We've got over 100 votes on this story!!! Thank you all, without you it obviously wouldn't be possible! This is dedicated to everyone for putting up with my randomness!
Oliver and I walk hand in hand to the car. Oliver walks to my door and opens it for me. I sit in my seat and Oliver closes it. Oliver gets in the car too. I put my hand in his again.
"I want to do something tonight, we never really had a first date, there was that day we met when we went to that cafe but we were just friends, then there was the nightclub. That was different... We should have a proper first date."
"Ok, if that's what you want."
I nod and give him a kiss. 'Good. Let's go home and have a shower and stuff first though."
We pull up outside and head upstairs. Payton who drove my car, and Chris, also park the cars. Out yard looks a bit like the wreckers, just.... with cars not being wrecked.... A car dealer! I already have all Oliver's party planned out for the day after tomorrow which takes a lot of pressure off. I sit on the bed and think of what to wear. Oliver sits behind me and puts his head on my back with his hands on my stomach. I wasn't this pregnant when we met so I'm obviously going to look different... I lean over and get a dress out that's full length, black and has a plait like piece under the bust with ties to the side. (A/N: Photo on side).
Oliver kisses my back and I turn around, "I'm going for a shower, wanna come?"
I nod my head. A good thing is that now Payton and Chris are downstairs we don't have to worry about Chris opening the door! Oliver also likes to leave his clothing in the bedroom just to annoy me.
Cliché as this sounds, we do the typical shower scene, undress each other. I turn on the water and get in, Oliver behind me; I turn around, "Why do you always get to be behind me? Maybe I want to hug your back..."
He laughs and points to my belly, "If you think you can...."
"Hmm," I turn around again. He lathers us both with soap and washes my hair. I love it then people play with my hair. "Suck up."
"Nah, I just know what you like. So, where are we going to go tonight?"
"I think, we should go to the riverbank."
Oliver shakes his head, "Too intimate for a first date."
I sigh, "Good point, but where else can we go?"
"Let's just go to a restaurant."
"Ok, but before I have to re-meet you, can we do things that people shouldn't do on a first date?"
Oliver laughs, "I'm at your disposal ma'am."
We head back to the bedroom so Oliver can get dressed and so I can get stretch mark oil rubbed in. It's become a routine that Oliver does it for me over the last month or so. Instead of being a sensual act, it’s more of a partnership. It was a little giggly at first because we hadn't done the deed yet but after a while we came to the silent agreement that just because we hadn't had sex, didn't mean we weren’t a proper couple. It didn't mean they we couldn't adore each other or show affection more than a kiss. The act is still romantic, but it can be that without leading to other things. It’s a way to show affection and appreciation.
My stretch marks do make me a little self-conscious, but I still love them. They show that my baby has a safe home until I can cradle him or her in the crook of my arm. I would be a lot more self-conscious around Oliver too but he adores the baby in my tummy and sometimes I catch him just literally staring at my bump with love in his eyes. If he were worried about my stretch marks, he wouldn't love them. He says they give a map of my life anyway. That like scars, they hold stories, just this one's a little bigger them some of the others.
Once that's done and I'm oiled up we go down stairs, "We should take 2 cars."
Oliver crinkles his nose, "I don't want you driving. No offence baby but you've been through a lot this week and you're abnormally large."
I look at him in horror, "Did you just say I'm fat?"
Oliver laughs and puts a hand to his mouth. "I meant your stomach, which has a baby in it..."
"I drove this morning!"
Oliver bites his lip and looks conflicted. He grabs my waist and pulls me to him. He looks into my eyes, "I don't want anything to happen. Your Aunt was with you."
"Ollie, I have months until the baby comes! Relax! Just let me drive."
"If you think you're ok to."
"I am."
He reluctantly lets me go.
Once I get in the car I run my hands through my hair. I open the glove compartment and grab put my make-up I left in there. Once I'm finished with the make-up I drive to the restaurant and get out of the car.
I hear a whistle, I spin around to Oliver in a short sleeved white shirt and jeans with a black leather jacket slung over his should, his eyes covered by sun glasses. I bite my lip and really look at him, like the first time I would see him. Total hot guy.
He slides his shades off and licks his lip, "What's your name baby?"
"Mayarna, but people call me May. Who are you?"
"Me? I'm Oliver, but that doesn't matter. Do you wanna?" he says while pointing to the restaurant.
I smile, "Sure!"
He stops leaning on the wall and walks over, "So, you're pregnant?"
"Yep," I say, feeling awkward. I mean, seriously, Oliver has seen the baby at so many ultrasounds, talks to the baby so much.... But we're only just meeting May.
"I find pregnant blonde women with blue eyes, long eye lashes, dimples and a freckle near the temple very hot, big boobs are also a bonus."
I laugh and hit him on the shoulder. "I don't even know you, you can't comment on my breasts!"
Oliver half snorts from suppression a laugh, "No, sorry."
He opens the door to the restaurant for me and we walk in. We get a table and sit down. I sit pretending to feel awkward but it's hard, this guy knows everything about me, we're getting married for heck's sake! Maybe this was stupid.
Oliver clears his throat and smirks, "Why hasn't anyone claimed you?"
"Just waiting for the right guy I guess. I mean, I want a man who' not afraid to hold a door, or my hand for that matter, not afraid to wash my hair for me, wants to in fact. I won't let myself be claimed until then. What about you? Why no lady?"
"Looking for the right girl, much like you're looking for the right guy. One who tells me everything, lets me hold her, has sass and spunk, grown up, knows how to make me feel like the only guy that she will ever look at, lets me in, lets me cry on her shoulder and kisses my head to make it go away, my hurt that is, not my head... I need that."
I laugh, "And this girl, what would you do if you found her?"
"Marry her. What would you do if you found your guy?"
I love Ollie. I can't believe I do all that for him. "I'd accept his proposal."
Oliver smiles for a second and then pushes the smile away. "What if you never found this guy?"
"I will."
"How are you so sure?"
"Because he's looking for me too."
He nods and puts a hand under the table, across to sit on my thigh. I mean, I can't actually see it right? I could just pretend it’s not happening? Fuck it, I might be pretending to have a first date but this is my fiancé, I would never push his hand away. I slip mine under the table too and rest it on his. He smiles at me.
"You know what May? This is stupid. I love you and we're getting married, who cares if we never had a proper first date? We have a lifetime together to make great 50th dates! Who gives a fuck about the first when you have that? Why go to the past when I can be with you now?"
Water actually swells in my eye. "That's true Ollie. I love you baby, I'm sorry, I just wanted to try it."
"Though, I think it would still be good to talk about our pasts and stuff, I mean, I know so much about you and It feels like I've known you forever, but to be truthful, before us and bub, I'm not really sure what you were like. Tell me?"
The question takes me back. I mean, I know a lot about Oliver's past; he's very easy to talk to. I guess I guard myself a little more restricted, not intentionally; he's my fiancé after all. "I... Uh.... I liked to sing, and dance... I Belly Danced. Skating. I would read all the time. I... Uh... I dreamed about you," I shift uncomfortably and take hold of the strings to the side of my dress, fiddling with them awkwardly.
He raises an eyebrow. "Dreamed about me?"
"Well, not you specifically. Well, not your face at least. The day we met, I was actually pondering the way of life, and the male species. I was grumbling because men aren't like they are in books. I actually thought to myself that day, if I were in a book, my prince would come and sweep me off my feet, despite my pregnancy, and you did."
Oliver looks astounded. "Wow... Will you sing for me?"
I laugh, "When we get home."
He nods, "What about.... your old job at sweet dreams?"
I've actually planned his birthday party there! He doesn't know, or need to know that just yet though. Tomorrow. "I guess it would start with my old friend, Kyan. We would skip up to the cafe, sometimes a parent would take us and usually one would take us home. The ladies there really took a liking to us and when I told them I was searching for a job they all insisted I work there. They all became like grandmothers to me. I miss them a lot, having not seen them since the Hutton scare."
"Not to ruin a good night, but how did you get involved with Hutton?"
I bite my lip. "Its fine, I can talk about that. Uh, we had classes together for years; we started to hang out a little. The year we went out, he had different classes to me, so it was harder to hang out, you know? We tried really hard, and I guess, somewhere, one of us took the desire to see each other as the desire to be a couple. It was like, because we made an effort, we must be in love or something. Mind you, he was a good guy before he got into bad stuff. One day, we were hanging out, and just like that, he asked me to go out with him. I said yes and that was that, we kept hanging out, getting closer. I don't really know what happened, but one day he tried something his friend offered him. After that, he wasn't the same. I will never forgive him or want to see him again, and I will die before letting him see my child, but I still thank him for my baby."
Oliver nods, looking really intrigued. "Thank you."
I smile and lighten the mood. It wasn't really heavy before, luckily, I think because I know Oliver so well and love him with all my heart, but it still dropped slightly. "So, 18 the day after tomorrow old man!"
"Ah, but I'm your old man. Hey, I want to get... approval... from something."
"No, you can't have a stripper," I reply, teasingly.
Oliver laughs, "I want to get a tattoo."
I feel my jaw drop and my eyes widen. I gasp. My Oliver? "What? What of?"
"A surprise. May, I want this for my birthday. I've been looking into places and thinking about it for ages."
I bite my lip and sigh, "Nothing stupid, or big, or hard to hide. If it’s what you want...."
He smiles widely, "Love you."
"Yeah, yeah.... Let's order! I'm starving!"
I can't believe Oliver wants a tattoo! When has he had time to look at places? We're never apart! I hope he's not getting something stupid. Like my name. That would be an Oliver thing. I love him, and I swear, I don't think we'll ever be able to break up, but there's still an odd chance, I mean, people drift away and all that, we're young too. If he does this, then he may regret it, see what I did? May regret it... If he gets May tattooed, yeah, I'm a comedian. I should do stand up.
After a nice meal, we head back in our separate cars. This wasn't exactly how I planned this. It was still romantic, with Oliver feeding me half way through our meal and all. I think, even if he tried, Oliver just couldn't not be romantic; it’s just natural for him when it comes to me. Other woman friends I've seen him talk to, he's friendly and kind, but not even a hint of interest ever forms in his voice. He never hides anything from me and even before we started going out, when we were at school and he was with a girl, he never looked at her like he does to me. He never said the stuff he says to me. From the moment we met, he has always been like that with me though, and it makes me feel special. He is just completely different with other people and always has been. We're like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.
*2 days later*
My alarm goes off, signaling for me to get up and make the last of the preparations for Oliver's birthday party. Oliver grips me tighter. I squeal. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
He groans in response. "Nothing after 7:00 by the way."
"WHAT! WHY!!??!!??"
"I- I'm getting my tattoo."
"Yep. At 7:30 PM."
"B-but.... The club..."
We both get out of bed, the conversation still going.
"Sorry to ruin your fantasy here baby. You wouldn't have been able to go anyway, with your being pregnant and all. I wouldn't let you. And if you didn't go, I wouldn't either."
"But it’s all planned! Why do you even want a tattoo?"
"I just do, ok? I'm getting it on the side of my chest... Easy to hide."
"What if I hate it?"
"You won't! I promise!"
"How would you like it if I said, I'm going to get an eyebrow piercing or something like that? You wouldn't! We're meant to have communication about these things!"
"Well I'm not telling you so you'll just have to wait."
"We'll see what your mother thinks then, when she comes up tomorrow."
"WHAT? Mum's coming?"
I let out a smile," I know you miss her."
He hugs me tightly. "Thank you for arranging that!"
I shrug, "She was planning on coming up anyway."
He lifts me up and twirls around. I squeal.
He just laughs at me. -_-
He places me back on the ground. "Quick! Get ready. The party starts soon! At 12:00."
He groans. "Where is it?"
"At sweet dreams!"
He grimaces. I feel a little hurt. It must show in my face.
"Ah, sorry babe, it’s just that last time we were there.... Shit went down."
I think back, it floods in my memory now like it was yesterday.
"I-I'm sorry. I forgot," that's where Hutton said the baby might have....
"It’s ok. As long as you're ok..."
I smile and pull him to me. I bite his lip gently before kissing him. He grabs my hand and drags me out to the kitchen. When we get there, he grabs me by the waist and sits me on the counter. I huff and jump down.
"I don't think so birthday boy! I'm making you breakfast today!"
I get out eggs and put other things with them to make an omelet. As they sit in the pan, frying, Oliver comes up behind me and rests his head on my shoulder, the side to my neck. He turns his head and kisses my neck.
Once it’s done, Oliver sits at the table and I serve it onto one big plate with two forks stuck in it. I grab a fork, fill it with omelet and put it to Oliver's mouth; he chuckles and opens his mouth. Hey, it's kinda fun feeding him....
He pulls up outside the cafe. Oliver has the sexiest jeans and shirt on, but then, he's always like that.
---Oliver's P.O.V.---
We get out of the car and walk into the cafe. I look at the booth that May and Hutton were seated at last time we were her. "Where is everyone?"
"In the back room I'd say!" May says.
A few ladies come out from behind staff point. They all squeal in delight at the sight of May. It kinda cute because they're quite well into old age. May runs over to them and hugs them all, trying to maneuver around her belly. We've perfected that...
They chat for a while, and then May returns to my side, I smile and kiss her on the cheek. It’s nice to see her so happy.
We got to the function area and sure enough, everyone is there.
I spot mum and run over to her. She squeals and hugs me. Everyone notices and looks over. Upon realizing we're here, they all yell 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!'
There's a few people from school, Chris, Payton, May's family, a few other members from mine and people like that.
Chris walks over with two beers, offering me one. "Now you can actually legally drink!"
"So I can," I say.
There's music and all of that kind of stuff. I grab May's hand and drag her to a free spot with a bit of space. I pull her close to me and she laughs nervously, "Oliver," she scolds and looks around, "we look like idiots! They'll all stare at us!" she hisses.
"I'm just dancing with my fiancé, what's so weird?"
Someone near us gasps. "F-fiancé?"
May laughs awkwardly and tries to sink into the ground. I just smile.
I look around and clear my throat loudly. May takes the opportunity to wriggle a little so she's not pressed to me so much. I smirk a little and release my grip a bit more so she can stand by my side.
Everyone looks over. I start talking loudly. Someone gets the point and hushes the music down.
"Hey everyone! I'd like to say thank you all for coming today and helping me celebrate my 18th. I have another announcement though. May and I are getting married!"
There is a round of gasps and wide eyes around the room. Mum runs over on her heels "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?? This explains the video..." she says while pulling us close in a hug.
"It only happened the day before yesterday!" May squeals, remembering. I pick up more one the video part of the sentence... what?
There's a round of aww. Payton jumps in. "To show you the entire proposal, I have a video!"
May groans and covers her face. I laugh and take the opportunity to quickly pull her a little closer and whisper in her ear while everyone else is focused on Payton. "I love you, and I love how our proposal went, it has character."
---May's P.O.V.---
NO! This is embarrassing! I literally tackled Oliver.
A screen roles down from the ceiling.
I wince and shut my eyes.
Noise starts to fill the room with people's light whispers.
I peel one eye open and see the image begin to display.
The video begins with a love heart. It begins to fade and a picture of Oliver and I kissing is displayed. The fuck? It’s pretty cute but when did she edit all this? In the picture, I'm wearing a blue shirt with a lace triangle at the top. Oliver has a black t-shirt with a grey image on it. He has one of his arms around my waist and the other on my baby bump. I have my arms around his neck. It's a pretty recent picture.
It changes from a picture to Payton and Chris sitting on a couch in there downstairs house part. What is this?? I thought it was just a video of Oliver proposing!
Payton starts to speak in the video. "Hi May, Ollie! Chris and I decided to make this video for you for your engagement gift!"
Chris starts to talk. "This isn't just a video showing the engagement, but more of little snippets of their relationship and a few words of luck from some family members."
Payton again talks. "So, we'll be the first people to say something, I just want to say how lucky you both are, you're a perfect match. The first time I met you May, I already loved you. You had so much spunk and all that kind of stuff. Oliver made me walk to your house in the rain after I answered a call from you. Oliver is, how do I put it? Like a dog, loyal and annoying," everyone around the room, including myself,
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