I was blinded by the sight of the large chandelier that hung in the middle of the ball room. "Hello Miss Ruby. Glad you could join us." Alfred said. I smiled and grabbed mom's hand. It took a lot of convincing but I finally got her to come. Sure she was in a black turtle neck, black pants, black boots and some kitty face paint, but it's the thought that counts. I, however, was dressed like a flamenco dancer."I still don't know how you convinced me to come." Mom muttered. "Ms. Maraschino, how are you?" A deep voice said, and I smiled. I turned to see Bruce with Dick right next to him. I giggled at their costumes. Bruce was a vampire and Dick was... I think a phantom. "Dick, what are you supposed to be?" I asked, looking him up and down. His hair was slicked back, he was wearing a white puffy shirt that was tucked into his black pants, a black cape was tied on one side, he had black boots and half a white mask covering his face.
"I'm the phantom of the opera." He said, swishing his cape. I giggled. "Does that mean I'm your Christine Daaé?" I said, poking his shoulder. He blushed and started to stutter. "You're such a nerd." I said, kissing his cheek. "Hey. Listen." Dick said. I gave him a questionable look but did as I was told. My eyes widened at the song the orchestra was playing. Before I could even speak, Dick bowed and asked, "Care to dance?" I blushed and took his hand. He held my hand gently and placed his other hand on my waist.I kept my head down, counting my steps. "Hey, look up at me." Dick said, lifting my chin for a moment. "You're doing fine. Just trust me." I nodded and we glided across the floor. I started giggling which made Dick give me a funny look. "What is it?" He asked. "How did you know I liked 'So this is love' from Cinderella so much?" He shrugged. "I might have hacked into you ITunes account, found your playlist called 'slow songs' and looked at the most played. No big deal." I gave another laugh. "I love you." I said.Dick froze. "Could-could you repeat that?" He asked. I tilted my head at him in confusion. "I love you, Dick." Dick's face went red. So red that he reminded me of a tomato. "Dick are you okay?" I asked, moving us off the dance floor and towards the ice sculpture of a swan. "Here." I said, handing him a glass of water. He gulped it down. Dick opened his mouth to say something but my mother beat him to it. "Ruby, it's time to go." She said, taking my arm. "But mom I-"
"Now Ruby! We're leaving now!" She started to drag me away, and no matter how much I tried to fight her, she wouldn't let go. "Mom! Why are we leaving?" I asked, I could feel tears wanting to form. Mom's grip was practically deadly and when she let go to put me in the car, there was a large red mark where her hand was. I slumped in the passenger seat as I listened to mom mutter about 'the nerve of that man'. I'm guessing 'that man' being Bruce."Mom, are you okay?" I asked in a small voice. "That man! He finally takes interest in what I have to say, and I finally think maybe I have a chance, and he has the nerve to talk AND kiss this husie he calls a date!" Mom hit the steering wheel. "I'm such an idiot!"
"Mom! Calm down, please!" I shouted. Mom was in a hysterical state but even I could tell she was hurt. "Don't tell me what to do! I'm the adult!" She screeched. She turned the wheel abruptly and we nearly went into the other lane. I could hear mom's heavy breathing clearly in our silent car. Mom and I said nothing the rest of the way home.When mom opened the door to our apartment I immediately went to my room and changed into my pjs. "Mew!" Lucius pushed under my arm and curled up close to my chest. I gave a small laugh. "Thank's Lucius. You always make me happy." Lucius mewed one more time before I fell asleep.
It was already noon and mom still wasn't up. I almost considered leaving to go see Dick, but I couldn't just leave mom. What if she was still in the same state as yesterday? "Mom?" I called to her as I slowly opened her door. She groaned as she clutched the box of tissues next to her. "Mom, are you okay?" She sniffled and curled up further into herself. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Ruby. This is all my fault." She blubbered.
I don't know what came over me, but I moved her tissue box aside and crawled into my mother's arms. "It's okay mom. You haven't done anything wrong." I said. Mom squeezed me tightly and kissed my head, repeating that she loved me over and over till she fell asleep again from crying so much. I sighed, and wiggled out of my mom's arms.I ate lunch and then dinner and mom was still in her room. I couldn't take it anymore! I changed into my costume and gave one more look at mom's door. I sighed. "Bye mom." I said, slipping out the window. The moon was in a small sliver in the dark Gotham sky, but that's not what I was focused on. I was mainly focused on where I could go to clear my head.After racking my brain of places, I decided that park was a good place to go. "This is nice." I muttered to myself as I stood on the swing, rocking back and forth. "Moon's great this time of night." I jumped at the sound of Dick's voice. No, Robin's voice. "You shouldn't be here." I muttered. "Well, I figured that since this is public property, I can be here." He said. I scowled and jumped off the swing. "No, you shouldn't be here with me. I'm not in the particular mood for fighting or chit chatting. So if you could leave that'd be great." He opened his mouth to say something when he was cut off by a scream.
"HELP!" My head quickly turned towards the sound. "HELP! GET AWAY! HELP!" It was a woman's voice. I took off, leaving Robin behind, but I knew he'd catch up to me eventually. I skidded to a halt when I saw a woman in an alleyway. She was crying in the corner as I slowly approached her. "Ma'am are you alright?" I asked. I was about to touch her shoulder when she started laughing. "Cat! Get away from her!" Robin screamed, but it was too late. The woman shedded her trench coat and hat to reveal Harley Quinn. "Hey Dolly! Mr. J's been waitin for ya!" She said before she sprayed me with some kind of gas and I fell into her arms. "Let her go!" I could hear Robin screaming for me, but he got sprayed to and earned a very good kick to the jaw. "Come on Dolly, we've got work to do?" She giggled and everything went black.
Dick's POV
"Why!" I shouted as I punched the wall nearest to me, causing a hole to form. "Why can't I ever save her?!" With a bruised jaw and some slight blurring in my eyes I'd made my way back to YJ HQ. "It's not your fault, Rob. You had no control over the situation." Wally said, putting a hand on my shoulder that I immediately shook off. "No! It is my fault! What if it were Ruby. How would I have saved her then?!"
"Robin, calm down and let me heal your wounds." Zatanna said. I grumbled but complied and sat down. "Laeh." She muttered and slowly moved her hands over my jaw. "Rob, I know you want to go out and fight, but you can't. Rescuing Catgirl would be a suicide mission! Especially considering that the first time you saved her you barely made it out!" Wally said, flailing his arms around. The crack of my jaw being realigned echoed in my skull. "That aside." I said, standing and rubbing my jaw. "I still have to do this. Batman made me follow her, to make sure she stayed away from any bad guys who could use her for their own gain, and I've failed. So I have to do this."
Wally sighed. "Then as your best friend I'm going too." He crossed his arms and looked down at me. "Me too." Zatanna chimed in. "You never know when a girl like me could come in handy."
"Sorry Zee, but you should sit this out. I don't want Joker taking another friend of mine." I said before Wally and I left through the Zeta Tube to find and rescue Catgirl.
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