Does anyone know a guy like Oliver in real life? How do you know him? Is he straight? Is he hot? What's the sweetest thing you've heard from him or any other guy? - Sounds like I'm planning a date here :P Just want to know if anyone knows a guy can be like Oliver in real life.
"Where have you two been? I didn't mean be gone until the day's almost over! The waterfall isn't that exciting. What did you do?"
I keep in a giggle and think to myself, 'Do you really want the answer to that woman?'
Oliver squeezes my hand, "Sorry, I took May to get ice-cream, 'the baby' apparently made her hungry," he says doing air quotes around the words of 'the baby.'
"Sorry, the baby makes me so hungry!"
"And then I took her up the mountain to view the city from above, we're going there tonight as well."
"Well, you've got to be here until at least 10 and I don't want you driving late."
"Mum, what do you think I do when I'm not here?"
She lets out a huff. "Fine, you have to be back by twelve though. What do you two want to do now? It’s only three still so we have a lot of spare time. Do you want to watch a movie? Oh, I've missed you so much my baby boy!"
"I've missed you too mum," Oliver says while stepping away from me and closer to his mum so he can hug her. "We could watch a movie, if you want."
"Ok! Ruby is coming over soon. She's going to flip when she sees how big you've gotten!"
"Are you still with her? Wow!" Oliver says. "That's cool. What new movies do you have?"
"I'm not sure. Come have a look."
Oliver stands up and accidently spills a cup of abandoned coffee. I gasp and groan as it slops out of the cup. Oliver makes a noise and grunts as the liquid spills all over him.
"I'm going to get a cloth," he says in a patient annoyed voice he uses when he's upset or controlling anger.
He walks off and within a few seconds returns with a tea towel. He pats at the table and cleans up the mess. "I've got to get changed now. Come on May."
"Hmm. Well, hurry back. If you don't hurry I'll come up."
Oliver leads me up stairs made of dark polished wood. "My old room is up here."
We get to a hallway with doors leading off and Oliver point to one. "That's my room. Keep in mind I haven't renovated it within the last 2 years."
I laugh. The walls are light brown; there is a king bed, a desk, wardrobe, TV and weight bench. What makes me laugh is the giant poster of busy philipps in a bikini.
"Nice poster you got there, my loving boyfriend," I say while chuckling and hitting him on the upper arm jokingly.
He hangs his head in embarrassment. "Yeah... Laurie in Cougar Town is the best...."
I laugh even harder. "You watched Cougar town?"
Oliver huffs "Did. Forced. Big sister. Not my fault!"
I make a mhhm noise and sit on his bed. "You going to get changed or just look at the poster?" I ask.
"Nah, I got much better things to look at," he says while grabbing the top of the poster with one hand and ripping it right down the center. The two halves still hang from the wall as they were stuck down in the corners.
Oliver walks over to the bed, positioning his arms either side of me and putting his lips to mine. I grab the collar of his shirt to pull him even closer. "You know, before meant a lot to me."
"It meant a lot to me too May."
"So I wasn't terrible?"
Oliver laughs, "Differently not. What about me?"
"Hmm... I'd give you about a 2..."
Oliver lets his jaw drop open like he's offended. "That hurt!"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You were perfect. Now, we better get you changed before your mum comes up."
"Do you regret it?"
"No! Why would you even ask that?"
"Just making sure. Now, about my clothes.... My old style was... umm...."
"Just hurry up and get dressed already!" I yell.
Oliver groans and goes to his wardrobe. He pulls out a draw and fumbles through it. He produces clothing and changes. He turns around in a tight pair of rusty red skinny leg type jeans and a tight green shirt. I laugh, "Grown a little huh?"
"No. This is how they looked before. I even had my hair coloured black. It was sad. Chris showed me how to dress when I moved in with him."
"Oh... So Chris was the one who made you into a little player?"
"No. I got chicks before that. None as special or as beautiful as you though. I wouldn't trade you for a billion of them."
"Naw! You're so sweet."
Oliver laughs and throws something at me. "A jacket?" I ask while studying the red collage jacket.
"It'll get cold soon," he says while grabbing an identical black one for himself, "don't judge me. I like these jumpers, they're warm. So... before we go down. My mum's gay, Bi actually. Just thought I would tell you so you don't get into an awkward situation when Ruby comes over."
(A/N: If you're against gay people, get over it. Don't bitch in comments and don't stop reading because of this. I respect everyone's decision on the topic, I strongly support. I can write about whatever I want, and I want to write about gay people :P Mmk? Mmk!)
"Yeah, I figured. It’s good that she's happy."
Oliver half smiles and nod. "So.... I guess we could go back down."
I give a little humph noise. "Can't we just stay up here for a while?" I pat the bed beside me, "come lie down with me."
Oliver sits on the bed and lies back. I snuggle into his chest and breathe in his sent. Clean and gorgeous. He wraps his strong arms around me and kisses the top of my head.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep my hands off you Oliver..."
"Stay up here and I'll go tell mum you fell asleep. I'll be back."
(A/N: Just to clarify, I would never lie to my mum like that but I also wouldn't get a sex change and get my name changed to Oliver, so....)
"Don't go!" I whine, the sound of my voice muffled by his chest.
He laughs, "We could just wait for tonight and stay like this for a bit I guess..."
"I guess..."
After a few minutes Oliver gets up and extends his arm in front of me to help me up. We head out of the room and back down the stairs.
A red headed woman gasps and squeals, "WOW!! OLIVER! You've grown so much bub! You look so much more... manly! Oh gosh! It's been sssoooo long since I saw you! Come here and give me a hug!"
Oliver laughs and steps away from me. Previously just my head was poking out and Oliver was shielding the rest of my body.
"Ruma! Hey! I missed you too," he says while wrapping his arms around the women. Once the hug ends he turns back to face me. "This is May, my girlfriend. May, this is Ruma, which stands for Ruby Mum.... Its something Payton came up with a few years back."
The woman gives a weird noise in return and a half smile, half panicked look. "Hi May. Oliver, can I speak to you for a minute?"
"Anything you want to say to me you can say to May. We're basically married already, aren't we baby?"
I laugh awkwardly and stare at the ground with a protective arm over my giant stomach.
The woman clears her throat, "Well Oliver, I'm just wondering why you're throwing your life away with a pregnant woman. Was abortion not given a thought? The baby isn't even yours so I hear."
I draw in a big breath, "Oliver decided to stay with me, it’s not his baby but it was his choice. The guy who did this is in jail. Abortion was given a thought, just not a second one. I would never kill such a precious life."
"Look Ruby, that baby is mine. Not in DNA but fuck me if I'm not a better candidate than the other low life. Mayarna is more than my girlfriend and this is not some temporary thing. I love everything about this woman, including our baby that she's having."
"Well it's great that you found your match but I'm just thinking of what happened with William. He thought he found the one, then what happened?"
"He was my friend, not me."
Oliver's mum clears her throat, standing in a doorway, "Ruby, I know my son better than anyone and I know he loves Mayarna. Heck, I already love her! You're a gem!" she says while shooting me a smile, "I know you're just worried for him but he's still going to make something of his life, just with his woman and child beside him. William's girlfriend wasn't the problem, it was William. They're a great couple now. Getting married actually. You'll see them at dinner."
"If you say so. Mayarna, please don't take offence. Just think from my point of view, this boy I've known since he was 10, he's always had such ambition and now he could throw it all away from some girl. It’s not against you, just the situation."
"May, just-" Oliver starts.
I interrupt, "No, it’s true. Kids take a lot out of people," I say in a dull voice before walking out of the room.
I walk out the front door and grab my key for Oliver's car out of my pocket. I unlock the door but before I get in Oliver comes up behind me and kisses my neck. "Sorry baby. She's just known parents who haven't treated their kids like they should. Trust me, she'll love you soon."
My eyes fill with water, "No Oliver. It's true. How can I expect you to stay when you have a life? You should be going to university when you finish school and getting a good job and shit. I'll weigh you down."
"I thought we overcame this months ago. I'm not fucking leaving. I can go to university and look after you. That baby in there," he says while pointing to my stomach, "I never know I could love someone who I have never even met so much. Before you I was lost. I didn't think I wanted kids but now, as soon as you have that baby I want to have another one with you. I want to be with you until I have to push you in a wheelchair from old age; I want to be the good granddad that spoils his grandkids with lollies. That's how long I plan on staying with you for. So fuck you if you think I'm going to leave you because university is in the plan too."
I put a hand on my stomach. "Promise me you won't give up on your dreams."
"You are my dreams Mayarna, I will never give up in you."
I sniff and take a deep breath, "Promise you won't give up on your education."
"I promise. Now, can we go inside or something?"
I laugh, "I don't want to go back in there."
"Ruby will be nice. Mum already talked to her."
I sigh, "Ok."
We get back inside and Ruby is waiting awkwardly. "Mayarna, I'm, I'm really sorry. I didn't know about the circumstances. I really do like you it’s just that sometimes I say before thinking. Can you forget what I said? I don't know you well and I just made an assumption. Oliver is really happy with you and I know that you'll both make amazing parents."
I clear my throat. This could go three ways. One, I could be rude and put her in her place. Two, I could pretend it never happened. Three, I could just tolerate her. I chose the second option to keep the peace. I don't want to be on Oliver's mum's girlfriend's bad side. That's a long line of people....
I smile and shake my head, "Its fine, I'm use to being judged now. Let's pretend it didn't happen."
Jenny claps her hands and runs over to me and clamps her arms around me, positioned so she's avoiding my bump. "Thank you! I thought you were going to leave! I'm so happy! Sorry about that darl!"
We watch a movie and have dinner before Oliver and I leave to go to this mountain thing he was talking about. Dinner was amazing. It was a full on feast of all types of crap. Oliver's mum put the box of clothing in the boot(trunk) before we left because she said she'd probably be asleep when we got back and I’d need pajamas.
Oliver and I sit on the grass in front of the barrier of wooden stumps connected across the top, looking out at the city below; no one else is around, "Apart from the awkward meeting of Ruby, what did you think?"
"I like them both. Ruby was... well, she's nice now that I know her a little. And your mum, I fucking love her, man! She's so lovely!"
"Guess both our parents are pretty cool, huh?"
"We're going to be like them one day. We'll be meeting this little person's partner."
"And other kids partners, right?"
"You want more kids?"
"With you, yes."
"Well, how about we wait and see how this one turns out?"
"I can wait. As long as you agree that one day we'll have a baby together."
"Ollie, blood doesn't make a baby yours. This one is just as much as any other."
"I know that, and I love this little baby very, very much. I just want to have something together with you, I don't want an awkward, I'm not really your dad conversation. I don't want some other man tied into your life."
"We'll have more kids one day, ok?"
"Good. We can practice in the mean time though right? Like now?"
I laugh, "What have I done? You waited for how long and now you can't wait a day."
"What can I say? Do you know how hard it was to keep you untouched by me until now? It was fucking hard! I'm not holding back anymore."
I laugh and kiss Oliver.
"Stop swearing."
I kiss him again and lay back onto the grass, lips still connected with Oliver's. He leans over me with his hands either side. I put my arms around him and he moves his lips to my neck, kissing. Before long I'm ripping off his jeans which are rather tight, and he's dealing with my clothing.
A light rain begins to fall, falling onto Oliver and my body, tangled together, already wet with sweat. Oliver strokes his hand through my hair and I listen to his heart beat, listening to the steady, still fast rhythm.
"Come on, we better get back," I say, kissing Oliver's chest then lifting my head and kissing his lips.
He sits up, pulling me with him and lifts me onto his waist, "Yeah, probably. Here, let me help you," he says while slipping my dress over my head.
Sorry this is short but I've got writers block atm and I just want to get this out. The chapters probably won't be as long anymore, not sure.
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