Before I begin, I would just like to say that I am sorry for not updating in a while. Those who have watched out for the update will know why, my sister and her children (My nieces and nephew :p) have been visiting and one of my nieces had to go to the hospital here. The kids all being under 10 and one less than half a year old.... well, let's just say quiet, writing conditions have not graced my presence :p I love em' though! So thank you for your patience!!
There is another important note at the end.... I like notes :p
Sorry if I start writing in third person :p it seems all the books I have got for my kindle are written so :P
-pic is of Ollie <3
“You didn’t have to walk me home!” I say to Oliver.
“So you said the whole way home! I promised your mum I would see you home so that’s what I’m doing.”
“Are you going to come in?” I ask.
He shakes his head, “Nar, I’m going to let you talk to your mum. I'll see you later baby. We could meet up tonight if you want."
I lean forward and our lips clash, "Ok, I'll text you."
I pull back and start to walk away. Oliver clears his throat, "Excuse me!! I wasn't finished kissing you!"
"Too bad, you know the saying, treat em' mean, keep em' keen!" I yell before turning my head to see his reaction.
He shakes his head with a jokingly insulted look on his face. He turns and starts walking away.
I start to walk up my driveway. Suddenly I am pulled back. My vision blurs for a second but once it clears I see Hutton standing right in front of me so he mustn’t be the one who's holding onto me. I let out a scream but soon my mouth is soon covered with a hand.
(Author's note: I'm sorry!!! Please don't eat me!! More Hutton, I know, I know but this has to happen for something else to happen. It will be worth it in my opinion!!!)
“Where’s your fucking boyfriend? Decided you’re not worth it anymore? Well, don’t worry May, I’m here now.”
The hand that was covering my mouth moves, “Why are you doing this Hutton? You use to be so loving!” I weep.
“Loving? Mayarna, what I did to you, how you left me, that changed everything. I want you back. I want to make up for what happened, I want to make you pay for leaving me.”
“But I didn’t leave you Hutton!!” I say in a croaky voice. Hutton back hands me in the face and I howl in pain making the guy behind me hiss at me to be quiet.
“You might as well have, getting pregnant like that. You would have left me.”
“Actually, back then, no, I was too scared and controlled by you!”
“SHUT UP!!” he yells at me. “Or I’ll just have him make you,” he says while pointing to the guy behind me.
“Go on, turn your head, get a nice long look at him,” Hutton says with a smirk.
I twist my head around and immediately I feel my body go limp. It was the guy who held me down when Hutton … when Hutton raped me. My only small hope is that Oliver will come back or mum will come out of the house. Please! Please let them see me!!!
I weep and Hutton does a lip tremble causing my stomach to turn, “You’re scared, come here baby.”
I take a step out of the guy’s arms. I know what I have to do. As soon as I get a bit of distance between myself and the guy who held me down that night and closer to Hutton I can smell the alcohol that radiates from his mouth. It makes my stomach churn but I have to stay strong.
I make a sharp turn away from the men and run. Hutton gasps and immediately follows. I can just see the outline of Oliver. “HE-”
I don’t even get to finish my word before I am tackled to the ground. My face makes contact with grass, making a thump noise fill the air. I cringe and try to keep in the sob that is fighting to be free, to be heard. The light on the porch of my house flicks on and my mum sticks a weary head out. Her face drops when her eyes meet mine and she scream before running in side for what must only be a split second and coming out with the cordless phone pressed to her ear and a bat.
I hear mum's voice fill the air as she speaks to - more at- someone on the phone. I only make out a few words because there is an intense ringing in both of my ears.
A hand tightens on my wrists. I try to wiggle my way free but it’s useless, “Please, stop! Don’t hurt my mum. Hutton, if you even care for me then you will let me go, or at least her!”
He spits in my face and suddenly mum’s shaky voice fills the air, “Get away from my daughter NOW!”
Hutton looks down at me and smiles, “Sorry. Can’t do that.”
The guy who was with Hutton, the one who helped him last time, gets up but Hutton has me pinned still. I hear my mum gasp and a thump fills the air. I struggle to turn my head but once I do I am totally shocked at what I see. Mum is standing, more crumbling at Oliver’s side. I gasp which causes Hutton to as well.
"LET GO OF MAYARNA BEFORE I FUCKING MAKE YOU!" he hisses. "I swear, if you don't, you will wish you had!! Keep away from my girl you piece of worthless shit!!"
I flinch at his harsh words - not that Hutton doesn't deserve them, It’s just that I'm not use to Oliver, sweet, kind, loving Oliver speak such harsh words, nor speak with such anger and warning.
"Fuck!" Hutton says before hastily releasing me and running. Running fast.
Oliver's runs to me. Mum half walk half limps behind him. Oliver skids to his knees as he gets close to me on the grass and he looks at me with concern. "Are you alright May?"
"Yes," I mutter and start to sit up. Oliver shakes his head and pushes my chest lightly with his hand, signaling me to stay lying down. I see his face set in anger and he starts to get up. I can see anger radiating from him and quickly grab at his hand, "No Oliver! Don't go after him. Just stay with me."
He groans and bites his lip, looking in physical pain - which is actually possible, I mean, he did knock the other guy flat!! "May, please do-"
I interrupt him, "No! Just stay here! If you don't you will get in trouble. Just help me get up."
He nods quickly and grabs under my knee and around my shoulders, under my arms, picking me up bridal style. "I don't mean like this Oliver! I can walk I just want help!"
"I'm not letting you go baby. If I do.... I will go after him May. He deserves it and I will give it to him."
Hutton will get what he deserves, he only has a day before court or so I hear. I had to speak to the cops last week, it was hard but they assured me he would get what he deserves. They said most likely jail for minimal of a year because he also approached me after school that day. Now he will be in even more trouble. "No Oliver. He's not worth it! We'll just go to the cops again and-"
Before I can say anything else Oliver gasps, "May! Seriously, are you ok? Look at your arm and your face, baby, are you ok?" he asks with a tender glint in his eyes.
"I can't look at my face.... It’s kinda impossible," I say while shooting him a cheeky smile, trying my best to seem unaffected. To be honest I am actually pretty calm which is a big surprise! I have my Oliver and mum, both are ok, I'm ok. Besides the pain in my head.... But I feel safe with Oliver here, holding me in his arms.
"I- I was just talking to myself. Look, let's get you to hospital."
He and Mum get mum's car. Oliver sits beside me in the back, cooing things in my ear. I feel a sleepiness pull at my body and find myself yawning.
"May, stay awake baby!! Stay awake!!" Oliver says urgently.
"I-I'm trying Ollie but I'm so tired. My eyes are so heavy."
---Oliver's P.O.V---
I watch as Mayarna starts to drift off into sleep. "I-I'm trying Ollie but I'm so tired. My eyes are so heavy."
I grip onto her hand but remind myself of the already approaching bruises. I swear, as soon as I know May is ok, I am going to hunt that son of a bitch down and rip him to shreds for what he has done to my poor girl. I grab at the bottom of my shirt and raise it up to wipe the stream of blood which is trickling down in crimson shades from the corner of her head. Suddenly a complete sense of apprehension washes over me as I realise that May has her eyes closed. Panic grips me and I start chanting her name in urgent waves of worry. "May!! Mayarna!! Stay awake!!! Please!!! May!"
I hear the purr of the car cut out and I realise we've reached the hospital, and not a second too soon. I swing open the door and get May out of it in an awkward tugging; trying to be gentle with the battered beauty I call my Girlfriend, the one I love. Shit! The two I love! Panic grips its self into me again, what about the baby?
My gaze flicks to her abdomen to check for blood. I listened a little in my health classes last year and when I was living at home mum watched a few doctors’ shows so I know that blood is a sign for miscarriage. To my relief nothing but dry clothing meets my gaze, not that that means nothing is wrong but it’s a good sign...
I carry May into the entrance of the emergency wing at the hospital and am immediately greeted by a nurse. She asks what happened and scurries away and not a minute later two doctors and taking May.
I stand nervously chewing on my lip beside Claire, Mayarna's mum. God I hope May is ok.
After the longest wait of my life a doctor appears. The youthful yet aged Korean man with glasses - probably aged around mid 30s, smiles at me and Claire, directing his words at her, "Are you Miss Mayarna Fields' mother?"
"Yes," Claire replies in a croaky voice with a tear still on her cheek.
"Good! I'm doctor Hyun. She's going to be ok. We need you to fill out some reports for us as well. She had a slight concussion but nothing too serious, the blood was from a minor cut. We already put her though a CAT scan to check everything out. Her wrists will be sore and we have some concerns as to how she got them bruised like that, there is paperwork for that too. We were worried she had a broken arm but she doesn't so that's good! She should be able to get out in about two hours to make sure she doesn't lapse. At the moment she needs sleep but you can see her in around an hour."
Claire smiley happily as I do. She throws her arms around the doctor and he awkwardly hugs her back while holding the paperwork to the side so it won't jab her. She pulls back and clears her throat, grabbing the edge of her shirt. She smiles, "Sorry! It’s just such good news!! Thank you doctor!!"
He hands Claire the big pile of paper and she groans slightly. He smiles and pulls out a pen from his pocket and places it on top. Before he can walk away I speak, "Hang on!! What about the baby?"
"Ah yes, sorry I almost forgot! The baby is fine! No injury! Are you her brother?"
I clear my throat in awkwardness. Well.... "No. I am her boyfriend."
"You didn't do that to her did you?" I shake my head violently. He looks at Claire for reassurance. She gasps and grabs my upper arm with her free one.
"NO! He would never do that to her. It was her scumbag ex, the one who knocked her up. Not by choice might I add. Oliver here saved the day. I was almost knocked out too by some brute with him but Oliver saved me."
"Well, good work then son."
The doctor turns and walks away. I guess I should have expected that a little... I give Claire a smile of gratitude.
"Thank you Oliver. If not for you..."
"Don't mention it. I know this sound a bit weird but I feel like you're my family. I love May more than anything and I would never hesitate to do anything for her, even if it cost me my life. Same goes for you, if you ever need anything just ask me. I would never hurt her."
She smiles back at me, "I know, and thank you Oliver. Crayna and I also view you as family. You treat May really well and I am grateful for that. You're a good guy Oliver, I just hope you don't end up hurting my daughter, not physically or anything, I know you're not like that, but I mean like if you broke up or cheated. I don't think you would but you are a male..."
"I would never do that ma'am. I intend to one day marry your daughter, not anytime soon, I mean, I'm only seventeen.... but I'd like to think that we'll stay together, raise a family. You should be proud of yourself, you raise a great woman! She's so amazing!"
"Well, that's very sweet Oliver! I don't know what to say now!"
"Hey, do you want a coffee? I'm going down to the machine and you're going to be filled in paperwork for a while...."
"That'd be great thanks!"
---Mayarna's P.O.V---
I wake up in a hospital bed with Oliver and Mum beside me. "Wh- how long have I been out for?"
Oliver's head shoots up and he has a giant smile, "May!!! You scared me so much!!"
He gets up and hugs me followed by mum.
"You've been out for about an hour and a half I guess. I'm not sure what happened when the doctors took you but I assume you woke?"
"I don't remember.... I remember Oliver picking me up and after that I don't know. When can we leave?"
Oliver sighs, "In about a half hour."
Mum looks at me with sympathy, "Honey, I know you probably don't want to talk about this but I called the police and told them what happened. They documented it all, got the doctors records and spoke to both Oliver and I, they said they won't talk to you because they already have enough evidence and don't want to put you through more."
I nod my head meekly. Mum speaks again, "I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to get a coffee. I love you baby girl."
She walks over and kisses my forehead. I wave back at her and she exits.
"May, I- I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner. I should have been. I shouldn't have left you!"
"It’s not your fault! I was only a few steps from the door!! You saved me! If you hadn't come back, mum and I would both be more mangled."
"I'm not letting you leave my side Yarn. I want you to move in with me."
"Oliver, that's ridiculous! You can't be with me all the time, what if I need the toilet?"
I scoffs, "May, be serious! I want you to move in with me."
"I can't Oliver, Mum would never let me! Plus, I'm perfectly safe, he'll be in sent to jail tomorrow!"
"I don't care May. Please?"
My heart almost stopped. He wasn't joking; he really wants me to move in with him! Could I? What would mum think? "You really want me to? That's giant Ollie."
"I do. I want to wake up to your gorgeous face each and every morning."
The door opens and Mum steps in with two coffees. She gives one to Oliver and smiles at me, "What are you two talking about?"
After much convincing Mum agrees. I can't believe I am actually moving in with Oliver! She said it was probably safer me being there and for some reason she kept looking at Oliver with this smile. I wonder what they talked about when I was out cold... She said that I am to stay home tonight with Oliver there as well and tomorrow we would pack some of my stuff up and move it to Oliver's house. I can't believe this!! Am I still unconscious? Because seriously, this is just dream like!! So something good did come out of Hutton's little visit...
Once again, I would just like to thank ReNeExD and itsmeandonlyme for all the support. Go read Karma is a bitch by ReNeExD!!! Its awesome!!!!! I love it!!! Also, ReNeExD thank you for the advice on the things I have asked for this story and helping me find the write title for Enchanted by each other. Its awesome having you as a fan!! Thank you so much!!!
I imagine Claire as like Missy Peregrym/Sophia Bush.
So, WOW right?? May and Ollie are moving in together!! Naw.... And her Mum agreed?? Holy heck!!! I guess she gets that Oliver wants a future with May....
It's good to be back and writing!!!!!! WOO!!!!
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