Chapter 22

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"Ok, well remember the rules, no late nights, no skipping school anymore, you text me at least each day, no funny business and you visit twice a week at the minimum!" Mum says as we stand on the front lawn and she gets ready to leave Oliver's house. 

"Understood Ma'am," I mutter before pulling her in for a hug, "Love you Ma. I promise to follow the rules," well.... all but one....

"Mum, I kinda can't breathe...." I choke out.

"Bye darling! I love you too, more than the whole world! Call me if you need ANYTHING," she says while exiting the hug. Mum sniffs, trying to hold back a whole new eruption of tears.

"Bye Claire, I'll take good care of your daughter, I promise! I'll bring her around tomorrow after school actually."

"Ok Oliver, that would be great. Behave you two!" she says while putting her arms out for Oliver to give her a hug as well. 

 Oliver wraps an arm around my waist as we watch her drive away. What a fun morning.... Neither Oliver nor Mum would let me pack yesterday so I had to run around like a chicken with a cut off her trying to get organized this morning. I didn't have that much to bring, only clothes and stuff like that but damn.... It took forever!! I also wasn't allowed to pick up any boxes and help because, 'I'm pregnant,' uh duh... The gardener who doesn't even exist could have told me that... but also because I just got out of hospital.... Stupid worry warts they are!

Oliver sighs and rests his head on the top of mine, "So.... We're home..."

His stating the obvious statement made me chuckle, "Seems so. You know, I wonder what Chris is going to say when he gets home..."

"Not much, you stay here all the time; he'll probably just assume you're staying again tonight."

"Yeah... I think we should tell him..." 

Oliver laughs, "Yeah, maybe...."

I bite my lip nervously, "He won't mind, will he?"

Oliver shakes his head from side to side, "Nar, he likes you. Plus, he's moving down stairs soon, with my sister may I add."

 I chuckle, "I guess you're right."

He twists his arm that's around my waist resulting in me spinning into his chest. He laughs and pulls me closer. I huff and reposting my arms around his waist. He kisses the top of my head and starts to walk, forcing me to walk backwards. I lift my head and glare at him and he bites his lip, chewing back a smile. 

"Come on, we better go put your stuff away properly," he says while untangling us and interlacing my fingers with his. He walks and tugs me behind him.

We walk into his room and I look at the 6 big boxes full of thing and sigh. This is going to be fun...

As I start to put my laptop beside a desk in Oliver's room I hear him laugh. I glance over my shoulder at his and he twists his finger in one of the boxes and pulls something out on a crooked finger. I gasp as I realise the objects dangling from his pointer finger are two of my lacy bras. My face drops and I give him my best dirty look and set the laptop down and walk to him and snatch my underwear from his fingers, "Excuse me!! Go unpack another box!!"

"Its ok Baby, they have to go in my boxers draw so I'll see them all the time anyway," he says with a cheeky grin and a glint in his eye.

I shake my head at him and laugh, "Wow, what have I got myself into?"

"Something fun??"

I hit his shoulder lightly, "Whatever. Go deal with another box or go watch TV or something, you haven't much of a help anyway! All you've pretty much done is stand around looking gorgeous while I run around in an unflattering matter trying to sort my stuff out!"

He laughs once again, "Sorry Babe, You're just so beautiful I couldn't concentrate. Then I came across this box and well...."

"Oh, just shut up!! Go! Play the playstation or something," I say while flicking my hand and wrist in a swatting like motion.

"Ok, ok! I'll go order a pizza or something..."

I poke my tongue out in a disgusted manner, "Yuck, I think I'm gonna puke! Order Chinese instead."

"Wow... You've been here for less than an hour and you're already altering my eating habits, miss bossy."

I flash him a guilty smile, "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry bub, I like it! I love having you here! I was just kidding baby. Your bossiness is sexy... But, just so we're clear, you're so not the dom here...."

"Dom?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, Dom... You know, Dom and Sub."

I shake my head, "I have no idea what you're on about but I'll take the sub...."

He laughs, "Not food!! Like in 'relationships' there's the dominant and the submissive.... Get it now?"

Comprehension washes over me and I am so glad that I don't blush. "Oh.... Yeah, right.... Um.... Wait, what does that have to do with my food?" I ask softly, and my head tips to the side in a very confused manner.

He clears his throat and shakes his head before chuckling and saying, "Don't worry Yarn, I'm just... you know, being me."

"Wait, I'm meant to be the hormone driven one here..... Stop having dirty thoughts, that's my job!!!"

"Sorry, let’s hope that two horny people in one house, heck make it three, soon to be four once Payton moves in, can control there thoughts.... Wait, eww, Payton and Chris... in this house.... God I hope they're not loud....." he says while shuttering.

I laugh, "Well, we could always block the noise out...." I say in a suggestive manner. Damn, who let the slutty me out and how can I get her back in?

Oliver clears his throat, "I still keep my previous opinion on the subject, even though this is going to be very hard now we live together..."

"Well, Tiger, It was your idea.... You were the one who said I had to move in...."

"I stand by both opinions," he says in a serious voice. 

"Oh gosh drama boy!! Fine, you stick by your opinion but I have no choice but to stick with mine. Now, are you going to order that pizza or do you me to honey?"

"Bu- Ah, yep... I'll go do that. So you want pizza now?"

I huff, "I don't mind. Get what you want... One might not be open anyway, its only lunch..."

He nods and slips out of the room. I sigh and chuckle before opening a draw that was cleared for me and putting my underwear in it along with some other clothes, not that most of it fits me anymore. I so need to drag Oliver to the shops with me... Actually....

"Hey, Ollie!!! Wait!! Don't order anything!!" I yell out.

Oliver groans and pops his head into the room, "Yes baby?"

"Well, you know how you love me?" I say in a sickeningly sweet voice and biting my lip while smiling innocently.

"Yes, lots and lots and lots and lots..... Now what do you want?" He says while fully walking into the room and wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"Come shopping with me? I need to buy new clothes because I'm a whale...."

He leans forward and kisses my forehead, "Anything for you babe. Come on, we'll do the unpacking later."

I smile at him and wrap my arms around him neck before laying a quick peck on his lips. Once I pull back he smiles and leans forward, placing his lips over mine again and kissing me tenderly and lovingly. How did I get so lucky? Oliver is the most loving, sensitive, tender, rough yet so smooth, sweet, protective and hot guy on the planet!! He's so accepting of everything and he treats me like it’s his baby cooking in my stomach. Oh how I wish it was... I love the baby all the same, it's not my baby’s fault it was shipped to my insides like it was, but I do wish that it wasn't with Hutton. I wish it was the man who I love and to be honest, want to spend the rest of my life with. I know Oliver will make a great dad, with my baby but also with some of his own some day, even if it’s not with me, though it pains me to think of that. I don't want him to be with someone else and it would break my heart to see him as a boyfriend to another girl but I could understand. Taking on some else’s baby is.... well, I can only imagine. I also know that when he wants me to, I will gladly carry his children. I can't help the insecurities even though I know he loves me and I love him. I know he wouldn't cheat and I know he won't leave me but I just can't help it when my brain runs over those bad possibilities. 

His lips release mine and it booms me back out of my mind. Oliver looks at me and frowns, "What is?"

I clear my throat and smile, "Nothing, I'm being stupid and thinking into too many unlikely things."

"Tell me. I want to know May," he says sincerely.

"Ollie, it’s just that you're so... perfect and I just worry sometimes that you'll find someone more to your standards.... I'm having someone else’s baby and you treat me so perfectly, I just wish that it was your child growing in me and not his."

"Baby, stop worrying. I love you more than anything and I never knew this could exist, these feelings. I don't care whose baby it really is in you, it feels like mine. I'm going to love that baby as if it was. You said yourself; there is a difference between a dad and a father. And, as to that bull about you not being my standards, it’s the other way around, you're a goddess, you could pick any man on the planet, even if you do have a giant baby belly, and they would kill to be with you. Stop it with the negative thinking and just focus on now, focus on us," he says sternly, tenderly and softly while placing a hand on my swollen stomach and rubbing.

His words sink and wash over me like a blanket.' I don't care whose baby it really is in you, it feels like mine. I'm going to love that baby as if it was,' and 'focus on now, focus on us.' Damn this man if just.... too good for words. I'm so lucky!!

"Stop it! I know what you’re thinking, you're so lucky and I'm like superman, what did I say? You're a bloody goddess!! So, come on, let's go and get you some new clothes."

Twenty minutes later I find myself in YMSM (Yummy mummy, small bubby.) The biggest mother/baby shop in all of town. I look around the maternity wear racks, restraining from running around the store and buying every piece of baby clothing in stock. I feel the baby give me a little kick and I place my hand on my stomach and smile. My baby is right under my finger tips, growing and forming.

"Shit!!" I mutter.

Oliver looks at me in confusion, "What?"

"I forgot, we can't visit mum tomorrow... I have a doctor’s appointment."

"What time?"


"Well, you can't go to school then so we'll just take you after..."

"Ok," I mutter and place a soft kiss on his lips. I'll need to send mum a text and tell her about that...

He entwines my fingers with his and we continue looking for clothing.

After an hour I have a purple maxi gown, floor length and with a piece of floaty material draping from the top and to the place underwire on a bra sits at, the same dress but in black and it only goes to the knee, a 'white-bubble-dress-cocktail-gown' with black embroidery over the chest, a bubble hem dress in grey, a shirt dress in black and one in white, a t-shirt dress with giant pockets in black, a shoulder dress, and a laced sleeve dress in red with the 'laced sleeves' in pink and a loop neck dress. Most of them are no longer than knee length because summer is already clutching us within its claws. I hate hot weather.... I hate dresses too.... Stupid Ollie!!! As for shirts, I now have a ruffle shirt in red, a white singlet shirt with 'its all about the birds and the bees' in black (My favourite of all these damn clothes!!), a 'Satin Flutter Top', plain t-shirts in red, blue, purple and green, five singlet shirts in all different colours, 2 pairs of average jeans, one blue and one black pair with elastic waist bands, 3 coloured pairs of the same jeans but three quarters instead of full length, red, electric blue and purple, a pair of black cargo pants, a pair of plain black shorts and last but not frickin least for the pants, 2 pairs of Solow pants. All of it is stretch, the shirts are made of stretch stuff and the pants have the stupid elastic wastes.....  I am not a big fan of clothing shopping... I was actually surprised that Oliver got so involved with this... I was expecting to have to call Kaysa so she could help me. If it was up to me I would grab a few pairs of plain pants and a few tees and leave... Maybe with some baby clothes.... 

"What kind of skirts do you want?" Oliver asks.

I groan, "None Ollie!! I'm not a millionaire!!! This is going to break the bank for me as it is!!!"

"Hmmhmmm, I'm buying this...."

I gasp, "NO!! This is going to cost a fortune!!!"

"Yeah, meh.... I have enough money and I plan on spending on to my two favourite people, well person and a half...."

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Well, we are going shopping for baby clothes after this...."

"God!! You're worse than a kid in a lolly shop!!!" I say in disbelief.

"So come on, skirts."

"Wait.... I haven't seen you work, where do you get money?"

"Oh, it’s kind of inherited.... My uncle died and left everything to me, Payton and my mum. He was pretty rich.... Once she dies the money gets split between me and Payton but I'll probably just give it all to her. I don't need money like that... I want to actually get a job and work for money... I hope on everything that I won't have to make that decision for at least a good 30 years though, I love mum like crazy even if I don't talk to her much, if anything happened to her.... Anyway, Mum set me up with a rather healthy bank before I left home and she still adds money to it every month."

I feel touched by what he said about how much he loves his mum, I wouldn't doubt for a second! Oliver is such a sweetie. Then I think of the other part of what he said and my face drops, "Not that it changes anything but how much we are talking?"

He sighs and puts a 'thinking' face on, "My bank?"


"Let's just say a hell of a lot and it’s added to every month..."

"Seriously?" I say because I'm sure I heard him wrong.

 "Sound crazy but you heard right.... Didn't you ever wonder about my car or even TV for that matter?"

"Wait!! If you're rich, why do you live with Chris?"

"WE live with Chris," so glad I don't blush!!! "because we were close before I moved in. He's like a real bro to me and I wasn't allowed to move into a house all alone so Chris said to live with him." 

"WOW!!!! This is..... Holy heck!! I'm living with and dating a rich dude!!! Holy shit!! How did I not know this earlier????"

"Uh, it's not something I just go around broadcasting... You know how many chicks used me for money before I met you?"

I frown, "I'm sorry baby!! I don't care, you could only have a dollar, heck, nothing for that matter and I would love you more than anything. It’s just a shock, that's all!!"

"I know baby girl! You're not like that. So will you let me pay for your stuff now?"

"No!!" I say while shaking my head.

"Flipping stubborn!!!" I heard him mutter under his breath, "Babe, you have no choice in this. It won't even make a dent in the account. Now, back to skirts!!"

"Ugh, are you trying to kill me?"

He chuckles, "Sorry, Payton dragged me to a lot of shops when I was a kid...."

Well, the money explains why Payton could travel so much.... WOW!! I honestly couldn't care less but WOW!!!! 

A few pair of flowy skirts later... It was on to night wear... Please, let this shopping trip end soon!!!!! A few pairs of short PJ pants found their way into the trolley we now had to cart around, along with some lacy nighties and PJ shirts and that was done but now came the embarrassing bit... Ollie seems to enjoy it..... 

In the end I just sat down and let Oliver chose stuff to show me.... Turned very interesting.... I got a few very flash, lacy, frilly bras along with matching panties, a few actual breast feeding bras, one like the 'ahh' bra and I picked a few sports bras. Well how interesting....

Now it was on to baby clothes. I couldn't even go into detail about the things we got, some blue, some pink, some yellow, some white.... Everything was just amazing in here!! This time both me and Ollie are laughing and showing each other things, putting baby clothing against my bulging stomach and just loving each other's company. The kids clothing is just so gorgeous!!!

Once we're at the checkout it takes about a year to scan all the clothing. The cash register comes up with an unearthly price for clothing and a few toys and I shake my head at Oliver, "NO!! I'm going to put some of this back Oliver. You cannot buy all this, besides, it will take us a year to wash this and where will we put it? Come on!! Just let me put some back."

He smiles a devils grin at me and swipes his card and punches in number for the pin. 

"I'm not talking to you Oliver. I'm serious as a heart attack too. I asked you not to do that and you still did," I grumble when we get to the car.

"May, I want you to be comfortable, plus, all this stuff is stretch and if you don't want to get more it will last you to the end of the pregnancy, I think.... "

I ignore him and open up the passenger side door to his amazing black car and slide in. Damn him, he bought the clothing, he can load it into the boot. I don't want him to think that I just want him for his money. In fact, I wish he never told me about his fortune. It’s not that I don't like having money but he shouldn't be spending it on me. I have my own bank even if it’s not large and I don't want him thinking he can buy me everything. He can't waste his money on me!! I won't let him!! 

I hear the boot clunk closed and I take a deep breath, composing myself so I won't give into him when he gets into the car. He slides in beside me and puts his hand on mine but I pull it away. Well, first day living with him and we're in a fight... Our first fight.... Over money, how cliché..... I pull my hand from his and put my own in my lap. Oliver laughs and I feel his gaze on me.

"You're gorgeous May!! I love you so much."

"What are you talking about? You just spent a fortune on me, you should be furious!! I'm not with you to waste your money, if I knew this would happen I would have asked Crayna or Kaysa to come with me. I asked you not to buy that stuff or at least let me put some un-needed stuff which there was much of back. You ignored me.  I wish you never told me about the money. Material things mean nothing to me!!"

"I know that, I just want to spoil you and the baby! Is it a crime?"

"Yes," I say shortly.

"May, please don't be mad at me. I had a great day spoiling my girl and little one. I have money and I don't see why I can't use some of it on you. I spent more buying a suit for someone's wedding!! Please forgive me for being stubborn?"

I take a deep breath, "Will you listen next time?"

"Yes," he tells me.

"Fine, don't do it again."

He sighs in relief and grabs my hand but I pull it back, "I'm still pissed Oliver. At least give me 10 minutes to cool off. Don't touch me."

He chuckles and starts to back out of the parking space. After 5 minutes my shitty mood dissolves and I find myself laughing and singing to a song with Oliver, my hand on his thigh as he drives.

Once we get home I tell Oliver I'm going to call mum and walk to OUR bedroom. Gosh.... No longer Oliver's but ours.... I put Mum's number into the phone and soon she picks up with a light, happy voice, "MAY!!! I'm so happy to hear you!! I've missed you so much!!"

"Mum, it's only been like 5 hours since you dropped me here!!"


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