WARNING! This will get dark and it'll get dark fast! So if you're uncomfortable with that, skip to like near the end of this chapter. Or skip it completely, however events in this chapter will come back to be mentioned later in the book.
Ruby's POV
I woke up sore, cold, and I could barely open my eyes. However, when I did open my eyes they were still covered with my mask and I couldn't remember anything after Harley gassed me. I groaned and someone gasped. "She's awake!" It was a female voice. I turned my head to see a green girl with red hair and freckles. "Hello, I'm Megan. Can you tell me who you are?"
"I-I'm-" I sighed. "I'm Catgirl." I turned on my side facing the girl and pulled the almost paper like sheets up to my neck and closed my eyes. "Please tell me this is a dream." I muttered. Megan sighed and sat in the chair next to me. "I'm not really supposed to do this, but would you like me to show you what happened?" I nodded and felt her cold hand be placed onto my temples. I thought it best if I didn't show my own memory powers to her, fearing that Joker might have done something to me, and she seemed nice, so I didn't want to accidentally blow off her head or anything. "Stay calm. I'll be going deep into your subconscious and try to resurface you memories. This has a different effect on different people so just let me know when to stop."
Before I could say anything else a flood of images flew through my head. I could see memories from when I lived at Catmus, and when I met mom, and when Dick and I kissed. Then I saw Harley. She was taking me away and the image started to slow down. "Good morning Doll!" She said, back in that stupid nurse's uniform from the first time I met her. "Mister J! She's awake!" She called into the darkness, giggling darkly. "Well, isnt that just super?" He came out of the dark corner and fixed the mask on his face. "Hello my dear, long time no see." He came close, so close that I could smell his putrid breath. "I think we should finish what we started, no? Harley! The medication." His eyes narrowed as his yellow smile stretched across his face.
"Here, Mister J!" Harley said, handing him a vile. This time the liquid was a purple color. "Ah! I see you may have noticed that the color has changed, right? I thought having a smaller dose, but with twice the power, would get you to react faster." He gave a sickening laugh. "Now lie still." Even if I wanted to fight back I couldn't. I was still weak from the spray, there were leather shackles on my arms and feet so I couldn't move, this is why I let Joker implant the needle into my arm.
His smile started to fade when he saw me not putting up a fight. "Hearley! We're losing the patient! Get the heating and cooling agents!" He screamed. Hearley quickly scurried away and when she came back she had a blowtorch and a cattle prod under one arm and a bag of ice under the other. She also carried a rag in her mouth as she dumped everything she had on the tray near the contraption I was laying on. "Let's flip you over. Harley! Flip her over while I get the prod ready." Harley nodded and flipped me over. Then she tore my suit at the middle and I shivered from the wind hitting my bare skin. I could feel tears silently flowing down my face. "Oh, we don't want a weeper!" Harley said, shoving the rag in my mouth. "You ready Mister J?" Harley asked turning towards Joker, who was heating up the prod.
"Give me a moment Harley! God woman!" He lifted his welding mask to stare at us and I started crying. Joker's smile came back. "There! That's the reaction I've been waiting for! Harley step back and watch the master at work!" He gave a sickening laugh and came closer with the glowing rod. I could see it read, 'Joking Victim' with a joker face above the words. My eyes were wide and I started to shake. "Now hold still. Don't want to ruin this lovely design Harley worked so hard on!" My vision started to blur and as I could no longer see the prod, that's when I felt the hot, burning sensation on my left side. I was screaming so much that my rag fell out of my mouth and my screams echoed in the room "STOP!" I screamed. The pain on my side was practically unbearable, but I couldn't move. "Harley! More super juice! She can still feel pain!" Joker screamed.
It went on like this for possibly under a week. He'd come in and tamper with me then leave and then come back the next day. If I screamed or cried from the pain Harley would inject more needles into me and Joker would brand the same spot every time, till I just layed there. I felt numb and tired. Joker came close to my face and creepily smiled. "Perfect. Harley! She's ready." He said, as he lifted me to my feet. "Now, before you leave to do naughty things," He snapped his fingers. "Impetum Modo!" I clutched my head. "What... How.... AHHHHH!" My head hurt. It was just last time, when I was first tested with this code.
"My dear, I may be a silly man but I'm not stupid! When I found out that you were a scientific monster I had Harley get your file from CatLand! You've done some naughty things to those poor scientists." He chuckled darkly. "And I want to see you do more." My vision darkened, I was blacking out.... The image switched and I could see myself walking down a street, yet it was fuzzy, like watching a TV with a broken connection. I could feel Megan pulling away but I had to know! I grabbed her head and concentrated harder so I could see clearer.
The first thing I noticed was the fires, then the bodies, and then Robin. "Catgirl! Why are you doing this?!" I laughed. "Like I said when we first met my precious birdy, 'Because. I. CAN!'" I said, lunging myself at him, but before I could touch him I was hit by something big. I smirked and looked down. "Long time no see Superboy!" I said, digging my feet into the ground and flipping the large man off me. "However, I could have gone longer without seeing you again." I felt something wiz by me. I turned to see an archer. She was on the roof the building. "I take it that that was a warning shot?" I yelled towards her. "No! A distraction!" She called back, but I already knew Kid Flash was coming and he landed into my fist. "Really bad distraction then." I laughed.
I could here Superboy charging towards me and I twirled out of the way. "You see, when I'm like this, you can't touch me. I'm UNSTOPPABLE!" I gave a triumphant laugh. "I haven't felt this good in forever!" I landed a solid blow to Superboy's face then tuned to give Kid flash a lift into Superboy. "Stop this!" It was Megan's voice. She threw a piece of rubble at me but I merely lifted my hand and I moved only an inch on impact. When it dropped my hand print was indented in it. "I'm tired of your tomfoolery." I pulled out a detonator from my belt. "Time to crank up the heat." I pushed the button and the building that the archer was on started to crumble, along with some other surrounding buildings. But before the archer could fall, Kid Flash saved her.
"Now that's just a shame. She would have died easier that way. Oh well, more fun for me." I jumped up and grabbed Megan and threw her at Superboy, knowing that she'd stop before colliding with him I jumped again and pile drives her into him and into the Earth. Next was the archer, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. "Fish breath! Over here!" I called, dodging all of his electrical water attacks. Until I did a backflip over the two lovebirds and they got the full course of the electrical currents. Watching them fall I said, "Well that was... shocking." I laughed at their unconscious bodies. "Well come on then Mr. Fishy! Come at me!" I pulled out some small metal balls, and when he charged for me I squished them onto him. He looked shocked and he couldn't speak. "Fish killers." I told him. "They slowly dry the skin of an Atlantean but not to much that you die, just keeps you in pain." I smirked. "Now to go find my little birdy."
"No need to look far." Robin jumped down from where ever he did and held up his arms. "I surrender to you." I lifted an eyebrow. "Me? You're surrendering to... me?" I stalked towards him, and the closer I got, the more he wouldn't look me in the eyes. I was an inch from his face when I grabbed his neck and lifted him above my head. "What kind of trick are you playing?! Why are you doing this?!" I screamed at him. "You're still Catgirl. I still see you as a friend." He said, gasping for air. "I'm not Catgirl! And I'm most certainly not your friend!" I gritted my sharpened teeth. I raised my fist to punch him when two hands touched my head and I was back in the white room with Megan.
I dropped my hands from her head and looked to see more people where in the room with us. I could see the bandages and slings that I caused them. Megan fell into Superboy's arms and I covered my mouth with my hands. "What did you do?!" Superboy yelled. I slinked back to the wall and my tears fell. "I-I didn't mean to. I just wanted to know... This is all my fault!" I jumped off the bed and darted past everyone and through the halls of what I thought was the YJ HQ. I only stopped running when I came to an empty room at the end of the hall. It had absolutely nothing in it but a bed and a lamp. I shut the door, sat in the darkest corner, and cried as silently as I could.
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