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Problem Child?!|

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《 Thursday, 10:13 a.m. 》

Izuku looked at the locked wooden door to be sure that Aizawa wasn't perhaps standing next to the door listening to them.

<< My quirk is. . . let's say complicated. >> Izuku started and made himself comfortable on the bed.

Even if he was only talking to his younger adoptive brother here, he was excited. He noticed how his heart slowly began to pump more blood through his body. His knees were trembling too. Hitoshi chuckled softly.

<< At first I thought you never wanted to talk about your quirk because you might be embarrassed or you don't have one, but . . . Now I understand too. You were probably just scared. Don't worry, it's all between us. >>

'Anxiety . . Maybe Hitoshi isn't as stupid as he looks.' Izuku sighed.

<< I can't believe I'm really doing this . . >> he muttered incomprehensibly.

<< I don't have a name for my quirk yet. To be honest I have no idea what to do with my quirk. >> said Izuku not really honestly.

<< Huh? >>

Hitoshi swallowed.

[<< To be honest, I don't have a plan for my quirk. >>] Izuku's last sentence boomed over and over again in Hitoshi's head.

'If he doesn't have a plan of his own quirk then it could all have had a much worse end . . .', Hitoshi knew.

<< Well yes . . My quirk activates without my control as far as I know, that's why I don't like it. It is too strong and hurts other people around me. You- oh forget it . . >>

Izuku shook his head, disappointed in himself.

'Why am I telling him this anyway? He doesn't understand any of this anyway!'

<< Please wait, Izuku! >> Hitoshi reached out for his brother, hoping he could hold his arm and persuade him to stay, but his hope was blown away when Izuku slapped his hand aside.

Tears formed in Hitoshi's eyes, but not because his hand hurt, no! He thought he and Izuku had gotten closer and maybe even friends, but no!

Izuku's green curls with black highlights hung over his face so that his eyes shouldn't be seen.

<< You should better get some sleep. >> Izuku recommended him and made his way to the room door.

Without saying another word, he left Hitoshi's room. Hitoshi could only look after his brother in shock.

Most of all he wanted to run after him and change his mind, tell him that everything is okay and that he supports him completely, that he will help him . . . but he knew that Izuku wouldn't even listen to him.


《 Thursday, 10:33 a.m. 》

Hitoshi was right about his thoughts. Izuku didn't want any help, not from Hitoshi, not from Katsuki, not from the teachers in his school, not from Hizashi, and not from Aizawa either.

Still completely in his mind, he did not notice the old cat rubbing against his leg.

<< Oh, it's you! >>

Makato heard a loud purr when Izuku began to scratch him. He knew he was lucky with a cat like Makato. His mind wandered again when he heard the door of his room open. Hizashi had stuck his head through the door and was smiling at the sight.

<< What? >> Izuku hissed. It was clear that he was not in such a good mood, which is why Hizashi immediately started to explain.

<< A boy is at the door, he says to bring you and Hitoshi the homework. >>

'Is it about noon already?'

<< I'll be right there. And close the door, otherwise the cattle will come back in. >> Hizashi nodded and was about to leave the room when he realized what exactly Izuku was saying.

<< What kind of 'cattle'? >> he asked in amazement.

The boy tried to suppress the urge to understand his eyes.

<< The other cat somehow got into my room the other day. >>

Hizashi laughed nervously and left the room without further questions.

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