Chapter 16

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Sorry it's so sad at the moment! It will get happy again soon, I promise!!!  

I hear words coming from the bathroom upstairs where my phone is currently located. I look at Crayna and give her a weak smile before walking out of the room and heading toward the stairs. I walk down the hallway, chuckling slightly at the thought of what happened the first time Oliver came over. Damn that was embarrassing!

I open the bathroom door and head to the basin. I grab my phone and cringe at the sight. 5 missed calls and 3 messages.... All from Oliver.

I click redial and bite my lip at the sound of rings. Only two pass before Oliver's voice fills my ears, "Yarn? Fuck! You said you’d call me as soon as you got home. I'm tearing my hair out here!"

"Sorry Ollie, I got.... caught up with stuff."

"Will you cut the mysterious crap? You can tell me you know! I'm not some bad guy who's going to judge you and leave you! Fuck, I'm your boyfriend but I'm your friend too! Talk to me!"

I shudder at his words. He does have a point but gosh, I need time! "I know that, I just need-"

"Time? Yeah, I know.... Look, I'm sorry, I was just really frickin' worried!"

"Of what?" I ask.

"May, you're a gorgeous girl walking around the streets.... Anything could happen! You're not yourself at the moment and you're upset. You wouldn't let me give you a lift and you walked with music on.... You promised to call and you didn't, anything could have happened!"

"But nothing did so stop stressing! I really need to talk to you, I know that. I can't tell you this stuff over the phone though. I can't be like you when you talked about your little secret and say it won't affect us, it will."

"Can I come over?" he asks.

"Maybe later? At three?" that would give me one and a half hours to get myself together a bit more.

He groaned, "Yeah, ok. Just be careful ok?"

I laughed lightly, "I'm not going out anywhere and Crayna is here, gosh, go take a chill pill or something!"

"Yeah, I'll do that," he says sarcastically, "see you in a bit then."

I hang up the phone and go back to the kitchen where Crayna is making something.... Great!! Just what I need, burnt or raw food.... yay!!

"Can you go check on Phoebe for me?" she asks.

"Sure," I walk into the lounge room and see the little girl in the bean bag still glued to the TV. I walk up behind her slowly and grab her, making her squeal in surprise.

"Aunty Mayu!! Down!! Down!!!" she begs.

I put her down like she asked and walk back out of the room and to the kitchen. "So Oliver's coming over at three...." I tell Crayna. She looks at me a little shocked.

"You do remember mum's back at four..... She'll want to talk to you and that could work out bad if......"

"Actually, that's a great idea!! I'll just tell them at the same time!"

"Yeah... I don't think you should do that May...." she says while frowning.

"Why not? I think it’s great! Kill two birds with one stone!! I wouldn't need to tell them both the same story separately!!"

"Yeah but, they will both have a different reaction... It’s not really fair to do it to them both at the same time..."

I huff, "I guess you're right... I'll just ask Oliver to come over earlier I guess," I mutter.

I walk back out of the kitchen and into the hallway, calling Oliver.

"Hello?" a female voice rings down the line. She giggles and mutters away from the phone but I still get each word clearly, "Stop! Oliver Norman!! Stop it! You get your phone back when you stop tickling me!" her laugh gets even louder. 

"Sorry! He's just busy right now! I'll get him to call you back!" she says through laughter and the phone goes silent.

Oh my god... Oliver is.... He's cheating on me. I feel tears roll down my cheek and I run up the steps and into my room, slamming the door. I grab my pillow and scream into it. Why did I let this happen? He's such a liar! 'I'm tearing my hair out,' more like I'm tearing a girls underwear off! I can't believe I fell for the stupid, asshole, good looking player. I'm an idiot!

My phone buzzes and buzzes with messages and calls. I ignore them and turn off my phone. I go to my stereo, plug my headphones in and turn Avenged Sevenfold on as loud as it will go, followed by Marilyn Manson.

Tears take over my body like they do so often. I feel a hand on my back and I jump up in shock, knocking the headphone out of my ears. It’s just Crayna though. She looks at me worriedly. 

"Honey, Oliver's on the phone. He said there's something wrong with his car and he needs to talk to you."

That just makes me cry harder.

"Mum's going to be home in a half hour... Shouldn't you talk to him before she gets here?"

I shake my head violently, "No, I never want to talk to that asshole again!"

She shutters and I almost expect her to scold me like she always does when I swear, "You want to talk to me about it?" she coos.

"No, I don't. He's a cheating idiot, nothing else to it," I say between sobs.

"Alright, I'll tell him not to call anymore," she says while standing.

She exits and I curl into a ball on my bed. I sob for a few more minutes before dragging my sorry ass out of bed. I turn my stereo off and get a change of clothing out. Most of my jeans no longer fit me and I'm starting to have to wear dresses.

I go for a shower and let the hot spray of water calm me. I dress and tie my hear into a bun before walking down stairs and into the lounge room. I sit, watching some kid show with Phoebe and soon the door opens. I get up from the couch and see mum walking in. She has her pointed black heels and   business suit on. Librarian stock take can be very fulfilling I hear... That's what mum does; she runs her own book business. Her job is pretty complicated and sometimes she has go to places like Brisbane to help other shops get set up or take stock, stuff like that, because her business is so popular. Most of the time she declines because she hates going on trips and leaving me at home. She use to drag me along too but it was boring and Crayna started to offer to look after me. 

She looks at me and her eyes grow wide. She drops her bag by the door and races over as fast as she can go in her heels. She engulfs me in a hug. 

We're all sitting around the dinner table, eating dinner. There's a brutal storm outside. I told her about the fragile X but sidestepped everything with the cheating bastard, AKA Oliver. Mum is still currently in hysterics. She was trying to soothe me and tell me it would all be ok but her crying was telling me otherwise...

"So, mum. I need to talk to you about something else," I mutter while biting my lip. She looks worried and has wide eyes but nods, “I got home and there was a call. It was the police. I need to know why. Why you called them that is, I know the topic."

She takes a deep breath in, "Mayarna, there was no way I wasn't calling them! What he did to you was just... I can't even say. You're my baby girl and he did that to you. He deserves to rot in jail for his entire life! I called them and they're looking into things more deeply. You'll probably be interviewed they said, and after that he'll be taken into custody and then he'll go to court. I'm sorry to put you through this but he can’t get away with what he did to you."

My lip trembles lightly but I take a deep breath in and hold back a tear, "Ok."

Just as she's hugging me someone bangs on the front door. Mum gets up and smoothes her skirt down, "I'll be back soon!"

She walks out and closes the door behind her. I sit, shifting my food around the plate. Crayna grabs my hand and rubs it reassuringly, "its ok May! You'll be fine!"

"Thanks Crayna, for everything," I say, letting tears slip down my face, "for being her and being supportive. You're a great sister."

The door swing open and mum walks in with a wide smile. "We have guests!!" she chirps.

Great! Just what I need right now! I bet they won't be leaving anytime soon either because of the storm. I swipe at my wet cheeks with my hand.

Mum moves out of the doorway and I almost choke on my air. Oliver and some blonde girl walk into the room dripping wet with a towels around their necks. What the hell? He has the nerve to show up with the chick? You have got to be joking me.

A clear my throat and whisper, "I'll be in my room."

I get up from my seat and head toward the doorway which Oliver and his little friend and blocking. Mum's voice rings in the room, "What? Why are you going to your room? That's rude! You have guests!"

"No I don't, I have intruders. Oliver, the one who cheated on me and his little screw buddy. I can't believe you have the nerve to bring her here!" I hiss.

Oliver looks shocked and screws his face up, "That's gross Yarn...." he says disgusted.

The girl with him laughs lightly, "Wow, ok.... That's a little awkward.... I'm Payton... His sister."

I fell my lips part slightly with surprise, "What? Who was I on the phone to then? Wait, sister?"

"You were the one I was on the phone with? And yes, I'm his big sister.... Have been for all his life.... I just haven't visited in a while! I have been in Paris for the most of the year, for a job. I go back in two weeks."

Oliver bites his lip and frowns, "I didn't talk about you, I should of... I just never thought of it.... What's wrong Mayarna? I could come over earlier because my car wouldn't start! I did try to call and text..."

"He made me run... In the middle of a storm, just so he could come and visit you," she says while snorting with laughter. "I never thought I would see the day when my brother did anything for a woman, besides me obviously."

"Wait," I turn directly to Oliver, "If this is your sister, why didn't you tell me she was visiting? Why was she laughing and saying you couldn't have our phone?"

Oliver sighs, "I didn't know Payton was even coming! There was a knock on my door and bam, there she was! I wasn't prepared at all!"

"He's not even kidding! He just got out of the shower and was only wearing boxers! I was just like 'Whoa dude! Scared for life here! Wait... Have you been working out? You're getting some impressive muscle!' and he was like, 'Oh my god! Payton! What are you doing here? Come inside! Um, you can wait in the lounge room... I need to get dressed.' Then I burst out laughing and walked inside and Chris was there so I went and talked to him for a bit!"

Oliver blushes, "Ok then, that still doesn't answer the other question, why was she laughing and saying you couldn't have our phone?"

"Because when I got back from getting dressed I tackled her. My phone started ringing so she grabbed it from the coffee table and answered it. I told her to give it and started tickling her. She hates being tickled, always has. I thought it would get me back my phone but she just held it tighter. When I got it back I saw it was you but I knew Payton would tease me if I said anything, so I just tried to call you but you didn't answer. I called and called, texted and texted but you didn't answer. You want to tell me why?"

I blush, "Um... Didn't we already establish that when you walked in?"

His lips part and his eyebrows crease downward. "You actually thought that... I thought you were joking... You thought I would seriously cheat on you?"

"Oliver, you are a player and you've probably still got Aubrey on speed dial... There's probably more too, you said she was just your Sunday... I'm not exactly satisfying you so you have to admit it would make sense!"

"Mayarna, I won't cheat on you! Why would I be in a relationship with a pregnant woman just to hurt her? Why would I be with a frickin' fallen angel and cheat? If I just wanted someone to fool around with, why would I choose a woman who's going to have a baby? Why would I do something like that to my-your baby. I don't care if you're not giving me any, just being with you is enough right now! I love you! Why can't you just see that? I was a player, I can't and won't deny that but I want you to give me a chance to prove I'm not going to do that to you! There are plenty more of people our age willing to be with me but I don't want you for that! I want you for you! I want to be with you and help you raise your baby!"

From behind me I hear the familiar sound of my mother clearing her throat... Kind of forgot she was there.... "Ah, I think Crayna and I will go check on Phoebe..."

Payton smiles and looks at my mum and sister, "I have no idea who that is but can I come too?"

Crayna smiles warmly, her proud mother side coming out, "Phoebe is my baby, and she’s two!"

"Ok, cool!" Payton says as they exit the room, leaving me and Oliver who looks really emotional.

"So, is this how it will always be Mayarna? You never trusting me and me walking like I’m on eggshells? Because this really sucks right now! Honestly, I have no idea what will happen in six months when the baby comes. Hey, I have no idea what will happen in one month or even just a week but I want to be with you when those dates come! I won't cheat and I won't leave you! I just need you to trust me! I'm trusting you right now! You're keeping something from me and your ex is trying to get back with you but I trust you! You need to trust me too!"

I bite my lip more fiercely and stare at the wall, "I know ok? I know I need to talk to you but I also know that when you find out what a mess this is you'll change your mind! I mean, there was a possibility, slim but still there, that you would stay with me when the baby came but not anymore, not now-" I say but I am cut off.

"I won't! Just tell me! Please!!" he begs.

"Fine, I hope you're ready!" I say while walking to close the door. "Sit down."

He shrugs and does as I ask.

"The other day when I was at the cafe with Hutton, he was telling me something brutal. I don't even know how to say this to you! Hutton has a disease in his family, it probably didn't pass to the baby but it might have. Oh god! What if it does Oliver? What if my baby is disabled? I watched so many people at school be bullied for being different. I've seen so many kids being tortured by my group! The popular kids will always be there, terrorizing the 'not up to standards' as they call them. How could I do that to my baby? I'm a terrible mother and I can't do anything about it!" I say while weeping and craving for Oliver's soothing even though I don't deserve it.

Oliver's wet arms wrap around me and he makes hushing noises while pulling me to his chest, which is also wet from the storm but I couldn’t care less! "You're not a terrible mother," he says in an uneasy voice, "you can't chance this. It’s not your fault! I'm not going anywhere, you hear me? I'm staying with you! You could move in with me or I could move in here and we’d be a little family! I'm going to be a dad and wow! We're having a baby!" he says really fast.

I look up at him as I hug into his chest, "What are you talking about?"

His eyes widen and he clears his throat, shaking his head and looking like he just came out of a trance, "I was... Nothing... Just thinking I guess...  I just feel like I've known you forever. I was just thinking out loud. What did I even say? My mind is going so fast."

I chuckle, sniffing at the same time, "You said you wanted to move in and you're going to be a dad, that we're having a baby and we're going to be a little family..."

His jaw drops and he looks at me with wide eyes, "I did not! I mean, it's not that bad sounding but it's a little fast.... for you I mean, I'd be up for it but...." 

I laugh, "Yeah, might wait for a little longer I think... Let's just aim for the one month mark right now..."

He pulls me even closer to him. "I love you so much Mayarna. I feel stupid because I always scoff at people who go out with someone for a week or so and then say they love the other person; I still do and still will though because I know they don't feel what I do... This is so different. You're my perfect match. You're the only girl who I've just wanted to spend time with and love in so long. Actually this has never happened.... Oh god, I'm like a walking cliché guy from one of those soppy chick flicks!"

I laugh, "Yeah but its ok, I love you anyways," I say. I'm actually pretty calm now... I'm not even weeping! "So... I guess you'll be staying here tonight then?"

He looks at me with a confused expression, "What? Why?"

"The storm... Yeah, you'll have to bunk on the couch or something... It will be a miracle if mum lets you in my room for five minutes with the door wide open!!"

Just as I say that mum walks in, "That's very true! We've moved Crayna into your bed with you May and Payton can stay in her bed. Oliver, the couch really is comfortable.... I mean, I've never slept on it but I sit on it so.... "

“Yeah, I’m sure it is! Guess I’ll find out soon anyway…” he says with a smile.

“Now, about your clothing… It’s a little… soaked for bed don’t you think? Payton is using some of Crayna’s clothes but I don’t think that her purple unicorn shirt will quite fit you…”

He laughs, “Actually, I had brains, I have clothes with me… I left my backpack at the door but its waterproof and it has stuff in it. I figured I should take it just in case we got stuck somewhere. Payton wasn’t so smart though….”

Mum laughs and walks away. Oliver turns back to me and his brow creases.

“I got you wet!” he mumbles before he looks up guiltily with a smirk, “um… I put liquid on you? No… I-“

I cut him off, “I get the point Oliver… Don’t be dirty minded,” I say while hitting him in the arm lightly and laughing.

“You should,” he says and kisses me, “go get,” he kisses me once again, “in some dry clothing,” and he kisses me again.

I laugh, “Yeah, so should you!”

He looks at me and smiles, “You’re more important,” he says while rubbing my stomach affectionately. Not many people do that yet. “You know, you’re actually glowing! You look gorgeous!!”

“Well thank you Mr. Norman! Actually it has to do with pregnancy. Women give a natural glow because of the extra hormones…” I state, mutter of factly.

He touches my nose with his finger and pulls back walking towards the door.

“Where are you going?” I ask desperately.

He looks over his shoulder and laughs, “The door. My bag remember?”

Once again I am silently rejoicing the fact that I don’t get red cheeks.

When we’re all in our PJS we watched some TV and I got to know Payton a bit more. She seems pretty awesome! She’s been to Egypt, Thailand, England, Washington, Hollywood and a heap of other places. She’s the same age as Crayna, 24. I guess that’s what people her age do when they don’t have kids. How she even has money for all that I have no idea… It would be kind of rude to ask so I just keep my mouth sealed.

After that I was completely wrecked and ready for bed as was everyone else. When everyone was going off to be, Crayna in my room, Payton in Crayna’s and Mum obviously to hers I stay and get Oliver sheets and stuff. I pass them to him and he looks at me with a smirk.

“Thanks. Do I get a goodnight kiss?” he asks.

I chuckle and lick my lip, “I guess…”

I wake up to the sound of thunder. I go to glance at my clock and realise Crayna, who was meant to be in my bed is gone. When my eyes settle on the clock and adjust I see why. It’s 10:02 Am…

I stumble down to the kitchen, where I hear a bubbling noise of people.

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