|Problem Child?!|
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《 Wednesday, 9:14 a.m. 》
The accident, the flashback to Zaki and the hug from Aizawa was just too much for Izuku and he let his emotions run wild.
The boy literally clung to Aizawa and did not intend to let go anytime soon, only when he heard a kind of grunt that was neither his nor Aizawa did he slowly let go.
Izuku was still looking at the hospital bed with tears in his eyes, while Hitoshi started to move slowly.
<< Da– >> Izuku paused briefly.
Was he really going to call Aizawa Dad?
'No. No!'
<< -Shota . . Hitoshi! >>
Izuku decided to call him by his first name to draw his attention to Hitoshi, he himself did not know what drove him to this action, but he did it without hesitation.
Aizawa, who was still a little bit shocked, slowly let go of Izuku and turned to the hospital bed.
'Indeed . . '
Hitoshi slowly opened his purple eyes and had to squint them a few times to see properly.
Before he saw Aizawa and Izuku, he looked at his legs, which had a weight on them.
A smile formed on his lips, Hizashi slept by the side of his bed. Hitoshi continued to look around the small room.
'A hospital? What happened?'
His head pounded and he felt his bones ache.
'Ouch . . Izuku? Dad?'
Finally he spotted the other two in the room. He looked at Izuku even more confused.
'Are those tears. . ? He cries?!'
For Hitoshi, the situation was quite confusing. He was in the hospital, Hizashi slept on top of him and Izuku . . cried?
'Is that a dream or something like that?'
He didn't know if Izuku really had tears in his eyes, maybe it was just sweat from the stress.
After he calmed down, he was examined again by a doctor.
He still didn't fully understand the situation, for safety reasons he was only told that the 3 boys had wounded him, but that wasn't the whole truth . . .
Aizawa dragged Izuku with him into a small empty room. This room was near Hitoshi's hospital room and in the small chamber the two seemed to be undisturbed.
Izuku's attention turned to Aizawa as he put his hand on his shoulder. It seemed to be important for Aizawa, he didn't look as tired as usual, rather . . rather stressed or maybe also sad?
Izuku could otherwise just see through the people in front of him, but in stressful situations this seemed to be something different.
<< Izuku– this is a very important topic . . >>
At that time Aizawa looked deep into Izuku's soul and Izuku felt real fear again for a long time and that of a living person.
<< The police said that– >>
Aizawa closed his eyes for a short time and took a deep breath.
<< –that a quirk was involved, a very strong one and I know it was yours. Please tell me more about her. >>
'My quirk? How come?'
Izuku's lower lip began to tremble.
His mask feel. Aizawa, Hizashi, and even Hitoshi realized his fragility, something he never wanted to show again.
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