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issei hyoudou the youngest child of the hyoudou family had a good life until 5 years where they learned about teh supernatural from two children rias gremory and sona sitri after that his family becan do forget and abuse him only his sister cares for him because unlike his older brother issac hu had a high tier sacred gear almos longius elemental swords a sacred gear that allows the user to summon 9 diffrent swords 2 at the same time of light ,fire ,water, wind, nature, lightning, ice ,shadow and a normal one while his sister issary had the longius boosted gear of draig the red dragon "emperor" and high magic reserve apple to use the elemental magic of fire ,ice,wind,water,earth,lightning,ice easily and appeal democrat good defense magic and illusion magic while he had nothing not a ounce of magic or sacred gear soo he choose to stay optimistic and train himself beyond his limits bu his family still does not ctnolidg him and his brother spread false rumors that hes a pervert and that he rapes people almost all the schoolbelives him only the gremory peerage, sitri peerage his sister and a few teachers believe him the students and most teachers humiliate beat and scorn him almost all teh time even in class having enough of this life he decided do leave the city not knowing that he would find 2 powerful objects witch he will use to protect his loved ones and friends…