Chapter 4

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So hi guy (and girls) I just wanted to post this little author note to say, I am dedicating this chapter to 'itsmeandonlyme' because of the lovely comments she left on Chapter 2 and 3. It means a lot!! I feel inspired now!! It would have been uploaded sooner but apparently a whole big paragraph I typed wasn't good enough.... Aka, wattpad stuffed up and deleted it on me :( 

*Yes, there is swearing again in this chapter. I'm just going to say, there always will be*

I walk through some deserted park, all peace that had once, momentarily been there, out of my body. That air still taunts my skin with extra bitterness. I don’t even care that right now I feel like a block of ice. I pull my phone out from my bag and see 5 missed calls… All from my mum…. Shit!! I didn’t tell her I was staying out!! I guess I didn’t plan to but anyway…. She must be worried about me.

I hit call and before it even rings she answers, "Honey!! Are you alright? I've been so worried and when you didn't call me back I-I I thought the worst," I can hear the sadness that drips through her words and I can tell that if silent tears and dropping from her eyes, they will be soon.  

"I'm fine mum! Sorry I didn't call you before, I just-I got caught up in something, but don't worry! I'm fine!" I reply trying to convince my own brain and hers.  

"Where are you? I want to come get you."  

"I'm almost home Mum, it's Kay, I'll just walk, I'll see you soon!" I reply, walking out of the park.  

"Are you sure? I can come and I can just pick you up! I can bring you home!"

"Nar, it's alright, See you soon," I say as I hang up the phone. I walk past the gate of the park, ok I lied... I was about 20 minutes from home and I was going to have to run fast and say I just walked slowly. I should have taken the lift but I still need time to think. I needed to tell my mum about my baby. I am going to be a mum..... The though hit me hard. A Mum... I am a mummy! I am having a little baby!! All the past insecurities passed me as I thought about it. I put a hand on my stomach and smiled. Just as I did I felt another set of arms cover my own? Holy shit!! This was it, whoever it was, was going to kill me! And I was just getting happy about raising my baby!! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!

I sway my hips so we are no longer in line and elbow whoever is behind me hard. A familiar, low voice once again seeps its way into the air surrounding my body but instead of words, a deep groan... Ha! Serves the bastard right!

"Oliver! What the fuck are you doing? How did you know I was here?" I ask, obviously pissed off and scared. He could have been anyone and what he did was unfair!! 

"I was worried about you before so I followed you.... I know, not the best thing to do but I just wanted to know you where safe after you stormed off."

"Did you have your little quickie first?" I spat.

"Do you care?" He said with a cocky grin. The ass!

"Um- I- No."

"Is someone jealous?" He asked in a teasing voice. I hope what I was feeling wasn't jealousy but to be honest I'm really not sure...

My jaw started to move up and down hastily and I was shivering. Goose bumps popped up on my arms and legs. Now I probably looked vulnerable... Great!!

"Come on, come back to my house and I'll get you a jumped. I promise, Aubrey isn't still tied up to my bed post.... I hope," He asked sounding serious. He looks at me and burst out laughing. I must have looked pretty horrified! "I'm joking Yarn! You idiot! Why would I screw someone and then run after you? When you left I told Aubrey to leave," He informs me.

"Why did you even ask her over?" I ask, obviously sounding disgusted.

"I didn't! I swear!" He says, obviously enjoying this. I get ready to say something in the verbal vomit category when my phone goes off. Shit! I forgot about going home.


"Sorry, I ran into someone. I'll be home soon," I hung up the phone. Not the best treatment but people are just starting to piss me off.

"Come on! I'll give you a lift home!" Oliver says grinning. I’m too cold to even protest anymore. Plus, I shouldn't care if he has bimbos... It’s not like we're anything. I'm just a pregnant friend to him.

When we get out the front of my house I stop before getting out. Turning to face him I ask, "How do you know where I live?" Giving him suspicious looks.

He laughs and bites his lip. "I have my ways."

I just shake my head and drop my feet onto the ground, getting out of the car.

I walk up the steps to my home and as soon as I get inside my mum wraps her arms around me so tight I can hardly breathe. "I didn't think you where ok... I was so scared May! You didn't come home from work and then it kept getting later and later!"

Tears wet my shoulder as she sobbed deeply. Is that what it feels like to be a parent? To feel so worried all the time? I'm 17 and mum still gets panicked! 

"Mum, what's it like being a parent?" I ask, making her look up from my shoulder.

"It’s like... Like you could never love anything more and you never want to let go of your baby, you never want to see them get hurt and you would do anything for them," She says, thoughtfully.

I hear my stomach make the loudest growl in history, ok maybe that was a slightly over the top but still! It was loud enough for both mum and I look at the stomach which had my miracle inside and laugh, if mum knew there was a baby in there. That's when I realize I am starving! I haven't eaten since lunch at Sweet Dreams yesterday and I am starving! 

"Come on! I'll get you something to eat honey!" Mum says, laughing. 

We get to the kitchen and she turns and faces me, "What do you feel like?"

"Ok, I want... Toast with gherkins, tomato, cheese and mayo," I put my order in.

She looks at me like I'm crazy... What, can't a pregnant woman get a craving?

"Well... That sounds.... Yeah.... May I ask why you want that?"

"Um, well.... I just am craving for it..."

"Craving.... You don't get cravings Mayarna.... Maybe for chocolate but something like that.... May, honey... You've been acting weird lately.... Do you-- OH MY GOD! You're.... You're....." She takes a giant gulp of air and I put my head in my hands.

"Yes mum. I'm having a baby."

She burst into tears, "Why? You could have done so much with your life!" She walks over to the table I am sitting at and puts her arms around me as we both sob.

"It- it wasn’t' my fault mum!" I try to fight the words out as the tears and sobs tackle my body.

"What do you mean honey? You know, I think you're stupid and an idiot and I don't understand why you did it but I still love you and I will always support you."

"It wasn't my fault because I wasn't my choice. We had both had a drink and he was drunk. He got rough and I told him I didn't want to do anything with him. I wanted my first time to be special but he didn't listen. He was too drunk to even comprehend what he was doing. The next time I saw him he said I never asked him to stop. He said he was sorry that he pushed me to it but I don't think he meant it."

"Was that the boy who dropped you off?" She asked and her question made me laugh.

"No. That's one of my friends. When I told Hutton he said it wasn't his and to have fun," I spat my words that were mixed with spite and anger along with grief out.

So there it was. I told my mum I was having a baby and I told someone what happened that night. It felt good just to let it out. After a long time of crying and explaining I go to my room to let my mother process this new hoard of information. Just as I drop onto my bed my phone goes off. I click the answer button, not caring who it is. Most likely it's Olive... He wants to call me Yarn, I'll call him Olive.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Yo! How'd it go?" Olive's voice fills my phone. It almost feels like his worm words are wrapping around me but then I realize he's not here.

"It went.... Well it was..." I sniff thinking about the emotional strain that the conversation I had just finished had. 

"Do you want to come and do something fun with me?" He asks.

"Sure!" I say, probably too eager. I mean honestly! Fun could mean anything but I agreed so...

"Be ready in 20 minutes?" 

"Kay!" I say pressing end.

I just into the shower and scrub, washing away the germ that sadness brings. After I'm done I wrap a towel around myself and brush teeth. I forgot to bring in clothes.... Crap! It's cold outside too!

The cold air clashes into my body and sends shivers down my spine. I run to my room and before I get into the room my towel falls down.... Naturally..... Stupid luck I have! I am just about to go back and pick it up when I hear footsteps. Mum has the worst timing ever! I need to go back to wear my towel fell which is a fair bit because it fell while I ran. Shit! My bathroom and towel are passed the stairs. I take my chance and hope that mum takes her time before walking up the steps. I grab my towel and start to walk, holding the towel with a death grip. I am almost passed the steps and my towel is almost wrapped around my body when someone clashes into me... Of course. The one thing that really takes me by surprise is how firm the body is... That's not my mothers.

"Nice to see you too....." He says, really dragging the words out. 

"I-I was- The shower- and my towel,” I say sounding really stupid and like I can't talk properly. Then I realize my body is still on full display and Oliver's eying me up and down. I grab my body with my hands and he gets the message and turns away. He crouches on the floor and grabs my towel that's near my feet. He rises, his body close and turned toward mine. For some reason which I honestly don't know, because I didn't instruct them to, my arms are just hanging by my side. As he stands up I swear his face almost makes contact with my skin. I snatch the towel off of him as soon as I can and wrap it around me as tightly as possible. 

"Sorry about that..." He says, genuinely sounding bad and embarrassed. At least he's not the one standing in a towel! 

I can't believe what just happened! I can't believe that i am standing here, in front of Oliver in a towel...  Some girls wouldn't care but for me this is the most humiliating thing that could happen. At least he got me my towel.... I guess.

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