Chapter 25

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A noise wakes me from my peaceful slumber. Oliver's arms release from around me and he fumbles on the side table for the noise source. I recognize the song and realise it's my phone getting a call because the song I found you by The wanted is playing.

"Hello," Oliver half says, half snores.

He flies up in bed so he's sitting, scaring me. I sit up too and put an arm around him, "No, yes. I'm family. Are they ok?"

I feel my stomach churn. Something must be happening. Who might not be ok?

"Shit!" Oliver hisses. He pulls the phone from his ear. "May, we need to go, now! Your mum and Crayna have been in a crash."

I gasp. Oh god! I feel my world crash. Everything spirals to worry and darkness. Tears flow from my eyes. "Holy shit! Are they ok?" I cry.

"I- they're bad but they're ok."

"We have to leave. Right now. What about Phoebe. Oh god! This can't be happening."

Oliver puts the phone to his ear and pulls me close to him with the other arm. "The little girl, was she there? Is she alright?"

After what seems like an hour at least he lets out a mouthful of air and hangs up the phone. "She's fine. She was belted in and they think that Crayna put herself between the gaps in the front seats and shielded any glass from hitting Phoebe. She has gashes and bad wounds from glass and the seatbelt and air bag hitting her. They said they'd give us more information once we get to the hospital."

Oh god! My sister. I can't believe this. My family is my world. I could never live without my mum and sister. Please let them be ok.

I flick the bed covers off me and grab my bag. Its freezing but I don't even feel the coldness, apart from the one inside me. My whole world has gone from being great and already fulfilled to scary and petrifying. 

Oliver too gets up and grabs a blanket from his bed and puts it around me. 

---Oliver's P.O.V---

I can't believe this. Over the time I've known Mayarna's mum she's become like another to me. I love her and Crayna as well as Phoebe too. They've both been so accepting of me and so good with Mayarna having a baby, it’s amazing. Now they are in emergency and I don't even know what condition they are really in. 

I would have pestered the hospital to give me more information but I wanted to tell Mayarna and put all my attention towards her. Plus, they probably still wouldn't have given me anything more than what they did. The caller said that was all they could tell me right now.

I tell Mayarna to go to the toilet and meet me at the car while I tell mum. I grab the jumpers from before and slip a pair of jeans on as well as a shirt, May can get away with the cute pig pajamas but I can't get away with only boxers.

I knock on my mum’s door fastly and within a second she's opening it with a worried, pissed off look. When she sees me she gasps, "Honey! Are you alright?"

"Mum, we've got to go. Mayarna's mum and sister were in a bad car crash."

She throws her arms around me, "It'll be ok. How's May?"

"Freaking out but she'll be fine. Go back to bed."

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"No, it’s ok. I'll text you when we get back."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We have to go."

"Drive safe honey," she says while walking me out.

Once we get to the car she hugs May who's a mess. I hate seeing my girl like this.

---May's P.O.V---

The drive back home takes forever. It’s already 3:00am and it seems hours ago that we left. I run my hands through my hair and run my hand over my wet face. Oliver hushes me, trying to calm me down. How can I calm down when my mum and sister are in hospital, no idea on their condition and my niece is I don't even know where. At least she's ok though.

Crayna is so stupid. Why would you put yourself between the front seats of a car and put your back to the braking glass?

Finally we pull up at the hospital and I get out of the car and run like a pregnant mad woman. Oliver closes my door and races after me. "Wow, May, slow down. You can't run like that. You'll get hurt."

"No. I need to get to them Oliver. It hurts so much."

"I know, come here," he says while opening his arms for me to fall into. He lifts me up and carries me, almost running. Normally I would be amazed at the fact that he can run while holding a big fat pregnant woman but right now it doesn't even cross my mind.

When we get to the reception area a woman behind the desk looks up, "Labour?"

Oliver shakes his head and puts me down, "No. Her sister and mother were in a car crash."


May speaks with a shaky voice, "Claire and Crayna Fields."

She looks something up on the computer, "They're on this level. Take the first left, then a right, then go straight to the end and you'll see another turn. Go left and you're there. Room 3."

We do as the lady instructed us and go to the room. Three doctors are around the beds. In the bed my sister and mum lay, cover with blood and cuts.

"You must be Mayarna. Hi," a policewoman says. "We thought we’d send you straight through so we can explain in quiet. Both suffered severe injuries. The hospital, these doctors more specifically, put them both in an induced coma so they don't suffer from pain or shock because of how bad the crash was. A truck was tailgating a car and the driver swerved slightly to avoid getting hit by the truck. We believe the truck driver was drunk. The crash happened shortly after. We believe that Crayna saw the car swerving and leaned back to check on the little girl. The driver told us that she straightened up once again that the truck driver then crashed into the back of the car. The force pushed them forward at an alarming rate and the driver lost control. They hit your family's car directly in the front. We believe the truck driver is to blame as he was intoxicated. The other people in the opposite car surprisingly came out with no injury, if anyone was in the back they would be dead though. I'll hand it to the docs to explain more."

My world moves again. "What about Phoebe? Where is she? Where will she go while they're here?"

Oliver wraps an arm around me. He too has a tear down his cheek. "She's currently in children's ward being checked over. Legal statements have been put in place by your sister stating that you should take care of Phoebe if she and your mother happen to be… unavailable. Normally we wouldn't let a minor but due to the fact that you live with someone over the age of 21 and you are about to have a baby we have been able to make some exceptions  and let you take care of her. Will you be ok to look after her?"

Not even for a second do I doubt it.  She's my niece, I love her incredibly. I would take her in as my own forever if I had to but Crayna and mum will be fine. They have to be. I can’t live without them. I can't.

Doctors go through the details of the injury; Crayna has major back gashes and the cut into her as well as the air bags pushing her more forcefully into a bad angle. Her head cracked back and then slammed into the middle arm rest thing in between the two seats. She has a broken nose and cheek but apart from major cuts, she's fine, luckily. We've already been through facial reconstruction with her. Most people definitely wouldn't get away that luckily. We've put her in an induced coma to make sure no new things come up; she stays stable and doesn't suffer from shock. The same applies for why we put your mother in a coma. She has a broken arm and had glass to the face but apart from that she's also fine. It’s really rare to see them so unharmed. That's why we've got them in comas. Do not worry though. There is a 99% chance that nothing will come up from the crash. We just want to be sure. We'll start slowly waking them up through the week and we aim to have them awake by next week. Depending on how they go, they should be realised a week after they wake up. They’re going to be fine. A lot happened when you were getting here."

I run to the doctor and wrap my arms around him, "Thank you so, so much!!!"

"It’s my job ma'am. Your niece is on floor 3; room 9.You should go see her. It’s scary for children"

"Thank you!!"

The doctors’ exit and I run to my sister and mum. They look a mess but they're fine, I'm so relieved.

"May, baby, are you alright?"

"I-I'll be fine. They're ok Ollie! They're ok!" I sob happily mixed with sadness that this could happen to them.

"Come on, we better see Phoebe," he says while sending a message to his mum.

We get up to children's ward and enter Phoebe's room. A few nurses and playing with toys with her and talking about how sweet she is. "Aunty Mayu! Where mummy and Granlee? Ok?"

"They’re fine baby girl but you're going to come to Aunty Mayu's house for a tiny, tiny while ok?"


"Sleepova's right sweetie!"

"Oli too?"

"Uhhu... I live with Uncle Ollie."


"Uncle Oliver. Can you say Oliver baby?"



"Uncee Oli!"


I turn to the nurse, "When will she be ok to go?"

The nurse glances at my stomach and purses her lips. "She's fine but she'll need to be checked out by someone who can take her home to a safe environment."

"My house if super safe! I'm having a baby of my own; I think I know a thing or two women. When can I take her?"

Another voice fills the room, "Hi! I'm here with the paperwork."

I groan.

Phoebe had to stay the night in hospital and our house had to be checked out before they would let Phoebe come with me. It was now around 11:00am. It’s Sunday but most of the stores are open so before we get Phoebe, Oliver and I run into the shops to get Phoebe stuff. Nappies and baby wipes, a few bottles, some food and a few toys. 

As we walk through the doors to the hospital it hits me that I didn't even ask Oliver if it was ok that Phoebe comes home with us. I turn to him and grab his hand. He's been so great for me. He never has a bad thing to say. "Are you ok with this Ollie? I didn't even ask you, I just assumed that-"

"May, we're having a baby, we need practice anyway. It’s fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive as the result you would get if you did a pregnancy test."

We both laugh and I hit him in the arm. "Dick."

First we check in on Mum and Crayna then we get to children's ward and into Phoebe's room. She's standing on the bed with a nurse watching her. I would never have left her but one of the nurses is one of Crayna's best friends she's known since high school so I knew she would look over Phoebs.

"YAY!!!" Phoebe screams and jumps up and down. "Uncee O-li and Aunty Mayu! Home? Home. I want to go home," she says in a winey voice.

"Of course bubba. Come on."

We sign her out and she struggles in my arms, trying to get free. I let them down and tell her not to run off. She walks around me and right in front of Oliver and puts her arms up. Oliver laughs and picks her up. Once she's comfortable she shifts her head from side to side and laughs before putting both her pointer fingers on the sides of his smile and pushing it down to make it a frown and then back up making a scary imitation of his natural smile. She laughs and laughs and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world. Meanwhile Oliver lets her distort his face and laughs too.

We get to the car and Oliver puts Phoebe in an already set up car seat.

We get home and Payton and Chris are sitting on the stairs waiting for us. I get Phoebe out from her car seat and put her on my hip. She's snoring softly and cuddles closer her head to my shoulder. Payton looks at me with a worried expression, "Do you want me to take her?"

"No, Its fine."

I get upstairs and put Phoebe on my and Oliver's bed.

Oliver was going to start the baby's room, Chris' old one, when we got back from his mums. At least it’s all cleared out but we'll have to set up the baby cot that we bought earlier before Phoebe will be able to sleep in it. Plus, she sleeps in a bed most of the time anyway; it’s only when they stay at mums that she sleeps in a portable crib.

I tuck her in and run my fingers through my hair. I look at my reflection and see a tired, mess of a person. I have dark bags under my eyes and I'm still only in pajamas. The bottom buttons have come undone and are showing of my stretched skin and pregnant bulge. I hide my face in my hands and weep.

 The door creaks open and I try to pull myself together. I wipe my face with my hands and take a deep breath. An arm wraps around me and I know it’s neither Oliver’s nor Chris'. It’s soft and small with long pink fingernails, Payton. 

"Hey Sweetie. You wanna come and talk?"

"No, I- I'm fine."

"No you're not. Come on. You don't need to be brave through this. It’s hard. You're pregnant, looking after you niece and your mum and sister are in hospital. The first person you would ring if you needed something is your mum and after that your sister. You don't have either and you have a precious little girl to take care of. You feel scared and alone, but you don't have to. Let us help you through this."

I sigh and give in to her hug. I sob and she soothes me and runs her fingers through my hair gently. 

"Come on, we don't want to wake Phoebe," she says while leading me to the door. 

She sits me at the table and hands me a tissue. "Its so scary Payton, I want to be there, right beside them. I can't because I need to be here for Phoebs. It was unreal at first. It only just hit me. I've been trying to keep strong but I can't. It’s not who I am. I'm going to be a mother, I need to be strong."

"No you don't. You're human. You have feelings. It’s not being strong all the time that matters, its how you pick yourself up after woods."

"Thanks Payton. I just don't know how I’m meant to deal with this, any of it. My Mum and sister being in a coma, not being beside them, taking care of a baby, having one, handling a relationship, going to school, keeping a life. This is hard. It’s really hard. I don't know how I'm meant to act or what I'm meant to say or feel. I'm so confused."

"No one said it would be easy having a baby or taking care of one. No one determines how you're meant to feel. Life happens, this is life. It’s hard, it gives you the best things but it takes them away too. What is important right now is that you focus. You have a child. You have responsibility for a toddler. If you don't get on track and look after that little human being, it will be a mess."

"I know that, but I can't Payton."

"You can. You know what; I know how hard a child is. I know every stretch mark and kick. I know the vomiting and childbirth. I know the tantrums and the nursing. You know why Mayarna?" Payton is sniffing and crying and her voice was croaky. "I had a baby. I wasn't coping. He was one. He'd just started to say Mummy. I left him with my friend so I could go for a walk and clear my head. His father was giving me hell and I didn't have money or time. I got no sleep and I was a fucking mess. I curse myself every single day because I left him. While I was gone, there was a fire. I never saw my child again. If you think that having this baby is hard, times it by a million and you'll have how hard it is to lose one."

Tears are falling everywhere from both sides of the table. One side from me and the other from Payton. I can't believe she lost her baby.

"I made a mistake with my baby. I left Carwen. It took me my whole pregnancy to get the perfect name. It meant Love, fair and blessed. You know how Loved, fair and blessed he must have felt while burning in that fire because I was irresponsible? I let my baby die. I would do anything to get him back, but he's gone. I get up each morning and beg that somehow he'll come back to me. I- I'm sorry; I just wanted you to know that I know what you feel. I shouldn’t have told you. I have to go," Payton says before getting up and walking out of sight. 

Oliver walks up the kitchen stairs and smiles a sad smile at me, "Ok Baby?"

"P-Payton told me about Carwen."



Yeah, I like adding unexpected random things in don't I :P The who Carwen thing wasn't planned but I think it fits in rather nicely! Oh, and please don't comment mall me (Not that you do, love you all! You're so patient with the crappy author known as Azhur0!) because of the whole Crayna and Claire in comas thing..... 

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