So hi guys! Before I start this I just want to warn you all it might not be good. My mind is in other places right now. My next door neighbour who is pretty much my grandma has had to be taken to the hospital with heart problems, I was with her when she started having pains in the chest and I called the ambulance for her. I visit her almost every day and she has always been here for me whenever I need her and I would be the proudest person in the world if I really was her granddaughter. She is the loveliest and kind person that I have ever met and I don’t know what I would do without her.
"Come on!"
"Where are we going? Why are we in a park at night?"
"Don't worry! Just forget about ever thing!"
I walk... more stumble to what feels like a tree trunk with Oliver leading me along by holding my hand. It's so pitch black that I can't see anything!
"Kay, here we are!"
"Where's here?" I ask confused.
"My tree house!" he exclaims.
"Um, how do you expect me to get up there?"
"I have a torch!" he says while lifting a bag in his other hand up, must be a white bag because I can actually see it!
"Right... The torch will lift me into the tree house? I see now!"
"No, you use the torch to light the tree up so you can see where you're going..." he says, drawing out the words.
I pout and grumble but find myself complying. He shines the torch on the tree as I scale it carefully so I don't slip and fall down. I seem to be climbing forever before I finally get to the top. Oliver chucks me up some stuff and starts to escalate the tree himself. Soon we are both up the top and laying out blankets on the wooden base of the little cubby house kind of thing and putting a thick blanket over the open bit that you get through to keep the cold night air out. He must have a lot in his car if he can just grab out a bag of blankets!
"I was planning to take you here after the zoo before but that didn't work out so...."
"This is awesome!" I reply.
"Well, I like to impress."
"You're an idiot!" I say while hitting him lightly on the shoulder.
"Thanks! I feel so special right now!"
"You should feel special! I don't call just anyone an idiot..."
"Hey! I'm not that type of 'special'!"
"So you say but.... I like you for you for your specialness so don't worry,"
"I like you too," he says more softly, placing his hand on my stomach. He rubs it and all of a sudden I feel a huge rush of love.
"You know, you're the only person who makes me feel peaceful and happy? You even make me feel loved."
"Maybe that's because I do love you," he whispers, "now why where you upset before? You where amazing out there! You won the trophy! Why did you look hurt?"
"I was offered a place in the championships of figure skating."
"Did you take it? That's really not something to get upset over!"
"He asked me what I was doing tomorrow."
"I remembered I have an ultrasound. I can't compete in anything, let alone on ice in 5 months! I will be almost 7 months pregnant! This is why my life is now screwed! If I wasn't pregnant I could have a career in skating! I could go to university! But no, I got pregnant to a guy who doesn't give a shit about his kid! I have no partner, I'm going to have to go to the ultrasound alone because mum is flying out to some place for work for the day and Crane has to take Phoebe to some kid’s party, I didn't even ask them, I already knew they have important plan as you can tell."
"Don't say your life is screwed! You're going to have a beautiful baby and you're going to be an amazing mum! If you let me, I would love to come to the ultrasound with you."
He wants to come with me... Ok scratch that... He would like to be with me at the ultrasound... "Are you sure?"
"Yes! Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because... You're not my boyfriend, the baby’s father or related to me and you're a player."
"Far out! What if I want to change some of those things? Is that illegal?"
"I just don't see a player changing, that's all," I murmur feeling guilty.
"You haven't given me a chance to show you!"
"Yeah, cause I've known you for aaaalllllll my life! I haven't given you a chance because I've only know you for what, a week?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry! I just really like you and I want you to just trust me."
"I'm sorry too but what do you expect, what kind of player wants to take on a pregnant whale?"
"I do..."
I go to speak but he hushes me by laying his lips on mine. I don't resist, instead I embrace the kiss and return it. What does this make us?
Instead of asking any questions after we pull apart I just cuddle into Oliver, stealing his warmth. We have like 5 doonas in here and I still manage to get cold...
"So what time is the appointment?" he asks.
"12 so I’m not going to school."
"I won't either then."
"Hey, I've gotta text mum to let her know I'm staying out."
"Maybe I should get you home, I don't want to make a bad impression."
"It's ok, mum knows me better than to sleep with someone.... Or she did before I told her that I.... Ah well, she knows what happened and that it wasn't my fault."
"What happened?"
Oops... I guess I didn't tell him.... Ah well, had to pop up sometime I guess, "Can I tell you later?"
"Ok but I want you to tell me sometime."
I text mum saying: Hey ma! I'm staying out tonight but don't worry, just chilling.
Mum doesn't normally text back so I don't wait for a reply. When I slide my phone back into my bag I remember I bought Pjs! I have a long grey skivvy shirt and a pair of long pants made of warm light weighted stuff. They are blue with purple stripes that make boxes. I would out them on but.... not like I’m going to get much privacy.
Like he can tell what I was just thinking Oliver looks at me, "Did you bring Pajamas?"
"Yes but I'm not exactly going to put them on."
"Why not? I promise I'll look away!"
"I don't believe you."
"Ok, use one of the blankets to shield yourself from my wicked eyes them."
"Fine, I'll do that then!"
A few awkward minutes later I have successfully gotten into my pajamas with no problems... except when I dropped the blanket but Olive was looking at the wall so it was all good!
"What about you Olive? Any Pjs?"
"I got boxers!"
"No! You are not stripping down to your boxes! If you do, you're out of my tree!"
"Actually, I showed you this tree! This is my tree!"
"Ok, fine then, let me try another approach, please do not grace me with your underwear as efficient clothing!"
"Spoil sport!"
"You know it!"
I get back into the bed thing and cuddle into Olive's arms facing him. Just as I nod off to sleep I feel vibration and realise that Olive must have received a text. He ignores it and keeps his arms wrapped around me.
I wake up to eyes boring into me, "Morning! Why don't you just take a picture?"
"Already did! It's on facebook too!"
"WHAT? You're joking right? Everyone will think... You know what they'll think!"
"I'm just joking, I did take some pics though, and you’re now my screen saver!" he says while holding up his phone. I groan as I see my sleeping face across his screen.
"Very funny!"
"I think so, I really like you as a screen saver though!"
"What's the time? We have to get ready for school!"
"Hun, it’s like 7 and we don't need to get ready for school! Ultrasound..."
"Oh, yeah, my bad!"
"Did you bring another set of clothes for today?"
Damn it! How did he know? I had shoved a long sleeved dress into my bag as well, "Yes."
"Well, do you want to go back to my house and shower and stuff then? Chris will be at work so we can watch some movies or something before we go too!"
"Ok, let's pack up this party then!" I say as I pull my body up into a sitting position, damn I need to pee!
"Nope! You're going to have to wait!"
"Are you serious? You bought a pregnant person who needs to pee every five minutes to a place with no toilet?"
I pack up the stuff in what must be record time and soon we're in the car again.
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