Why? I was falling for this guy and I knew it but why? What made him so special and irresistible? Ok the irresistible part was because he's super hot but what made him so different to any other guy?
He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the dance floor. A slow song was playing and I have no idea why... This IS a nightclub.
I snuggle into his chest and if we were a couple it would be romantic. Time passes and my head gets heavy. I feel my eyes snapping shut like iron gates and I push to re-open then. I think Olive picks up on it because he grabs my hand, entwining it with his and leads me outside to his car. One plus about not being pregnant and drinking is that I know I won't be waking up in Oliver's bed... Not that I ever did that kind of thing but with Oliver... I just might have.
The car is so silent, even with the engine roaring to life. My head throbs and I feel a little sick. One good thing is that tomorrow is Sunday, no school! I rest my head against the cool glass window and my mind is shifted to a light place.
My eyes snap open and I find myself in someone else’s room. What the hell? Where am I? And who is cuddling into me? I do not remember this and I did not even touch a glass containing alcohol. I feel the person who's snuggled into me stir. Then it hits me, obviously it's Oliver but what the heck? Why am I in his room...? In his bed....? With him.....?
"Morning," he says kissing my neck. Did I miss something?
"Why am I in your room? Why are you cuddling me? How did I get here?" I ask, totally lost in confusion.
"I brought you here in my car because you fell asleep in it and I couldn't remember the way to your house. I didn't want to wake you so I just brought you here instead. You're in my room because I didn't think you’d like waking up with Chris snuggling up to you and I am cuddling you because...." He stops for a moment to what seems like think. "I don't really know why but I'm not moving."
"How did I get up the stairs?" I ask my head hurting. Headaches... Another thing to add to my list of pregnancy symptoms.
"I carried you," He says simply. He moves his hands to my stomach and it makes me smile. He doesn't move it and I don't want him to. This feels so right! Perfect... If he weren't a player, I wasn't pregnant or he was the dad... but he is a player, I am pregnant and he isn't the dad.
"Did I snore?" I ask, my voice filled with embarrassment.
"Nope," he says popping the 'P'.
"I really need to pee..." Damn bladder ruins everything!!
"Yeah, I figured you would say that soon. I left the bathroom door open for you; it’s just outside the hall."
I get up and I'm about to walk out of the room when I realize what I'm wearing, "Why am I your shirt?"
He laughs and looks away, licking his lip. "You looked uncomfortable."
I lift the shirt away from my chest and peer inside.... no bra..... "Did you undress me?"
"Um, Pff..... No," he says while still looking away....
"Oh my god! You perve!" I say in an accusing tone but letting it take on a laugh like ring. I really should feel mortified, angry and invaded but I don't.
"As I said... You looked uncomfortable...." It feels weird standing in nothing but my boy leg underwear, at least he left those on I guess... and an oversized shirt. Ever since my boobs blew up in size I have been wearing sports bras to bed to restrict them.
I walk out of the room in search of the toilet. Finally I see the room with an open door down the hall. I shut the door but I don't have time to lock it as I rush to the toilet. Ah, bliss!
"You know baby, you really need to stop making me need to pee!"
I get up and flush the toilet. I wash my hands and look into the mirror. Thank god my makeup wasn't heavy! It'd smudged a little as it is! I put my head down and splash water into my face, letting the artificial colouring called makeup run down the drain. I look around for a towel or something and find a linen cupboard in the corner of the bathroom. I pull the doors to it open and grab a hand towel, patting my face with it. I drop the hand towel into the washing basket which is already overflowing.
I walk back into Olive's room and cuddle back under the sheets. Olive once again pulls me close and I close my eyes, feeling happy. What was going on? Are we like a couple? Why are we spooning? All these unanswered questions run through my head.
"You know, you're the only girl that I just cuddle into and feel happy? I have never just snuggled in and felt content like I do with you." What the fuck is that? Confuse me more why don't you? "And I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by changing you... You really did nook uncomfortable for going to sleep. You looked amazing and hot but it wasn't exactly sleepwear."
"I guess you where just trying to do the right thing... I just don't get how I stayed asleep through all this! Do you have a heater? Because it's surprisingly warm." I say while getting up with the intention of finding my clothing, considering I didn't undress myself.
"Yeah, we do..." I raise an eyebrow at him, not believing my hearing. Honestly? He's almost 17 and he can't deal with the cold? I'm pregnant and I rough it out! "What? Stop giving me that look... I'm sensitive to the weather ok?"
I can't help the roar of laughter that comes out of my mouth. In return he gives me a dirty look before speaking, "Do you wanna go to the beach with me today?"
I leave my brain a moment to think before answering, "It's freezing! Why would you want to go to the beach?"
"Um.... Good point.... I forgot it was cold ok?" he raises an eyebrow and thinks, "What about the movies?"
"Are you asking me on a date Olive?"
"Well, Yarn, maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Do you want it to be one?" He asks, emphasizing the Yarn and biting his lips gently.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't Olive," I say back with the same emphasis on his nickname that I made up.
"Well get back into bed while you think."
It wasn't a date was it? He wouldn't ask me on a date... And he wants me in his bed; well I wasn't getting back in it. Typical player and male, make me feel like he's special and sweet and then he'll take what he wants. That's what he plans to do but it's not going to work on me! I've already been fooled like that, I have the proof in my stomach, resting on my bladder, making me need to pee every five minutes and I wasn't letting that happen to me again.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask, staring into his eyes.
"I, um, I like you."
"What makes me so special?"
"I don't know. I just get this feeling around you that I can't explain and I never get around other people," he says, thinking intensely. "Hey! I know where we can go!"
Nice topic changer..... "Where?" I ask groaning and putting my head up to the ceiling.
"The zoo!" I laugh so hard I think I'm going to fall over! The fucking zoo! That was his great idea... Perfect for 17 year olds!
"I haven't been to the zoo in years!" I reply truthfully. "Well Mr, there's one problem with your plan. I don't have any more clothes here and- Shit!"
He looks at me with a questioning look on his face, "What?"
"This is the second night in a row I haven't been home and haven't told mum! She's going to be so worried! I should have learnt-"
He cuts my words off and talks, "Actually, I remembered you got into trouble the other day so I grabbed your phone last night and gave her a call."
Well that was unexpected! "Thanks!"
"See, she was a little suspicious when I said you were asleep in my bed..."
"You said I was in your bed?!?!" I ask, my voice rising in disbelief. I'm sure my jaw is almost touching the ground! I hit him on the arm and he just laughs! Fucking hell!!!
"Sorry, she might need some extra information about that one... Nar, just kidding! I told her you fell asleep in my car, I forgot where you live and you were already asleep here so I just let you crash here in my bed to sleep."
Again, for the second time this morning I burst into laughter. This shouldn't make me laugh and it normally wouldn't but I can't help it! My mum is going to murder me! I wonder what she would say if I said I was spending the day with the man I spent the night with. This is going to be one interesting day to say the least!
"I think she liked me! Don't worry; I made it clear that I am just one of your friends."
"Thank god!" I blurt out.
"I wouldn't want to make a bad impression already. You honestly think I would tell your mum we were sleeping together?" He asks me.
"Let's just say, I wouldn't doubt it!"
We both start laughing... Again with me and the laughing? Seriously? Bugger me! Suddenly he's standing opposite me and I feel his lips brush mine, both of our laughs fall. At first the kiss is gentle and light but then grows heated as the mission to explore the other's mouth becomes more urgent. We sit on the bed kissing and both of us pull back, laughing.
"Zoo it is then..." I mutter.
How did this even happen? One minute we're laughing and the next we're kissing. The bad thing is, I liked it.....
"We better get you home so you can get some clothes then, unless you want to just stay here today..... I'm sure we could think of something to pass the time..." and there it is! The moment ruiner!
"I don't be thinking so buddy! Where are my clothes from last night by the way? I don't think mum would like it if I went home in this for some strange reason."
"Um... Try at the base the bed maybe?" He asks sounding unsure, "Well, if not they'll be somewhere...."
Sure enough they are, in a crumpled up pile at the end of the bed on the floor.
"Go for a shower if you want," he says to me. Shower... Warm water.... Sounds like a plan!
"Thanks," I murmur, scooping the clothing up.
"Want me to join you?"
"If I want you to join me, I'll ask you, Kay buddy?" Geez, déjà vu much!
He laughs at me and smirks, "If I remember correctly you invited me last time..."
I snigger and walk passed him but of course, my tights fall off the pile and I have to walk back and get them... Typical! I poke my tongue out at him and snatch the tights back up from the ground while he sits, holding in a laugh.
I crank the hot water all the way up and strip my clothing off. When I put my hand in the water I realize I won't even have to turn the cold on, the water temperature is perfect. Until it goes cold.....
I jump out of the direct line that the freezing is going. What the heck? I turn the water off and get out of the shower. Just as I am about to grab a towel the door swings open and a furious man looks through the door... What was it with me and towels? I could never get to one before something embarrassing happened!
"Fucking hell mate! How many times do I have to tell you? Wait until the dishes are done and I've had my shower to go for yours! Seriously! This has--" He stops dead when he sees me there trying to cover my dripping body with my hands. His eyes widen and he looks away, "sorry, I thought you were-" I cut him off.
"I don't care! Can you just get out?" I yell.
"Oopsie..." He says while pulling the door closed as he walks out....
So much for a nice, warm shower....
I kind of imagine Oliver a little more man like in looks btw, no offence to Landon Liboiron..... I just imagine him as more muscular and a little more tanned..... I couldn’t find a picture that fits with his chapter so...
Thanks for reading :)
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