"Good morning Dick!" I greeted Dick as I sat down in my desk. "Oh, hey Ruby. What's up?" I took out my textbook and set it on my desk. "Nothing much. Oh, but last night I got to use the stove for the first time. I made a mean fettuccine alfredo." I giggled. Dick sighed. "That sounds so good."
"Well, if you'd like, I could make you some." I felt a little heat go into my cheeks that I tried to force down. Gah! Why can't I stop blushing when I'm with him?! "That sounds great!" Dick said, a sweet smile on his face. It felt like an arrow had been shot through my heart and I looked away from him. "C-cool. I'll make it for you sometime?" Part of my hair fell into my face and I went to push it out of me face when I felt another hand touch mine. I jumped a bit and looked over at Dick. A look of confusion was on his face but his face was bright red. "Sorry, your had something in you hair." I could tell he was lieing but I nodded and we both fell into awkward silence.The silence lasted all through class but once class was over I went to talk to him. "Hey, listen," I didn't look him in the eye. "My mom made our costumes for the skit. If you'd like, you could come over sometime and I can show you them. And that's when I can make you some fettuccine alfredo." Dick nodded. "That sounds great. How about Saturday?"
"Sure. That'd be great." I gave a laugh as we walked to our next class.
SATURDAY!(yes, nothing interesting happened between Monday to Saturday. It happens!)
"Mom! Is everything ready?" I asked, throwing on a purple jacket. "Yes. Travis just dropped off the costumes. And I've placed everything in place." She sighed. "Wedding planer. Why did I say I was a wedding planner?" I laughed. "Well it worked out in our favor right?" I reached for the door and shouted, "I'll stop by Mr. Pasketi's on my way back! Bye!" I was out the door and down the street towards Wayne Manor.Ding Dong! The bell sounded when I pushed the button. It had started misting a little so I had to tie my hair back so it wouldn't frizz my hair. You'd think being all modified that they would have at least given me the power to have non frizzy hair."Hello Alfred." I said when Alfred opened the door. "I'm here to get Dick." I smiled at him and he raised an eyebrow. "I hope you won't find this rude, but how did you get here, Madam Ruby?" Alfred asked as I stepped inside the manor. "I walked of course." I said with a giggle. "Do you always walk?" I nodded."It's always nice outside, plus I can take care of myself out there."
"Don't you ever get scared, miss?"
"It's not as scary as everyone thinks it is. Especially not with Robin around." I said, spinning around on the tall pillars in the house. "What about Robin?" I turn my head to see Dick coming down the stairs. "Dick! Are you ready to have your mind blown?" I asked, standing next to him. "Master Dick, might you take an umbrella with you?" Alfred asked, handing Dick a red, black, and yellow umbrella. "Thank you Alfred." Dick took the umbrella and started out the door, with me in toe.I held onto Dick's arm as we walked. "Hey!" I pulled Dick over towards Mr. Pasketi's. "We need to stop in here for a moment."The door's bell jingled as we stepped in. "Hello Mr. Pasketi!" I greeted the man behind the counter. "Ruby, my dear! How are you?" I giggled. He always laid his fake Italian accent on to thick. "I'm good, thank you." I traced my finger against the counter. "I need my usual if you'd please."
"Sure thing," He grabbed a plastic bag with separate styrofoam boxes in it. "Oh, and tell your mom that I'll have her money by Tuesday." I nodded. "And you," Mr. Pasketi nodded towards Dick. "Take care of Ruby here. She's an important lady." I gave an awkward laugh, expecting for Dick to recede a bit, but he didn't. Instead he wrapped his arm around my waist and said, "Don't worry, she's in good hands." He smiled and ushered me out the door making the bell ring again."That was horrifying." Dick said, a smile still on his face. "And what money does he have to give your mom?" I gulped when he said that. My mom basically is protecting Mr. Pasketi from anyone that might disturb his opium trade, but I couldn't tell Dick that."My mother's a wedding planner and Mr. Pasketi has a lot of family that's been getting married lately." I said with a smile."Uh huh, and what's in the box?"
"Just some meat, cheese, bread, and a piece of cake. I mean, he's our grocer, and we go there about every week to pick up our usual items." I shrugged. "It's just what we do." I stopped and turned to look at my apartment building. "This way." I said, opening the door and started up the steps. We past a green door with flowers drawn on it. That was Ivy's room. Then on the next floor we past a red door with black diamonds on them. That's where Harley Quinn stays when she been thrown out by the Joker. I shudder at the thought of Harley and the Joker.Then we came to our door, it's black with a golden knocker. I pulled out my key and opened the door. "Mom! Dick's here." I declare, walking into the apartment. "You can sit on the couch while I get the noodles ready." I said as I walked to the kitchen.
Dick's POV
The minute I sat on the couch a black cat jumped onto my lap. "He seems to like you." I jumped at the voice of Ruby's mom. "The cat. His name is Lucius." She sat down next to me. "You had better be very grateful that you're here." She said, checking her nails. "People like you have caused me nothing but trouble," She gave me a glare, then she sighed. "However, I guess, if it weren't for people like you I would have never gotten Ruby." I was going to ask what she meant when she ruffled my hair. "So treat her right, or they'll never find your body." I nodded."Hey, Dick, would you like to help me in here?" Ruby asked, leaning out from the kitchen. I got up and nodded. "Coming." I could feel Ms. Maraschino's eyes on me the whole time."Sorry about my mom. She's not really a big fan of the upper class. Bad experience I guess." Ruby gave a light laugh. "So, could you hand me the cheese and turn the burner on?" I turn to see practically a wall of cheese. "Um, which one?"
"The alfredo one. It's labeled." Ruby said, pointing to the wall. Looking closer I could see that they were labeled. I grabbed the cheese and handed it to her and turned the burner. "Cool, now can you watch the noodles while I make the sauce. I prefer my noodles molto al dente but since you're the guest, make them to your liking." My liking? "What if I don't know what my liking is?" I asked, stirring the pot."Then just make a timer of five minutes and when it goes off test the noodles and if they're good I'll strain them, if you think they need more time then we'll give them more time." Ruby giggled. "It's not rocket science." I knew that. Bruce had me build a rocket once because I snuck out a few nights ago.
Ruby's POV
I quietly hummed to myself as I watched the cheese melt in the microwave. Not a turn in particular just hums. "Ouch!" Dick mumbled. I turned to see a almost overflowing pot and Dick clutching his hand. "Dick!" I yelled, turning the burner off, grabbing a wash cloth, dipping it into cold water and wrapping it around his hand. Dick flinched at the cold water. "I think the noodles are done." I said with a sigh, and taking out the strainer. "Could you set the table please, I don't think you can injure yourself doing that." I sighed again and strained the noodles.A red bowl for Dick, a black bowl for Mom, and a purple bowl for me. I sighed. First thing tomorrow we're getting matching bowls."All done!" I said, bringing the bowls in and setting them on the placemats and drizzling the alfredo sauce onto the noodles. "Oh, drinks!" I said, placing my hands on my cheeks. "Dick what would you like to drink?" I asked."Um, water?" He answered. "And mom, you'd like a diet, right?" Mom nodded and went back to the kitchen. I hung up my apron and grabbed a water bottle for Dick, a Diet Dr. Pepper for Mom and a regular Dr. Pepper for me. "There." I said as I set the drinks down. "You may eat." I did a fake curtsy with my capris and sat down. "Itadakimasu!" I say before taking the first bite. My mother laughs and follows my phrase. Then Mom give Dick a glare, so then he gives an awkward 'Itadakimasu' as well.After dinner Dick helped me wash the dishes. That's when Mom got a phone call..."What? Have you tried to calm her down?" Mom asked into the phone, and I flinch at the sound of possibly a wall getting busted, answering her question. "Okay, I'm coming down. Hold on." Mom hung up her phone and looked at Dick and I. "You two stay here. Dick, we'll take you home the minute the commotion downstairs has been settled." She was out the door before we could even answer her. I sighed and went back to washing the dishes."What was that?" Dick asked, joining me in washing the dishes. "That was Aunt Pam and Aunt Quinn. Aunt Quinn doesn't stay here much because she lives with her boyfriend. But Mom tells me he's a bad man and whenever Aunt Quinn comes here I'm not allowed to see her. I've only met her once, and she was with her boyfriend. Mom got real mad, but I got away with only a cut and some bruises." And enhanced powers, no biggy. "But we shouldn't talk about that. We should talk about if you liked the pasta!" I gave an energetic smile. I could see the worry in Dick's eyes fade ever so slightly. It was kinda cute to see him worry over me a little bit. It made me blush. I didn't deserve all the attention he was giving me."It was really good. Even better than Alfred's, but don't tell him that I told you that." Dick and I laughed as he put away the last dish. "I promise, your secret is safe with me." I said, sliding two fingers across my lips like closing a zipper."So," Dick said, leaning against the counter. "What do we do now?" I put a finger to my chin and thought about it. "Hm, wanna see my room?" I asked. Dick's face went bright red. "What's wrong? You okay?" I asked, reaching out my hand to touch his forehead, but he grabbed my hand before I could touch him. "I'm fine. I've just never been asked into a girls room before. That's all."
"Oh, right." My cheeks grew hot as I realized he was still holding my hand. I took it away and walked towards my door. I slowly opened my door and quickly my eyes scanned the room to make sure there was nothing that Dick shouldn't see.My room was an adequate size. I had a window seat next to my queen sized bed, a huge dresser, a bedside table with a lamp and an alarm clock, and a vanity table. Nothing was out of place. "Meow!" Lucius mewed as he hopped off my bed and into my arms. "Aw, my baby." I scratched behind his ears. "Make sure mom doesn't follow us okay?" Lucius mewed again as I put him down. "This way." I said, opening my window and climbing out onto the fire escape. As I climbed up the ladders. "Hey, wait!" Dick called to me. I looked back at his confused face and laughed. "Come on slowpoke!" I taunted, resuming my climbing.When I reached the top I was laughing at Dick because he kept faking being off balance. I put my hand out to help him up, he took it and I yanked him up to be beside me. "Ya know, when you asked if I wanted to see your room, I didn't have this in mind." Dick said, laying back on the flat roof. "Well, I thought this would be the best place to confess something to you."
"What, that I'm devilishly handsome and super smart?" I giggled. He was blushing at his own joke. "No." I laughed again. "I mean yes, but no. I uh," I hugged my knees and glanced at Dick, there was a flare in my chest when our eyes locked. "I have to tell you something, but if I do, you promise not to get upset?" Dick nodded and I sighed. "I didn't become your friend by accident Dick. My mother had me do it." Confusion graced his face. "She thought that if I befriended a higher up, that things would be good for us." I looked away. "And to ensure that we'd even meet, I may or may not have hacked into the schools computer system to put us in the same classes and changed the seating charts accordingly."
"Why?" Dick asked, also looking away. "I told you, my mom-"
"No, why are you telling me this." I unfolded my legs and turned to him. "Because, as weird as this may sound, I trust you." Ruby stop! What are you doing? No. I want to do this. I have too!"Why would you trust me?" Dick scooted closer to me. I could feel tears in my eyes. "I don't know!" I declared. "All I know is that whenever you compliment me, or hold my hand, or anything, I blush, and I get all fluttery and—" I was silenced by Dick pressing his lips onto mine. It was a soft kiss, but it spoke volumes to me. But the scary thing was that, I kissed back.
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