Chapter 23

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There will possibly be a sequel to this but you don't have to read it if you don't want to. Leave a comment if you would read it! This book still has another 5-10 chapters though. I'll post more of the sequel info once this one only has about 2 or 3 chapters left.

-Pic is of Jenny, you'll find out who she is later in the chapter.

 I've been living with Ollie a fair while now and it has all been awesomeness. School has been pretty uneventful.... Kaysa had called me a few times when I was still not back at school to tell me what we're studying and when I was still at home she dropped off some homework so I didn't miss much. I had no problem doing the stuff they're learning, I already knew most of it. OP testing is the week before school ends for term 3 break. It will be at the end of this month. Yay..... (Sarcasm is there if you can't tell!)

I snuggle back into Oliver's arms more, still half asleep. I hear his husky from sleep laugh and he tightens his grip around me, pulling me closer. "Morning babe."

I smile and reply, "Morning Olive! I still love waking up with you. It still seems weird!"

"I love waking up with you too. Now turn around and give me a kiss."

"My pleasure Mr. Norman," I roll over so I'm facing him and wrap my arms around his body before I kiss him. He smiles half asleep and I smile back.

"What time is it?" he asks.

"I'm not sure.... I'm up though so I'm going for a shower."

"Ok, come back to bed after though."

"Ok, I will baby."

I go to get up but his arms wrap around me tighter, "Do you really have to get up?"

"Are you going to entertain me this morning? Like NOW?" I ask mischievously.

"Can I sleep for another half hour?" he says while closing his eyes and moving his neck.

"Let me up then! Plus, I need to pee!" he does and I go for the draw of clothing and get out my dress that's black and above the knee length, made of that heavy weighted but light material and with the extra band of material all floaty across the chest. I grab some underwear too obviously.

Before I get out of the room Oliver huffs out, "Come on!! You're 19 weeks pregnant! Don't you ever slow down?"

"I don't know," I say effortlessly before heading to the bathroom.

I use the toilet and strip off before jumping in the shower, being careful to keep my hair dry. Once I'm done I get dry and dressed and run a brush through my hair and tie it high on my head. I stop to look in the full length mirror attached to the door now in the bathroom. My huge stomach is actually straining against the material of the dress, looking like it might break it. I love my bump... It’s my baby! Oliver does too, he's so sweet, he's always rubbing my tummy and talking to the baby. I smile at my reflection before pretty much skipping back to the bedroom. I feel great at the moment!! 

I slip back into bed and smile. Ollie is still asleep. He looks so peaceful! 

Damn, I'm really hungry!! I don't want to wake Ollie but he gets my food!!! He is my cook. He needs to give me food..... NOW!! I wriggle closer before kissing his jaw and down his neck. "Baby?"


"Get me food."

"Too tired."


"You know where the cereal is."

"I don't feel like cereal...."

"Have toast."

"Come on!! Will you get up if I make you breakfast?"

"No," he says while rolling over onto his stomach and almost falling asleep again. That is so not fair! I can't be on my stomach.... 

I sit up and scoot even closer before lifting up my body and sitting down on his butt and wriggling around. 

"Your butt is squishy!" I exclaim.


Damn it!! This is taking some serious effort! "Please get up and get me food?"

"Ah, fine!! You better do something awesome for me for this effort...."

"Yeah, I will.... Now get up!!"

He murmurs something under his breath and I get off him and sit, cross legged on the bed. He rolls over and sits up too. He smiles at me and puts his head to my tummy, kissing it lightly. "Morning baby. How's daddy's bubba this morning? And how's my yummy mummy?"

"We're both good! But hungry.... We're both hungry too."

"Yeah, I know.... I'll make you something in a minute," he says while raising his head so its level with my eyes and not my stomach. He kisses me on the lips and sighs. "Come on then..."

Ollie gets up and slips a shirt on to go with his boxers and pulls me up beside him. He entwines our fingers and we go to the kitchen.

I sit on the counter and watch as Oliver cooks. I tried to help him once or twice but he's pretty fast and gets stuff done. I kept knocking things over.... or adding the wrong thing.... like pepper in the custard stuff he made... It was a reasonable mistake!! 

After about 10 minutes three plates are filled with pancakes. I do our normal routine and call out to Chris who has moved downstairs. We hear thudding and soon Chris walks into the kitchen. He smiles and walks over to me, kissing my cheek and placing a hand on my stomach. Everyone does that these days!!

"Hey May, morning my niece of nephew in there! Hey Ol!"

Soon we're all seated at the couch, eating our food. Chris smiles and talks. Oliver groans and pauses the movie we're half watching, "Guess what?"

"You ate an elephant?" I ask sarcastically.

"No.... Damn you're weird and food crazed sometimes May....."

"My turn!" Oliver exclaims, "You ate a unicorn?"

I high five him and turn back to Chris who is shaking his head at us, "You two ladies are a good couple..... No. I did not eat anything besides these pancakes..... Payton is moving back today! Most of her stuff is here already and she's got her job worked out so my fiancé is going to be here today!!" 

"That's mad bro!! My sister is coming today!! "

"My..... person like a sister..... Is coming back today!!" I exclaim. Payton and I have talked over Skype and phone a lot recently and man I love that chick!!

Oliver laughs and unpauses the movie. I finish the last of my pancakes and put the plate on the coffee table before cuddling into Oliver's arms. He rests his head on the top of mine gently and kisses my hair. 

After a long and boring movie the guys picked - something about some guy who blew up stuff- Chris gets up and takes the disk out, ready to be returned, "Ok, I'll see you guys later. I'm going to go get ready for when Payton gets here. Her plane lands at 7 tonight. We could go out for dinner or something later? If she's up to it."

"Sure," Oliver says with a nod.

Chris goes downstairs and Oliver twists his head so he's looking at me. "So May, I was thinking.... Maybe, we don't have to but.... do you want to meet my mum? She's really awesome but full on and I get if you don't want to but..... yeah, I think we're pretty serious, I know I want to be with you forever and in that forever you're gonna have to meet my mum sometime...."

"YES!" I hadn't expected it and I hadn't thought about it much but she raised and gave me Olive, she gave him a mad name I can make a food nickname from and she also raised Payton who is like a second sister I never had. The woman is a legend! Wait.... what if she doesn't like me? Damn I hope she does.

"Great, I'll call her up and maybe we can go there in an hour or so?"

"Sure, where does she live?"

"A few hours from here. It’s only like 8 though so if we leave by 9 we can get there at 11. Chris and Payton will want some time together so we can leave mums at 5 we can be back at 7 or 8 depending on traffic and head to dinner at around 8:30."

"Have you been planning this? You seem to have it all planned out there Ollie."

"No.... I'm just... You think 5 would be too late to leave? Should we get her flowers? You're a woman; you know this stuff better than me... What if she has plans? Maybe we should just- Nar stuff it," he says while acting all jumpy and distracted.

"Oliver, calm down! Why are you getting all jittery?"

"I just....It’s my mum," he say while frowning, “I haven’t seen her, I’ve been meaning to and I miss her.”

“What’s she like?"

“She’s crazy! I love her but man, she's.... overwhelming, slightly scary... Don't get freaked out ok?"

"I won't!! I bet she's amazing!"

"She is. I love her, much better than having someone boring and narrow to raise you. Actually, she’ll probably be normal around you at first…."

"Definitely! My mum's crazy a lot of the time. She restricts it around other people though."

It’s now 9 and Oliver called his mum and everything like that. Apparently she was crying and screaming on the phone because she couldn't wait to see him. Besides Skype and long phone calls he hadn't seen her in a while. He had but just not every few weeks like I see my mum. Hey, I see mum every 2 days.... It had been about 3 or 4 months since he'd actually been for the 2 hour drive to visit her. She'd come up the time before last but Oliver told her that he'd rather go to her house, he missed being there.

 We settle in the car and start the drive down there. The first song to play is Between the raindrops by Lifehouse and some chick. This is one of my favourite songs. I start singing and don't notice that Oliver, while driving has pulled out his phone and is holding out his arm recording me while looking directly ahead at the road with a wide smile. I shriek and slap his arm. He laughs, "Well, I needed to be able to hear your voice forever."

"Don't you dare show anyone that! If you do.... So help me...."

He stops the video and slips the phone in his pocket with one hand before putting it up in surrender. "Ok! I won't!"

I laugh and rest a hand on my stomach. I feel my jaw drop open as I feel the skin stretch to meet my hand for a kick.

"Oh my god!! Ollie, I can feel the baby kick!! F-from the outside!! Pull over, quick!!"

It’s lucky that the road is quite, no other cars are even in seeing distance. He quickly pulls over to the side and I grab his hand and press it to my stomach. "Holy shit!! The baby's kicking!! I love you May," he says while leaning, with his hand still pressed to my stomach, to give me a kiss. 

After kissing me he leans his head down to press it against my stomach softly. "Hey baby! Thank you. Can you kick for daddy again?"

I run my fingers through his hair and he kisses my stomach. Oliver looks up and stares into my eyes. "That was awesome! Thank you Yarn."

"I love you Ollie. Thank you for sticking around."

He moves his hands from my stomach to cup my face and kisses me. After the kiss he rests his forehead to mine and stares into my eyes.

"Guess we should get driving again huh?" I ask.

"I guess," he says before kissing me again and returning his hands to the steering and directing his attention to the road. His smile is giant.

As he drives I stare down at my stomach. I stoke it lightly with my hand and you couldn't get the smile off my face with a crowbar AND hammer. There is a person inside of me. I am growing a human. There literally is a baby in there! A moving, kicking little baby!

"Ollie, how long until we're there? I really need to pee!"

An hour later we get to Oliver's home. He bites his lip and looks nervous. He knots his hands into mine and we walk up three steps and a pathway to the door. He looks at me, clears his throat and smiles before kissing me on the forehead. 

He knocks and the door flies open. A woman with dark brown, frizzy/curly hair, brown eyes and a giant smile tackles Oliver with a hug. Literally... "Whoa! Hey mum! Missed you too...."

"OJ!!! Oh, my baby boy!! All grown up!! I've missed you so much! I was getting ready to drive down and 'invade your personal space.' We had a deal; you didn't want me to come up so you were going to come here. Not happening anymore. Now, who's this gorgeous girl you're with?"

Oliver untangles himself from his mum and wraps his arm around my waist, "This is my girl. Mayarna, this is mum."

"Hi honey, I'm Jenny or mum. I've heard a lot about you. All good. You've really captured my son."

I laugh nervously. "He captured me too. I don't know what I would do without him."

"So, how's my grandbaby in there? You're looking ready to pop! How far are you?"

"19 weeks. It’s gone really fast. The first 10 weeks were terrible. I had no one. Then I met Ollie and everything changed."

"Have you two decided on names?"

I laugh, "We've had discussions... I wanted to name the baby Zylaz if it was a boy but Oliver talked me out of it."

"It’s a girl??"

"No. It’s a boy," Oliver smirks and pulls me closer to him.



"Ok, enough! Sorry I asked! You're staying the night by the way."

"Sorry Mum, we have to meet Payton and her boyfriend at home."

"Actually, Payton is bringing Chris here tomorrow and we're going to the beach for a picnic. You're staying tonight and that's that."

"We didn't bring clothes Mum, we can't."

"You have old clothes that will fit you. You've stayed the same muscly boy. And May, you can borrow some of my stuff. I have some old maternity clothes in boxes that you can have anyway."

I gulp. This is confronting. I don't even know the women. I met her not even five minutes ago.

"Mum I-" Oliver begins.

"No. You haven't come here in ages; I'm not letting you leave after an hour. Plus, I have to get to know Mayarna. It's settled. Why don't you take her out to that waterfall field place you use to go to all the time? Take your old car, the ute."

Oliver sighs, "Yes Mum. We'll be back in a few hours then.... You want us to stay here but you don't mind if we don't spend time with you... Right."

"I just want May to see what you did when you were younger. Now, off you go. I'll see you soon."

Oliver leads the way to an old, old ute. Its blue and rusty and I'm not even sure if it’s safe.... Ollie wouldn't let me get in it if it wasn't safe, would he? Trust May..... 

Once we actually get in the car it’s beautiful. Everything inside is completely new and the front seats are all one long leather one. It smells fresh.

"I liked to work on cars when I was younger. I rebuilt the engine in this one and redid the interior. The outside need fixing up though."

"I didn't know. I'm just use to you driving the new black car."

"Yeah, I've only done slight work on that one. It hasn't got any problems because it’s so new but I've fixed a few things here and there."

We pull up at the most beautiful place. Trees stand tall and proud, no drooping leaves and sunlight fights its way through branches and lands on my skin. In front of us water slides down rocks and lands in a pool of clearness at the bottom, creating a waterfall.

"This is... beautiful. I love it."

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing," he says while changing the angle of the car so the back is facing the nature. "Come on," he says, opening his door.

Oliver walks to the back of the car and opens up the ute part. He rumbles in a box and pulls out blankets.

"Come lie down and watch the waterfall."

I get into the back part and lie in Oliver's arms. He kisses my forehead and places his hand on my stomach. We watch the water trickle over rocks and bird fly around.

"I love you," Oliver whispers.

I feel a tear swell in my eye. "I love you too baby."

I lift my head to kiss Oliver. As our lips meet I tangle my hands into his hair.

"I know for sure Ollie."

He nods and clears his throat, "Okay. I believe you. I know for sure too. As soon as we get home we can-"

I interrupt, "No. This is perfect."

"In the back of an old truck? You want our first time to be here?" he asks in disbelief.

"This is you Ollie. It was your place when you were growing up and this the car you rebuilt. It's special, more special than it would be in some meaningless place. Don't ask me if I'm sure either. Don't wreck it. You know I am."

He kisses me tenderly and everything begins. The closeness and comfort is unbelievable. I always knew he would never treat me like Hutton did but I never imagined it would feel this amazing and give me so many feelings of being loved in so many different ways. 

[No, I'm not going into detail :p]

Oliver holds me in his arms, both of us still panting and catching breath. He kisses the top of my head and pulls me impossibly closer to his body. I wrap my leg around his and raise my head up to catch a kiss on the lips. 

"You're my forever Mayarna Ava Fields."

"Likewise Ollie. Hey, do you have a middle name?" I ask softly.

"Yeah, Jarlath. It’s Irish."

"Well Oliver Jarlath Norman, I love you more than anything in the world and I always will."

"You want to go for a swim?" Oliver asks in a whisper.

"Ok. Let's go," I say, starting to sit up.

He slides to the edge of the ute and grabs my legs, pulling me closer. I laugh and as soon as I'm close enough to him he scoops me in his arms and starts carrying me. I just let him instead of telling him to put me down, it won't work anyway.

We swim together and kiss for probably another hour before we have to go. 

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