Chapter 18

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HOLY UNICORNS!!! OVER 1000 READS!! *Squeals with excitement* 

*A little more swearing than usual in the second half of this chapter but for some reason when I write from a males P.O.V that always happens :P*

"Yarn? Morning baby, you gotta get up!" Oliver whispers in my ear while kissing my neck once. 

My hand flies to my face and swipes down it, exercising my sleepy skin. "Why?" I grumble in a hoarse voice.

"Because we have to go to school!" he informs me.

"Why do we have to go to school today?" I question him.

"Because your Mum said so!" he says in a voice that is filled with humor.

"When did Mum come in here?" I ask while sitting up slightly.

He laughs, "She didn't. She went into the lounge room.... I slept in there, remember? I was up and she said we've wagged enough."

I huff and he stands up straight. I rush to my cupboard and throw pieces of clothing around, trying to find a good thing to wear. Stupid clothing not fitting me! I really should drag Oliver around clothes shopping with me!

I decide on a black dress that is skin tight and goes to my knees. It shows of my bump a little more than I would like but it fits me so hey, I don't care! I eat my breakfast fast and soon we're in my car driving to school. We park and get out. Everyone at school half drops their jaw at the sight of us. They probably didn't think we would come back at all...

We link hands and walk through the main doors, heading to the tuck shop/cafeteria, where our friends always hang out. At first Oliver was with a different group but he was worshiped into the popular group after like two days. 

Kaysa's eyes fall on me and she gasps before jumping off the table she was sitting on and running towards me. She tackled me in a hug and Oliver steps to the side, laughing his ass off.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" she yells at me.

I wince and pull back from her death grip, "I'm sorry, I've been busy!"

"With what?!?" she yells but more softly this time. 

"Just busy but I'm fine! Sorry for ditching you!" I lie.

"Holy mother of.... You look.... I can see your bump...." she says with wide eyes in a disbelieving voice, "wait.... You find out if it’s a boy of a girl next week!!!" she exclaims.

I sigh. Like that will be happening now.... I don't even want to know actually. As long as the baby is healthy it could be a purple alien for all I care. They might tell me when I get my results back from the test. I think they'll want to check to make sure the baby's ok... I'm not sure. I think most women only get like three their entire pregnancy! I've already had three and I'm only 12 weeks.... Ok, technically I had 2 because 2 where on the same day but meh...

"Yeah, maybe," I mutter.

The bell for first class rings and I sigh. My next class is math, I hate math! The next class I have with Oliver is English and that's fifth and last period. This sucks! 

Oliver walks me to home group and stands with me for a while, swinging my hands in his. As soon as second bell rings he looks at me with a sad smile and kisses me on the cheek before turning away. Before he can escape I grab the back of his shirt and yank him back to me.

"I want a proper kiss Mr. Norman!"

He laughs at me before tangling our lips together. He groans and pulls away, "I don't want to go...."

I look at him and laugh, "You have to! Bye!"

He glares at me and turns around. "I love you," he says and then he's gone.

After home group math goes excruciatingly slow. After another class its lunch time but I have to us that up running around getting catch up work. Most of the work I've already done as extra work when I finished before others in my class. The bell goes and I have to get to my next class. Kaysa runs up behind me and drops her arm around my shoulder. 

We walk to class and it's pretty good because we get to talk like the whole lesson. Next class is the same and lunch comes again quickly. I head to the cafeteria, eager to see Oliver. He's already at the table we sit at, waiting for me. He sees me and I can see his eyes light up.

As I get to the table he gets up and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. A lot of eyes in the cafeteria fall on us. I pretend not to notice and just head to the table. I hear a few whispers like:

'They're so cute!' and 'You think it's his baby?'

 We get to the table and sit down. I put my head on Oliver’s chest and groan. I forgot how much of an energy sucker school it! 

"Come on baby, just one more class! You'll be fine!" he whispers to me. I nod and lift my head.

A hear a snigger from somewhere in my group and when I look at the door I see why. I girl with glasses too bulky for her slightly disfigured face and straw like hair is walking in. I silently beg in my head for her to stop walking this way. 

Apparently she can't hear my silent begging and keeps walking towards the table. One of the bitchiest girls from the group, Sheila eyes her up and down. "What do YOU want you freak?" she says you like it’s a dirty word.

I see Kylie across the table from me shift uncomfortably, "I- Kylie. Can I-"

She's cut off by Kylie, "Oh my god! You idiot! I told you never to come over here! Go away you freak! We're not friends! I would never be-" 

Now it's her being cut off but by me. "You're all assholes and bitches! How was I ever friends with you people? You disgust me!" 

I get up and Oliver follows me. The whole room goes silent as we walk out. Once we're outside Oliver turns me to face him, "May, I love you but do you-"

"Do I what? You say how they looked at her! What about our kid? What the fuck happens when she goes to school?" 

The door struggles to open wide enough as the whole popular table stream out, "May! What was that?" one of them asks and they all turn to look at me.

"How can you treat people like that?" I ask.

They all stutter for an answer, "Just come back inside!"

"NO!" I yell. "You can all get screwed if you want to treat people like that!"

Kylie sighs and pulls the girl from behind her, "Look kid, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

The girl is crying and looks at me with a sad smile.

"What do you care if I leave?" I ask.

They all drop their jaws, "A lot! You're the one who keeps this group together! You can't leave! You've never cared before what we do! We'll try harder!"

I sigh and go to answer but the bell rings and I walk off to my last class with Oliver by my side.

He looks at me and smiles, "I'm proud of you, you know that? You're beautiful inside and out!"

I'm so pissed off I think I spend the entire English lesson staring out the window. 

When the English lessons end I get my stuff and walk to Miss Taylor's desk. She smiles warmly before looking at Oliver with questionative eyes, "Yes Oliver?"

He shakes his head, "Nothing!"

"Oh... Well do you mind waiting outside or something for a minute. I want to ask Mayarna some questions about her pregnancy..."

He chuckles, "What do you want to know? She doesn't have cravings yet but she does like weird food. She pees a lot and doesn't have many jeans that fit her anymore which really pisses her off. She's had three ultrasounds and a... What was that thing you got called? Ah well, It was a test of some sort and it involved needles and dragging feelings which I have to admit kind of freaked me out a little... She can feel the baby kick sometimes and she still gets all giddy and she has a gorgeous glow because of hormones."

Holy unicorns! He remembers all of that? I feel my jaw drop. He's so sweet!! 

Miss Taylor looks at both of us like we are sharing three heads and a body, "H-how do you know all that?"

Oliver and I both laugh and look at each other, "Mayarna and I have been spending a lot of time together since when we met here... We're, uh... We're dating."

"Oh... Um.... Well, that's, uh... WOW! Well, I have to run, but you guys seem really happy...."

We walk out of the room and walk out of the school to head home. We both stop when we see someone leaned up against my car. I look at Oliver and he gives me a confused look. We walk closer and as soon as the person comes into clear view I cuss under my breath. Just what we frickin' need!

"What the fuck is he doing over there?" Oliver spits.

"I-I-I don't know...." I mutter.

Oliver pulls my hand back, causing me to step behind him slightly. 

----(Oliver's P.O.V!!! It's been a while but he's back!!)---

"What the fuck are you doing near her car Hutton?" I ask in a stern voice, filled with anger.

Hutton ignores me and looks at Yarn, "May! How are you? Have you had the... Can I talk to you in private?"

The fucker!! He thinks he can just casually be near my girl after what he did? Then completely ignore me, pretends I know nothing about the baby and ask to talk to her alone? Oh hell no!

She sighs, "Hutton, what you say to me, I will just tell Ollie so you might as well say it in front of him!"

"It’s private... It has nothing to do with him!" he spits.

She bites her lip, "Is it to do with the baby?"

"No," he pouts. 

She sighs and nods. What? NO! Possessive boyfriend standing right here mother fucker!

I grip her hand tighter, "Don't Yarn. Just stay here! You don't have to go!"

She gets on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek. Normally I would just bring my head down for her but obviously that's not going to happen right now, "Yes I do. I'll be back! I promise! I just need to do this!"

I feel her hand slip from mine and I groan. That little bitch actually has the nerves to shoot me smug grin. "So hey, you wanna go to a diner? I know one just-" she cuts him off.

This prick is really pissing me off. He better watch it or I'll change his face around! Pff, it would probably just make it better!

"Hutton, don't! You blew what we had and I'm not interested. I have a great boyfriend if you can't tell. I don't want you." she spits, "If you want to talk to me make it quick and we'll just go over there," she says while pointing to a cemented area with a shade across the top. It’s just across the car park and an extra little bit.

He sighs and sniggers at me, "Alright, after you," he says while putting his arm out in the gesture for her to walk forward.

I shake my head, pissed to a new extreme. That's the oldest trick in the book! Guys say that just so they can stare at the chick’s ass!! She walks forward and I feel my blood boil when he tilts his head to the side to get a better view before chuckling and murmur, "It's even better than I remember" under his breath. 

I roll my hands into fists, flexing and relaxing them as I watch them walk off.

I watch as they talk. He says something to her and I can tell he has venom in his voice. She crinkles her face up and takes a step back before shrugging her shoulders and then touching his upper shoulder with her hand. He yanks it back and says something and glances back at me.

Even from over here I can see him smile and shakes his head. He says something to her and tries to touch her face but she pulls back and hits his arm while laughing. 

Her shoulders drop again and she shakes her head and rubs her hand with her face. She starts to walk away and I feel an emotion of relief wash over my body. That is until he grabs her arm and pulls her close to him.

She doesn't even struggle, just lets him pull her into his arms. She rests her face on his shoulder and I feel even more blood heat up in my body. I tighten my jaw and take heavy breaths through my nose.

Mayarna looks up at him and he puts his hands on either side of her face before crashing his lips to hers. That's it! I'm going to smash him!! And what the fuck? She's just agreeing to him! She's always so worried about me cheating and then she goes and does that shit when she knows I am standing just a road and a bit away?!?! Just out of hearing reach, not viewing! I feel my heart pound in my chest and my eyes coat with liquid. 

She pulls back not missing a single beat and slaps him hard across the face. I feel my body jump, coming back to life a little I guess. She's rejecting him! That's a good sign!!

Hutton stumbles back looking a little shocked and his hand flies to his cheek. He hisses something through his teeth and grabs her again. I feel my legs move without me even knowing but its ok, it just means my body is a step ahead of my thoughts. 

I finally reach them which in reality is only a few seconds but feels like years. Hutton has Mayarna by the neck of her dress and the back of her hair. She's struggling in his grip and I feel anger bubble inside of me. 

I swing my fist at his face ferociously and he tumbles back, releasing Yarn. I look at her and she looks scared but relieved when she sees my face. She whimpers and I push her gently behind me so I don't hurt her. Hutton walks forward and spits out blood. I pretend to hit his face but quickly change so I'm aiming for his stomach and getting him off guard. 

"You mother fucker!" he hisses while doubling over in pain.

I look back at Yarn and smile, "It appears so..." I say, hinting at the fact that May is a soon to be mother even though we aren't doing anything in that range. He doesn't know that...

My comment just infuriates him more and he stands up once again. He tries to swing a punch at me but I just block him. It actually makes me want to chuckle because he has nothing on me, his fighting is crap where as me... The older guys I use to hang out with showed me a few tricks while they were preparing to rob a store because they needed to warm up.... I cringe slightly at some of the memories but push them down and focus on the fight.

I hit him again in the stomach with my right hand and throw a left hook, again something the guys taught me before robbing. "Keep away from her you little bitch!" I hiss.

I go to throw another punch but quickly remind myself of three things. One, this is not an even fight, I have been taught this stuff, he hasn't, not that I care much about that one... Two, my fighting days are over, I'm not in the gang anymore because that's not what I want and three, the most important reason, I need to look after my girl and make sure she's ok. The bastard probably hurt her and god help me if he did! I swing one last, furious punch at him and the blow knocks him back a bit and he stumbles before tripping. I so want to punch him until he can't get back up for even trying to touch my girl but that would not help things.

I turn back at face my beautiful girl and sigh. She has a tear in her eye and wet traces down her cheek. I walk so I am close to her and pull her close to me. It actually hurts me to see her like this, in pain. I want to go punch that fucker into oblivion. I wish I met her earlier, even just 13 weeks ago, so I could woo her over and she wouldn't be pregnant and so ripped apart right now. She would have no ties to Hutton and we could just be happy. Without even turning back I say, "Hutton that was a warning. Keep away from my girl."

I hear Hutton cough and try to inhale unsuccessfully from the ground and I pull Yarn up so I'm carrying her. She wraps her legs around my waist and despite the circumstances I feel myself get a little excited at the thought of touching her ass. I walk to the car with her in my arms and set her down on the hood, looking at her to make sure she didn't get hurt. She seems ok. I slip my hand into her pocket so I can get the key out. Her eyes flash with someone thing and she clears her throat. Maybe I should have just asked for the key but hey... I like my way better...

---(Mayarna's P.O.V - from when they walk away)---

I walk in front like he asks, ignoring the growl that comes from Oliver. I can tell Hutton is right behind me but I just ignore the feeling of his eyes burning into me. We stop under the shaded area and almost instantly Hutton hisses at me.

"What the fuck Mayarna? You told the cops? I thought I told you to keep quiet! Don't you remember? Want me to remind you? Look, I'm sorry for being an ass. You should know me by now! I would never hurt you.... well never while I'm sober and not drugged up. I am sorry about that. I just want to know why you called the cops. We could have talked about this! I don't want to go to jail for the rest of my life!"

I flinch back at what he says but relax at the last bit and shrug my shoulders, "I'm sorry Hutton. Do the crime and you may have to do the time... But as much as I want you to rot in hell for what you’ve done to me I  still I don't want this; I don't want to tell my baby that her father is in jail. Let's get one thing set though; you will never be her dad. Dads are good to their kids, love them and treat them well. Don't hurt them. Sorry it has to be this way Hutton. I wish you just always stayed how you were..." I say while putting my hand up and touching the top of his arm as a way to sooth him.

He yanks his arm back which is fine with me... "What about that bastard? Will he take my place? DO you even know how hard it is to see you with him? To see you guys laughing and kissing.... It's fucking torture May!" he looks back to glare to Oliver. He's really starting to annoy me with the jealousy, he blew his chance! 

He smiles and laughs while shaking his head, "Gosh I'm pathetic! He just ticks me off! I mean we could always try again? If he wasn't around we could... I could try harder for you May! I could make it up to you and we could raise a family together. I'm so sorry about what I did to you May. Fuck, I know you're with him now but you're such a tease I forget sometimes! I'm just going to stop, you know, I actually cried while hugging a stuffed dog last night?" 

He reaches for my face but I flinch back. I feel the rumble of laughter in my body but it's more of a bitter chuckle, I hit him the arm, "Just stop! Please? It won't work. I don't want you to try harder. I want you to just leave me alone. If you love me you will."

"I won't be around to pick up the pieces Mayarna. What about when the kid's retarded? What will you do with precious lover boy leaves you then?"

My shoulders sink and I shake my head, running a hand down my face, "I don't know but that's in the tomorrow and for the first time in a while, I actually want to live in the now. He said he won't leave me and I guess I'll find out."

I start walking away but Hutton grabs me and pulls me close to him. I don't know why but I just let him. I put my head on his shoulder and sigh. It’s more of a friendly gesture than anything and to be truthful I miss it. Not as a relationship kind of thing but as a friend. I miss his support. I was his friend for years and his girlfriend for one of those. It would be nice to have him as a friend again I guess... That could never happen though. All I see when I look at him is what he did. 

I'm pulled from my thought by the feeling of his lips crash into mine. It’s a really familiar feeling. One that is completely wrong. I love Oliver, not Hutton. I would never to do that to Oliver. Oliver is my perfect prince and Hutton is just... an ass#ole. I pull back at almost the exact moment he puts his lips to mine and hit him as hard as I can across his face. Hutton stumbles and looks at me with shocked features and before I even see it coming his hand flies to my face. "Am I going to have to get Marvin to restrain you again? I guess I lied about not hurting you, you're a fucking bitch!"

He has my in a hold that

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