Chapter 5

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So... For the boots in this chapter, if I get you confused have a look at the External link. They are different but kind of similar.

Pic is obviously Oliver :)

*Swearing as always :p You have been warned! This message applies for the rest of the story :)*


"I'm going to get dressed," I say while walking away, the towel pressed so tight to my body I wouldn't be surprised if I had no circulation.

"You want me to join you?" He asks with a cheeky smile.

"If I want you to join me, I'll ask you. Kay buddy?" I say, like I’m talking to a seven year old.

He gives me a giant sad face and puppy dog eyes. He looks so cute right now!  

Get your ass in my room right now! 

He looks at me, his eyes wide with shock. Did I say that out loud?????? Crap....  

"So, was that you asking me to join you?" 

"I-I-I Joking!" I say sounding unsure.

"Sure you were.... Anyway, we're going out to a club like we were going to last night. Go get dressed... Or you could stay like that and we could have a night in?"

I growl at him and walk into my room. I need warm clubbing clothes... I pull out a pair of tights and my favorite boots. The boots basically have a purple material under black lace. They go half way below my knee. It looks like the boot has purple material inside and has been turned inside out at the top because they have a band of purple. They have fake laces made of lace at the front but really clip at the back. Also at the back they tie like a bow with purple ribbon. Confusing, I know but they look amazing on me and even though they have a high heel they are comfy. I grab a long sleeved, black shirt to do under whatever I wear. I decide on a dress that is tight fit and has giant sleeved that hang in points past my elbow. It's purple too and has a zigzag pattern all over it in giant waves and join together like rings around my body. With my long sleeved black shirt it should still look great!

I put my hair so the bits at the front frame my face and the rest is pulled to the right side, sitting in a messy looking pony tail type thing. I can't really explain it...

I apply make up with a light hand and put a Smokey eye shadow on. All of a sudden I hear some, assumingly Oliver banging on the door. "Hurry up!" 

"Keep your pants on! I'm coming!" I start to rush out the door but stop at the mirror. There I am, myself. Young and proud. I'm not a mother... What if something went wrong? What if someone pushed me at the club or elbowed me in the tummy? Then what? What if something was wrong with my baby right now? Ach, wow... I'm going to-

I run out of the room, pushing past Olive and down the hall, into the bathroom. I spew up everything I ate today and sit, clutching my hands tightly on the toilet seat. Assumingly Oliver opens the door. I don't even bother to look up from the toilet my head is bowed into. Someone with soft, delicate hands pushes hair from my face and it can't be Oliver. Just as I am about to lift my head, more content comes up my throat and hits the bottom of the toilet. 

When I finally look up I see my big sister, Crayna sitting beside me. Great impression! I haven't seen my sister in like 4 month and this is how I say hi? I look over and see Phoebe standing in the doorway looking lost, holding her soft toy rabbit with one hand and fingers from her free one sit in her mouth. I have the cutest one year old niece ever! 

I get up, wash my hands and brush my teeth. "Hey Phoebs," I pat her on the head. "What are you guys doing here? I though you stayed in Melbourne for another month."

"Mum called. She told us what happened," She says calmly and almost sad in a hushed voice. "She tried to stop me from coming home but I just said I needed to see you. You ok?"

Fucking great! Huh! Does she really expect me to answer? I'm carrying a child for crying out loud! She continues to look at me, curiously waiting for my answer, "I would tell you exactly how I feel but it’s inappropriate to say in front of a little one!" 

"Phoeb, go to Granlea," She says, pointing at the door with her mother voice on. Granlea is like our equivalent for grandmother. Mum's middle name is Leanna so when Crayna had Phoebe they decided that instead of grandma she would be called Granlee.

Phoebe gives a sad face and walks up to me, grabs my leg and hugs it. I scoop down and yank her up. She smiles in delight as I tickle her. I put her back onto the ground and go, "Go find her for me!" Phoebs toddles off and out of the room. "Hang on, I'll be back. I just have to go tell someone something."

I walk out of the bathroom and Olive is just standing at the end of the hallway, looking a bit embarrassed. "Sorry about this! I had morning sickness and now my sister's here but if you give me 10 minutes I can still go out ok!"

"Um, yeah. Can I like, go into your room or something?"

I laugh at him and direct him to my doorway. When I get back to the bathroom Crayna is sitting on the bathtub.

"Back to your question, I feel like fucking shit! I'm worried about my baby, I have giant, tender boobs, I need to pee, I want to vomit and I have craps all the fucking time! Does it get better?" I ask almost in tears.

"It does and it's all worth it in the end when you hold your baby," she says, soothingly.

"When does it get better?" I ask tiredly.

"Everyone's different but it should happen in the next few weeks."

"Thank god! Are you staying tonight or are you going back to your house?" I ask, still sounding bluh.

"We'll go and come back in the morning."

"I have to go out but I'll see you tomorrow," I say walking out of the room but not before I look in the mirror. I makeup still looks fine so that's a plus.

When I walk in the room that belongs to me Oliver is sitting at the top of my bed. He has a giant smile and traces around the big dip in a pillow from my head. "What the fuck are you doing?"

He jumps and put on a face like a little kid who was just caught trying to smuggle a Christmas present into their room on Christmas Eve. "I- I didn't think you'd be so quick."

"What are you doing to me pillow?" I ask, purely because curiosity got the better of me.

"Um, nothing," He says, lifting his hands up. "We better get going I guess."

Without saying anything else he gets up walk out of the room... I watch him and laugh... I can't help it! Damn I need to pee now! He's already down the stairs and I have no time to go to the toilet so I'm just going to have to hope traffic is short. 

He pulls out of my driveway and I realize that unless this care ride is fast.... let's just say it could turn out bad. "Can you hurry up?! I really need to pee!!!" 

"Pff, traffic you know.... I just, the cars go sooooo slow..... Guess you'll just have to hold it!" He says, sticking his tongue out at me like a child. Crap!!!

We've stopped at what feels like 20 sets of lights and Olive went so slow that everyone behind us had over taken at each possible chance. The prick was going slow so I couldn't have my pee!! "If you don't start driving properly and not like my 80 year old grandma I'm going to pee in your car!"

"You wouldn't dare!" He says giving me a shocked looked.

"Wanna make a bet? I'm pregnant and I need to pee... You try having weight pushing on your bladder all the time!"

"Fine, I'll hurry up," He says while laughing. This was no laughing matter! 

"Sorry," he says like he can read my thoughts

When we finally go to the club and get inside which was no problem for either of us, despite only been 17 I walked with my eyes sharply directed at the toilet door. "Hurry back!" he mutters sweetly, like he didn't intend on me hearing it.

After almost running and tripping I get to the stalls. One opens up and I am the first person in line. Just as I am about to reach the toilet some bulky, and I mean bulky chick pushes me out of the way. Was my wait for a toilet ever going to end? "Um, excuse me? I've been in line for like 10 minutes and I need to pee. Do you mind?"

She sniggers and gives me a dirty look, "Sorry! Looks like you're just going to have to wait!"

"Fuck off! I'm pregnant and I need the toilet! I have been waiting in line forever and this is my stall!" I say, getting really pissed off and I already have enough piss to last me a life time right now!

"Pregnant? Honey, you aint like no pregnant chick like I've ever seen!"

I throw my head back and just except that I wasn't getting that toilet. I start walking to the back but the woman at the front grabs my arm. "You go in front of me. You've been waiting longer and you're pregnant," her words make me smile. I thank her and wait for a toilet.

Finally a door opens and I practically run into the cubical. I shut the door behind me and finally get my blissful bloody pee. This is why I don't like clubbing in general. 

When I get out of the toilet I look around for Olive who isn't anywhere to be seen. I thought maybe he was waiting at the bar but he wasn't. Nice! Drag me to a club then leave me.... I would have liked much more be at home, in my nice warm bed. Hey, even spewing my guts up would be more fun than this!

One of my favorite songs comes on, Hot right now. I look over at the dance floor and that's when I see Oliver, grinding with some chick. What was up with him? One minute he's sweet and worried about me, the next he's with someone else. Fuck men! 

I just continue to glare at him and the chick he's with. He looks up from her and sees me staring. His eyes widen and even from all the way across the dance floor he must see how annoyed I am.

He walks away from the woman like she's nothing and I watch as she looks a little crushed but heads back to a group of girls. I turn my head and hope that even though I know I look without a doubt pissed off that pain that also sits in me doesn't show through. I can feel my eyes fill a little with liquid so I blink like there's no tomorrow, hoping to clear it.

"Hey!" He says happily.

"Keep it and go back to your little grinding partner," why did I even care?

"Sorry! You where in the toilet! I know how long those lines can get!" The music starts up and he has to yell.

"Just fuck off! I thought maybe, you asked me to come out with you so you might actually pay some attention to me. Wrong I guess! What did I really expect? I'm pregnant and you're a player. I just want to go home."

"Don't lay that shit on me! We were just dancing!"

"Maybe I wanted to dance. Did you think of that?" I shoot back at him, yelling because of the music.

I see a mad look in his eye. Oh shit.... What had I just done? His face breaks into a wide grin and he grabs my hand. "Come on!"

"Not a fucking chance buddy!" I reply with venom in my voice.

He ignores it and continues to pull but I won't move. Suddenly I feel hands around my waist and someone picking me up. Great! Just great!

He puts me down once we're on the dance floor and I try to pull away and walk off but his hands stay firmly on my waist, enough to keep me close but not too much to hurt me. Why would he care if I danced or not? 

The song that had previously been playing changed and Scream by Avenged Sevenfold came on. His hands trail my body and I get into the music and start dancing... I didn't stay mad for long did I? 

I snake my arms up close to the outline of my body and up to my face, moving my shoulders around. I bring my hands back down and onto his as they move around my body. He grinds against me and then I realize that half the club has stopped to start at us.... 

I start to blush but if Olive noticed he doesn't care. He twists me so I'm facing his body and I let a smile creep onto my lips. He moves his hands up from my thigh and up to where the bottom of my bra sits. Then his hands find my back, mine finding his waist. I shimmy my shoulders while moving my body down his and then back up. The song end and I look at him, "I really need to pee."

He stares at me and laughs then he puts his lips on my cheek and kisses it. "Be quick!"

This time the line isn't so big and I only have to wait a minute or so giving me no time to think of the kiss. When I get out of the toilet for the second time I see Olive sitting at the bar. I smile to myself, realizing what had happened just before.

"You're a good dancer," He shouts over music.

"Thanks, same goes for you."

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