|Problem Child?!|
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《 Wednesday, 09:22 a.m. 》
He had no chance to escape from this situation, Izuku knew that, but he still tried to clear up the thought of Aizawa about his quirk.
Finally, Izuku also knew that Aizawa would do research and with his contacts . . . But what if he didn't tell Aizawa?
The police would probably go deeper into the matter than they are already doing.
<< My quirk, it . . . >>
Izuku sighed and looked at the floor. You could clearly see beads of sweat on his forehead and his hands were sweaty, which Aizawa did not go unnoticed.
<< I-you. . well, it- >>
Izuku's heart started beating hard and it felt like his chest was about to burst.
'Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy!'
Izuku kept repeating the words in his head, which started to hurt again. He tried! He really tried to calm himself down, but his mind wandered, flashbacks from before came into his mind without warning and played out. Over and over and over and they just didn't stop.
<< Izuku! Calm down! Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, okay? >> Aizawa grabbed Izuku and held him in his arms as before.
<< Concentrate on your heartbeat! Breathe in and out deeply . . In! and off again . . . >>
For a few minutes Izuku listened to Aizawa's voice, Aizawa's heartbeat and his own.
《 Wednesday, 9:25 a.m. 》
Finally, Izuku calmed down and fell asleep in Aizawa's arms.
<< Fuck. >> Aizawa whispered under his breath. Izuku just had a hell of a panic attack! The situation isn't exactly that common with his students, but Izuku's method probably worked.
His grip on Izuku tightened and he held him tightly in his arms as if he could be snatched from him at any moment. In his arms, the otherwise cold boy looked like a fragile doll. Immediately in Aizawa the instinct came to protect the boy with all his might.
A vibrate came from Aizawa's pocket after a few minutes.
Aizawa read the name on the vibrating cell phone and answered the call, not wanting to worry Hizashi unnecessary.
<< Shota . . ? >> You could hear Hizashi on the other end of the line. He acted calmer than usual.
This situation had probably thrown him completely off course.
<< Are you okay? I can't find you both anymore. >>
A rare smile formed on Aizawa's lips, which he covered with his large scarf - which goes with his hero outfit.
<< Me and the Problem Child are fine . . What about Hitoshi? >>
Aizawa heard a sigh over the phone. But who can he blame? Aizawa glanced at his cell phone watch for a moment. It should have been almost 20 minutes. Which husband wouldn't worry, especially after such a situation.
<< Thank God! Hitoshi says he is fine and the doctors said he could go home today, but we should allow him a little bed rest. >> said Hizashi. You could tell from his voice how relieved it was.
<< Nice to hear. By the way, Izuku fell asleep, he . . >> Aizawa stopped. He knew he could trust Hizashi with everything, but he didn't want to worry him any more. He would tell him about the situation later.
<< - still looks very exhausted. We'd rather let him sleep. >>
He let him know and didn't say anything about the recent panic attack the boy had.
<< Okay, he can still sleep in the car when he drives home. I've already packed up with Hitoshi so we can go. >> Aizawa nodded to himself and looked down at Izuku again.
<< We'll meet at the car, m'kay? See you then i love you >>
<< I love you too, Shota! >>
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