Wow!!! Chapter 20 already and 51 pages (dis- including this chapter!!!) WOOT!! This is the biggest story I have ever written! This chapter is 11 word pages!!!
-Pic is of May!! Don't put many up because there isn’t many of her on the internet and I'm not totally sold for her character. Was considering changing her celebrity to Charlize Theron but I decided to keep it as it is!!
*There is a little sexual content in two places but not too bad - I will leave a warning where it starts so if you don't want to read it just skips it. As I said though, it's not too full on*
We pull up outside house and I hop out of Oliver's car, grabbing my backpack with my clothes in it. Oliver walks around to my side of the car and slinks his arm around my shoulder. He grabs the bag from my hands.
"You don't have to carry that Ollie! It’s not that heavy!" I say.
"Its ok baby, I want to," he says in a caring voice.
I smile widely. He's such a cutie!! We walk up the steps of his house and open the door, walking inside. He throws my bag into his room on the bed and we keep walking to the lounge room which is where Payton is most likely to be.
I'm walk in front of Oliver and gasp. Payton is straddling Chris, kissing him. Payton's head shoots up from Chris and he groans at the sudden movement, licking his lips with his eyes closed. Payton shoots off his lap like there's no tomorrow and Chris finally catches on and looks over at us. He groans and grabs a couch pillow that's was beside him, putting it on his lip. It was pretty easy to tell why, ‘if you get what I mean.’
I was hoping Oliver was too late to notice but unfortunately he destroyed all my hope when he spoke, "Why Chris? You can't keep your dirty hands off my sister and you flirt with my girl! What the fuck is it with you?" he asks in a pissed voice.
Payton clears her throat, "It's me Oliver. Look, last time I came to visit you I fell for Chris. He told me we couldn't be together because of you but I'm sorry, I'm not blocking out my feelings for someone just because you're protective! Screw that! Anyways, we've been talking on the phone ever since then, almost every night. He's why I visited."
Oliver's fists tighten and I place a hand on his shoulder to calm him. He looks at me and I give him a pleading look. He sighs and loops his arm around my waist. "So what you're telling me is that you two have been calling each other for the last fucking year, never bothered to tell me and you, Payton, did not come here to visit me, but the man I live with. That hurts a little! Of course I'm going to be a little pissed, I mean, you should have told me sooner. I get you were anxious about my reaction but you should know that I accept your boyfriends! Fuck, I try to make friends with them, just for you! I'm not one of those guys who go all macho and threaten and shit! But wait, what does that mean? That you've been cheating on my sister? Yeah, you might not pick up every night but I have sure as hell seen you with a lot of women over the last year! I swear, I will knock your teeth out you!"
Payton shakes her head and swallows, "No he hasn't. Well, yes but no. It’s not cheating, we both agreed to have other people. We're in a relationship but we agreed that because we're so far away for the time being we can sleep with other people, just not exclusicly. I mean, we have needs."
Oliver's jaw drops in disgust, "If I lived in a different place to Mayarna there is no fucking way I would get with another chick! When you love someone you can wait! Why do you think we have a right hand? Well ok, there are a few other reasons but anyway, what I mean is that you don't go screwing around if you love someone! You don't want to unless it's with them!"
I feel myself get a tingly feeling in my stomach because that was actually pretty sweet. I choose to just ignore the hand thing because, honestly, I don't want to know what Oliver does with that when I'm not here and he's feeling a little hot and bothered for me... Too much info....
Chris speaks up for the first time, "Man, you have no idea what it's like! I love your sister more than anything," I hear Payton gasp and it’s easy to tell that this is the first time he has said that, "and I mean anything! It’s easy for you; you have your girl with you all the time! It’s just different! I only get to talk to mine, I don't get to hug her or kiss her, all I get is a phone call! You can control yourself when your girl is with you, you can go to her for a root or just wait it out but when they're not around it hurts you so much not to even give them a hug! The only way to reduce the desire is to let it out on someone! And it’s the same for her; if we were together it wouldn't be like this! Plus, you can't talk like you're a frickin saint! Anytime you need pleasuring you just go to Mayarna and its all good so don't talk to me about my right hand!"
I cringe; this conversation is going in directions that I just don't want to know about. I may be a horny, pregnant, 17 year old but I don't want to know about this!
Oliver gives him a growl, "Actually, no I don't! May and I don't do that. And I wouldn't just go to some bimbo to get me fill either! Take a fucking cold shower and get over it!"
I feel my body tingle at the thought of him coming to me when he needs 'pleasuring.' STOP IT MAY!! This is getting ridiculous! I'm getting turned on while in a room full of angry people!!
Chris shoots him a disbelieving look, "Yeah, sure you don't......"
Now it’s my turn to step in and back up my man, "We really don't do that yet.... He's not joking around."
"May, I know about pregnancy, all those hormones.... You really expect me to believe that?"
Oliver gasps, "How do you know that?"
"May told me she was pregnant and about the cond- nothing," he says before catching himself and I feel my heart soften that he wouldn't tell Oliver about the fragile X even though he already knows now obviously. It’s just nice to know I can trust him and that if I ask him to he will let me do what I need to and not interfere.
Oliver sighs, "Not that you moron, I already know that she told you.... And I know about the condition by the way. I mean about the hormones!"
"Oh.... right. Well I listened in school.... Plus, I need to know about that stuff for my job, I mean people have-" he shuts himself up and facepalms.
"Job? You're a football coach! Why would you need to know about that?"
Payton smiles happily and stands by Chris, "Actually, he's a training to be a counsellor, hey baby," she says while getting onto her tippy toes and kissing Chris on the cheek.
Oliver looks at him with a stunned expression, "What? Really? You never told me that...."
"Yeah. I am. It just never seemed important."
"Look dude, if you and my sister are 'lovers' or I don't even know, whatever you are, than I don't give a shit really. I want to punch you up BUT for my sister's sake I'll let this go. You better not hurt her though..."
I smile at how well Oliver is asking this. It's a little.... surprising, even to me.
He takes a deep breath through his nose, "Payton, are you still leaving tonight?"
"Yeah, unfortunately.... I'm all packed and everything so all I need to do now is go. What do you guys want to do?"
"I don't know. Whatever is fine with me," I reply.
"Actually, I kind of wanted to see a movie," Payton says.
"Well, if we get your stuff into the car we could go and then head straight for the airport. I think there was another movie on soon. We just went but I don't mind going again," Oliver says.
Payton nods her head and smiles eagerly. Oliver really is handling this great! He could be doing a lot to this to Chris right now...."
We load up her things and head to the movies. Oliver was right, there was a movie on. I can't remember the title but so far it has been ok. It’s about half hay through and I desperately need to pee! I look up at Oliver from his chest where I am currently snuggled up. I lean to his ear and whisper, "Sorry baby, I gotta use the toilet, I'll be back!"
He sighs and untangles his body from mine. I get up and descend the stairs. As soon as I get out the doors I am almost in a sprint I need to pee so badly! I push the toilet room door open and step inside where there are about 10 public toilets.
I lather my hands with soap and look into the mirror. I look descent.... I finish washing my hands but instead of going straight back to the movies I go to the confection store and get a bag of lollies and popcorn.... What? I'm hungry!
I start to walk the steps again but I feel a pair of arms tug on my hand. I spin around in surprise and am face to face with Hutton. Fuck! This guy is getting on my nerves! Can I not have a good night? He hasn't talked to me my whole pregnancy until now and he expects everything to be good? He hurt me and I will never forgive him. He doesn't deserve my forgiveness; he deserves to rot in hell! Then there's also what he did the other week. Not leaving me alone is making it worse. I wish the asshole would just see that!
"Mayarna! I was hoping I’d see you before I get put in jail! How are you today?"
"Fuck off and leave me alone! You use to be nice, normal! Now you're like some weird stalker! Get your shity brain together and leave me alone!"
He brushes a thumb against my cheek and I hiss through my teeth while slapping him with my free hand. While he holds his cheek I run up the stairs and back into the movie. I feel my eyes glisten over with a tear and soon it slides down my face. As soon as I see Oliver who is walking down the steps I relax.
His face drops when we reach each other and he look at me, "What is it baby? What's wrong? I was just coming to make sure you're ok!"
I grab his hand and lead him out the movie and into the foyer. "Hutton. He just came up to me."
I need to stay composed. If I get all upset it will just get Oliver even more pissed off. His clenches his jaw closed and his nostrils flair very faintly. He looks pretty hot when he's pissed. "You mean he's here? Now? I'm so sorry May, I should have gone down with you!" he says while pulling me into the security of his arms.
I sniff, "Honestly, don't worry Ollie. He won't be a problem for too much longer. Can we forget it?"
Oliver sighs, "I want to punch him in but I'm not going to. I know you need me right now so I'm just going to stay cool. Do you want to go back into the movies?"
"Not really."
He nods his head, "I'll just go tell Payton, you're coming with me," he tells me.
I nod and let him grab me along with him. When we tell Payton she shoots up and so does Chris. They almost fall because they were still entwined.
We all exit the cinemas and go to Oliver's car. We decide that because it's already 10:30 we might as well just go to the airport a half hour early then we intended.
We park the car down the street and walk down to the terminal. I feel exhausted! It’s been a big day! We head to a little cafe type shop and get coffee and muffins. Time goes fast and soon we're saying goodbye.
I hug Payton, "I'm really glad I met you Payton. Don't forget to text! Even though you were only here for a few weeks I am going to miss you so much!! You're already like another sister to me!"
She laughs, "You're like my sister already too. Take care of the wittle Ollie for me and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid! If he does, tell me.... Watch out for Chris for me too. I love him and he worries me..."
"I will!" I reassure her.
I pull back and Oliver gives her a hug and they talk about something before he pulls back and wraps his arm around me. Chris walks to her with pain in his eyes, "I love you Payton," he says to her before pulling her into his chest.
She sighs and a tear slides down her face, "I love you too. Be careful baby! I'll call you when we land and Skype tomorrow."
He nods and inhales deeply, "Have a good flight."
He lets his hands go to her face and places a soft kiss on her cheek. She smiles and brings her hands to his hair and places her lips to his. I watch and almost make an awe sound but contain myself.
She walks away but Chris calls her back, "Hey Payton! Come here for a sec!"
She turns back around and looks at him.
"Payton, I realised something when Oliver found out about us. I love you so much and I want you to just be mine."
She nods her head and bites her lip, "I don't want you to sleep with anyone else anymore either."
"No.... That's not what I mean. Well it is but it’s not. I want all of you to be mine. I want to be yours. Marry me?" he says while dropping to one knee.
NAW!!!! This is so cute!! I feel even my breathing hitch. She looks at him and more tears stream from her eyes, "YES! Oh my god!!! Did that really just happen? We're engaged!! I'm getting married!!!!"
He slides a ring onto her finger and stands. She jumps up onto him and wraps her arms around his neck. He laughs and grips her tightly.
Holy heck!!! That's so sweet!!! She sighs and unwraps herself from him, "I have to go. I love you so much baby!!! You’re perfect!!"
He sighs and runs his hand threw her hair, "I know you have to go. I love you too. Would you- Will you come back and live with me?"
She looks at Oliver and her smile drops slightly, "You don't have the room. You're room is pretty small."
He looks at her lovingly, "There's a great room downstairs. I've been meaning to move down there for a while. There's a bathroom and a mini kitchen and everything!"
She smiles widely, "Ok!!! I mean, I'd have to get another job and stuff but we can work this out! I'll go back and get things sorted and come back!"
Wow.... This day is giving me a headache.... So much has happened!! The baby is fine, I saw Hutton again, Oliver and I found out Payton and Chris are together. They got engaged and now Payton is movie back!! Busy, busy, busy!!!
Oliver and I head back to the car to give the lovebirds some space. Chris comes out a while later with a sad look. Oliver drives us back to his house and Chris hardly says anything.
Oliver looks at Chris while we're on a red light and speaks, "Congrats mate! Don't hurt my sister...."
"I won't Oliver. I promise you that. I love her so much! Sorry for not telling you sooner," he replies.
Oliver shakes his head, "Don't worry about it. I'm going to miss her."
Chris sighs and almost bursts into tears, "Me too mate, me too! She's coming back in a month or so I think."
"Ok, she's paying her share in the bill though...."
Chris laughs, "Actually, I'll be paying.... I'm the man and we're getting married so what’s mine is hers..."
"Don't tell her that.... You haven't seen her shoe collection...."
We pull up at the house and Oliver, Chris and I all get out of the car. Chris goes to his room and Oliver and I go to his. It’s pretty late and I am tired!!!
*Sexual content*
I sit on Oliver's bed and grab my bag with my clothing. I look up and see Oliver start to fumble with his jeans but then stops and looks back at me, "Sorry. Do you want me to go into the bathroom to change into my Pajama's?"
I chuckle, "No, you can just wear your boxers you know? I don't mind."
"You told me not to in the tree house so I just wear pjs so you don't feel uncomfortable."
"Dude, we only just knew each other then!! A lot has changed... I'm sure it would be more comfortable for you."
He bites his lip, "You sure?"
I nod my head yes. He slips off his jeans and walks towards the bed. I pull him closer to me by his shirt which he hasn't taken off yet. His hands are on the bed either side of my body. I keep pulling him closer until we're lying on the bed; his hands stay out so he's hovering above me and not on my stomach. He kisses me on the lips softly. His mouth brush against the skin of my neck and I hold back a moan. My hands find his back as his lips make their way back to mine. He pushes softly on my bottom lip and I let his tongue into my mouth. Soon my hands are no longer on his back but grabbing at the hem of his shirt. We break apart so I can pull his shirt off. I stare at his chest for a moment before running my hands over his muscles. He chuckles a little before I push him back so he's the one with his back on the bed. That caught him off guard!!!
I kiss his chest all over lightly and feel him shift his body slightly away from me for obvious reasons. He pulls me back up to him and kisses me on the lips as my hands continue to roam his body.
"I’m sorry," he mumbles.
"F-for what?"
"I shouldn't have-"
Before he can continue I kiss him and tug on his boxer shorts but his hands stop me.
"W-what do you want May?" he pants. "I don't think we should keep going. I want to, don't get me wrong! It’s just that I want to respect you. I won't have sex with you tonight Yarn. I want you to know for sure you want that and it’s not just hormones."
I sigh, "Ok," here I am, all hot and bothered and he says no! I love that he respects me like he does but gosh!!
I start to get up but he raises an eyebrow and pulls me close to him, his member poking my thigh a little but I don't mention it, "Where are you going Yarn?"
"I thought I’d go to Chris," I say in a humorous voice, "I'm joking, I'm getting my pajamas...."
"You could just not bother..."
I think about it for a minute, "I-I don't know Ollie. I mean, you're perfect and sexy but me? I've got a baby bump and-"
He cuts me off by putting his finger to my lip, "You are beautiful! I love you May and you are the most sexy thing on this planet! So what if you have a bump? It just shows the miracle you have inside you!"
"Yeah, I guess," I mumble.
I slip my shirt over my head and slip my jeans off a little self consciously, revealing my matching pair of lacy red panties and bra.
Suddenly his head is at my stomach, kissing softly. I moan and he chuckles. What the heck is he doing?
I hold back the moans that are trying to escape my lips as his brush so close to my c0re. His hands brush against my lower stomach and I feel myself become even more eager for him.
*End of sexual content*
"This is why I want to wait," Oliver says.
I look at him weird but he doesn't look up from my stomach that he is kissing, "What?"
"I mean, I want to wait for you to really know you're ready, not just hormones. I've waited this long and I can wait longer, hey, If you don't want to do it until the baby's born that's ok too. It might kill me a little but I can wait...."
I bite my lip, "Thank you Ollie, you really are the sweetest guy ever."
I wake up with Oliver cuddling into me against my back. His arms are wrapped around me and our legs are entwined. I try to hold in a chuckle but fail, causing Oliver to stir against me.
I hear him clear his throat and he readjusts his arms and the rest of his body but doesn't let me go, signaling he's awake. Even though I am twisted around him in weird ways I turn my body to face him.
"What's so funny?" Oliver asks.
"Nothing, I was just wondering how we go so tangled up."
"Well, it's this thing called moving!! Great new invention! Most people are born with the ability to do it...."
I slap him on the shoulder lightly and we both laugh. "How are you this morning?"
"Great, woke up with my girl so I'm awesome!"
I wrap my arms
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