Hi guys! Chapter eight already! Wow! Just so you all know, Phoebs is pronounced feebs :) I just spell it Phoebs because her actual name is Phoebe...
We all sit on a picnic blanket with red and white checks. Sun streams onto my face and warms me.
"Swing? Come on!" Phoebe says sweetly.
"Phoebs, have some lunch first! Do you want a banana?" Crayna says to her little girl.
"Swing!" she says in a sad, tantrum voice.
"I said have lunch first! Do you want some chippies or some pizza?"
Wait.... We had hot chips and pizza? How the heck did we get those?
"Meany!" she says in an angry voice, "pizza."
"When did you make pizza?" I ask with my eyebrows raised high.
"While you were in the shower," mum replies.
Geez, my showers aren't that long are they?
Crane hands Phoebe the pizza which looks edible... Not that it doesn't normally but Crayna isn't the best cook in the world, I guess mum helped her.
I grab a plastic plate and some chips as well as 3 slices of pizza, what? I'm eating for two... Ok technically they say you don't have to eat more but I don't care.....
"You know, just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you need to be a pig?" Crayna asks me, 3 slices of pizza and a handful of chips and I'm a pig?"
"Thanks sis! I'm eating for two," I try to convince even myself that that really is a good reason.
"Milking the pregnancy for all its worth aren't we?" Crayna says back with a smile.
"Leave your sister alone Cray- Holy heck May! 3 slices in one go?"
I put my head in my hands and laugh, "Ok, fine, you win! I'll put 2 back."
"If you think you can eat it, go for it. You do know you could just have seconds though right?"
"Yeah, yeah.... Ah well, sorry baby" I moan. I put some of the pizza back and turn my head to the side when I see a hand reaching for chips. It's Oliver's, I kind of forgot he was here. He has a smirk on his face and I almost ask why but restrain myself.
"What baby?" Phoebe says in a questionnaire voice. Crap, I guess I'm going to tell her about the baby today.
"Baby is in my tummy," I say, pointing to my stomach.
"Not baby! That’s belly!" she says while poking my tummy.
"There's a baby in there, I promise!"
"How baby get in your tummy? Did you eat the baby?"
"No," I say while laughing, "I didn't eat a baby."
Crayna start to speak, saving me, "Stop asking question girly and eat your pizza."
4 slices of pizza and a overflowing plat of chips later I am well and truly stuffed... Ok, I lied! I really could go for another slice of pizza.... Oliver didn't even have one slice of the pizza, not that I blame him, Crayna made it after all. To be honest, it was actually pretty nice!
Phoebe is pulling me toward some playground equipment and I really want to run away but I decide to humor the little girl. Crayna follows behind laughing at me. This zoo has a mad playground! I don't think I even want to look at the animals!
I turn my head back to look at Crayna, "She has a strong grip for a one year old!"
"Yeah! That's cause she two!"
"Oops? Aren't I a great aunt?"
Phoebs and I are now playing on the torture- I mean 'playground' equipment. I am starting to regret lunch already, maybe 4 slices was a bad idea..... I get off some spinning thing and almost fall over but Oliver grabs me before I do.
"Come on Aunty Mayu!! Come on!"
"Hows about we look at some animals instead?" Oliver says calmly and sweet. Right now, he is my savior!! Holy crap! I'm going to have to do this stuff all the time soon!
"Hmm, OK!!" she says while smiling.
We walk to the gate that separates the picnic area from the actual zoo grounds, I go to push it but it won't budge. 'Ollie' looks at me strangle and tries to open the gate too but he has no luck.
"Shi-Bugger! It must be closed," thank heck he corrected himself, if he didn't not only would Crayna but Mum too have scolded him and I hate it when they scold.
"What do we do now then?" I ask.
He thinks for a moment before speaking, "Actually, It's no problem! I know the keepers of the zoo so I'll just get them to open it for us!" I just shake my head in amusement.
"Yeah, cause they'll just open it for us! Sure! Sounds great! Why do I have some feeling we won't get a private tour?"
"I'm serious! Noel lives there and I always use to go over, his parents will take us around, or maybe Noel will," Noel.... Oh! I remember him! He's just some dude at the cool table.
Olive pulls out his phone and walks away talking. He turning to me with a cocky grin, "So, what was that about not getting a private tour? Noel's just about to come and take us around."
Damn! He's good!
We've been on our tour for about 10 minutes and all of a sudden Phoebe looks up at me with sad eyes, "Up?"
"I um... I.... I can't! Hurt baby," I fib because I really don't want to carry Phoebs around at the moment! Terrible but I am actually buggered!
Crayna shoots me a look of confusion, I give her a caught out smile so she knows I don't think carrying around Phoebe will actually hurt the baby.
"Come here, I'll carry you," Oliver tells Phoebe. She stumbles over to him and squeals when he scoops her up.
After a while of our private tour I have to stop for the toilet. When I get out everyone is sitting on a bench chatting. Phoebe is wailing about wanting to go home but Oliver soothes her and she settles down.
"Pwease go home? I bed."
Crayna lets out a breath and gives in, "Come on munchkin, let's go home then."
Soon we are all back in the cramped car with me almost sitting on Oliver again but It's not so awkward this time, well obviously it's still not ideal for me but its more comfortable than my experience last time.
"Lucky you're light!" Oliver says.
When we're back at the two story, white coloured house Phoebs is already asleep. Oliver says he will take the sleeping girl into the house and quickly scoops her up before anyone can object. She stirs a little but he rubs her back and hushes her and soon she is in her deep slumber once more. I show him the little room with the portable cot that Phoebs and Crane stay in when they stay here and soon Phoebe is sleeping in the cot peaceful.
So Olive is good with kids... "Thanks for that!"
"It's fine! I like kids," he says while his eyes hover over my stomach, "can I take you on a real date without the plus family?"
I laugh and nod, "When?"
"Now a good time?"
"Alright, let me go ask mum."
I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited. Mum thought for a while but grumbled a 'yes, alright'.
"Ready then?" I ask, pulling on a warm, black poncho from the clean washing pile.
"Yep! Do you want to like grab some spare clothes just in case you fall asleep at my house again?"
"Um, I'm not staying at your house again just so we have that clear," If he thinks that I'm staying there on a regular basis then boy does he have that wrong.
"No, but just in case," he replies.
When he's not looking I do shove some clothing into my backpack thingo, it’s like a backpack but it's all pretty and it's meant to be used for going out.
I get into his black Holden Colorado which has been sitting on my lawn since we left this morning for the zoo.
"So, where are we going?"
"Do you like Ice Skating?"
"I haven't been Ice Skating in years! That sounds awesome!"
We pull up outside the rink and get out. Cold air hits me immediately and I realise, I have no jumper, great! I'm going into a giant room with ice as a floor and I, oh so conveniently have no source of warmth.
It's like Oliver reads me mind because soon he's draping warm coats over my shoulder. He already has a lot of jackets on himself so I guess he thought about this in advance...
"Thanks," I mumble.
"No problem."
Once we are inside I get a pair of hire skates and so does Olive, thank heck I was wearing thick socks today!
"I'm not very good at skating," Oliver admits.
"I'm pretty good, I use to skate a lot, I was an advanced figure skater," I tell him.
"Really? Why did you stop?"
His question kind of shocks me because I haven't really thought about it, "Life just got in the way I guess."
We make our way to the slippery surface called ice. I feel the blade slice into the smoothness and let myself experience the rush of delight. Olive slides into the cold field behind me and we start to skate. At first I forget he's a beginner and skate off, expecting him to keep up but then it hits me that he is only just stable on the ice. Feeling a bit bad for leaving him I skate back and grab his hand. He smiles at me and I guide him around the arena of frost.
"I'll go and get us some hot chocolate, alright?" Olive asks. I nod back at him and he leaves through the opening in the barricade.
I feel free, without any restriction like I use to on the ice. I let it take over my body and I tune into the music playing. I skate fast and feel the cold wind clash against my skin. I jump into the air and spin my body tightly, landing perfectly. I snap out of my trance from the music and see most skaters have stopped and are watching me, just like they use too.
I exit the ice floor and step onto the normal, solid one to see Oliver watching me, sitting at a table with the drinks. Once I reach the table I sit across from him and grab my drink.
"Thanks for this, the drink and the day in general."
He smiles at me, "Thanks for giving me a chance."
I am giving him a chance aren't I? Crap! Why was I doing this? I am only opening up my heart to get it crushed! No, that's not fair. I should give him the chance that I was starting to give him before I judge what he will do.
I feel the hot liquid run through my throat as I sip the drink and once it’s finished we head back to the clear ice. Immediately this time I grab Olive's hand and we skate, side by side, except I am a little bit in front....
After what seems hours of gliding and shedding jackets I am only in my jeans and the long sleeved shirt from today. Olive is sitting with our stuff on one of the benches and I am about to compete in a skating contest. Pretty much we each have to figure skate to a song and everyone votes for their favorite.
After three other people it's my turn to go up and I get assigned the song Never Let Go.
I start by just skating to build up speed then I leap off the ground and spin and into the air with my arms crossed over my heart. I land still spinning and once I finish the spin I skate in a line again before throwing my body into the air once again for one simple spin, followed by another. I skate focusing on my arms next, bringing them out straight and doing wrist circles while still gliding on the ice. I bring them up above my head and spin this time spinning my body so it glides to the right. I build up speed in my glide until I'm certain I have enough speed. I lift one leg behind me in the air and glide on only one and leaned forward, ending the skate in a spin.
Everyone is screaming for me, some my name and others who don't know me are just yelling things like "Woo!!!!" I feel a gush of pride run through my veins and I smile back at them all.
After three other skaters do a routine it’s on to announcing the winner. I stand, fidgeting in anticipation on the little stage that is at one end of the building. I feel a set of arms wrap around my face and I spin fastly around to realise its Oliver.
"We're on a date remember? You looked nervous so I came to stand with you."
I wrap my arms around him and snuggle into his shoulder for a moment but soon turn back around as I wait for the announcer who collected our names earlier to come back to the stage. Damn, it’s cold again! Again like he can read my thoughts, Olive brings me closer to his body and pulls his coat out so it covers me as well, I zip it up and then realise how weird it would look. Ah well, can't win them all right?
The announcer makes his way to the stage and I unzip myself from the coat that kept me so close to Olive and so warm.
"And the winner is..... Marvin," I feel my body droop as he says the name. I didn't win, "Woops, I mean Mayarna, how'd I get that mixed up? Mayarna Ava Fields."
Holy shit! I won!! I won!! I walk up to the front of the stage and get some trophy for winning! Holy crap!!!
"In addition to the prize you received we also have a proposition for you, you have blown us all away and we would like you to go to the championships in five months. Do you have plans tomorrow beside school?"
I did.... My ultrasound.... Shit! I would love nothing more than to skate but I don't think that would look too great, an Ice Skater in the championship, Seven months pregnant...
"I can't," I reply simply.
"Why not? You where amazing!!"
"I'm having a baby."
His facial expressions look a mix of crushed and curios, "How old are you?"
And there it was.... The question. How old are you? "I'm seventeen Sir."
And here comes the judgment! His face creases into a frown. "Thank you for your time then."
I walk back to Oliver and we both walk to the bench where are stuff is. I grab my, well Oliver's jackets and pull them on to protect me from the frost in the air.
I get into the car and watch as Oliver does too, "What's wrong?"
"Its, Um, nothing," I reply in almost a whisper.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"Not really! Anything else you want to do?" I ask.
"Are you scared of heights?"
Weird question..... "No, why?"
"You'll see."
Vote/Comment/fan if you like this chapter, they are all welcomed!!
Honestly, I don't know what figure skaters do so.... don't be too harsh while judging that but..... haha! So what will happen next? What will involve heights? You'll just have to wait for the next chapter!!!
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