Chapter 26

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 Anyone want to make a banner/cover for me? If you do I will dedicate to you and all that. Thanks for reading! Smile!  - Pic on side is the size roughly of May's belly :P


I look at Oliver, "Payton told me Oliver."

"Told you what? I don't know Carwen..."

My breathing catches, "How can you not know? She's your sister Oliver."

"Um... Can you fill me in before you start going off?"

"You need to go speak with your sister. Just go Oliver."

---Oliver's P.O.V---

I walk back outside. Payton is starting up her car. I run to her but just as I reach the car she takes off. Fuck! I run to my car and take off after her. After a minute of chasing her down she pulls over her car and gets out, leaning on the door. Her blond hair is falling out of the pony tail she had it in and her eyes are red as well as her nose. "Payton, who is Cartan?"

"It’s Carwen, not Cartan."

"Fucking fine, who is Carwen?"

"My son."

My eyes widen and I gasp. "What?"

"He died at one. He was with my friend and there was a fire."

"WHAT? When?"

"I had him four years ago and he passed three years ago. I had him at twenty four at 3:15 AM, 18th October 2008.  He died around 6:00 PM on 4th of November 2009."

"B-But we spoke all the time on Skype..."

She bursts into tears. "I always adjusted the cam so it was only on the face."

I pull Payton into my arms, "It’s going to be ok Payton." I keep soothing her and cry myself. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It made it real. I was looking into adoption and I couldn't. I wanted Carwen to have a better life but I didn't want to give him up. I felt so selfish; I knew if I told you that it wouldn't be possible to give him up. It was a long time ago but you never let go. I have never been the same since then. It killed a piece of me. You need to be with Mayarna. You need to take of her Oliver."

"I will, I swear!"

She sniffs and smiles, "You better. Let's go home, I need to be with my man and you need to be with your girl."

"Does Chris know?"

"Yes, he does."

We get back home and I run up to my precious girl. She's in our room cuddled up in bed with Phoebe. I kick off my shoes and lie down beside them, pulling May's back close to my chest. I feel her react and she shifts around to face me.


"Hi Honey. How are you and Phoebe going?"


"So, I was thinking... Do you want to pick a name now?"

"You got suggestions?"

"Well, I've been doing some research and I found some names that mean love and I think they're pretty for a girl. There's Amorette, Amadea or Kerensa, I like them all. For a boy I think Conan would be nice, It’s Irish and It means little warrior. What more perfect than that?"

"I-I love them! I can't believe you researched them! You're so perfect."

---May's P.O.V---

Phoebe stirs beside us and lifts her head, “Mummy?"

"No bub, Aunty Maya."

"I'm hungry."

I turn to Oliver. He groans. "What do I give her?"

"Just get her some fruit or something. You want fruit?"

"Hmm. Ok!" she says while nodding.

Oliver gets up and heads out to the kitchen. I roll over and face Phoebe. I lift her up above my head and wiggle her. She laughs and I put her down beside me. She wraps her little arms around me and I try to hug her but awkwardly because of my tummy and the way we're lying.

There's a knock at the door. I tap Phoebe's nose gently and she giggle. I sigh and get myself up, I open the door and Payton is there. I smile and wrap my arms around her.

When I pull back she has a smile. "Sorry about before. Its not about me now. I just came to see if you wanted me to watch Phoebe while you go to the hospital."

I bite my lip. A hundred thoughts flash in my mind. I trust Payton with everything but I can't help that I feel a bit hesitant. "I-Um."

"Look, my son was a long time ago. I love kids; I would never let anything happen. I'm older and more responsible now, I was unstable then and I was a mess. I didn't know anything would happen, she was my friend. You can trust me."

I release my lip from my teeth and nod. "I trust you. Thank you."

"It's fine. When do you want to leave?"

"Um... In a half hour?"

"Right. I'll come back up them."

I smile, "Thank you Payton."

I grab some clothes out and wait for Oliver to get back with Phoebe's fruit.

He opens the door and steps in with a pink princess bowl filled with colour. 

He kisses me and keeps walking to Phoebe who smiles evilly and claps her hands. "Fank you."

"So, Ollie. Payton is watching Phoebe for us and we're going to the hospital in a half hour."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Ollie, she made a mistake a long time ago, she hates herself for it. She would never have left him if she knew. Do you think she did it on perhaps? She wasn't the one who- who- anyway, I trust her ok?"

Oliver nods, "I trust her, she's my sister, I just thought you might not." 

"Nar, of course I trust her. I'm going to get dressed."

I head to the bathroom and slip on a pair of jeans and a white shirt with butterflies. I brush out my hair and put on a touch of make-up to hide the black shade under my eyes. 

Oliver and I tell Payton we're ready and leave. We approach the hospital and Oliver squeezes my hand, "It’s ok babe."

I smile, "Love yu Ollie."

We enter Mum and Crayna's room. They look no different than what they did yesterday really. I sigh and drop into a chair beside both of them. I close my eyes and just think. What a mess. 

I get up to leave the room, telling Oliver I'll be right back. He looks unsure but nods. 

There has to be a toilet around here somewhere right? Yes.

I see a nurse and ask her where they are. She nod and smiles assuring and tells me the location.

I sit in the toilet and cry. Once I've finished getting out all the tears I wash my hands and rinse my face. Next place to go, the little shop at the entrance. I want to get them some flowers.

With two bunches of sunflowers in my hands I make my way back to Mum and Crayna. Oliver is leaning against a wall, gazing at them. He glances at me and clears his throat and straightens up. 

In a quiet voice he speaks, "You know, they're like family to me too."

My heart melts. Or it feels like it. I put the flowers in the hospital supplied vases and walk to Mum. I take a deep breath in and run my fingers through the bangs of hair. I lean down and kiss her forehead gently, then do the same to Crain.

"We getter get back,” I whisper while walking past Oliver.

We get back to the house and Phoebe and Payton are curled up on the couch watching some kids show. I smile and sneak up behind them and yell 'BOO!!'

They both scream and Payton whips around with an arm now raised. When she sees its me and pulls a embarrassed face and slowly lowers her hand.

Oliver and I both laugh and jump onto the couch beside them. 

Phoebe woke up a few times during the night crying. I only had to soothe her and she would drift back to sleep hugged into me as much as possible. Oliver like always had my back pulled close to his chest and every time Phoebe woke up and I was soothing her he would do the same for me, rubbing circular patterns on my back. It is close to 6:00AM now and Phoebe is a bouncing ball of energy. I kiss Oliver on the forehead and let him go back to sleep while I get up with Phoebe. 

I set up a play area with a heap of toys and turn on the TV to Stewart Little. We never did get rid of that movie... Phoebe huffs and pulls herself onto the couch. I go to the kitchen and start making breakfast for Oliver, Phoebe and I. 

I mix up omelet stuff and throw it into a pan, hoping for the best. It will probably turn out like shit but anywho....

I give Phoebe some after testing it, it turned out ok... I make sure she's all good and close all the escape root doors before nipping off to Oliver and my bedroom. 

I open the door and sneak in. I quietly sit on the bed and just gaze at my gorgeous man for a moment. His brown hair is falling over his face gently, covering his eyes slightly. I sigh and reach out to run my fingers through it. Suddenly a hand grabs me and I squeal. I lose balance in my sitting position and half fall but Oliver grabs me and pulls me close to him. "Morning Baby, you know, It’s not nice to stare."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, you’re just so hot Ollie. If you don't want me staring then you shouldn't be so handsome."

I give him a kiss and sigh. "Phoebe was up early and I didn't want to wake you."

"So you thought you would kill her with your cooking?"

I slap him on the arm and he laughs. "You should have woken me up. You were the one who stayed up with her last night."

"No, you did too. Every time she woke up you would pat my back."

"Yeah, but I didn't have to put her back to sleep."

The phone lets off a loud ring and I jump from the loud sound. I groan and begin to get up. Oliver groans too and tries to pull me closer.

"Oliver, let me up. I have to answer the phone."

"But... Can't we just let it ring?"

"What if it's the hospital? Come on, let me up, please."

He huffs, "Fine."

I jump up and run to the phone before it rings out. I breathe heavily and snatch the phone up."Hello?"

"Hey Mayarna. How are you? It's Jeremy."

Jeremy? Jeremy... Do I know a Jeremy? I must... I mean, he knows me... Think May! - OH! Jeremy! Oliver's friend.

"Hey Jeremy. Oliver's still in bed."

"That's ok. I was just calling to see if Oliver wants to come out tomorrow. We're going clubbing, i know he's like an old married man now but I thought I’d ask. Plus, you have to plan his birthday party so it would give you time..."

Shit! Party... Yes. Must prepare. It'd be good for him to go out. He needs some time off. He won't want to go but I can force him.... "YES! Perfect! Thank you! He'll be there!"

"Are you sure?" he asks hesitantly.

"I'll make him. He needs to spend some time with his friends and away from baby mania."

"Kay. Thanks May, I'll text you the details later. I would invite you but the whole pregnant thing...."

I laugh, "Its fine. Clubbing never was my scene."

"Do you have anything planned for his birthday yet?"

"Nope, I better go. My niece is here and I should check on her."

"Why is your niece there? How old is she? Is she hot?"

"Down boy, she's only 2."

He huffs down the line. "Damn you! So, why is she there?"

"Um... My mum and sister were in a crash and so the little one is mine for a week or two."

"Are they ok?"

"They're in induced comas but they're fine."

"Shit! I'm sorry May!"

"Thanks Jeremy."

"Ok, if you need anything.... Ask Oliver..... Wait. He can still come out right?"

I laugh, "Well, Phoebe was still here when I said yes, so it’s not going to change now you know what happened."

"Right.... Anyways, I got girls to get to."

I laugh, "Poor girls! You know, it’s not nice to put them in cages and force them to pretend to like you...."

"I can't help it... No doesn't mean don't lock me in a cage....."

"You're a doosh, bye."

I smile and giggle while putting the phone back to its place. I skip back to the bedroom and jump onto Oliver.

"HOLY CRAP!" he says sounding a little winded.

I crinkle my nose, "Sorry?"

He laughs. "I just wasn't expecting that. Who was on the phone?"

"Your mate, um, what was his name again?.... J-Jer- anyway, it doesn't matter. You're going out tomorrow."

Oliver groans, "Why?"

"Because you have friends to see."


"Night club."

"WHAT? NO! WHY? Kill me now!"

"Because you are only 18, be normal!" I groan. "Plus, I need to plan your birthday next week."

"Just buy me some beer and give me your company."

"You suck, Norman! You're an ex-player! You're meant to be into that stuff!"

"Key word thing being ex my dear. I'm not into that stuff anymore."

"Oliver, If I wasn't 20 weeks pregnant, I would be out there with you, but I have a giant stomach full of human, no alcohol allowed."

"Hmm," he vocalizes while rubbing my stomach then leaning down and kissing it. "but, you're giving us a beautiful baby."

"So you'll go?"

"Hmm. We'll see."

I leave it at that for today. I go back to the lounge room to check on Phoebe. She's sitting on the couch in the same spot, eyes glued to the TV and a chubby fist with bread from breakfast sticking out the sides stuffed into her mouth.


Yuck! My eyes hurt :/

Random thing: People who say 2 middle names are cruel, I have 2 and I adore both.... My name is pretty :P But you will never know what it is, mmwhahaha. 

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