Current cast is at the end of the chapter. Pic to the side is of Phoebe! Cutie!! She is kind of based on my niece, well on of them... I have two and a nephew. They are the cutest!!
Ok, I know I have some time errors but meh, my mind is crazy.... If you find a mistake and think, wait yesterday was Monday, why is it now Friday? Then just comment and tell me! Thanks!!
After that nightmare there was no way that I was going back to sleep. Oliver begged and begged me to tell him what was wrong but I just couldn't. If I told him now it would be even more of a mess. I need to call the hospital and get an appointment for a test, even though I only had my ultrasound two days ago and find out for sure. If I tell him I could scare him off and then find out the baby is perfectly fine.... I haven't been to school in the last few days and when I get back I know Kaysa, my best friend will kill me for neglecting her for the last one and a half weeks. So sue me, I just didn't feel like going. I'm pregnant with a baby that possible has some disability, only found out about the disability yesterday, need to pee every fricken five minutes, my player boyfriend has some big secret stashed away in his brain and the father of my baby and the guy would has managed to rip my life up goes to the same school. Oh yeah, and now Oliver knows who Hutton actually is instead of just hearing about him.... Flippin fabulous!
"I have to get home," I say in almost a whisper to Oliver.
"Like right now? Its only 8am," he mutters in a still husky from sleep voice.
"Yeah, I need to talk to Crayna. I didn't really tell her why I was staying out and I've hardly seen them since they got back, they came home early for me, the least I can do is spend some time with them."
"Um, alright. Give me like 10 minutes to get dressed and I'll drop you there," he says while scratching his head and yawning.
"Nar, you stay here and sleep a bit more baby, I woke you up so early! I'll walk and call you when I get there, I promise."
"Honestly, it’s fine... Just let me grab a shirt and I'll take you, it’s no big deal!"
I just time to think! Just half an hour! "No, go back to bed!" I say in a jokingly stern voice, "I want to walk! I have a car so if I was as lazy as you make me out to be I would drive it more! I got my phone so I can listen to some music and I'll get some air, go to breakfast or something if you don't want to sleep!"
I kiss him on the nose lightly and walk out of the room with my clothes to get dressed. When I get to the bathroom I shut the door, already in tears and look in the mirror. A girl with blonde hair looks back at me, with a blotched red face from crying and blue eyes finned with water, wet cheeks and a very slightly red nose. I lean against the white sink and just stare. That girl never had water filled eyes or a very slightly red nose. Almost 12 weeks ago she never had a blotched red face or wet cheeks wet from tears. That girl seems so far away right now it’s hard to believe...
There's a knock on the door and I raise my hand to my cheeks, wiping away tears. The door opens a crack and a voice rings around the room, "Mayarna? It’s me, Chris obviously... I just wanted to make sure you're ok... I hear crying... Also, I needed a drying towel but mainly was to check on you...." he says the last bit like he's still thinking it through as the words leave his mouth.
I laugh lightly but It comes as more of a screech because of the husk in my voice, "Come in, I... Um, I'm fine. Just yeah," I say while rubbing the back of my neck.
He pokes his head in cautiously and soon his whole body is in the room. I sniff slightly and splash some water on my face, "You sure you're ok? You don't seem it. You can talk to me if you want... I'm actually pretty good at this stuff... I take a night course in University; I'm going to be a counsellor. I need experience and you need someone to talk to so fire at me," he says kindly.
I just can't help it, the water works come out like water from a broken pipe, "Thanks!" I croak," It's really nice for you to talk to me. Just don't make this all formal ok? I don't want a session, I want a friend. Just talk to me like a mate..."
"Ok, what's wrong? Is it Oliver?" he says.
I take a big breath in, "No it's not Oliver, well it is in a way... I mean, he'll leave me and find something better. Who would want me?" I say while walking to the toilet and putting the hard case lid down so I can sit on it like a seat.
He looks at me shocked, "Like every guy!"
"Not with the extra package I come with!"
"What? You're a.... You have a...." he asks stuttering but keeping his voice calm and even despite his loss of wording.
"I'm not a guy!" I say, my voice pitching higher at the end in distaste, "I meant baggage... Who would want someone with a possibly disabled baby?"
"Baby?" he asks, completely in the dark.
"Ah, yeah... I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I found out yesterday that my baby could have some fragile X thing that I have never even heard of, Oliver walked in when I was talking to my ex at a diner about it and finding out myself, he thought I was just with him, you know? And I can't bring myself to tell him about the disease thing because then he'll leave and what if the baby doesn't have it? What if it does...? He trusted me when I said I couldn't tell him and that I wasn't just seeing my ex because I still had feelings for him. He trusts me and he deserves to know but I can't tell him! He has some secret to tell me and he won't tell me until I tell him. He'll leave me soon anyway, if not when I'm giant and resemble a whale then it will be when the baby actually comes, I don't want to speed that process up! I know it's bad of me but I just want someone in my life, want to be carefree for as long as possible before I'm a single mother. That's so scary to say, mother... That's what I call the person who raised me, I’m not a mother! I'll probably screw up my child’s life... I can't raise a kid! Normal or disabled! How could I do this to my baby? I'm more worried about some stupid relationship than my own baby! I'm such a terrible person!" I vent and he just sits and lets me. He doesn’t try to interrupt me or anything; he just lets me pour my heart out while looking a bit shocked.
"You're not terrible, you're human! He trusts you, he'll understand and if he doesn't then it's his loss not yours. He's a nice guy, I don't think you really need to worry. Look, get yourself checked, if there is something wrong then I can help you tell him. If it doesn't then you don't need to worry, but you should still tell him. He's like a little brother and I know he likes you a lot... This isn't the trained me talking or anything either, If my teacher heard me actually giving you advice she'd have my balls, this is me talking as a friend. Trust Oliver, I think he'll surprise you."
"Thanks, I think I just needed to talk. I feel a lot better now. He's still in bed right?" I ask in a small voice.
"He wasn't up when I came in, no."
"Ok, thanks. I'm going to go home and book that appointment..." I say.
"Want me to give you a lift?" he asks in no cocky or suggestive voice. Just gentleman like.
"No, its fine, I'm going to walk it. Exercise helps keep the mind clear and the body healthy they say."
"So they do.... Ok, just don't stress out or anything, you have my number?" he asks seriously.
"No I don't!" I say with a light, un-humorous laugh.
"Give me your phone, I'll add my number and you can call me, anytime, for any reason. I'm not actually that bad of a guy once you get to know me... I'm not all good looks and witty remarks, I can be sensible."
I chuckle, "I've had a glimpse of that... Thank you, it felt really good just to get that out. Here's my phone," I say while passing it to him from my spot on the toilet. Wow, that sounds bad. Not on the toilet but on the case....
He enters in the number and passes me back the phone, "Don't forget, anytime! You feel down and you can give me a call. Also, I can't believe you didn't tell me about having a baby!!"
With that he walks out to the room and closed the door behind him. I slip off the shirt and pants of Oliver's that I used and fold them up before putting my previous clothing on. Once again I splash and dry my face. It doesn't look as bas anymore, It's still red and irritated but not hideously tragic. I brush my hair with my fingers and redo my hair into a tight pony tail. I walk out of the door and wave to Chris who smiles sadly at me and keep heading to Oliver's room. When I open the door he's sitting in only a pair of jeans, flipping his phone around in his hands and biting his lip, frowning slightly. His head rips up and he inhales sharply before smiling happily, "I thought you already left! I was about to call you!"
"Not yet, I would leave without saying bye!" I reply.
"What took you so long?" he asks.
"I showered," and I just lied....
"I didn't hear the water...." he says, the slight frown coming back.
"I only had it on low because I didn't want to wet my hair. Thanks for the clothes, I didn't know if you wanted to wash the clothes or what," I say while passing him the bundle of clothing.
"Nar, you're the only one who wore them beautiful," he says while putting them on the bed before grabbing the shirt and tossing it on, covering his perfectly toned body, "It smells nice!" he says while burying his face into the material.
I laugh and shake my head, "Kay, well I’m off and no, you still can’t give me a lift, I'll call you soon! Bye!" I say while grabbing the top of the shirt I was, and he now is wearing, pulling him close to me while I bend down slightly so I can kiss him.
I shut the front door and walk down the stairs, fumbling in my butt pocket for my headphone and phone. Once I grab it I select music and playlists, clicking on 'walking'. Bowling for soup, 'Smiley face' rings in my ears. I start the walk home, half dancing. I turn it up so loud the only thing I can think of is the music.
As I walk I can't help but sing aloud, ‘‘its okay, it's all good. You get a smiley face for showing your good side, we're going worldwide. You know you can't shake it, why don't we just get naked?" It earned me some weird look from those old ladies across the road at the park but oh well... It was worth it...
Suddenly my phone changed to 'Call me maybe' and as the lyrics ring in my ears I sing along. I hate this song but it’s catchy.... Why do I even have this on here? I liked it when it first came out but now it just annoys me.... "Your stare was holdin', ripped jeans, skin was showin'. Hot night, wind was blowin', where you think you're going, baby?"
Damn it!! Hurry up Song change!! Maroon 5 is now blasting. Daylight plays and I see to walk faster.
When I get home I start to strip my shirt off. Crane and Phoebe would have gone home last night because I wasn't here so it’s just me. I'll have to call her before my shower and tell her I'm home or she'll be pissed.
I call her and she says she'll be over in about an hour because she has to get Phoebe ready and stuff like that.
After my shower it's 10:30. Just as I get to the kitchen to get some breakfast the home phone rings. I dart into the hall and pick up the phone.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hello. Mrs. Fields, this is Officer Brent from the police station. I just need to clarify some details from your phone call to me the other day. How old did you say your daughter is and do you know Hutton's last name?"
"What?" I ask shocked. What was this about? It included both me and Hutton and- Oh.....
"You said your daughter was sexually assaulted. I do have the right number right? This is Mrs. Fields isn't it?"
"Actually Mrs. Fields isn't in. This is her daughter. I'm 17 by the way and Hutton's last name is Myer. Anything else you need Officer or are you done now?"
For some reason I felt like I was dobbing on Hutton. I shouldn't care. What he did to me was.... so low I can't even think of a word for it. He's an a$sh0le and I shouldn't care what happens to him.
"Um.... I'm sorry Miss. I've got to go. Thank you for your time and uh... yeah, bye," he says in an awkward way.
I slam the phone back on its holder thing and slide down the wall beside it, putting my head in my head. I sit and sob for I don't know how long before the front door opens and Phoebe comes running to me like a tornado.
"Aunty Mayu!! Why. are. you sad?" she says, braking the why and are by big gaps.
I wipe my face with the back of my hands, "Nothin' sweetie! Where's Mummy?" I ask.
"She comin! In vu car, we where dancin and singing to vu sheep song before!"
"That's awesome Bub," I say while clearing my throat and getting up from the spot I feel apart on. I pick Phoebe up and she looks at me with wide eyes.
"NO!! I hurt the baby!!!" She says in a horrified voice that matched her face.
"Its ok Bubby, you won't hurt the baby today."
She sighs in relief and I walk into the lounge room, setting her down in front of the television on her bean bag and turning on the Thomas the tank engine movie she is mad about. She looks at me and smiles, "Fank you!"
I walk out of the room, making sure the gate on the stairs is shut and the doors in the hallway are closed. I walk outside and Mayarna is sitting in the back of her car. It’s a Peugeot 4007.
"Hi May! I was just getting stuff sorted, Phoebe likes to leave things everywhere in the car.... So, spill now and don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about, you know! And I want the full version."
"You want the full version? You sure?"
"Positive. Before we start, where's Phoebe?"
"Trains..." I reply.
She nods her head in response, "Now, out with it."
I let it spill out for the second time today but instead of a super fast, shortened version I tell her everything. By the time I finish I just want to go to sleep. She looks at me and smiles, reassuring me.
After the whole conversation is over she speaks about something other than the actually facts I just told her, "Ok, let's go make that appointment then."
She leads me into the house and guides me into the kitchen, grabbing the phone on the way. We sit at the breakfast bar and she calls the hospital for me, "You want me to talk?"
"Yes please," is all I can muster because of my hoarse voice from crying.
She walks out of the room and comes back in a few minutes later. She grabs my hand and puts it I hers, "I booked it for 2 days. It was the first appointment they had. You're on the emergency list so if a spot opens up it's yours. They'll give you a call if there is one. Are you ok honey?"
"I- Um.... I don't know," I say while shaking my head.
My wattpad is playing up when I try and add a cast member. So we now know why Chris isn't out partying with Oliver each night! He doesn't just sit around like Oliver thinks....
New cast members include:
Crayna: Michelle Monaghan
Phoebe: Mia Talerico
Chris:Drew Fuller
Previously set cast:
Mayarna: Alexandria Deberry(Possibly changing)
Oliver: Landon Liboiron
Hutton: Jeremy Sumpter
Yes, I do like the songs in this chapter.... Maroon 5!!! It just needs some BOTDF, Avenged sevenfold and 3oh!3......
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