Chapter 7

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I slide the dirty, reeking clothing back on. Adour’s of alcohol, sweat and vomit pierce my skin as the garments cling to my body. The vomit was mine... morning sickness at night is not fun.... The sweat was a mixture of Oliver’s and my own from dancing, probably a few others as well and the alcohol most certainly nothing to do with me. A girl in the club had drunkenly sloshed half her drink all over my front and after apologizing in the drunken haze she was in, finished the other half by pouring it down her throat.

Walking out of the bathroom with a throbbing head and feeling nothing less than crap I see the guy who had, oh so politely walked in on me while I was in the shower. I 'Cleared my throat' and his head immediately twisted from the TV and onto me. He was smirking! The jerk was seriously smirking!

"Sorry about that, I see you found a towel then," he says while trying to contain laughter.

"Yeah, thanks a lot for your concern," I reply sarcastically.

"No problem, anytime! How about next time I jump in with you?" He says with a smile so visible and wide that if he made it any bigger it would be off his face.

"No thanks! I like having my showers alone if you don't mind," wow! Two offers for a shower buddy in one morning! What a roll..... Anymore and I'll have to make a schedule of who comes in with me on what day! It would be an empty list... 

I walk off not even waiting for a reply. I am seriously being hounded into not even getting a fricken peaceful shower?

When I open the door to Oliver's room he's STILL in bed! Lazy much!

"Your roomie likes to open doors," I mutter.

He looks at me with high eyebrows, "What?"

"I was just about to grab a towel when he burst through the door, yelling stuff about waiting to go to the shower!"

Oliver's now familiar laugh fills the room and I just shake my head at him, unimpressed. "Wait.... that's not fair! I couldn't go in with you, why did he get to?"

That was it. My laugh is also surrounding the air now, "Oh, he didn't get to stay long, trust me!"

We pull up outside my house and I slide out of the car and onto the ground.... well my feet did.... Oliver mimics my action and soon we're at the door to my house. I twist the door know and we walk inside. Not only my mothers, but also my sister's voice fills the silence and then there are also screams and squeals of joy coming from Phoebs. Oops! I was meant to spend time with Crayna today... Maybe I won't be going to the zoo....

When we enter the kitchen mum shoots up, her hands on the table, not noticing Olive to my assumption. "Out again!! I'm getting worried about you! How's Ollie?"

Ollie? What the heck? "Uh, Mum, who's Ollie?"

"That guy on the phone last night! He told me you where asleep, he sounds really sweet. Spending the night with a boy is not something I like but it was good that he called me and cleared it all up. He sounds like a keeper"

"Ah, mum! We’re not a couple! And yeah, he's good aren't you?" I ask, turning around to 'Ollie.'

"Great thanks! Hey Claire and Crayna is it?"

Crayna lets me a smile cross her lips, "Yeah, that's it!"

Hmm.... This is weird..... "Anyways.... I'm going to go for a shower, then we're going out again."

"Again?" My mother asks with disbelief. "Where?" She asks demandingly.

"The zoo.... Ask him." I say pointing behind me.

Phoebe comes running up screaming "ZOOOOOOO!!!!! YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!"

"No sweetie, not you!" Crayna says, patting her head.

"Can we take Phoebe?" I ask 'Ollie'

"Yeah!" He says as if it's the most obvious thing that has ever in the history of questions been asked.

Crane bites her lip and looks down at her little girl, "Can I come?"

"Yeah, if you want!"

Mum joins the now crowded conversation, "What about me?"

I just laugh and Oliver answers for me, "Of course you can!"

"Its going to be like a family day! Well.... With a plus one.... Sorry Oliver...."

"It's ok, for me it's a date.... with a plus family..." I laugh even harder and then realize it was going to be a date.... Hmm....

Phoebe runs into my leg, squeezing it and then pulls back. She looks like she just ate a lemon! "Yuck! Why do you smell so.... Yucky!"

Everyone is now staring at me.... Great! "I need a shower." I slide past all of them and up the stairs.

Once I am in the bathroom I strip off, wishing the bathroom had a door....

Stepping out, the cold air hits me. I whimper back under its forces. Stupid house with no heater! I grab for my towel and dry myself; once again I had forgotten clothing... If it weren't for my clothing being so fetid I could have escaped this shower, considering I already had half a one at 'Ollie's' house.

I get to my room with no problems, YES! I pull on a pair of dark blue jeans that are lighter at the thigh and a long sleeved blue shirt, only to realise that the shirt no longer fits with my belly.... Well that's just dandy! I push clothes around until I find a bigger one that's a pale green; it slides on with no trouble. Crap! Already clothing wasn't fitting me!

Depressed from my earlier clothing disaster I drag myself down the stairs. Everyone, including an excited and jumping Phoebe was ready to go. Mum even had a picnic basket!

We pile the stuff into the car and then squish ourselves in. We have to go in Crane's small car because of Phoebe's car seat, which might I add takes up about two sites. I almost have to sit on Oliver who's just smirking. I actually think this is going to be a fun day!


Ok, this is more of space filler and a bit boring I guess but anyway! I just wanted to get something out! So, a family picnic? This could turn out interesting!

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