Chapter 27

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Thought it was chapter 28 :P Anyways, HELLO!!!! Hope all my readers are good! - Pic is Iza 

Only about 3 or 4 more chapters to go!!! 

This is dedicated to those who voted, even if I had to put the 4 minimum on it... Thank you. First was shelbym959. Second was AshleyDale7 and third was MattieeLouisee. It’s also dedicated for rmalave19, who voted for each poster chapter! It will actually be dedicated to shelbym959 though as you were first. Thank you guys for the lightning quick responses!

itsmeandonlyme, not sure if you remember this and the story isn't famous, but you're still not forgotten!

Super sorry, I thought I posted this last night as soon as I had the 4 votes but I must have been dreaming or something.... Sorry about that :P Either that or I did but my computer is just being a di- mean appliance...


Merry Christmas guys! If there are 4 when I get back from holiday, posting will be the first thing I do!

There's a beep of a car outside the house. Oliver gives me a dirty look, "I don't want to go." 

I laugh and kiss him, "Well, you are! It will be good for you baby."

He leans down and places his hand over my stomach, "Your mother is a cruel, cruel woman. Bye baby."

"Go on! Hurry up!" I watch as he walk away in his hot jeans and button up shirt! 

I take a breath and walk to the lounge room and scoop up Phoebe and carry her to the bath. 

Once she's all clean we go back to the lounge room and sit on the floor to play with toys. I watch as she makes the Barbie doll walk and swishes her head from side to side.

I look up to the wall clock and see it’s already 8:00. "Come on Phoebe. Dream time," I tell her as Crayna does when it’s time for her to go to sleep.

She nods and yawns. I stand up and extend my arm out for her to grab onto. 

Once she's tucked into bed I go back to the bathroom and have a bath. I shave my legs and then just sink into the warm liquid. The water begins to turn cold so I get out and dry myself. I slip on a pair of short pajama pants and a singlet. 

As soon as I get to the bedroom I collapse onto the bed and my eyes shut like iron gates, locked with no key. 

I groan as the sound of things crashing over and smashing mixes with loud music, yelling and a baby's cry. I lean over and flick the bedside lamp on. Phoebe is sitting up with a red face and tears running down her cheeks. She raps her arms around me and stops crying. I settle her and lie her back down but with the noise, there's no chance of her falling asleep. I rip the blankets off my body and get up. 

"Phoebe, I'll be back in one minute sweetie."

I slip out of the room and go to the lounge. Oliver and around 10 friends and lounging around, drinking, eating or just purely being idiots. I clench my teeth and try to ignore them, going to the kitchen to get Phoebe a bottle of milk. I open the fridge but all that is now in there is alcohol. An empty milk carton is in the sink. 

I bite my lip hard to stop myself from being pissed and killing Oliver. As I go to leave, a small packet white powder catches my eye. I examine it and a feeling of dread washes over me. Cocaine. That's all it could be.

I storm into the lounge room and turn off the music. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

They all look up at me shocked. Oliver has a "SHIT! I'm in trouble" face on. He apologizes to all his friends and they get up and leave.

Once they've all gone Oliver looks at me drunkenly, "What was that about May?" he slurs.

"Go make yourself a fucking coffee and have a shower. Sober up."

"B-But you where the one who wanted-"


"Drugs?" he says with again slurred speech.

"Go sober up. I just hope you weren't involved with that."

"NO! I didn't know."

"Just get out of my sight."

He goes into the kitchen and does as I told him.

I sit waiting at the couch. It’s probably best just to talk to him in the morning when he's normal. 

The next morning I wake up with a painful neck from the couch. Even though all I have been doing is running on fumes, it took forever for sleep to wash over me and it was too quickly morning. Oliver is on the other side of the room on a single person couch. I take a big breath and ignore him and go to our bedroom to check on Phoebe. She's asleep luckily.

I go back to the lounge room and yell at Oliver until he wakes up. He flies up and puts a hand to his head.

"Hey May...."

"Don't you dare. You brought your friends over to start with, everything was knocked over. Music was blaring. I have a fucking two year old in another room! If that's not bad enough, you used up all of the milk so I couldn't give Phoebe any. Why the fuck would you want that much milk anyway?"

"May, you're the one who wanted me to see my friends!"

"Fuck you! You know, I was gritting my teeth with all that. But then, you know what I found in the kitchen? You know what, why don't you go look."

He scratches his head and gets up. He comes back from the kitchen with a shocked face. "May, I swear, that had nothing to do with me!"

"Even if it didn't, you let that into our house! I'm having a baby and you're bringing people with drugs here."

He growls, "You're the one who wanted me to see my friends! I didn't want to go! You pushed until I did!"

"Well, I didn't think you would do something like this," I say, disappointed.

"I DIDN'T! It wasn't me! I didn't know!"

"How do I know that? How do you explain that there is cocaine IN OUR KITCHEN and it wasn't you? What, the drug fairy left it there?"

"The fuck? Maybe, did you think of this, that just maybe, one of my friends went into the kitchen to get a beer and put that crap down?"

"Oh right, so they can empty our fridge too. Right, that must be it. They just decided to leave a full bag of cocaine."

"I DON'T KNOW! Its wasn't me! You nagged about me going out. They wanted to meet you, because whenever we meet up, all I talk about is you. I figured, hey, she was the one who wanted me to get out. She's the one who wants me to be 18. My girlfriend's cool like that. I didn't know that, that was going to happen and now you think that was me? After everything we've been through? After I have stood by you since I met you, since I've practically adopted your unborn kid as mine."

"I never forced you to do those things. Just get out Oliver."

"I live here."

"So do I!"

"This is my house!"

"Oh, ok. That's how you want this to happen then fine."

I storm out of the kitchen and into our room. Or should I say, Oliver's room. I grab a bag and shove stuff into it and grab Phoebe. She opens her eyes confused but I hush her. With a child and a few bags, I stumble down the stairs and get my key from my pocket. I open my getz that hasn't been used for a long time and drive off. 

I drive around for a while, not sure where to go. Aimlessly driving, I end up at the hospital. I don't want Phoebe to see Mum or Crayna so I take her up to the children's ward and ask Crayna's friend to watch her for a few minutes. She agrees happily and Phoebe eagerly goes with the nurse.

I get to M&C's room and slink into the chair between the two. 

"So. You two are the ones I would always talk to about this stuff. Oliver and I got into this fight. I guess I was harsh and I jumped to conclusions but there were drugs in my house! He brought his friends over and it was either him or them, either way, he let it in!"

I think about what they would say, "Don't be too quick May. You love him and you know him, do you really think he knew?"

I breathe deeply and run a hand through my hair. "I love you both but I better get back to Phoebe." I say before kissing them both on the forehead.

I get Phoebe and thank the nurse. Just before I leave she calls out to me. I turn back and walk to her, "Um, May, I was just finishing up here and I was wondering if you wanted me to take care of Phoebe for a while longer. I'm going to get some ice cream so it would be fun! My child, Dillian, would love a play date! You could come and get her later or I could drop her off."

Crayna and Iza have been friends forever. I haven't seen her in years but I know that she and Crayna still catch up constantly. She puts her hand through the tips of her black hair that's darker than her caramel brown skin. Her hair is weaved into a braid. 

"Really? Are you sure Iza? I don't want you to-"

"No! Its fine! Crayna and I were actually planning this play date a few days before she has her accident."

I half smile and pass Phoebe to her. Phoebe shrugs and smiles. I hug Iza and thank her about ten times before heading to my car. 

Before I know it, I'm outside of the school grounds, near where Oliver beat Hutton up because he grabbed me. I sit on the grass and get out my phone. I call Kaysa.

"Hey Kaysa! It’s May..."

"HOLY SHIT! MAY!! Welcome back to the world. What the fuck man? You just stopped talking to me. You ignored my calls and the last time I saw you was for five minutes to give you your homework."

"Yeah, I know," I say while wiping away a tear, "do you want to meet up? I'm at school and I really need to talk."

"I'll be there in like ten," she says while hanging up.

I grab a handful of grass and rip it from the ground.

I daze and suddenly Kaysa runs up and pushes me. The sudden movement scares me and I grip my hand to my stomach protectively.

"Oh god May! You're so.... Pregnant," she says with a bit of hidden but obvious disgust in her voice. "Hey, look bitch, I hope you don't mind but my boyfriend is here too."

I bite my lip. Kaysa and I use to be so alike I thought but now....

"BRAYDON! Get over here!"

"FUCK OFF BABE! I'll be there soon. Plus, I don't want to be there through your boring shit!"

Oliver would never talk to me like that.

"So... May. What did you want to talk about?"

I burst out crying. "Oliver and I had a fight."

"Oh, you guys were like totally a cute couple but Oliver was a bit... Well, you know, like he wouldn't put out and he's like so needy!"

The guy Kaysa is with walks over and sits beside her. She kisses him which turns into a full pash. I sit awkwardly and cough but they keep going.

They separate and she turns back to me. The guy gives me a dirty look. "Sorry, um, what were we discussing?"

I look at the ground, "Uh, Oliver and I."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Look, I totally don't think you should get upset. I mean, you’re having baby, why would he stay anyways?"

I bite my lip, "He loves me and Zylaz."


I shake my head, "The baby, long story."

"Fuck, can you hurry this up Kaysa? I'm going to hang out with my mates but you made me bring you so I can't go until your home."

"Man, just wait five minutes baby!" he glares at her, "I'm sorry May, I gotta go but don't wait to call me kay?"

I nod and lie, "Of course! I will definitely do that."

They walk off and as soon as they get to the car the guy pushes her in. 

All this really makes me stop and think about how perfect Oliver is. He wouldn't take drugs. I can't believe I blamed him. I pushed him to see his mates, he's right.

I get back in the car feeling stupid and drive to my mum’s house. Someone is sitting on the step. They look up and I see Oliver with a painful face.

"May, I'm sorry I let that happen."

I cry and run up to him and lock him into a hug. Cliché right :P "No, it was my fault Oliver. I made you go out. I know you didn't know that one of your friends were doing drugs."

"I didn't know but I AM sorry baby girl."

"I know," I say while kissing his cheek.

"Can we go home now?"

I nod and laugh. As we start to walk to the car Oliver stops, "May, where's Phoebe?" he says, instantly freaking out.

I laugh, "Crayna's old friend from the hospital is watching her for me. She has a son so they're having a play date."

Oliver sighs in relief and looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "So.... We're alone.... What could we possibly do after a fright?"

I laugh, "I bet you have some ideas."

He licks his lip and slips his arm around my waist. He pulls me to him, "I have one..."

"Does it involve me catching up on sleep?"

"Nope. The opposite actually..." he nods towards the house and I gasp.

"No! We can go home first."

He laughs and we walk towards the car, hands tangled together.

My phone starts ringing and I look at the time. 5:00pm. it’s Iza, probably ringing to tell me to come get Phoebe.

I answer the phone, "Hello?"

Iza replies, "Hey, you ready to get Phoebe or do you still want me to watch her?"

As I go to reply Oliver starts to kiss my neck, making me laugh. I try to hold them in and clear my throat. "That’s, yep, no problem!"

I hit Oliver to try to make him stop but it doesn't work.

"You know the park on Quake Street?"

I try to think, "Yes, I know it."

"We're there so you can just swing by and grab her."

Laugh. "Sounds awesome!"

I hang up and turn, hitting Oliver again. "You prick!"

"Hmm... but you love me."

I crinkle my nose, "A little."

"That's not what you were saying a few minutes ago."

I huff, "Fine, I love you a lot, but you're still a prick!" I start to get up and Oliver grabs me. "What? I have to get Phoebe."

"You didn't kiss me."

I laugh and kiss his cheek. "I have to get dressed."

"You want me to come?"

"You already did," I say with a cheeky smile.

"May, mind out of the gutter!"

"Not what you said a few minutes ago,” I say, copying his earlier line.

"Do you want me to pick up Phoebe with you?"

"If you want. We could get something to eat maybe."

"Sounds good bub."

We park the car at the park and Phoebe's face lights up, "HEY!"

I run over to her and scoop her up, "Hey Honey! Did you have fun?"

She nods and cuddles up to me sleepily.

"You want to get dinner?" I ask her.


I laugh; of course she would say McDonalds. I look at Oliver and bite my lip, "Is that ok?"

He nods and puts an arm around my waist. Iza walks over.

"Thank you so so much Iza!"

"Its fine, drop her off anytime you need to have a break."

____Read to the end. You might laugh or just think I'm weird...

Happy Azhur0 is back! No more comment or I will kill you, but seriously... The minimum is still there.

C/V/F if you liked :D It would make my day, and I have wattpad on my phone so I know how easy it is to like now... Just at the end of the chapter there is the vote button... Click the button.... Do it..... Go on..... You know you want to.... Rape that thing.... Wait no, don't rape it... That isn't good for anyone... How about we just press it instead? :P

Sorry, weirdness, ask anyone who knows me, I am very weird and dirty minded in real life but I try to keep it to a minimum in my stories... Wait, no! Don't ask someone I know.... Don't be a stalker! People these days.... Yes, I'm talking to you there. Don't look behind you, there is no else there :P Well maybe there is.... I'm not sure..... I don't stalk you or anything... 


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