Midnight, January 1
I woke with a jolt. It was like I'd been stripped of something. I felt cold and naked somehow, like something was missing.
I groaned as I sat up and looked out my window. Lucius purred as he curled up in my lap. "Did you feel that Lucius?" I asked as I stroked his back. "Something's not right."
I couldn't go to sleep so I got up and changed into a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. Sneaking out the window I jumped down to the streets of Gotham. I walked and walked until my feet hurt and I bumped into Wally. "Wally? What are you doing here in Gotham?" I asked, bewildered to see him here. "Oh ya know, just walking Artemis home." I scoffed, Dick had told me that they didn't get along so this seemed a bit far fetched to me. "But doesn't she hated you?" I asked but Wally shrugged. "Hey, she's the one who accepted my New Years kiss." My eyes were wide. Kissing someone on New Years? Then maybe... "Hey, Wally, you mind if I pick your brain for a second?" I asked. Maybe I could find Dick and give him a New Years kiss. He should be done with the new YJ leaguers by now.
Wally shrugged and I smiled. "Thanks Wally." I placed a hand on his head and sifted through his memoirs till I found the one I wanted. Looking through Wally's head I found his New Years kiss memory and I almost skipped it until I noticed Robin in the corner of my eye.
He was standing next to a girl with black hair and a tight magicians outfit then I watched, horrified, as she kissed him. I sifted through Wally's head to find her name... Zatanna. I then sifted through every memory Wally had of her. Those two have been flirting for months!? I released Wally's mind, tears forming in my eyes. "Bye Wally. Have fun with your new girlfriend." I said, walking back home and letting my tears fall as I repeatedly beat my pillows.
I've ignored Dick and Robin since then. Crying. But in a moment I then remembered that phone call from Star Labs and I smiled. I could leave Gotham and start something new. Become someone new and maybe face Dick again. It was the third so I still could give them my answer. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "I'll be accepting your offer."
Dick's pov
It's been days since I've seen Ruby. I'm really worried about her. I looked around for her but I just couldn't find her, and she won't answer my calls or texts. "If you're looking for Ruby she's at the bus station." Catwoman said said behind me, making me jump. "Oh, it's just you. Why is she at the station? She shouldn't need to leave Gotham for any rea--"
"Because you made a mistake and you need to fix it. Now go. Her bus leaves in twenty minutes. So if you hurry she might have time to forgive you before she leaves." I nodded to her skeptically and sprinted off to find Ruby.
Ruby's pov
I sat on the bus bench with my large suitcase by my side. I know it's rude to not say goodbye, but I just couldn't. I couldn't look him in the eyes and tell him I'd probably never see him again, even if everything went well at the lab. After what I saw, what if I can't control my anger?
"Ruby! Wait!" No! No! He's not supposed to be here! My eyes started to water as I saw him running towards me in his civilian clothes. "Ruby, why are you leaving?" Did he really not know? "Dick, I know you kissed Zatanna! You kissed another girl, and to make things worse, you kissed back!"
"How did you--"
"I went through Wally's brain and saw you! How could you?!" My blood was boiling at this point. I would have punched him if it weren't for the bus that pulled up behind me. Instead I let my emotions take over one last time and planted a last kiss on Dick's lips and turned to get on the bus. "I loved you Wonder Boy." That was the last thing I said before the bus rolled off down the road. I didn't look back. I couldn't afford to.
This is NOT the end that's why it's a Robin SLASH Nightwng FanFic. The question is keep chapters on this book or on another. I'm already working on the next Chap. so let me know. Same book or different?
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