Chapter 13

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He gulps before looking at me, "I think it's time to leave before I bash this fucker. You can explain later. Come with me if you want or stay here."

I thank him through my eyes and follow his lead out door. Jennet comes rushing to me before I exit and gives a curious look, "Everything ok honey?"

I hold back a sob and shake my head in a no, "I'll tell you what's going on soon ok? This is Oliver, my boyfriend but I don't want you meeting him like this. He's usually a lot happier but he has his reasons right now as you can tell."

"Did he hurt you?"

"NO!! He would never do that! This is because of that guy over there," I say pointing at Hutton who doesn't notice, "I really need to go but I'll see you soon!"

"Take time off if you need it sweetie! Bye."

I rush to Oliver's car and he's just clicking the unlock button. He roughly opens the door and basically throws himself in the car. I get in the other side as quietly as I can and try to fade into the background even though an am the one making it coloured. He thumps his head onto the steering wheel and balls his hands into fist, taking out his anger by hitting them beside his head, just missing it and getting wheel. Damn I wish I told him now! What can I say that will explain the situation?

"Why were you with him?" he asks in a stern but sad and soft voice.

"It was to do with the baby. I promise there was nothing going on!"

He snaps his head up in shock from the steering wheel, "Is there something wrong with the baby? The ultrasound went fine! I should know, I was there unlike that asshole! Wait, I know, you were seeing him because you want to get back together right? Because the baby needs his father?"

Gosh he's an idiot right now! Of course I'm not taking Hutton back! "No! You're jumping to conclusions! You're my boyfriend and I want it to stay that way! Plus, you would be a way better dad than that... jerk! He couldn’t be a dad."

His face visibly softens and he focuses his eyes to me. Anger is apparent but love is also etched into his face and I know he would never hurt me, "What was it about then?"

"He needed to talk to me about the baby," I say, trying not give too much away. It’s not that I want to keep anything from him; I just don't want to tell him like this. I need time to get my head straight first. Plus, there's only a possibility he could pass it on.... It would be rare for him to pass it because he's been cleared right?? 

I can't take it anymore and soon I am crying, not even able to take a breath. Oliver looks at me and bites his lip, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry...."

Stupid guy! He's not the reason I'm crying! I'm crying because my kid could be screwed up! I would still love it the same and more than anything but it would change a lot of things for me, make being a teenage mum even harder. Oliver puts a hand on my shoulder to comfort me and then I remember I need to speak and tell him he's not to blame for this sudden train wreck, "It's not you! Don't think that!"

"What is it then? Did he hurt you?" he asks softly.

"It’s the baby Oliver."

He draws in a shaky breath, "You never call me Oliver... What's wrong with the baby?"

I cry even harder, hating the thought of trying to take dominance over my body and talk, stopping the steady, fast flow of tears, "There could be something wrong but.... I mean It's not..... It."

"What is it?"

I get up the courage to talk, "Hutton has a disease in his family and he was cleared and told he was clean but to make sure he has his children checked. The baby could..... It could," I give up trying to talk about as a heavier flow of water runs down my face and my throat goes clogged.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to see him?" he asks still tender but with a heat that anger brings also.

I sob and sob so Oliver just ends up giving up on his quest for my knowledge. He pulls the seat belt around me and soon the car is moving.

He pulls up at his house and as much as I really want to just get out and stroll to his stairs and then into his house I just can't. It's just not that easy when you're a mess like me.

I feel arms grip around me, gosh is Oliver picking me up? He is! "Don't! You'll get hurt!"

"Its ok, come on, I'll get you upstairs. You do want to stay here tonight right?"

Want to? I needed to! There was no way that after finding that out about my baby that I could go back to my house. Crayna would ask me about what was wrong. Mum would be catching the plane that already left an hour ago if she knew what I just found out and if she did that her job could be on the line, not that she cared; she always thought that parents don't raise their kids enough and are too focused on money. Mum didn’t go back to work until I was 8. I shook my head still unable to speak in response to his question.

He put me down on the couch and looked at me with a sad face, this was so not fair! He just caught me at a restraint with my ex and he's being so sweet! He should be demanding me to tell him what the fuck was going on and dumping my sorry ass!

"Are you ready to talk yet?" he asked. I gulp and try to restrain a tear but it was being persistent and I knew once I started to talk again I would be in hysterics even worse than now. Instead of using my voice I shook my head.

He sighed, "I can't make you feel guilty for not telling me about, I need to tell you something too..." my head snapped up and I looked him right in the eye. Did he cheat on me? Oh god that's it! It's too much to bare and we've only been couple like for the last few days, not even a week and we've only been an official couple for a day! I should have known better than to trust a player. He must see the shock and fear in my eyes because he slumps in his seat and shakes his head, "It’s nothing bad... Well actually it is, it’s terrible but it’s not bad to do with us. What I meant was that if you can't talk now, I understand.... When you're ready to talk tell me about what happened, tell me and I'll tell you what I need to."

What the hell? What is he talking about? I need to know! He knows I can’t talk right now, that's so unfair! Damn it Oliver, speak!! I'm woken up from my little rant by a familiar little kick from a special little football player that's cooking inside my belly. I put my hand on my stomach and look down, happy to feel my baby move.

"You ok?" Oliver asks looking worried. Does he think I'm in pain? I think he does! Gosh I'm asking myself a lot of questions....

"Yeah, the baby just kicked! Damn, I gotta pee!" I say, remembering the fact I haven't been sense this afternoon. Wow that must be a new record for my pregnant self!

"No wonder! We've been sitting here for about an hour!"

"What? No, more like five minutes!" I say in a voice with no interruptions by sobs.

"Um, honey, I've been watching you cry for the last hour.... It's 7:00," he says. I look out of the window closest to see he's right, the outside world is now being consumed by darkness and street lights are flickering. I've been crying for an hour? Shit that’s a long time!

"Sorry! I didn't even realise! Where is my time going?" I ask for serious. This is the second time this has happened!

"It’s ok. I hate seeing you like that! You feeling any better?" he asks looking really worried.

"I'm ok but I feel a bit icky..... Can I use your shower.... and maybe one of your shirts or something?"

He laughs and nods his head, "Sure, you know where the bathroom is and I'll go find you a shirt...."

"Thank you, you've been great you know," I say in a statement and not a question. "You are so sweet and understanding! I promise I'll tell you soon, I just can't right now ok?"

"Yeah, I guess. I trust you." 

"Thank you! You're being totally understanding and I love you for it!" I say truthfully, "now, what did you want to tell me?"

"I'll tell when you do...."

"Ok, I take back what I said about you being understanding...... This is like blackmail isn't it?"

"Maybe.... I don't know but I'm not talking until you do..... Yarn, it's just something I've been thinking about a lot lately. It’s deep so I'll tell you when you tell me..."

"Fine then," I say giving in, "go fetch me that shirt boy!"

"Bark bark," he says with a cheeky smile, "how about I join you in that shower and show you just how animal like I can be?"

I laugh and push on his shoulder gently, "No thanks!"

"I was just kidding! I'm not actually animal like...."

"Yeah, you're still not coming into the shower with me.... Stop getting your hopes up!"

"Don't worry, I'm just kidding..." he says looking unsure. Yeah, no way buddy! Try again in about a million more years!

"Are you going to get me that shirt or what?" I ask, I really can't wait to have a shower....

"Ok, just a second, I'll go grab it."

I sit back into the sofa and feel my body relax. I avoided that bullet pretty easy! 

Oliver throws a shirt at me and I catch it before smiling and saying thanks. Walking into the bathroom I close the door behind me. I wish it had a lock.... Last time I went for a shower here it didn't turn out so well.

Once I get the water to a good temperature I step in to the shower. I scrub my face, washing away the tears. Hutton is such a jerk! How could he do this to me? To my baby? I scrubbed harder at the thought until my face felt raw... That hurt!

Once I finish in the shower I turn the water off and grab a towel from the clean pile. I don't know when I'm heading home so this time I'm going to leave it hanging up to dry out and use it again if I have another shower.

I pull my underwear back on, glad that my panties are boy leg because otherwise that could be awkward considering I have no other pants to put on over them. I go to put the shirt he gave me on and something falls out and onto the floor from within the shirt. I bend down and look at the object more closely to see that it is a pair of short sport type pants with a tie string. I smile and slip them on before the shirt which is baggy and has a print of two blue cars on the front. 

When I walk out of the bathroom I see Olive fumbling around in the kitchen, "Hey! Thanks for the shirt and the pants!"

"Its ok, I figured you had to use my shirt so you probably needed pants too.... I am wondering though, why don't you just wear the pajama's from the other night?"

"I left my bag at my house!" I had stayed home last night after the altrasound and just come over to Olicer's house this morning. I got to spend some time with Phoebs and Crane too so that had been good. I didn't bring my bag with clothes in it with me tonight because I planned on staying home. I should probably let Crayna know I wasn't getting home tonight; Mum had called her and practically begged her to stay with me because she was away for work. My phone was still in the pocket of the pants I had worn today so I slid my hand into the jeans in my hands and pulled it out.

'Hey Crane, not going to be home tonight, too hard to explain via text messages but I'll tell you why tomorrow.'

I was going to have a lot of people to tell things too if I kept up at this rate.... First Jennet this morning and now Crayna.... I needed to know what was happening before I told people so I didn't feel very guilty.... My brain had currently turned to slop and I'm surprised I even knew which way up was...

"You alright over there?" Olive asks, still at the stove.

"Golden! What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Making dinner...."

I felt my heart melt; he was making dinner for me! I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I had a message from Crayna so I opened it to see the message.

'Ok, where are you? Are you alright? You better explain this tomorrow! Can you give me an idea of why?'

Sighing I typed back my message,

'At Oliver's, found out some stuff about the baby so I just wanted to get my head straight, don't worry! I'm fine I just need to process, give you more details tomorrow Ok sis? I love you.'

Not even a minutes later my phone went off again, the text was,

'Ok, hope you're alright! I will be getting everything out of you tomorrow btw.'

I locked my phone and looked over at Oliver who was still cooking.


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