Chapter 9: Questions

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"This her?" I heard someone ask. "Yeah." Someone else said, and then I heard a door closed. I slowly moved my hands to feel that I was in an unfamiliar place. It felt similar to the dentist chair was in when tied up by Joker. However this chair wasn't made of rusty, cold steel, it was leathery, like a hospital chair. I felt the presents of a hand about to touch my face, when my hand shot out and caught it.My eyes popped open and I sat up. I looked to see Kid Flash in my grasp. I tightened my grip on his hand. "I don't know if you know this but," I leaned into him. "You need to ask before you touch." Kid was on his knees, I was squeezing him so hard."Yeah, yeah, okay! Just let go!" I let go of his hand and hop off the seat. I grabbed my utility belt and started to leave. "Well Kid, it's been a real slice." I said, watching the speedy boy roll on the ground from pain. I pressed the button to opened the door and when it open I came face to face with Robin. He looked bewildered and then I felt to arms go around me from behind. I smirked. "You do work fast Kid. I'll give you that." I said, laughing."Kid, let her go." Robin said. "But Robin she-"

"I said let her go." Kid dropped me. I dusted off my suit and placed my hand on my hip. "I appreciate the help and all but I've gotta go." I pushed past Robin and started down the hall. "Wait. You can't leave." Robin called as he grabbed my hand. "Don't touch me." I said, I raised my hand to slap him, and when my hand made contact with his face I was caught in a flash of white. I sharply inhaled as images started to form. I saw Batman yelling at me, but I wasn't me. I was seeing through the eyes of Robin!"You're not going to save her?!" Robin cried."No, we can't afford the risk." Batman said. Robin gave a frustrated sigh and then winced. "If you're not going to save her... then I am!" Robin yelled, then the image shifted.Robin was outside the warehouse that I was trapped in. Then Robin crashed through the window. Recovering from his fall, I could see myself passed out on the dentist chair. Robin walked towards me and pulled out a batarang(robin-rang?) and started to cut me out of my bounds. I saw myself lying there and couldn't help think that I look horrible. I had a small bruise on my cheek from where Joker kept slapping me and the syringe was still by my side.Robin removed the syringe from my side and shook me. "Catgirl, wake up."

"Oh, she won't be waking up for a while, boy." Joker said, giving a sickening laugh. Robin growled, "Joker! What did you do to her?" Joker laughed again and came closer to Robin. "I merely enhanced her abilities. If you'd come later, I would have been able to finish the process." He smiled wickedly. "For example, protocol 231, advance."In a fash Robin was on the ground with me sitting on top of him. I could feel my hands on Robin's body, pressing into his shoulder blades harshly, making him immobile. "See, look at that! Is it not amazing what one can do with mixing venom with a bunch of things you can't pronounce?" He laughed again. "Oh! Now watch this Birdy Boy. Protocol 696, advance!" I got off of Robin and stood straight. Grabbing a scalpel from the tray next to me I placed it onto my neck. "See, now, I'll make you a deal little boy. You defeat me, and I'll let you and your girlfriend go. However, if you lose," He chuckled darkly. "well, you'll both be dead." Robin narrowed his eyes and accepted the challenge, but before they could start there was another crash."Joker, step back!" It was Batman's voice. He flew in and kicked Joker in the face. Fixing his jaw, Joker said, "Now Batsy. You know you can't hurt me. If you do, the girl will die. All I have to do is call the order and she'll bath in her own blood!" Batman grabbed Joker by the collar and got real close to his face. "Protocol 001, sleep." Batman said harshly, and Joker's smile faded. I dropped the scalpel and my body fell like a ton of bricks. Lucky Robin caught me before I hit the ground."How, how did you do that?!" Joker pouted. "It's not fair! You played dirty didn't you?!"

"Robin, take Catgirl to infirmary. Don't let her out of your sight." Robin nodded as he scooped me up and exited the warehouse. "Don't worry Catgirl. You'll be okay." Then it was white again."What did you do?!" I yelled, gripping my head from the new headache I was having. "Me? You're the one who slapped me." Robin said, rubbing his cheek. "Wait, you didn't see that?" I asked. Was all that really just all in my head?"See what?" Robin asked. "That thing, I saw into your memories!" I said, frantically trying to grasp what just happened."It was the serum." I jumped at Batman's voice. "The serum that Joker infused into you heighten your sensitivity levels to the point where you can see into people's minds, but only with a physical touch. My guess because he didn't inject all of it in you." He said, looking a holographic chart. I scoffed as I reached for the chapstick pouch, only to find it empty. I sighed. "This is all so fascinating, but would someone like to enlighten on to who stole my chapstick?" I ask, giving a glance to Robin. Robin just sighed and looked behind him where Kid was stranding. "What?" He asked, holding my chapstick in his right hand. He laughed awkwardly. "Souvenir?" I swiped his 'souvenir' from his hands and said, "I'll have you know that this is my souvenir from my mother." I froze. "Mom." I muttered. "Oh my god! She's going to kill me when I get back!" I said, shaking Kid, I know it's not his fault, but I had to get my frustration out on someone and Bat was too big and Robin was to skilled. "You tell me where the exit is right now! Before I make one using your body as a wrecking ball!"Suddenly there was a muffled voice coming from one of my pockets. "Dontcha wish your girl-" I cut off my phone when I opened it. "Mushi mushi?" I said waiting for the person the other side to respond. "Good, you're okay!" It was mom's voice! "Mom! Thank God I-"

"Darling put the bat on the phone." I she said sternly. I nodded and took my phone off my ear. "She wants to talk to you." I said, handing my phone to Batman. He took it skeptically and said, "Hello?"

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I'VE BEEN?! AND WHY IS SHE STILL THERE?!" I could hear my mother shout, making me giggle. "She's still here because she needs to be tested." Batman said cooly. "She needs to be with her mother you dumb-"

"Salina, trust me. Will have her to you by noon."

"No later. Oh, and if you bird boy messes up one hair on her head! I'll skin him alive!" Batman shut the phone and handed it back to me. "So, what kind of tests are we talking about?" I asked. Batman narrowed his eyes and discarded my question by looking at Kid and saying, "Kid, keep everyone away from the training room until one O'Clock." Kid nodded and sped away. "Robin, you're with me and Catgirl." He swished his cape and started to walk down the hallway with Robin and I in toe.There was a pause before a asked, "Did you enjoy it?" I gave him a smile. "Enjoy what?" He asked. I shrugged. "Ya know, coping a feel." Robin's face lit on fire with embarrassment. "Ex-excuse me?" I giggled. "Don't deny it. I saw you do it, remember?" Robin rubbed the back of his neck. "It wasn't like I meant to, you're just kinda heavy and I slipped and-"

"Oh look we're here." I said, looking at the giant training room. There were weights, balanced beams, weapons, dummies to use said weapons on, and acrobatic materials. I climbed on to the pull-up bar and layed on top of it, dangling my weight evenly on each side. I sighed. "Ah, I missed doing this. Only trees are SO much better." I saw Batman write something down as he watched me swing my arm back and fourth."If you want me to do something just say it. The silence is killing me." I said with emphasized dramatics as I hopped off the pull-up bar and landed on a balance beam. "I can make all this simple for you if you'd like. My top speed is forty to fifty miles per hour on an open terrain, I can rip off a man's entire arm with one bite, and I can be very flexible." I said, doing a backflip off the beam and landing in front of the Bat and Robin. "Any other questions? Because It's almost noon and it's my turn to cook." Batman narrowed his eyes at me. "No?" I shrugged. "Been nice seeing you Batsy, oh and," I kissed Robin on the cheek. "But Bird Brain." I giggled as the bomb that I'd placed on the ceiling exploded and I shot out of the hole and out into the night air.

Dick's POV

Mixed messages. That's what she's the queen of. She wants to injures me, she kisses me, she injurers me, she kisses me. It's a never ending cycle of nightmares! I stormed into the kitchen, grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. "Woho, what happened?" Wally asked me. "I just don't understand her! She attacks me, she kisses me, she fights me, she kisses me, she blows a hole in the ceiling, and kisses me!" Wally burst into laughter and my eyes narrowed."What's going on?" Megan asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but Wally answered for me. "Robin's got an evil girlfriend that tries to kill him but also kisses him."

"She's not my girlfriend!" I shouted, a slight blush crept into my cheeks."Oh, that's right, you like that Ru-" I elbowed him in the stomach. "You guys can use the training room now, but there's a new skylight so watch out for that." I said, going to the zeta tube and warping back to Gotham."Stupid Catgirl, stupid Batman, stupid Catwoman, stupid, Stupid, STUPID!" I was about to kick a lamp pole when I noticed something across the street."Thanks Mr. Pasketi! See ya next week!" It was Ruby! I was going to greet her when I saw a shadow follow her. Narrowing my eyes I followed the shadow. I followed it all the way to Ruby's home and when Ruby went inside I stopped it on the roof. "Stop!" I shouted. The figure froze and then turned. "Well, well. If it isn't the Boy Blunder." Catwoman."What are you doing following Ru- that girl?" I said, catching my tongue. "She interests me. I'm thinking of recruiting her."

"You've got Catgirl. That should be enough." Catwoman wiggled her finger at me. "Oh the contrary. You never can have enough of something, oh and look at the time, I'm late for my dinner date."

"Wa-" I went to grab her, but she was to quick with her smoke bomb. When the smoke dissipated I could see Ruby at the window. She breathed on the glass of her window and wrote an 'R' on it. Then on the other side she wrote a 'D' and looked between the two letters. I sighed. "Goodnight Ruby." I said, before slipping away into the darkness.

Ruby's POV

I do know that Robin and Dick are the same person, but how do you choose who to have your first kiss with? As normal Ruby I could kiss either Robin or Dick, but I could kiss Robin as Catgirl, but I couldn't kiss Dick as Catgirl because they technically haven't met yet. So who to choose, who to choose. The I got an idea. "Come here Lucius!" I picked up my cat and place him on the window sill. "Okay now pick a letter!" Lucius looked at me as if I was crazy. "What? You're an even party!" Lucius shook his head and sat to the left where the 'D' was. "See that wasn't so hard was it?" I asked, giving him a cat treat. Lucius mewed and I went to the kitchen to start dinner.

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