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|Problem Child?!|

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《 Thursday, 10:37 a.m. 》

<< Finally! I thought you'd never come, emo. >>

You heard someone complain. At the open glass door stood a well-known boy with pointed blond hair.

'What is he doing here and how does he know exactly where I live?'

Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku's friend and greatest enemy.

<< Emo? >> asked Izuku as he stepped closer to him. Katsuki was still wearing his school uniform, which means he just got back from school.

<< A new nickname, but I don't think it's really appropriate yet. >> Katsuki explained and grinned.

'Yet again?'

Katsuki was known for giving stupid nicknames to everyone he knew.

Izuku himself didn't know why, maybe for fun or as Izuku personally suspected, he wasn't able to remember names.

<< Oh yes . . Here! >> Katsuki fished some sheets of paper out of his school bag and handed them to Izuku.

<< Mrs. -I-know-everything-better told me that I should bring you and your shitty nerd brother the homework, so take the shit! >> Katsuki hissed annoyed. He was in a bad mood all the way to the house.

Just because he lives closer to Izuku than his other classmates doesn't mean he feels like walking there.

<< That is . . kind? But I don't know anyone by that name, that means you mean it ironically. >> Izuku explained to himself and made a confused grimace.

<< Thank you, but you shouldn't be here. Shota said I should stay away from you because you are bad company for me, so bye-bye. >>

The aggressive blonde could be glad that he had such good reflexes, otherwise he would not have been able to stop the door that Izuku wanted to slam just a few centimeters in front of his nose.

<< What's that shit ?! >> Katsuki screamed angrily and pressed his body against the door.

'What is that little pisser thinking?!' -- Katsuki

Izuku opened the door again, which threw Katsuki's balance off course.

<< I mean it as I say it. Sorry. >> Izuku's apology sounded more like a question, as he himself didn't know what he had done wrong.

Aiza-Shota had clearly forbidden him to have contact with Katsuki, so why was Katsuki reluctant?

<< Agh! Are you crazy?! You- >> Katsuki wanted to show Izuku who the boss is, as he said, but he was interrupted when the blond man came back.

<< What's going on here? >> he asked worriedly as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder and turned to Katsuki.

<< Don't worry, he was about to leave. >> Izuku explained and made one more attempt to slam the door, but this time Hizashi stopped him, who looked a little shocked by the action.

<< Izuku . . >> he started and looked down at him.

<< That could catch the eye! You could hurt him! >> Finally he turned to Katsuki and gave him an apologetic smile.

<< I'm really sorry, little one! You were here to bring Hito and Izu homework, am I right? >> Katsuki clicked his tongue in annoyance when he got a nickname himself.

<< Yes. My name is also Katsuki Bakugo, the future number 1 hero and not 'little one'! >>

Hizashi laughed softly. << All right, future number 1 hero, why don't you come in first? >>

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