"So you're making me dinner?" I ask shocked.
"No, I'm growing flowers!" he chuckles, "yes, I'm making you dinner."
My heart felt like it could honestly melt. He's a nice guy my boyfriend. It just sucks that he won't want me once he finds out about the little surprise I got today. If he doesn't break up with me when I tell him then it will be when I find out for sure or when the baby actually comes. Oliver won't want to be tied down to me, lose all his freedom and become a dad. He's only 17 like me, not 30. I really want to know what his little secret is but I can't tell him mine yet, I need to draw as much time as I can out because I can't bare to think what will happen when he does find out.
"Thank you! You sure it's ok for me to stay? I don't want to cramp your player lifestyle here," I say teasingly.
"You have permanently 'cramped my player lifestyle' anyway gorgeous!" he says in a loving voice with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
"What about your housemate?" I ask.
"Meh, Chris can live with it. Not like you'll be rooming with him tonight anyway," he states.
"Maybe I will....." I say teasingly.
"Well I wouldn't if I were you, that guy NEVER changed his sheets on the bed and trust me, I've seen a lot of people walk in and out of that room over the last year," he says before laughing.
Ewww!! "That's so gross!!!" I groan.
He laughs a little harder, "You still bunking with him tonight?"
I feel my body shiver with distaste, "Nah, I think I'll stick with you... Just tell Aubrey not to come over tomorrow so early," I tease.
His face drops, "I'm not-You don't need to worry about that... You're the only-" I cut off his hilarious stuttering.
"You're not seeing anyone else?" I offer, "I know! I was just teasing you!" but then again, what if he is? He's a player and I'm obviously not giving him any, nor will I be, I have morals. What happened was not my fault; I wanted to wait until I was over 18 for anything like that. Sex makes relationships so much more complex and if a guy asks for it at my age then he's not worth your time in my point of view.
"Oh... Ok then."
"So what are you making?" I ask, changing to a new topic because I don't want to think about the thoughts that are swimming in my head right now.
"Pasta and a tomato sauce, I can't cook much so be happy I can even make you this!"
"Um ok?" I ask unsure, "sounds nice!"
After dinner and a visit to the video shop, Oliver and I are sitting on the couch when his roommate, Chris? walks in and plunks himself down on the couch next to me.
"Oh! Hi towel girl! How are you tonight? Been for your shower already I see.... Why don't you borrow my clothes instead of his next time?" he says suggestively.
"Yeah, thanks! I'll keep that in mind," I say sarcastically while elbowing him.
"Go away Chris!" Olive pleads beside me, "just leave me and my girl alone!"
"Not a chance! What are we watching?" he asks beside me, making me laughs at his dismissal of the Oliver's question.
"We're watching 'The notebook' you sure you want to stay?" Ollie asks with a little hope in his voice.
"Sure as ever! Here baby, you can put your head on my lap," Chris says to me while pointing at his crotch.
"No thanks...." I say while cuddling further into Ollie's shoulder making him laugh lightly.
"Come on man, stop it, she's MY girlfriend," he says protectively while closing his arms around me tighter.
"Girlfriend? Don't you mean-" Oliver cuts him off.
"Girlfriend is what I mean, yes, I said girlfriend."
"But you two-" he is once again cut off.
"GIRLFRIEND Chris, my girlfriend."
I have to laugh at his ownership of that title. Its sweet that he's getting pissed off at Chris but I don't want be the start of a fight! I think, more like hope that this is only a playful thing between them right now and not something serious.
"Look Oliver, I'm sorry about Jenny, that wasn't my fault!" he half yells. Well this is awkward..... I wriggle in Oliver's arms a bit more, trying to seep into him and fade out or something like that.
"Dude! Not cool! Did you have to bring that up right now? I told you, its fine! I don't care about her! Can we get onto a new topic now? Please? And can you stop hitting on my girlfriend?"
He sighs dramatically, "Nar, sorry dude!"
Oliver laughs and kisses the top of my head, "Don't worry Yarn, we're just mucking around, he wouldn't actually try and hit on you....."
"HELL YEAH I WOULD!!" Chris shouts from beside me. "If you didn't happen to be my little brother's girlfriend......"
Brother? "What? You two are actually related?" I ask shocked.
"No, but we might as well be," Oliver says from my other side, "can we watch the movie already?"
I laugh and nod. Soon we're all settled and watching the romance. I'm practically sitting in Ollie's lap, getting away from Chris who continues to flirt with me.
"Is that what I need to do to get you on a date with me? I'll do it!!" Chris says pointing to the TV as Noah, the main guy, is about to drop from the ferris wheel to get Allie to go on a date with him.
"Nar, won't work, the fair isn't in town until October, which is like 4 months! Plus, I think Ollie would kick you off before you got a chance to ask...." I mutter, laughing.
"You know, I think you're right!" Chris says laughing.
I am kind of dreading the end of this movie.... I always end up crying because it's so beautiful! Predictable, especially after the 30th time but still so beautiful! I liked this movie..... Then again, I love just about all movies with Rachel McAdams or Ryan Gosling. I love in Remember the titans when Ryan starts to do that little dance thing in the locker room, then again, I like that whole scene!! Mainly because Fruitcake/Sunshine kisses the other guy. That is just about he only sports movie I like!
At the end of the movie I was shocked! Both of the guys were blubbering like babies!! I kid you not! I cried only a single tear but the boys kept weeping!
"Why did you make us watch that?" a still crying Oliver asks from beside me.
"Because it's such a great movie! It’s so beautiful! The ending is just..... So sweet and incredible and devastating at the same time! They die together, in love! It’s so sweet!"
"What movie's next?" Chris asks in a husky voice from crying.
"We have, Dirty Dancing, Benny and Joon, Titanic, The proposal or The time traveler's wife."
The guys didn't want to watch 'soppy shit' as Chris put it, even though he just confessed that he loves The Notebook and it is now his favourite movie. It was down to Benny and Joon or The proposal, either was fine for me! All these movies are my favourites.
"Why do we even have these movies?" Chris asks.
Oliver looks around sheepishly, not wanting to answer the question so I answer it for him, "Oliver took me to the video store before and made me get all my favourite movies..."
Chris shoots Olive a dirty look and I can't help but laugh.
When we couldn't decide on which one we came to the decision of both. We were watching the proposal first and then Benny and Joon.
I yawn tiredly and try to keep my eyes open. We are currently only just getting to the end of the proposal and I was seriously ready for bed. Oliver looked at Chris a little guilty, "I better take my girl to bed."
"Ok, night mate, night towel girl," he says while chuckling.
"Night door opener," I shoot back, "Oliver, you can stay up if you want, I don't mind!"
"Nar, It's cool! I'm a bit tired too!" he s
ays before standing up, taking me with him because I was sitting on him. My hands grip tighter on his neck and I squeal in shock. I twist myself so my legs are wrapped tightly around his waist which was pretty stupid because Oliver now has to put his hands on my butt to carry me.
"I can walk you know!!" I say sarcastically.
"Yeah, but I can also carry you...."
"Gosh! Can you guys please keep it for in the bedroom? You're hurting my delicate and innocent ears!"
Oliver scoffs, "Delicate and innocent? The only time those things have been delicate and innocent were while you were in your mothers stomach! In fact, they were probably still corrupt then!"
"I have no comment.... Go away; I want to watch Titanic..."
Now it's my turn to scoff, "Titanic? I thought that was 'soppy shit' geez would you make up your mind already?"
"Titanic? Did I say that? I meant.... Taken....."
I roll my eyes, still in Oliver's arms, "Night mate, enjoy Titanic...." Oliver teases. Once we're safely in Oliver's room he sets me down and looks at me directly in the eyes, "Are you totally sure you want to be here tonight?"
"You’re not gonna try anything are you?" I ask.
"No, but I mean, there is the whole same bed thing, I won't try anything, I promise but would you feel awkward?"
"I don't know, we'll find out soon I guess," the funny thing is that I actually don't feel funny about this. I trust him. If it were Hutton I wouldn't be staying, even when we were a couple...
Oliver lies on one side of the bed, the one pressed up to the wall and I am on the other. Our hands entwine and soon I am drifting to sleep.
*Mayarna's dream*
"You're baby has fragile X Miss Fields," a woman in a white jacket tells me.
"What? No!! Please, it has to be wrong!! My baby is perfectly normal!! You can't do this to me!! Please!!!" I cry. This can't be happening to me, to my baby. Oh God! Please don't let this happen!!
Oliver walks into my room at what I assume to be the hospital, shaking his head, "Why didn't you tell me Yarn? How could you do this to me? I'm out of here. Have a nice life and have fun with a kid attached to your hip," suddenly his face distorts to Hutton.
"Well Yarn, looks like we can be together now!"
"Don't call me Yarn," I weep.
"Why not? Only your little Oliver can call you that? Sorry pumpkin, you're my girl now, not his. He left you!"
"No he didn't!" I yell, "he wouldn't do that to me! What did you do with him? TELL ME!!" I scream.
Suddenly I am being crowded by nurses and doctors, "Calm down now Miss," a doctor says, calming me. That is until he pokes me with a needle, sending me to sleep.
When I wake up I am in a plain room. I go to move but I can't. Something is restraining me, my arms, stomach and legs. The belt of material to hold me down so tightly around the stomach that I can feel it cut deeply into my skin. I can't feel any kicking or movement in my stomach.
"HELP ME!!" I scream.
A young looking nurse walks into the room, "Hello Miss Fields! Nice to see you awake again, do you want to see your baby today or not?" she asks.
"Please! I need to see my baby! Is it ok? Please say its ok!"
Suddenly a child, a boy around 6 pops into the room with a long face and drooping eyes, "Hi mumma! They said I might be allowed to see you today if you felt better but they said I could talk about why you're sick and can’t come home. I miss you Mummy! Why didn’t you let me see you last week?"
"I-I-I don’t know hunny, how old are you?" I ask in a scared and broken voice.
"Why do you keep asking me that Mumma? You know I'm 15!"
I choke on the air, that kid can’t be 15! 15 year olds don't call their Mum, Mummy. He only looks 6. This can't be my child! My child is only 11 going onto 12 weeks old in my stomach.
"Dad wants to see you; he said he's sorry about leaving you when you found out what was wrong with me, what's wrong with me?"
"I-I don't know. Who's dad? Oliver or Hutton?"
"Mummy, why do you even ask me that? Obviously it's Oliver!" he says and looks at me like I'm crazy.
Suddenly the nurse is in the room pulling the boy with the distorted face, who is meant to be my son out of the room. He looks me into the eye and smiles.
"I love you Mum! Come home soon! Don't forget about me, ever!" and then he's gone. The whole room begins to shake.
*No longer dream*
I wake up to someone calling my name and shaking me. My eyes snap open to Oliver. My hand flies up around him and I swallow him into a hug that's so tight I'm surprised it doesn't cut off his circulation.
"Yarn! Thank god!! You were so scared! You kept saying, 'Oliver', 'Hutton', 'Nurse' and 'don't take him.' You were even crying!" my hand stays firmly around him, I don't even bother to put it to my cheek and see if I was in fact crying.
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