"Why did you do that?" Dick asked, checking the ball to me. "My mother's been burned by that man before." I said, sending him the back the ball. "I just don't want it to happen again." We started to move and I nearly tripped in Dick's shoes, since Dick said it would be impossible to play in my heels, to which I disagreed with but complied when he said the sneakers matched my outfit. Hey, I'm a sucker for compliments. "What do you mean?" He asked trying to shoot the ball but bounced off the rim and into my hands.
"When I first met you, at that shoe store, and my mother saw him she was very on edge and said they had history together. I could only assume it was bad history by the way she was acting." I dribbled the ball across the court. "My turn to ask a question." I asked as I watched the ball fall through the net. "What brought you to become Robin?" I could see him tense up. "It's complicated." I stole the ball from him and spun it on my finger. "I've got time." He sighed and I started dribbling the ball again. "I lived with a traveling circus called, 'Haly's International Traveling Circus' and it came to Gotham one year." His eyes went darker. "My mother and father had an accident during the show and were instantly killed." He looked back at me, and took the ball from me aggressively. "Only it wasn't an accident!" He shouted, making a slam dunk. "A man by the name of Tony Zucco orchestrated the whole thing, and my parents just so happened to be the victims." He was shaking and I hugged him from behind. "I'm sorry." I said. "Ya know. If you hadn't said anything, I never would have known that. You just always seem so happy all the time." I chuckled a little. "Is that why your hair is so big when you slick it back? Because it's full of secrets?" I kissed his cheek as Alfred walked out onto the court.
"Sorry to interupt, but your food is here Miss Ruby." Alfred said, eyebrow raised at us. "Thanks Alfred!" I said, a bright smile on my face as I removed myself from the hug. I started to follow Alfred when I turned back to look at Dick and whispered. "I'm going to run every secret out of your hair, just so you know." Then I turned back to the door, and skipped out.
Dick's POV
"Dick, you awake?" Ruby asked. My eyes slowly opened as I turned towards the open door. Ruby was standing there. "Ruby, what are you doing here?" I asked, sitting up. "I couldn't sleep." She said, crawling onto my bed, until she was an inch from my face. "I kept thinking of you." She whispered, barely brushing my lips. She giggled and ran a hand through my hair slowly. "I just keep thinking on how I'm going to pull out your secrets one," she started to lift my shirt. "by," She breaths on my lips, "one." She was about to kiss me when she started laughing. I looked at her confused until she said, "Dick, Dick get up!" My eyes snapped open to see it was day and Ruby was ontop of me, but not in the way she was in my dream.
"Dick, come on! Alfred and I made pancakes!" She had a strong grip on my shoulders as she shook me with every syllable. "Could you get off my first?" She sighed and rolled off me and onto the floor. "Fine, but if you're not down in ten minutes, your breakfast becomes mine." She said before she left. I sighed and slid out of bed. I went to the bathroom, took a long, cold shower, put on my normal jeans and black shirt and went down stairs. "I believe that you've put too much whipped cream on your pancakes Miss Ruby." I could hear Alfred say. "Nonsense Sir Pennyworth! I've found that you can never have enough of any kind of food." I turned the corner to see a stack of pancakes covered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce.
"Dick! Look! We made breakfast!" Ruby said, grabbing my hands and dragging me to sit at the bar table. She sat me in front of the smaller stack of cakes and placed a fork and knife in my hand. "Go on, eat." She said as she started to eat her own stack. I cautiously took a bite. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. "You full?" Ruby asked, her plate now licked clean. I slide her my plate and she ate those too. "Miss Ruby. It is currently nine and Master Wayne will be back at eleven to take you home. Might I suggest we all do something in the mean time?" Ruby made a hard swallow and turned to me. "Well, I've always wanted to have a tour of the house, if Dick would like to show me, I'd be very grateful." She smiled at me and I just couldn't say no. "Sure, where should we start?"
"How about top to bottom?" She said, tapping her chin. "Very well, I shall—" Ruby cut off Alfred. "It's okay Alfred. You should relax, Dick's got this covered and I promise to not touch anything." She said, crossing her heart. "Well, if you are sure—"
"We are!" That's when she took my hand and speed out of the kitchen. "Ow. You nearly pulled my arm out of my socket." I complained as I rubbed my shoulder. "Shh." She put a finger to her lips. She smiled and motioned for me to follow her. "So where are we going?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me. "Okay, so I don't really want to see the house." She admitted, twiddling with her fingers. "I wanted you to show me the Batcave." She said in a muddled voice.
"What?!" I whispered. "Are you crazy? Bruce would kill me if I showed you." Ruby wiggled a finger at me. "Only if he finds out. Besides, it's either you show me or I'll find my own way in." She placed her hands on her hips. "Ruby, no. I can't get grounded again. Last time I was grounded Bruce made me take a model rocket and make it fly like a real rocket. Do you know how hard that was?" She sighed. "Fine. I'll find it myself." She huffed, walking towards the bathroom. She knelt down near the sink and started to shimmy out a loose brick.
"Where are you going?" I hissed, my voice still a whisper. "Well, I was hopping that you'd show me the cave. But I had a backup plan just incase." She picked off a small metal object from the brick. She blew some dust off it and tapped it. A large, holographic screen appeared with the layout of the house. She scanned the scream and said, "There." She shut the screen and started towards Bruce's Study. "Ruby, you can't do this."
"If I can't, then why aren't you stopping me?" She said, giving me a little smirk. "Because I.. well.. you're... ya know." I couldn't really find answer for her. "Because I need to know your intentions for trying to find it." Ruby laughed at my excuse. "Okay, one, I'm not trying to find the cave I know where it is. And two, you," she pulled the grandfather clock's pendulum. "are a horrible liar." I looked at her in amazement as she started to walk down the stairs. "Hey wait!" I call, but she's already halfway down the stairs before I can catch up. "Stop being so slow." She said as she walked into the main part of the cave.
"Ooo. This is so cool!" She exclaimed, running to the batcomputer. "What happens if I press—" grabbed her hand. "No touch. I've given in and you can look. But not touching." Ruby smiled. "Promise. So, care to give me the tour?" She slid her hand into mine and my tough face melted a little. "Sure, come on." I pulled her towards the center of the room where the Batmobile sat. "This is Batman's car. It's one of the fastest things out their. And those," I pointed to some boxes that were labeled with the bat symbol. "Those hold parts and such for the car or any other mechanical pieces in here."
I showed her everything I could and described all of it. Ruby would let out an 'ooh' or an 'ahh' now and then but what she was really interested in where the displayed suits. "They're soo... well kept, and pretty." She said, running her hand down one of the cases. "Do you think you'll always be Robin?" She ask, not looking at me. "Well, I haven't planned that far ahead, but I guess, at some point, I'll have to give up being Robin and become someone new." I stuck my hands in my pockets. I've never really thought of leaving Bruce before now, but one day I guess I will have to let the title Robin go.
"So when that time comes, maybe I'll become your Catwoman?" She looked at me in honest curiosity. I blushed. "Well, I mean, you could ya know, you wanted to." She smiled and a little laugh escaped her lips. "You're so funny sometimes." She kissed my cheek. "Come on. Alfred's probably looking for us."
"Yeah. Worried."
Ruby's POV
Going to mom's was a bit scary to think about. I hadn't seen her in so long that maybe when she really does see me she'll get so emotional that she'll create a new river and crush me in a hug. Sure that sounds kinda nice, but I don't want to see my mother so unhappy. I wish Bruce would have let Dick come. At least then I would have someone to talk to instead of just have Bruce here. I let out a sigh of relief when Alfred said, "We are here, Master Bruce."
"Thank you Alfred." Bruce said, exiting the car. "See ya soon Sir Pennyworth." I chimed as I too exited the car. I opened the door to mom and I's building and led Bruce upstairs(not like he doesn't already know where my mother lives or anything). When we reach mom's door, Bruce placed his hand on my shoulder tightly and knocked on the door. In an instant the door was open and there was my mom. She was dressed in a black v-neck shirt, her red wig, and blue jeans. Before anyone could say anything my mother scooped me up into a bone crushing hug and I could feel tears falling from her face. "Oh! My little baby!" She cried. "Bruce, thank you so much for finding Ruby." My mom said, tears in her eyes. "You are never leaving my side ever again do you hear me? Now let's get you inside." She said, pushing me into the house. "Thank you Bruce. If I can repay you in any way let me know. I owe you so much."
"Well, if you'd let me, I could take you to dinner. Just call me when you see fit. My schedule is always open to you." My mother smiled as she leaned on the door frame. "I'd like that. See you then." She said, closing the door and sitting with me on the couch. "Are you okay?" She asked, pushing my head onto her lap and running her hand through my hair. "No." I answered plainly, getting tears in my eyes. "Mmm. I see. It must have been horrible, but I think I know a way to cheer you up." I looked up at her. "What would that be?" Mom laughed. "Tomorrow I'll call you in sick and for the whole day it can just be you and me doing whatever you want. Considering it will be your birthday." A birthday? I've never had a birthday before... "I'd love that mom."
"Good. Now get some sleep and be well rested for tomorrow." Mom ushered me to my room and I was asleep within seconds. A birthday. Sounds like fun.
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