Ok, I've never had a tattoo so I have no idea how this actually works :P This is my longest chapter ever!
Dedicated to AlliGibson1 because you were the first to vote. Thanks for voting guys!
Oliver sits in the tattoo chair thing. He settles in and then looks at me. "What?"
"Go. Out into the waiting room...."
My jaw drops, "What? Why!?"
He laughs, "You wanted to come.... You can come in when it’s done."
I huff and storm out. I can't believe I just go shooed!
The receptionist person looks at me. "Do you want me to turn on the TV?"
I nod and thank her.
"Don't take it personally... It happens a lot."
Hours later, Oliver comes out looking pretty pale and sick. "You ok dumbass?"
He glares at me, "Yeah. Do you want to see it before it’s washed and stuff or not?"
I nod vigorously and get up. He turns to his side and my jaw almost drops. It's really beautiful! Well, swollen and red, but beautiful. On the left side, there's a love heart with 'My girls' written in a scroll kind of thing in the center. At the bottom of the hear there are rustic red flowers growing from the tip of the heart and up against the side.
He points to it and speaks, "This one represents you, Mum, Payton, the baby if it’s a girl."
I smile. "That's awesome Ollie."
He turns a little to show another. Its two hands meeting, almost making a triangle with no base. There's a feminine one and a baby's. "This is you and the baby."
I examine it closer. The details are amazing. I even have my ring on my finger. I can hardly speak.
"Do you like them?"
"YES! They're great!"
He smiles, "Good, because I really like them."
"You 'like' them Oliver? They're on you forever..."
He bites his lip and smiles, "I love them."
"That's better," I say and kiss him.
(A/N: Ok, I know that tattoo was probably lame but I couldn't think of anything else! I think they're fine though. Comment if you think they suck :P)
"Ok, well, I have to get them washed and bandaged."
"What! Let me get a picture."
I pull out my phone and get pictures of both sides.
"They look great Honey," I tell him. He nods and goes back into the back room.
-Weeks later-
Oliver's tattoos have healed great. We made sure to do all the necessary stuff to keep them from fading and all that kind of stuff. Last week we got photos of Oliver and I done, we had some at the tree house and a few plain ones as well.
I'm just in my 31st week now. The last few weeks have been hectic with school. Although I did a lot of other school work earlier, I had to do my end tests. Ones like my OP's. It was crazy hard! I can't wait to get my results. The graduation dance and ceremony is next week. The dance is the night before the actual ceremony! I thought it would be after the graduation but apparently not at my school...
I pack a bag for school and shove both Oliver and my own books in it. Because I'm so pregnant and my back is friggin painful Oliver carries both our stuff. Luckily it's not too heavy because it’s just the last week of school so we're doing more end of school stuff, like watching programs on safety and being talked to about schoolies and stuff like that.
I like school, and I find the questions about me being pregnant fine, it’s only when the some students judge me that it gets annoying. It’s like they think I don't know about what my stereotypical life will turn out like. Questions like 'why didn't you just use protection' really upset me though. Oliver always ends up just taking me away to somewhere quiet and I sob into his shoulder. It brings back all the bad memories. I'm just really lucky that I have Oliver. If I didn't, there is no way I could get through school.
Oliver walks in the room, still looking half asleep, “Ready?" he basically yawns.
I laugh at him and toss him our bag. He puts the straps on and tugs me toward him. He whispers in my ear, "Love you babe."
I kiss him on the cheek. "Love you too, but we're going to be late..."
Oliver leans down and ties my shoe laces up. He links our fingers together and we walk out of our room.
We get to the car and Oliver puts our bag in the back. We put the radio on and a few minutes later we're at school.
I open my door and Oliver races to my side of the car to help me. Once I'm up from my seat he gets our bag out and throws it over his shoulder. He pulls me to his side.
We walk to the back of a building to our usual place. It’s quiet and nice. We always sit here.
I get my English book out and study some of the work. It’s not necessary because all the testing is over but I like study.
The bell rings and we get up. Oliver seems more awake now...
We head to our home room. Oliver and I had classes changed. I need him around in case something happens with the baby or there's a problem with people being dickheads. A few times someone literally almost slapped my stomach but Oliver got to the guy first... The school was, well... less than happy with the change but considering we're engaged, living together, I'm having a baby, I'm still an A student and my mother yelled these facts at them, they had to move us.
I sit in my seat at class with Oliver beside me. Most of the people are use to me being pregnant but, yeah...
One of the girls sitting across from me stares, just studying me, with an intense look on her face. I clear my throat and she catches herself, snapping out of it. "I-I'm so sorry! I just think you two are a really cute couple."
I smile, "Thank you."
"And I think pregnancy suits you. How long until you're due?"
"Nine weeks. It’s soon..."
"Wow! I bet you're excited."
"We are," Oliver says. He puts his hand on my stomach. The woman looks torn between something.
"C-could I...?" she point to my stomach.
"Sure!" I'm use to it. It's a little weird when someone else besides family rubs my stomach, a little awkward and uncomfortable but hey, some woman can't have babies. I can. Why not let others feel the wonders of life.
She puts her hand out and places it on my stomach. I put my hand on hers and move it a little and push to get the baby to kick. A smile lights up her face when bub kicks and she giggles. She removes her hand. "Thank you! That was awesome! What's pregnancy like?"
I clear my throat, "Well, at first, I'll be honest, shitty. Nausea, you get fat, headaches, your boobs hurt, you name it. But after a while, it gets a lot better. Well, I had a partner through it though," I smile at Oliver. He drapes his arm around my shoulder. "So, how come you moved into this class?" I ask her.
"I just moved from Canberra."
"Wow! That's pretty late in your last year to move! We graduate next week!"
"It’s more of a learning thing. Like an exchange program. I graduated early; this is just a field trip thing."
"What are you into?" I ask.
"I... Ah... Lots of stuff. I hate sport like football, love TV, swimming, running, biking, but when I want to become a tattooist or photographer."
"Wow! Oliver just actually got two tattoos!"
He speaks, "Yeah, I'd show you but I might get in trouble... There on my chest."
I rub where his tattoo is. It’s like my equivalent of his affection to my stomach.
"Hey, you're new, you probably don't have anyone to hang around with, did you want to sit with Oliver and I?"
"Sure! Thanks for asking! I'm Lotus by the way."
"Hi! I'm May, Mayarna but May, and this is Olive."
He clears his throat, "Oliver...."
I giggle and kiss him, "Well, you're my bitch; I get to call you whatever I want."
He does the mock-hurt noise and the look. "Uh, I aint your bitch."
"You're whipped Oliver... I own you."
"And how do you figure this?"
"Well... I guess it was when you were down on one knee...."
"OH WHOA! You're engaged?"
I laugh, "Yeah."
"When are you getting married?"
I look at Oliver and we both shrug.
"Well.... I'd kind of like to wait until I have the baby and settle into a routine at least. I mean, we have tons of time. Maybe in a year or two."
"I was kind of thinking less than a year or two...." Oliver says.
"Ah, when were you thinking Oliver?" I ask. Seriously, I'd like to have my life sorted out a little more before we tie the knot.
"I don't know... I just thought you'd want to get married straight away."
"I'm more worried about the birth and being ready for the baby...."
He shrugs, "Whatever you want honey. I'll be waiting."
The bell signaling end of homeroom calls. I love homeroom, our teacher lets us talk and whatnot for the entire 15 minutes. Sometimes he calls out the roll and we have to say here but most of the time he just does it by looking through the class.
“Do you need help getting to your class?” I ask Lotus.
She shakes her head and thanks me. I point to Oliver and my spot and tell her to meet us there after classes. With that, we head on our separate ways. Oliver grabs my hand and we walk to English.
Luckily, we got to keep our normal teacher, Mrs Taylor, when we changed classes. As we walk up the veranda past other classrooms a door swings open. An older teacher who’s a bit of a crone comes out in her old style high heel shoes. She stares at Oliver and I disapprovingly. “It’s a hands off policy at this school.”
I bite my lip, “Miss Ripple, we’re engaged.”
“Hmph. You’re obviously engaging in something,” she stares at my stomach. “Its you kids raising kids that’s damning this world to hell.”
Oliver tightens his grip on my hand. I speak again, “Miss Ripple, my being pregnant doesn’t affect you.”
She points her nose so far up it almost touches the sky, “It does when you’re ruining society so you can play big girl games.”
Oliver is raging, he begins to speak and it’s like lava is coming out in his words, “Just because you’re a barren old hag doesn’t mean you need to judge the people who aren’t. Go stick your ugly big nose in someone else’s business.”
He pulls my hands, making me keep up with his fast pace as we walk to our class. I get ready to stop as we approach the door but he keeps going.
“Oliver, where are we going?”
“I need to clear my head.”
I shut up and tag along. We get to the parking lot and stop at Oliver’s car. Instead of getting in, he just paces around. I sit on the hood and wait.
“I just fucking hate these people.”
I slide off the hood and walk closer to his back. “It’ll be ok sweetie, like you said to her; Miss Ripple is just an old hag.”
He turns around and rubs his neck. “It’s not just her. My mother’s partner, practically my second mother, Ruby, still doesn’t approve. After my birthday party, she practically told me to run.”
“I-I’m kind of confused Oliver, If that’s not what you want then why are you worried?”
“I-I’m not-”
“Because if it’s what you want, go right ahead. Don’t stay and then leave when we have a baby,” I begin to cry, “Look, if you didn’t mean what you said when you proposed, if things changed, If your feeling changed, then don’t let me hold you back.”
I turn away from him and start to walk. He grabs my arm and stops me before walking so he’s in front of me. “May, honey, you know nothing changed. I love you more than the universe; I love you more than that in fact! What I’m upset about is that for one, you’re thinking that and two, people think they can say these things. I know I want you to me for the rest of my life. You’re the missing part of the puzzle in me, the best part. If I could only say one more sentence, it would be how much I adore and love you. ”
I bundle up the bottom of my shirt and look at the ground. Oliver puts his hands on mine and pulls them away from the material. He holds one of my hands and with the other he lifts my chin up. He places his lips over mine and gives me a tender kiss. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs.
“You need to stop worrying about all that May. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have proposed and I wouldn’t be here.”
I nod, “Well, you need to stop letting people get to you so much.”
“Ok, I’ll try to stop that if you promise to try to stop worrying about all this crap. Ok?”
“Kay,” I make a small nod. He kisses my cheek.
“Now, back to my break-down,” I laugh.
“Ollie, I think we should talk to Ruby… together, calmly. Tomorrow. ”
“Mm, you’re right. We should get back to class. I can’t wait to have you all to myself when we get home.”
“Nuh-uh Mr, I’m going shopping with my mummy….”
He hangs his head and pouts his lip. I laugh and slap him on the head gently, “Come on. If you could study as well as you can work that pouty lip, you’d be a genius.”
His jaw drops, “I’ll have you know, I am a genius. I’d beat you in English any day.”
“English? No, you beat me in crap talk everyday though.”
“C-crap talk? I’m am deeply hurt,” he rubs his chest. I laugh and pull him back to class.
Class is slow but over soon enough and lunch break is beginning. Since being pregnant and being with Oliver, my love for school has somewhat decreased… I guess when you have an entire class starring at your stomach and a hand randomly rubbing it, it gets a little distracting. Oliver is seriously a serial stomach rubber. Though it sometimes gets annoying, I love him for it.
Oliver and I walk to the usual spot to meet the new girl, Lotus. She’s sitting down already, with a school book in her hand, really into. I sneak up on her and yell ‘BOO!’ when I’m close. She squeals and drops the book. She sees me and her mouth closes.
“Hey Lotus.”
“Damn you May!”
“What’s with the studying?”
“What’s with the questioning?”
Oliver joins in, “Ah, May, you were studying this morning.”
I growl at him and go back to Lotus. “It’s a booklet I have to ready and fill out. I get tested on it and if I get 100% right, I get free tuition for university, basically, this is what keeps me here.”
I nod and sit down.
She seems really engrossed in her study. I guess I would be too if it involved me staying here for free. Oliver taps me on the shoulder and motions with his pointer finger for me to come closer. I wiggle over to him and he whispers in my ear, “Hey, I have a really great friend, a good guy; I think would really like Lotus.”
“The question is would she like him?”
“He’s a great guy.”
“So you said… He’s not in the gang from last time?”
“Nope, but even if he was, we know who did that... who left the ‘white sugar’ on the bench.”
I scoff, “White sugar? Hardly. Did you kick the guy out?”
He nods, “So can I set them up?”
I shrug and nod, “If you think they’ll like each other, sure.”
“They will. Trust me.”
He clears his throat. Lotus lifts her head and looks at us, she laughs. “What?” I ask.
“You two… You’re so… comfortable,” she sighs, “I wish I could have someone like that.”
Oliver jumps in, “Actually, Lotus, I have a friend… You’d love him! Well… Maybe not ‘love’ but you’d like.”
She shrugs, “Sure. I trust you. Thanks.”
“Cool. His name is Erik. He’s into tattooing too.”
“Mad! When can you call him?”
He half laughs, “That was easy… I’ll call him up now.”
Oliver gets up and walks around the corner. Lotus looks at me with horror, “Oh god! What am I going to say?”
I giggle, “Just what you’d normally say on a date.”
She bites her lip, “I, ah…. I never really dated before…”
My eyes widen and my mouth drops, “Really? You??” It would be an understatement to say surprised. Her hair is shoulder length and black, with tightly woven curls. She has dark brown eyes with lighter flecks in them. She’s an average wait, busty, all together really pretty. She must have some Greek in her with that really defined, engaging face, tan and hair colour. Plus, the bust supports it. The girl is really gorgeous! I can’t believe she hasn’t been on a date.
“Well, I live in a small town. I travel a lot too… Not many people get to know me and the people in my town aren’t exactly like the boys here.”
“Well, don’t be nervous! Just talk like you normally would… Well, avoid gross topics and things only ladies get…. Wait, what do guy get? Yeah, ignore the last one you wouldn’t be able to talk at all,” I joke. “What I mean by that is no topics like make-up. If he talks about car, pretend to be interested, zone out, need the bathroom, anything, but you know, don’t tell him the topic sucks…”
“How long did you and Oliver date before you go pregnant?”
I laugh gently, “It’s complicated. I’ll tell you sometime else.”
She has an odd look, laughs and nods. Oliver comes back and plops himself down beside me. “Lotus, he asks if tonight is ok?”
She looks worried, “I-I guess…”
I giggle. “You are coming shopping with me. Well, my mother will be there too but she loves my friends.”
She shrugs and nods. Gosh, she shrugs a lot!
The rest of lunch flies by; before we know it first lunch is over. Next lunch I have a tutoring thing with little kids. I tell Lotus where and when to meet me and Oliver and I head off.
History… My history lessons always suck… Gah! I hate history! After this is science, luckily. I love science.
The history lesson goes by in a blur of all types of boring. I think the most exciting point was when a fly landed on Oliver and my bag.
The bell rings and everyone shoots back to life.
“W-w-well class. I-I guess you can go. B-but don’t forget your homework I gave you.”
Homework?!?! “What homework sir?”
“M-Miss Fields. Listen n-next class. Homework on the Vikings.”
“But Sir! You were talking about voting!!”
“T-the topic changed.”
“We’re meant to be discussing Ancient Egypt!”
“I run an f-free I-idea classroom.”
His stutter is so annoying! Ahh! Oliver taps my shoulder, “Not to interrupt your debate on topics, but we’re almost late for science.”
“Oh no!” I grab the bag and race out of the class. Oliver struggles to get the bag off me but gives up.
Science!!! May like! We get to class, the teacher smiles at us, “Take your seats please. You don’t need to explain your absence, I trust you.”
Ah… My science teacher is awesome!
The day goes fast, before long, I’m meeting Lotus at the school gate and Oliver is driving us both to mum’s.
We get out of the car, Oliver helping me out like always. It’s hard to get up when you have a baby gut.
Mum comes out and runs up to me. She hugs me. “Hey honey! You look even bigger than when I saw you last time!”
“Mum… you saw me three days ago…”
“Three days too long ago.” I laugh. She walks over to Oliver. “Oh, honey, you have some-” she gets out a tissue from her pocket, spits on it and wipes a few crumbs off his face. I hold in a laugh, but poor Lotus can’t hold it in as well.
Mum walks over to her, “And who would you be honey?”
“Mum, this is my friend, Lotus. She moved from... ah… somewhere.”
She laughs, “Canberra.”
“Oh wow! Oh, honey, you have a-” she smoothes a part of curly hair back down. I bite my cheek to keep from laughing. My mother adopts so easily. “You’re coming shopping too right?”
“Right,” she replies.
Mum sighs, “I like you so much more than that Kaysa. That girl was bad news Mayarna. I could tell.”
Thinking back, mum never did her adoption thing with Kaysa. I guess we know
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