Chapter 17: Chrstmas

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"Good morning Rubbles!" Aunt Quinn greets me as I walk out of my room. "Yes. Good morning dear." Aunt Pam said, handing me my breakfast of eggs and buttered toast. "Good morning you two. Any news on my mom?" I asked, taking a bit of my toast. It's been three weeks since mom left for her 'big job' and we've gotten no word for her. "Well Rubs... no we still have no word from her but I'm sure she's-" I cut Aunt Quinn off. "But it's Christmas Eve and I was promised a Christmas with my mother." I said sharply and taking a vicious bit of my food. Their eyes went wide. "Is she going through what they call a period?" Aunt Pam asked. Aunt Quinn shrugged. I sighed, pushing my chair back. "I have to see Dick today so I'll be back soon." I said, putting on a fluffy jacket.

    Ever since I got back to mom's I haven't gone back to school, but Dick and I have still been talking. He told me about how the teacher had to be me and how she ripped the costume. I of course laughed. Who wouldn't want to see their overweight drama teacher in a way to small dress.

"Be safe and remember to be back by noon." Aunt Pam said. "Don't worry." I mutter as I slip on my shoes. "I promise I'll be back by noon and I also promise to not let Dick do anything to me. Knowing that'll be your next statement." I slightly giggle. "Bye!" I call before I shut the door. Running down the stairs I burst out the door and head towards Callie's Cafe, Dick and I's normal meeting place as of late.

"Hey you made it." Dick greeted. "Are you okay?" He raises an eyebrow. "No. Yes. Maybe." I pant as we enter the cafe. "So, are things with the squad. You're not getting into too much trouble right?" I ask as we sit at our normal table. "No everythings fine." He chuckles. I sigh. "Pitty. I could use a good story to get my mind off things." I rest my head on my hand and sigh again. "Did something happen?" Dick ask, taking my hand that I wasn't using as a headrest. "It's my mom." I don't meet his eyes. "She left three weeks ago and hasn't come back. I'm worried because she promised that we were going to share my first true Christmas with each other. But she's still doing whatever job she was given." I finally look up at Dick. "By the way. I got you this." I reach into my pocket to pick out a small black box and slid it to Dick.

"I know that blue isn't really your color but I thought you'd like it." I shrugged, trying to hide my nervous blush. When Dick opened the box he blushed. "You don't have to wear it as a necklace!" I blurt out. "You could always make it a belt buckle." I blush harder. "I know you're crafty like that." I giggle at Dick's blush. It was so red that i think he could lie in the snow outside and melt it. "U-um, I got you this." He passed me a small box covered in cheetah print paper. I ripped it off and then proceed to open the small ring box. I gasped. Inside was a golden ring with a pair of cat ears on the top. "Thought you'd like it." He chuckled repeating my words. I giggled along with him. "Thank you Dick. I don't know what to say." I said, slipping the ring on my left ring finger. "This means a lot to me to get a gift from you." I smile.

"My pleasure if it puts a smile on your face."  He said with half lidded eyes. "Don't look at me like that Dick." I shift under his gaze. "Sorry." He shakes his head. "It's just... I like it when you smile." He frowned. "Especially how I won't be able to see it till after New Years." My smile fell. "Really? Is something wrong?" I ask leaning forward. "No, we're just inducting new leagers into both teams and it'll take a while and with me being the super genius I am with computers I have to be on site the whole time."

"Well that sucks." I say bluntly as I pout. "I'll miss my little birdy." I puff out my lip a bit and it makes Dick laugh.

"Don't worry. The minute New Year's is over I'll find the time to visit you. I promise." He takes my hand and looks me in the eyes. "Okay. As long as you promise... I'll trust you, just don't get hurt." It wasn't a suggestion and he knew it.

We get up to leave and we hug outside but before he can turn to leave I stop him. "I-I really do love you, ya know." I say. He's still never said it back but I want to believe that he does love me. I quickly kiss his cheek and run back to the apartment.

Swinging open the door I remove my shoes and jacket before flopping onto the couch. "Rubbles! You got a phone call earlier!" Aunt Quinn says from the kitchen. "Thanks!" I call back, picking up our landline phone and press the recall button. "Hello? Is this Miss Ruby?" A male voice says. "Yes, this is she. Is there something you need from me?" I said calmly, knowing that sometimes so of mom's clients need to talk about their money or a job. "I'm with Star Labs. My name is irrelevant as of right now but I have a proposition for you."

"Proposition?" I raise an eyebrow and decide that I'd be safer if I continued to talk in my room to not worry Aunt Pam or Aunt Quinn. "Yes. We here at Star Labs believe we can help you to control your abilities and help you channel them for the greater good."

"Um, Sir, I think you've got the wrong girl because I don't know if you know this but I steal things and I've caused some mass destruction before and--" He cut me off. "But that's why we want you. We believe that the world isn't just black and white. Their has to be some gray's and we think you're a gray area. Just think. If all goes well and you are able to use your powers for good, why, you could even join the Young Justice team if you wanted too." My eyes widened. Me and Dick... working together?

"I...I don't have an answer for you right this minute Sir, but is it okay if I consult my mother first. She's currently away and when we talk about this I'll call you up and give you my answer." I waited for a moment to hear his voice again. "That's fine. But no later than January third can we accept your answer if it's a yes." I nod even if he can't see it. "I understand and hope to get back to you soon." I said before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Aunt Pam asked. "Probably her little boyfriend asking her what she's wearing." Aunt Quinn teased. I blushed. "One. I just saw him and two. we're only fourteen, that's for pervy grown ups." I said. Aunt Quinn giggled. "Say what you want, but even at fourteen boys can get immensely pervy. I know from all the stories Floyd tells me." She smirked at the last part. Ever since she's left the Joker she'd been seeing this guy who goes by the hitman name Deadshot. Aunt Quinn seems real smitten with him, but I've never met him.

"But who was it?" Aunt Pam asked again. "It was..." I searched for an answer, a lie, but I just... I sighed. "You're right. It was Dick. He wanted to tell me how much he liked his gift."

"Then why not just tell us?" Aunt Pam asked. I shifted awkwardly under their gaze. "Because he's not really one to get mushy so he asked I not tell anyone." I was lying through my teeth. "So have you heard from mom yet?" I ask, changing the subject. Aunt Quinn jumped up. "We did! She said she'd be here at six! So then we all can have Christmas together!" She squealed and picked me up, spinning around the room. "It'll be the best Christmas you've ever had! The first is always the best!"

"Put her down before she releases all of her lunch onto you!" Aunt Pam said nervously. "Sorry Red!" Aunt Quinn says, setting me on the couch. "I just got real excited." I looked between the two women. "Hey, why did you guys decide to take care of me anyways?" I asked. They dawned shocked faces. "Because as far as we're concerned you're a Gotham City Siren and that makes you family to us." Aunt Pam said. "Yea Rubbles." Aunt Quinn sat next to me and hugged a pillow. "Besides, you mother's never been to Arkham so when we need to busted out she's the girl we call. With her relationship with the Bat we always get out." Aunt Pam sat on the other side of me. "It's more than that. I think I can speak for all of us that we've always wanted a daughter to pamper and take care of. Being mother's is one of our secret desires."

"Really?" I ask. Looking between them and their smiling faces. "Of course. We have strange ways of showing affection because we're all new to this, but we care for you." Aunt Pam wrapped an arm around me. "Yea Rubbles." Aunt Quinn wrapped her arm around me as well. "Now, let's eat. I'm starving!" Aunt Quinn said, leaving the couch. "Right. Lunch." I say as I walk with Aunt Pam to the kitchen. Lunch was quiet and afterwards we all sat on the couch and watched TV. I was watching the clock the whole time until it was six on the dot. The door handle jiggled and I jumped off the couch to open the door.

"Mom!" I cried as I ripped open the door to see a bewildered mom. "Well, it's good to see you too Ruby." She said with a smile. I grabbed her in a bone crushing hug as I felt tears on my cheeks. "Mom. I missed you so much." I said burying my face in her chest. "Hey, watch it." She laughed. "I just bought this jacket." I stood back and wiped away my tears. "Sorry."

"So girls." She looked over to Aunt Pam and Aunt Quinn. "Did you treat her nicely. I hope she wasn't to much of a handful with her and little birdy." I blushed. "Mom! Dick never even came over." I whined and she laughed again. "Alright if you say so." She sighed and flopped onto the couch. "I'm so tired." She yawned. "Well as long as you got home safely, that's all that matters." Aunt Pam said. "Yeah! Rubbles was really worried about what had taken you so long." Aunt Quinn. "Sorry, the guy just wouldn't let me go until I'd taken everything and that meant I had to strategically rob this one guy and, God, it was so annoying." I she mumbled the last part. "I missed this couch." She said, cradling the pillow, and making me laugh. "Ruby, why don't we let your mother sleep while we finish the tree?" Aunt Pam asked. I nodded as my mother snored lightly on the couch. "Night mom." I whispered before turning back to our fake tree.

I was the one who picked it out from the Gotham City Mall so that means I got to chose it in any color I wanted. I went with a really dark green. The lights were orange and red, plus the star was black with silver sparkles on it. I felt it had a peice of all of us on it and it made me happy. "We should use these ornaments." I said, handing them a box labeled 'kitty ornaments'. "I don't see why not." Aunt Pam said with a smile. With the tree filled with lights and ornaments I smiled. "It looks great!" I said clapping my hands together. "Shh. Your mother's still asleep, and now you should get to bed as well, or else that fat man won't come." Aunt Pam said, ushering me to my room. "His name is Santa!" Aunt Quinn declared. Aunt Pam shushed her as she closed my door, leaving me alone.

I sighed and changed into my pj's. I could hardly get to sleep but when I did, I thought I'd never wake up until...

"RUBBLES!!!!!! GET UP!! SANTA CAME AND YOU GOT SO MANY PRESENT!!!" Aunt Quinn shouted as she jumped on my bed. It was eight in the morning. I groaned. "Come on!" She said, dragging me by the arm out of my soft bed. "Aunt Quinn. Is this really necessary?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as she sat me at the breakfast table. "I don't know. Ask the awesome breakfast your mother made for you!" I slowly open my eyes to see the whole table covered in food. Buttered biscuits, bacon, eggs with and without cheese, toast, muffins, and, my favorite, PANCAKES BY THE DOZEN!

"M-mom? You made all this? Just for me?" I asked, picking up a biscuit making sure it was real. "Well your aunts helped a bit, but yes, we made all this for you." They all came over to me and gave me side hugs. "Merry Christmas Ruby." Mom said. "Eat as much as you want." At those words I tore into the food. In seconds most of the pancakes were gone and then I made my way to the bacon. "Mmmm! It's all soft and ham tasting." I said with a smile. "We're glad you like it." Aunt Pam said. "When you're done we can open gifts." I took a big swallow of egg before speaking. "But what about you guys. Aren't you hungry?" They all smiled. "Well if you're offering..." Aunt Quinn said, stealing a muffin from the table and taking a huge bite from it. The rest started taking food too, making me smile.

After a while the whole table had been cleared and we made our way to the tree. All the gifts from Aunt Pam were wrapped in green, Aunt Quinn's in black diamonds, and mom's were just black. Some did say they were from Santa but of course I knew he wasn't real, but playing along made them so happy so I did. "Wow! Santa got me a fluffy pillow!" I declared as I hugged the plush pillow.

Aunt Pam got me a small rose bush and a bonsai tree. Aunt Quinn got me a nail care/deadly weapons kit. And mom got me a kitty pillow that was almost as big as me! It Looked hand made too. "Well." I said, covered in presents. "This was a great first Christmas." I smiled. "Good. We're so happy that you're happy." Aunt Pam said. "Wait, there's one more gift from Santa." Mom said, taking out a present that was covered in silver. I raised an eyebrow and opened the rectangle shaped box. I gasped. It was a felt box that contained ruby earrings and I matching necklace. Then under that was a red dress, then kitty tights, then white heels that had a rose on the heel. "I know the dress and heels won't fit yet but I figured that you could have something that I could get now and have you wear it later." Mom said. I grabbed her in a tight hug. "Thank you. All of you." I said.

The rest of the day was normal. We didn't go out or anything and I couldn't talk to Dick or see him because of his YJ thing. So after a while both Aunt Pam and Aunt Quinn left. Pam to go tend to her babies and Quinn to see her 'Cowboy' as she puts it. Leaving mom and I alone in the house. "Mom, did you get these from your job?" I asked as I looked over my final present. "Yes, but he let me take them so it's not like I really stole them or anything." She said as she flopped next to me. "Hmm, he must be a nice employer to give you these without any repercussions." I said in a monotone voice. "You know you're too smart for your own good, right?" Mom sighed. "I didn't solicit myself if that's want you were thinking. I just own him something."

"And that would be?" I tilted my head to the side as I looked at her. "My my so curious." Mom laughed. "You know that curiosity kills cats, right?" I rolled my eyes. "You're just staling. If it's so bad just say." I said hugging my kitty pillow that I've proceed to name Kitsy. "You got a call from Star Labs right?" She asked bluntly. I slowly nodded. "I'm supposed to persuade you to accept the offer." I looked at her confused. "That's it? I was thinking of asking Dick after New Years if he'd like to work with me, but even if he said no, I'd still want to go." I looked away. "I just want to talk to Dick about it." I mumbled. Mom nodded. "I understand. You've got till midnight on the third."

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