I follow him as he leads me to a seat.
"Thank you."
I looked around and froze. A group of people were standing there but they weren't any people they were people I knew from school.
Bryan, River, Chris and Jordan. Now I have no rivalry towards them. I've known them for a while now like 4 years or more and we're cool. BUT SEEING PEOPLE FROM SCHOOL OUT OF SCHOOL...IS A NO GO ZONE. It's against all rules. Its part of the "unwritten rules"
And I know these guys. Especially River he's a very open guy. No matter what he'll come say hi, EVEN WHEN YOU'RE with your FAMILY.
I know they mean no harm. WAIT WHAT ARE THEY EVEN DOING HERE? We're not even in the country!
Small small world. TOO SMALL.
I turned my body away but I saw one of them look at me. I'm alone... They will invite me to sit with them... Maybe not. Maybe I should say hi first then they'll leave. Should I turn?
"Qulsum! Yo!" Was I hearing things??
I heard another call out. I tilted my head and my eyes popped out seeing they were coming my way.
I quickly looked straight forward and began to lose my breath when I saw Yaseen coming.
What is happening! WHY NOW! WHY!
Which way do I turn?
I got up and started walking toward Yaseens way. He hasn't see me and his focus is on the far side. I could just-
"Hey Qulsum!" I heard Rivers voice. I shut my eyes and turned to face them.
"Oh! Hi guys!" I say forcing a smile.
"Hey! We were calling you but I guess its way too loud here. It's crazy crowded so..-" Bryan says
"So what's up? What're you doing here?" Chris says
"Damn are you alone?" Jordan asks
I laugh.
"No! No! Of course not! Isn't it crazy how we meet! Like across the world!" I say changing the topic and they nod.
"Crazy! Actually we just decided to do something fun over the summer since college is starting..."
"Oh of course! Did you guys find part time jobs or.."
"Yeah. Sort of. Anyway we haven't eaten and You probably haven't either should we eat? "
I froze. I stood there staring. Smiling with my cheek bones aching. I felt like a statue. A clown statue.
"You don't wanna eat alone do you?" River says nudging me.
I didn't respond and just sat back down.
"I hope they don't heavy fry my food. I doubt it though right?" Chris says.
"Coach won't be happy seeing you bloated will he?" Jordan says smiling.
Chris chuckles then gives him a light shove.
They were talking and I was sitting there nodding smiling trying to act casual. They were nice including me in the conversation.
I was sweating and dying inside.
"Oh the foods coming!" I say and they turn.
"Perfect. I'm starving."
I saw the monster heading straight towards us. I quickly grabbed the menu and covered my face. Please don't see me.
"Hey Qulsum your foods here already-"
"Oh yeah I know I'm just seeing what else they have."
"O kay.."
"Why are you covering yourself completely?"
"Oh am I? Silly me. I'm so focused right now I can't -"
"You want more food?" Jordan asks.
"No no I'm just..." My words drift away seeing Yaseen standing right in front of us. Clear in my view right behind Chris.
"I think I need that more than you do, am I right?" Yaseen says taking the menu from me.. More like snatching it.
"Uh can we help you?" Bryan says as the guys chuckle and I couldn't help but smile. Yaseen's eyes landed back at me.
"You won't introduce me to your.. Friends? That's a bit rude don't you think?" He says with a hint of amusement.
"Oh! So you're here with him?" River asks and I nod.
"Oh, then what're you standing around for? come on buddy sit." River says pulling the chair out. He's so friendly.
"I don't mean to butt in but exactly how did-" Yaseen begins to say but River interupts.
"Oh! We're in the- were in the same school. Obviously college is coming so now it's gonna change."
"How crazy is it that we meet a class mate across the country." Jordan says
"Very." Yaseen says.
"We didn't get your name." Chris says.
"Oh! Isn't that the same name thats coming here to do some heavy business with Ricardo Del Riyal? Or use to? I heard he's coming. Is that you?"Chris aks.
"AWESOME! I'm a big fan of him. If you ever see him tell him-"
"I don't send messages to my partners in business. I stick to business. And that's it." Yaseen says with no emotion whatsoever just straight up.
"Oh.." Chris says and I see River and Bryan exchange looks.
He could have been nicer. He just interrupted and said it so straight up.
River clears his throat.
"So um.. How do you know Qulsum?"
"She's my.. Friend." He says hesitating.
"Friend? Huh I never seen you with this dude? She your girl friend?" Jordan asks and I rub my forehead. This cannot get any worse.
"She wishes." Yaseen says with pride.
"Oh does she?"
"My days havent gotten THAT bad that My taste become this shallow." I say with disgust.
They chuckle and Yaseen was staring and I stared back with full confidence and intimidation.
Friend? I'm not your friend Yaseen. Stop lying you ass.
"Anyway when did you guys come?" River asks.
"Just today like 15 minutes ago."
We sat and ate for a while. It was nothing special. I made some talk but it really just felt like there was just the four of them. Mostly because they were talking about the memories they had from school.
Why am I even sitting here. I wish I told them not to stay.
To make it worse Yaseen was staring at me. And I swear he was tapping my leg with his leg like kicking it. I know he wants a reaction. He was literally staring and smirking. I wanna shout. And just tackle him. But I can't.
"Ok well we gotta leave. " Jordan says getting up.
"Nice seeing ya Qulsum. " River says. He turns to Yaseen.
"Nice meeting you." He says and Yaseen nods.
"See ya!" Chris says.
"Bye" I say waving at them as they walk off.
"Why the f*ck were you sitting with them?" He snaps slamming the table with his hands.
I flinch and he sits back. Calm down tough stuff.
I swallow and my throat went dry. I wish I could say everything I did in my head.
"I didn't. They came-"
"I don't give a f*ck who came or who didn't. You- for f*ck sakes. You wear the hijab and you sitting with random guys beats the f*cking purpose. Where'd the modesty go all the sudden?
Did it not occur to you that if you're wearing the hijab at least acknowledge the value. Now what difference did it make? What's the difference between you and a non hijabi?" He says with anger.
He made good points. But it's not like I asked them to sit with me.
Does he not like the fact that I wear a hijab? Is that why he acts like a jerk! Is that why when we went to the restaurant the other day he didn't want me to stay? Is he embarrassed to have me near him in public?
"I didn't want to be rude." I say barely louder than a whisper.
"People send me parties to go to, there's alcohol and food thats not permissible to eat. Therefore I don't give two f*cks wether its being rude or not. I don't go."
"No. I don't care. Really. You can give me your stupid excuse. But quite frankly it doesn't and wont make a difference to me. "
"If you don't care then why are you lecturing me. If you don't like me then why did you sit with me. If you don't like me wearing a hijab then why don't you tell me up front. " I say getting up.
I walked fast out of the area. I was offended. I don't know why I'm getting emotional. Why is this bothering me. Why couldn't he say it in a nicer why. Why can't he be nice for once. Why does he lecture me in public. Am I a child? No. When I was a kid. My mom never yelled at me in public. We'd go home and boy did I get in trouble.
If me being a kid had respect then why now? Why can't he leave me alone.
I was walking. I couldn't even find my way. I looked around and straight ahead was a corner.
My eyes felt watery. I don't know why this got me emotional. I cry for everything now. Why?
I sat down and covered my face. Wiping the little tears coming down my face.
Everything just seems to be going wrong. I acted childish. And I feel ashamed.
Yaseen's POV.
I messed up badly. I may- No I was harsh. Too harsh.
But it bothered me how she just sat with guys. How would it be if I sat with 4 girls. No. I don't work that way.
She wouldn't care. Why would she? We don't like each other. But everything she does bothers me. I hate her presence.
I got up and went to where she ran off. I hurt her. And I regret saying a lot of the things I said.
I look around. No sign of her.
She probably reached up to her hotel room.
I went up and after a couple minutes found her room.
Before knocking I stop. What am I suppose to say? Why am I here? What the f*ck.
I turn and flinch seeing her behind me. She looked so innocent. Immediately she turned her head to the side. With attitude. Wow.
She was angry. Maybe a combination of anger and sadness.
"I-" she begins then stops and starts to walk but I grab her wrist. She doesn't turn. She tugged but I didn't let go.
"Haven't you humiliated me enough?" She scoffs. I was mentally smiling.
"Turn." I say.
"I don't want to repeat myself."
"Then don't." She snaps. Gosh so much attitude.
"F*ck. Sumi why all the-"
"Don't call me Sumi." She turns and stares at me then shifts her eyes.
"I don't like the tone you're talking to me in."
"I don't like you swearing. Don't swear and bring my name, right after."
"What're you gonna do about it c*nt"
She stood there and tugged on her wrist her eyes were so teary I was afraid they might roll down her cheek and make me hate myself more than I already do.
I smiled.
"Only I can let it go."
She took her other hand and began pushing my hand away but I grabbed her other hand gripping it tight then pulled her close.
She kept her head turned away from me.
"Are you afraid Qulsum?"
I could feel her hand lightly shivering and her breathing was rough.
"Let me go. There are people coming." She says. I was amused. She had no control.
"Why are you shivering?"
"Please. Just let me go." She says her voice was cracking.
"That's more like it." I say smiling in satisfaction.
"Look here Sumi." I say.
"I won't bite. Look here." I say teasingly.
She turns her head but doesn't make any eye contact.
"Don't disappoint me again. You don't know what I'm capable of." I whisper and then let her go. She stands there then unlocks her hotel room.
She looks at me and then all the sudden steps on my foot and slams the door shut.
What do you think?
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And as always
~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~
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