"Ruby!" Dick called to me as I walked to class. "Hey." I greeted back, a blush on my cheeks. Every time I looked at him I remember his kiss. No one really knew we were "dating", not even Barbra knew. But I could tell they were suspecting something with us."Hey, do you have your lines memorized yet?" I asked him, nudging closer to him. "Sort of." He said, shrugging. I laughed. "Hey, don't laugh. It's hard keeping up with a girl who's fluent in Japanese, French, and Spanish." It was true. While at Catmus they'd taught me many things. Multiple languages included."And a girl who has also memorized every line of her script?" I poked him in the arm. Dick gripped his arm. "Ow, that hurt." He said with a laugh."Good, that'll teach you to forget to do your homework. I mean the presentation is next week, Dick." We enter the classroom and sat in our seats. "I'm starting to get the feeling that you just want me to come over, but you have no better excuse to get me to come over."
"As true as that may be, I do need help with our scene. Maybe after school you could come over?" There was a light blush on his face when he said this. I smiled at him, blushing myself. "Sure. I'll ask my mom at lunch." That's when the teacher walked in and we began class.
"Here you go." I said, handing Dick the bento I made him. I'd told him I'd spent a summer in Japan, but of course that was I lie. I'd just been implanted with images and knowledge about the towns, cities and customs. Same with France and Spain. Dick opened up the box and started eating. I sighed as I looked at our surroundings. Dick had found an outside bench where we've always always ate. It was alone and secluded, it made you feel almost dangerous and thrilling to be out here with a boy. I smiled at him before I took out my phone and called my mom."Hey mom." I said. Mom's sleepy voice answered me with, "Hun, aren't you at school? Why are you calling?" I fiddled with the hem of my skirt as I answered her. "Well, Dick and I have a project due soon and he'd like me to come over." I could hear her sigh. "I'll say yes, but only because Harley's still here and I don't want you two seeing each other." I nodded. "Thanks mom." I shut my phone and leaned over to put it away. "I got the okay from my-" I turned only to be kissed. I froze, my face was growing hot, and when Dick pulled away, I was in such a state of shock that words wouldn't even fall out of my mouth. I touched me lips and finally got out a sentence. "Wha-what was that for?" I asked shyly."I don't know. It's just cute seeing you be so un-welmed." Dick said with a laugh. "Well, that wasn't cute of you. It was totally not aster." I said taunting him with his use of prefixes, or lack thereof. That's when the bell rang. "Well, I'll see ya in theater!" I said, before grabbing my things, kissing his cheek, and skipping off to my next class.
"Always nice to see you Miss Ruby." Alfred greeted as I got into Dick's limo that had picked us up. "Likewise Sir Pennyworth." I said, buckling my seatbelt. "Home Alfred, please." Dick said, leaning back in his seat. He started asking Alfred please alot more ever since we started.... dating. That word is still so foreign to me."Does this mean I'll have to tell Mister West that you will not be joining him tonight?" Alfred asked as we started down the road. Dick slapped his forehead. "Man, I totally forgot. Yes, Al, tell him I'll be late."
"Oh, if you have to be somewhere else, you can just-" I started, but Dick cut me off."No, I want to spend time with you." Dick declared, making me blush and look away. I glanced over at him, he was blushing too. "Oh, should I pull up the shade Master Dick?" Alfred said with a laugh. We stayed silent and Alfred shrugged. There was a buzz from the front of the car. Alfred picked up a black phone that was attached to the car. "Yes Master Bruce?" Alfred answer. "I see, alright. One moment please." Alfred pushed a button and Dick picked up the phone next to him.
"What is it Bruce?" Dick asked. I tilted my head to sharpen my hearing. "Is that girl with you?" Bruce asked back. That girl? Really, does he not remember that I have a name? "Um, yeah, why?" Dick glanced at me. "When she gets here don't let her near you know where." Dick nodded and hung up. "Sorry, Bruce just wanted to update me on my grades." I smiled at him. "Oh sure, I understand. My mom's the same way." I lied.
"Master Dick, we are here." The car stopped in front of the godly manner. No matter how many times I see it I always get hypnotized by it. "Come on, Alfred's doing some things around the house so we have to go up to my room. I hope that's okay." Dick said, opening the door for me. "Cool, um, can I go to the bathroom real quick?" I asked. Dick nodded and pointed towards the bathroom. I thanked him and started towards the bathroom. "Better make this fast." I said to myself taking of an exacto knife. After jiggling out a loose brick I placed a small chip onto the wall. This chip was a "gift" from Travis. Mom doesn't know it yet, but she wants to know the location of the Batcave. I know I do, so maybe this is just more for me, but that aside. The chip works as a sonar, it can create blueprints by sending out waves to find what wall is where. At least that's what Travis told me. I sighed as I placed the stone back and exited the bathroom.
"Hey Alfred." I said, noticing him on my way to Dick's room. Alfred was cleaning one of windows on a tall ladder. "Hello Miss Ruby." He raised his arm to wave to me, but he knocked over his bucket of water... right onto me. I gave a yelp from the cold water. "Miss Ruby!" Alfred called, quickly climbing down the ladder to see if I'd been hurt.I lifted the bucket off my head and smiled. "I'm fine Alfred, just wet."
"I'm so sorry miss, I-"
"What's going on here?" A deep voice said. I looked behind Alfred to see Bruce Wayne behind him. I shyly smiled. "It's okay Mr. Wayne, my mom always makes me have a change of cloths, I just have to change." I started back down the hall towards the bathroom, but turned back to say, "It's not Alfred's fault, by the way."Stepping back into the bathroom I looked at myself and I laughed. My hair was in disarray and the mascara mom put on me started leaking down the sides of my face. I took a tissue and wiped off the mascara, pulled my hair up, and started to take off my wet shirt when the door opened. "Hey Ruby, are you ok-" I turned to see Dick staring at me. He started to blush, then I started to blush and then I flipped out. "Dick, you're supposed to knock. Get out! Getoutgetoutgetoutgetout! Get out!" I screamed, throwing rags and soap and just about anything I could get my hands on. He quickly shut the door repeating the word, "sorry" over and over. I ran my hands under the cold water and placed them on my face. My face felt like it was on fire. I sighed as I quickly changed into khaki shorts, a green tank top, and a black jacket. I opened the door to see Dick waiting for me.We looked at eachother for a hot second, but looked away just as fast. "Follow me." He said under his breath, and I followed promptly. We were silent all the way to his room until I couldn't take it anymore. "Um, Dick, I-" "Ruby I-" We looked at eachother. I could feel my cheeks heat up again. I looked at him, how his hair wasn't as slicked back as it was when we were at school, and his eyes, oh his eyes. They were blue and sharp, but right know, they were filled with worry."I'm really sorry for not knocking." He said, looking away and opening the door to his room. We walked in when I answered, "It's alright. You've lived in a house of Testosterone, it's normal for you to have forgotten to knock." I smiled to try to reassure him, but he clenched his fists. "Stop that." He said in a harsh whisper. "What?" I looked at him, his back to me. "I said, stop that!" He whipped around to look at me. I jumped but he didn't look angry, just, emotional. "How can you just blow this off like it was nothing."
"Because it was just that, nothing." I tried to keep my voice level, but I could feel it shake. "No, it wasn't! I saw... things! Things I wasn't supposed to! You should be slapping me or yelling at me, or, or something!" He had me against a wall at this point. Why was I so scared? Why did seeing him like this make me want to cry? Why..."You're right, I should yell, and slap, and such, but I won't. I can't." I could feel the tears fall down my face. "I'm afraid, Dick. I like you to much to let you go, and I just have this fear that if I make one wrong move, that you'll abandon me. I just don't want that to happen." I wasn't lying. Why wasn't I lying?Dick reached out to me and I flinched, but he was unfazed by it and took me in his arms. "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling." He said quietly. I slowly put my arms around him and we just stood there for a moment. Dick sighed and rested his head on mine. "Feel better?" He asked. I nodded and started to pull away. As I wiped away my tears I realized, it was a great thing that I removed my mascara earlier. "Okay, I guess we should get to work on that assignment." I said, trying to put a laugh in my voice."O-oh, yeah." Dick blushed and grabbed a wrinkled piece of paper, handing it to me. "Okay so, you start." Dick cleared his throat. "Juliet, no! How could, leaving me, like this?" He pretends to life a poisonous cup. "Oh well, I shall see you soon, my love." He pretends to drink from the cup and "dies", making me laugh. "You literally added only two lines for yourself and you said you could barely remember them?" I raised an eyebrow. "I feel a trick at work here." Dick sat up and gave a sneaky smile. "What?" I asked. He reached under his pillow and pulled out a card. It was cream colored trimmed in gold. I took it from his hands and examined it thoroughly."It's an invitation to the Wayne Halloween Charity Ball. I was hoping you'd be my date. Oh and your mom can come and-" I flung my arms around him. "Thank you!" I said, squeezing him tightly. "I've never had a Halloween before. What do I need to do for it?" I asked, putting a finger on my chin. "Well, a costume, you mean you've never dressed up before?" I shook my head. "No, the costumes for our reading is really going to be the first time for me."
"Well, your mom could probably help you, and I mean, you don't have to come. It's not like I'm forcing you or anything, I-" I cut him off with my laughter. "I'll ask my mom to help. And don't worry, I wouldn't miss something like this for the world." I giggled and checked the clock by Dick's bed. "Well, I'd better-" My phone went off with a text from mom. 'Don't come home. Have Dick's father call me so I can speak with him.'"Um, Dick, where's your dad?" I asked. He thought for a moment and told me he was going to look for him and that he'd be right back. True to his word, Dick came back with Bruce by his side not a few moments later. "What did you call me for?" Bruce asked, I could tell he was trying to keep his voice light, but it was failing hard. "My mother wants you to call her. She told me to not come home because of," I looked over at Dick and he seemed to get the message. "well, our neighbors can be a little rowdy from time to time." I tried to laugh it off."Of course. I understand. If you'll just write down the number I will call her and you and Dick can stay in the parlor. I think a new movie just came on." I matched my fake smile to his as I wrote down the number, handed it to him and followed him down the stairs to the parlor. "Guess this means I might have to spend the night." I said with a giggled, plopping down on the couch. Dick laughed too. "Maybe."
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