- Pic is of Ollie but its more for the last chapter :D Important message about the next update at the end!! Please read it!! - Be appreciative, I was sneezing so much while writing this and it was hard to type!!
*This chapter has some sexual references in it :P*
*2 weeks later*
Oliver sits beside me in the waiting room of the doctors, holding my hand. I look up to the clock and see that no time has passing in the last hour.... Ok, maybe it just feels like an hour.... Payton is leaving tomorrow so as soon as we finish getting my test results we'll probably be going back to Oliver's.
Oliver sets his arm on my shoulder and keeps holding my hand with the other, "It ok May! Don't worry, he'll will be okay!"
I breathe in and out deeply through my nose, "Ollie, what if she does have it?"
"HE won't! Just relax!"
"You try and just relax when you have a little GIRL inside your stomach that could have something wrong with her."
"You know, I am just teasing, I want a girl too."
I smile, "I love you!"
"Love you too May and I don't care what happens in there. If the baby does have Fragile X then we'll deal with it then."
I sigh; I guess there is nothing we can do. I just hope that Oliver doesn't get freaked out and leave me. Lately I have been trusting him more and just knowing he'll catch me if I fall but it’s still hard sometimes, he could get a better girl than me easily and he's staying with me. Wait; is it bad for me to be more worried about him than my baby?
"Mayarna?" my doctor that I have had for about three years calls us, interrupting my little spaz attack in my head. She's practically part of the family, the doctor that is. What is it with my family and adopting people? Gosh! She has on a skirt that starts at her hips and goes to just above her knee, its tucked into a purple top with frills and she has purple high heels on to match. She's must be 30 but she only looks in her early 20's, her hair is in a tight pony tail that suits her.
I grab my bag with my free hand and Oliver untangles me from him. I get up and Oliver mimics me, standing by my side.
I take a few shaky and reluctant steps forward. Before this pregnancy they would have been cocky strides. I walk through the doctor’s doorway and she looks at me and smiles. "Where's your mum? She always comes with you!"
She goes to shut the door and jumps a little when Oliver gets pushed back and groans with surprise. She looks at him with wide eyes, "Oh my gosh!! I am so sorry! Did you get hurt? Do I need to look at something?"
Oliver shakes his head and smile, "Ah, its fine! I-Is it alright if I come in?"
"Yes! Come in! Sorry, I didn't realise anyone else was coming in! I'm Doctor Koda."
"Oliver Norman, hi!"
She turns back to me and gives me a questionative look, "So where's your mum?"
I smile thinking of everything it took to get her to work, "We convinced her to go to work. There was no point her coming too, I mean I am 17! This, by the way, is my boyfriend."
She looks at Oliver and her grin drops and is replaced by a business look, "Are you the father?"
I look over at Oliver and eagerly await his reply, "Unfortunately not in blood."
Wait... He basically just said he was the baby’s dad, just not in blood!! Oh my God!!! I mean, yes we have talked a little about him being a big part in the baby’s life and stuff but wow!! This was a big step, admitting responsibility for someone else’s baby. He's so good to me!
Doctor Koda smiles warmly, "Good, because I know all about what happened and If you were. I think I would actually have to get security to whip your ass! May is like a little sister to me and... Anyway, take a seat!" she says while pointing to the seats that are beside her desk.
I slide into my seat followed by Oliver and he takes my hand in his once again and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I look up from the ground to see Oliver gazing at me and I must look as nervous as I feel because his grip tightens and he stokes his thumb up and down on my skin to calm me while whispering, 'it will be ok!'
I take a deep breath in and look at Doctor Koda who smiles at me, "Ok, so your results for your CVS are obviously in and I have two lots of new for you!"
I look at her nervously and then to Oliver and back to her. Oliver reaches over to put his arm around my waist and pull me close even though there is wood of the arm rest separating the two chairs.
I look back to see Doctor Koda and she begins to task again, "Well first and most important, the thing you came here to see me for, the results are negative! Your baby is fine!"
I sigh in relief and feel my body relax. My baby is fine!! Thank everything in the world!! I feel like the weight of it was just taken off of me. My baby is really ok!! "I would recommend a test up from that now but honestly, you or Crayna, whoever called for me to book your appointment, said the father wasn't a carrier but his parents had it and you were getting tested for precaution. It isn't necessary but if you want another then let me know. Now, the next bit of news. You were meant to find out the babies gender last week and I want to book you in for another ultrasound next week to make sure the CVS didn't disrupt the baby or anything. Any problem like that is highly unlikely, 1 in 100 but just to be on the safe side I want it done! So I was thinking, I could tweak a few things and when you have your appointment you can find the gender of the baby that’s cooking in your stomach!"
I am about to agree but I feel Oliver’s eyes watching me and his grip tightens on my hand, "I was actually thinking we could wait... I mean, I really like joking with you about the bubba being a boy or girl. You don't have to, I mean, it’s your decision but it was just something I thought I would tell you."
It was weird; when he used the word 'Bubba' I felt my insides flutter. It was really sweet! Gosh, I'm like a bit of melting butter sometimes, all gooey!!
"So do you want to know the gender or not?" Doctor Koda asks.
I look at Oliver and bite my bottom lip.
"Well, as nuts as this will drive me, no," I say, wanting to let Oliver get some input in the pregnancy too.
"Alright but you'll still need to go in for the ultrasound. How are you? Do you still have pregnancy sickness or anything? You're in your second trimester now and 14 weeks so if you are they should slow down now."
I glance at Oliver and feel my cheeks burn up slightly. I had one thing I wanted to ask about but with Oliver right here... He meets me gaze and looks at me worried, "What is it May?"
I clear my throat while untangling my hand from Oliver's to 'brush some hair from my face' but really I just feel too awkward to hold his hand while asking this. He must fall for the hair thing because he doesn't seems to pick up on anything, "Um... I was just wondering... Is it.... Um.... Desire for... You know what, don't worry."
Doctor Koda laughs, "To put it nicely, is your question about becoming a little more interested in taking intimate moments further? Well, if it is, it’s perfectly normal. You have extra hormones because of your pregnancy and you will find it easier to become.... stimulated."
I sigh and keep my eyes anywhere but Oliver. This is just slightly embarrassing.... "That was it. Thanks. Also, my joints and back hurt a little."
"That too is normal. You should book yourself into a yoga class! Anything else?"
I shake my head and continue to avoid Oliver's gaze, "Thanks Doc, that's it! Are we right to leave now?"
She nods her head and Oliver and I walk out. I rush to the reception desk to give them that note thing that you give at the end of the visit and rush out of the doors. I get to Oliver's car and fidget with the handle. Oliver unlocks the door and I slide in silently, wishing I was invisible. Damn that would be cool!!
Oliver lets out a slight chuckle but doesn't say anything. He drives out of the shopping center and I almost sigh in relief that he doesn't say anything about the question I asked about getting turned on easy. It was true though and I had to ask! It has been a battle not to strip Oliver off and take advantage of him for the last week. It was even worse the few times that I stayed at his house. Had it not been for Chris I think I might have.... It was something I didn't particularly want to do. Last time hadn't exactly been the best experience and plus, I had wanted to stay a virgin till I was 18 and even though Its impossible now I can at least not give in to temptation.
"What do you want to do now May?" Oliver asks me with a smirk.
I ignore the smirk and answer the question, "You want to go to the movies or something?"
"Sure. Do you know if there are any good movies on?"
"Nope!" I answer, popping the P.
"Do you want me to run in and check?" he asks as we pull up at the movies. It was only a few streets away.
"Ok, want me to come in with you?" I ask him.
"Nar, it's ok! You just stay here and I'll run in!" he tells me. He looks so happy right now! It’s defiantly a sexy side of him... NO!! Bad thought get out of my mind!! Bad mind!!
He comes back a few minutes later and forward, his arms on the frame of the car above the door to support him. I watch his muscles flex as they support him. "There's one in an hour that sounds good, it’s a chick flick... I was thinking, maybe we could go and get something to eat before we got in and make it a date?"
"Ok! Sounds good! Can we get Chinese? I feel like Chinese right now..." I mutter, trying to get my thoughts out of the gutter and focus on the sudden craving I just got. But damn.... Those muscles.... I lick my lip, eyes locked on his body.
"Sure," he says while chuckling and getting back in the driver’s side. "You know, I thought you got more.... alert the last few days but I didn't want to ask you... Just so we're clear, you can't jump me in the theater but once we get back to my house....."
I look at him with a wide mouth, faking shocked, "I don't know what you're talking about! Who says I'm even staying at your house?"
"You did actually... You asked before we went for the appointment so if something was wrong you could have a bit of time before having to tell other people...."
I scowl at him, "Just shut up Olive! It’s all your fault!! If you weren't so damn sexy I wouldn't have this problem!"
"We can deal with the problem...." he says while biting his lip, "But I know you want to wait. Ignore me and forget I said anything ok?"
He turns on the engine and drives away. Did I want to 'deal' with the situation? Hell yeah!! I wanted to do so many inappropriate things to him right now.... Damn it!! My stupid body!! Maybe I should give in.... I mean, Oliver is here, staying with me, the pregnant whale... I don't even know what I want anymore!
"Wait!!!" I say, catching his attention. "We better see Payton instead.... I mean, she would be pretty pissed if we didn't see her before she leaves again..."
"Nar, it’s ok, we'll see her after! She's leaving pretty late so it doesn't matter!"
I smile and nod.
We pull up at the restraint and hurry inside. We only have an hour after all. We get a table and quickly browsing the menu and ordering. Oliver gives me a smile he doesn’t use much; a lopsided one bites his lip, “You know, I was joking before right? I mean, I don’t want you to feel rushed or anything. I was just joking with you…”
Wait… does he not want to do that with me? Does he not want to take it further? Wait… How did this even come up so suddenly? Like a frickin’ tornado!! Oh, wait… It was my stupid mouth… Right! He must see my smile fade at the thought of him not wanting me like that because his eyes widen and he curses under his breath.
“Yarn, I want to do that with you but I want to respect you! Sex is just sex, I don’t want that! I want you… You mean more to me than that and I know you don’t want to do it, it’s just your hormones.”
I sigh, I guess he’s right and I really love that he’s not pushing me. We’ve only been going out for…. How long? Oops…. Was three or four weeks? Maybe it was three? We met when I was 10 weeks pregnant and now I’m 14 weeks. We were just friends for a week so I guess it’s been 3 weeks. Wow… It felt like a lifetime!! Then again, we’ve been through a lot and we see each other like every day. Plus, what does it really matter? It’s not like it changed how much we feel for each other. That’s like a fat person saying to someone who loves ice cream that they like it more because they’re fat…. Bad example but same meaning…
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks for respecting me Ollie.”
We sat and chattered for a while before our food came. We had like a half hour so we scoffed it down and ran to the car. Soon we were at the counter buying the ticket for the movie. It’s called back up plan and I swear it has already been in cinemas!!
Oliver and I are sitting up the back of the cinema. We pulled the arm rest up and I am cuddled into Oliver’s chest. We’re sharing a drink and popcorn and Oliver keeps grabbing pieces and feeding me… It’s kind of creepy but romantic at the same time.
When the movie starts I almost burst out laughing because it’s about a pregnant chick. Of all the things Ollie could have picked he had to choose this one!
I blush as the part about hormones and a similar topic that I bought up with the doctor today. My hands fly to cover my face and Oliver chuckles.
Wow, he knows how to pick a movie!! This is…
When the movie ends its dark outside. We walk to Oliver’s car and I look at him and gasp. “Payton! She’s probably already left!”
Oliver shakes his head, “No, she’s leaving at 11:30. Her flight time is weird but that’s cause she’s flying to Paris…” he pulls his phone from his butt pocket and I can’t help but lick my lips. Eyes up May!! “It’s only 8:00. We’ll take her to the airport at 11:00. You can stay back and sleep or something if you want.”
Hi guys!! So the baby is fine!!! Woot!!! V/C/F if you liked!!
I have a few papers to hand in by the end of the week so there is a possibility I won't be updating for an extra day or two! I'll make sure I update as soon as possible if I get some more votes/comments. The papers are written and I only need to fix grammar, spelling and other exciting things like that :P BUT after that I am on break so expect a lot more updates! There are so many more things I want to write for this story still!
I wasn't sure to make this chapter have the song: Smiley face by bowling for soup or Lucky Strike by Maroon 5. Both awesome bands but Lucky strike just fit better :P Naughty Mayarna!!!
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