Chapter 16: Birthday

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    "Are you ready Ruby?" Mom asked, zipping up her suit. "Yep!" I declared, practically jumping from excitement. Mom had promised that as my birthday present, we could steal whatever I wanted for the next six hours! It was like that movie that mom let me watch. The Purge. Yeah, it's like that. "Mom. Can we go to the video store first?!" I asked as we left out the window. "Of course hun, but only if you can beat me there!" She lept away from me. She was pulling a head, but I was just as fast to catch up.

The early December wind whipped through my hair. It was brisk and cold, but I didn't mind as much. "I win!" I cheer as I land on top of the desired building. "Good job Catgirl. Now get us in and out fast." Mom instructed. I nodded and began my task. Breaking the lock was easy enough, but it was tripping the alarms we had to be wary of. "Stay silent and careful." Mom whispers. I again nod and silently creep about, taking any movie that seems of any interest to me. My super Ex-Girlfriend, The Omen, and tons of Disney. Sees like a good blend of genres. I giggle a little as I notice one more movie that catches my eye. Kingsman: The Secret Service. I grab it and we exit the store.

"Now were to my little gem?" Mom asks as we start moving again. "I've got a few ideas." I smile and ver to the left. "This way!" I call out heading towards our next destination. Mr. Sweet's Sweetery. "Why this place?" Mom asked. "Because. I didn't get everything I wanted the first time I came here." I say in a slightly monotone voice. Mom looks at me for a brief moment then shakes her head. "Fine, but not to much. The bag we brought can only hold so much and you got it already half full with all those movies." I nod and we enter. The only thing I could think of was the interaction Rob- I mean Dick and I had here. It made me kinda sad but it also made me happy because of what it did for us. I now have an awesome boyfriend and a bunch of red candy to eat!

"This it? Just red stuff?" Mom asked. "Of course. I've been told it's the best kind." I smile and we leave. Our last stop was a clothing shop. It wasn't really my top choice but if I was gonna get something I might as well get some awesome clothes, right?

"Get in and get out. I'll wait right here. Then we go home. It's almost midnight." Mom said. I nod and slip through the security grid. As I looked at each dress, shirt, pants, or a pair of shoes, only one thought passed through my mind: Would Dick like me in this? Then another thought struck me. What was I going to get Dick for Christmas?

That because my goal. Get Dick something for Christmas. I looked everywhere. Every part of the store, till I found the perfect gift. It was a pendent that was shaped like a bird. It reminded me of the talk he and I had about him one day breaking away from Batman. "Catgirl!" My mom hissed. I turned to see her running towards me. In a flash I was in her arms and she crashed through the front door. "Mom?! What's going on?!" I frantically looked around to see who could be pursuing us. "Keep your head down and stay quiet." She hissed. I did as I was told as I clutched the pendant in my hands and soon passed out from all the stress.

When I woke up I was in my pajamas and in my bed at mom's apartment. "Do you think she'll be okay?" A voice said. "Of course she will. She's my daughter after all." Mom's voice sounded strained. "How ya gonna break it to 'er." Another voice said. It sounded familiar. "I don't know. Truth be told, I don't want to tell her. But if it comes to it... then I'll do what I have to do." Mom's voice trailed off at the end but I could still hear her. "Mom?" I called out weakly. In a moment's notice my door flew open and my mom stood there in a black bathrobe. "Rubbles? Are you alright? Do you need anything?" She was talking a mile a minute.

"I'm fine mom." I said smiling. "I just heard voices. Do we have guests?" I asked, trying to look past her. "Oh... OH! Right! You haven't really met your aunts yet have you?" I shook my head no and mom waved the two other women in. The first one had all green skin with some dark green strips on her face and her red hair looked like mom's wig. Her green turtleneck seemed a bit over the top but it was December. "This is your Aunt Pam." Mom said. So this was the infamous Aunt Pam. I'd seen her on the TV and mom had talked to her over the phone a lot. "And this is your Aunt Quinn." I shrunk back a bit as I looked at the blonde woman, but she didn't seem to care. In fact she jumped onto my bed and laid next to me. "Hey Rubbles. I'm real sorry about all the thing Mr. J did to you. But as your aunt I really did condone any of his actions. Pinky promise!" She stuck out her pinky to me and I took it hesitantly.

Aunt Pam rolled her eyes as she too sat at the edge of my bed. "We'll be looking after you for a while." She said. My eyes grew wide and when I looked at mom for confirmation she just looked away. "Oh don't look so down Rubbles!" Aunt Quinn said with a laugh. "Your mom'll be back for your first Christmas. She promised, and your mom's really good about promises." Aunt Quinn gave another laugh before flopping backwards. "Yes dear. You mother is a very trustworthy person. Always has been since we created our little group." Aunt Pam gestured to mom and Aunt Quinn. "But mom... where are you going?" I asked. All of this still seemed so surreal to me.

"It's a big job that I got a tip on. It's too dangerous for you in your current state, so I'm leaving you in your aunts capable hands." She had her arms crossed over her chest. "Yeah.. but-"

"There are no buts Ruby! You're staying here and that's final!" She shrieked, and I could see tears start to form in her eyes. I looked away. "I understand mother." I said in a monotone voice. I large cloud of tension filled the room. "I'm tired and need my rest." I said, laying back down under my covers. No one said anything as they left, but when they did I let all of my emotions out. Silently crying into my pillow.

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