Sorry I have taken so long to upload!! My fingers where dead..... And I got writers block.... But I'm back! Btw, I'm no doctor so some of the content in this chapter might not be fact; I'm going off the internet here!! Please do not get offended by any content! If you do please let me know! It definitely shouldn’t offend anyone but if it does don't hesitate to tell me!!
*Next day*
"Hello?" I answer into my phone, unsure of who will be replying.
"May!! How was the ultrasound? You said you would call me!! I've been trying to call you non-stop but it kept saying this number is not availible!! You had me so worried I swear I almost ran to the air port and got on a plan to somewhere the flies to somewhere that flies back home just to see you sooner!!!" Mum's voice rings in my ear.
"Are crap! Sorry Mum! I forgot! I mean I had a good reason, I got stuck in an elevator," I say way to fast.
I'm at Olive's house at the moment because I knew mum wouldn't be back from her trip yet. My legs are resting lazily on Oliver's lap.
"Well how's the-- Wait.... You got stuck in a- Are you ok??" she say worriedly.
"Fine, it only took about an hour to get out I guess.... I lost track but it wasn't very long and I had the amazing Oliver to keep me company," I say while shooting Olive a loving smile and leaning forward to take his hand in mine. He pulls me closer to him and instead of just my legs on his lap I almost am!
"Amazing? That's a new description.... You can explain that one to me when I get home.... In two days..... I'm sorry honey! I want to get back home but I could get a promotion If I stay and I If I don't I could get the sack and-" I cut her off.
"Its fine mum, don't worry! I'm a big girl! That big 17 remember? The baby is awesome! Perfectly developing and all that stuff!"
"That's great honey! I have to go! Sorry, I'm calling from my hotel and I need to get back to the launch ok?"
"Yup, that's ok mum."
"I love you! Bye baby girl!" she says in a soft voice that proves her truthful to her words.
"Love you too mum," I reply in a voice with the same tone as she had.
I push the end button and realise the entire time since I mention him, Olive and I have been starring into each other’s eyes.
"So I'm amazing am I?"
"Yes, yes you are!" I say in a cheeky, loving voice.
"What time does your mum get back?"
Oh right.... He couldn't hear her.... "2 days...."
"Oh! I thought it was a day thing?"
"So did she but she could be up for a promotion and if she leaves she could get the can."
"Well.... That sucks then! What do you wanna do?"
"Meh.... Why are you asking me? I'm boring!"
"Hmm..... No comment!"
I hit him on the arm playfully and scoff, "Nice dude! Nice!"
"I know right? I'm the vision of niceness!"
"Dick head," I mutter under my breath, hoping he doesn't catch it.
"I heard that!" he says in an offended voice.
Crap!! "I was just joking babe...."
He laughs and shakes his head, muttering something.
"What did you just say dear?" I ask.
"Nothin.... Nothin...."
"Tell me or I will make you!"
"Try it!! I shall never tell, no matter the torture you inflict on my poor, weary soul," man, that guy watches too much television....
"I shall make thy talk! No matter the pain inflicted on one’s self in the processes," yeah, my dodgy attempt at a reply....
"What does thy have in mind? I shall not give in, thus my punishment must be carried out."
"Geez, you're strange!" I say shaking my head.
"For thou yes, but for ye acquaintances no," does this even make sense? Ah well, It sounds pretty cool! "now, what is ye punishment ye chooses to inflict on me?"
I sit so I am straddling him, "I have not yet devised my punishment but if ye choose to tell me now of the....... the.......Wait.... What are we talking about again??"
"Um..... I don't know....... Ah well, it would be a shame to waste a good straddle, come here."
We sit with the TV on but I haven't been paying attention to it and nor has Ollie. How could I? I'm straddling him.... That causes some vision problems! My arms are wrapping around his body as are his own to mine and my head is resting on his shoulder.
"So, if we're going out, what does that make me to the baby?"
His question takes me by surprise. I really don't know but I never thought about it. "Wouldn't you just be Zylaz's mum's boyfriend?"
"Well that's not nice! I'm just some boyfriend of his mother!"
"Her," I correct even though the sex of the baby is still unknown, "Anyway, you mean something to me! I mean, if you stick around after baby comes then you would be the baby's dad in point of view."
"IF? Obviously I'm sticking around or I wouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend!"
"Yeah but kids change a lot of things, I won't be just some chick who you can do whatever you want to and drag around wherever you feel like going! You can't just walk out on your kids to go hang out with some mates. You can't push your kids around and treat them like crap when it feels convenient. Kids make things complicated."'
"Hon, I'm sticking with you, I'm not going to leave and I'm not going to treat you or the baby like crap!"
I move my arms so they are around Oliver's neck while laying a sweet kiss on his lips. I pull away from his luscious lips but he pulls me back, much to my approval. The kiss stops all too soon and I feel disappointment seep through me as I suck deep breaths into my body. When I look at the TV it has changed to the 6:00 news. WAIT WHAT? 6:00? It was just 4:50!
"Why is the 6:00 news on? It was just 4:50, what the heck?!?"
"I think we kissed for a bit more time then we realised..."
My thoughts are postponed as I feel my phone go off in my back pocket,
Black dress with the tights underneath
I've got the breath of a last cigarette on my teeth
I answer it as soon as it goes off because for some reason it feels like I am disturbing someone.
"Yes?" I answer because I'm so lovely!!
"Um, hi! Is that you May?"
I sit silent, shock running through my body. I know that voice all too well. It is the one I spent so many hours listening to on this very phone. The one who made me feel secure and then broke me into a falling mess of tears and emotions.
"Uh, I guess from that reaction it is," he says in a deep voice that is filled with what seems like regret.
My mind begins to calm and I give Oliver as much of a reassuring smile as I can. I get up so I am no longer sitting on Oliver and venture out of the room completely, headed outside in complete privacy. As much as I love... yes, I know I said love.... Oliver this is still one conversation which I would rather face by myself for now, "What do you want?" I hiss.
"I-I know I have been a jerk but I need to see you. Um, I know you won't want to but there's something you need to know about my family. It could effect the baby," Hutton says while stuttering almost each word, "can you meet me today? This is really important."
Sighing and groaning I talk, I know I shouldn't care and I should not be meeting him but he said it could effect the baby, "Where are we meeting?"
"Sweet dreams? You need to be with people you know."
"Right, I'll see you there in 20 minutes," sighing I hang up the phone. Should I take Oliver with me? No.... I can't do that, I need to hear this and process whatever he is going to say on my own. There will probably be nothing but.... what if there is? What if he isn't just making up crap to get me to see him? He sounded serious....
I rush inside once again and slam the back door and head back to the lounge room. Oliver is still on the couch but his once relaxed body is tensed to a level I never knew existed. His face is etched with worry, "Who was that? Are you ok?"
FUCK! I can't explain this! What am I meant to say, 'Oh yeah! Hey honey, forgot to tell you my ex who got me pregnant was on the phone, I'm about to go meet up with him! See you later!!’? Trying to get my head in order I take a deep breath in, "No one important baby! It was work, I was just pissed that they need me to go in! I guess it's busy at the moment!"
"So you’re going?" he asks with a voice that drips with disbelief. In return I nod my head. "Will you come back here tonight?"
"Uh, yeah! How could I resist an offer like that?" this is good! All I need to do is keep this steady act up and maybe he will believe me! I know I'm lying and I feel terrible but some of it is truth, Sweet dreams is busy at the moment and I am going there, I was pissed at the caller and work did beg me to come in earlier today. It's not like it’s a pleasant meeting! If he tries to make a move on me he will find himself drenched in my drink and saw on the jaw, AKA, I will punch him after tipping my drink over him.
I slip into Oliver's bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I look crappy but that's good! If I look nice it will seem like I got dressed for him! Then again, if I look crappy will he think it’s because of him? Why is this so confusing? Bluh! I don't care!
I walk out of the bathroom but not until after I flushing the toilet which I did not use to make it seem like I was just peeing. I go back to the lounge room and look at Olive who looks the definition of sexy.
"Why don't you just say you can't go to work because you... you......" he says while thinking of his next words.
I cut into his train of thought by speaking, "Nar, I feel really bad! I need to go in!"
"Can I give you a lift then?"
I hate blowing him off right now but I have to, "No, I'll just walk, I need to keep my figure up you know!"
"You look fine babe! You don't need to walk! We’ll at least call me when you get there so I know you're ok!""
He's being so cute it hurts! I can't believe I am lying to him right now! "Ok honey! I love you!"
"Wait.... you just.... you said you love me!" he says in pure shock.
"Uh, dumbo, I told you that in the lift!"
"No you didn't!" he says in an accusing tone, "You never said it back!"
"I did! Then I asked for a cheery topic! You're the first person who has ever said, 'I love you' in that way so why wouldn't I reply?"
"But.... What about Hutton?"
Did he have to bring up Hutton right now? It makes me feel even worse!
"No he didn't! What the fuck would it matter if he did or didn't anyway?"
"Whoa! Calm down honey! So you said you loved me before, I didn't hear it. You where talking pretty soft!"
"Whatever! I have to go to work. I'll talk to you later," I stomp out.
As I hit the pavement beside the road with my feet I realise how stupid and heartless I seem right now. I can't believe I just had a fight like that with Oliver over whether or not I said I love him before now, how stupid! I should turn back now and apologies! No.... I have been walking for like 10 minutes and I can see the cafe, that and I have like 2 minutes before I am late to meet with Hutton, not that I really care. In my rage I didn't even grab my phone so I can't even call Oliver to say sorry! I could use the staff phone but that would be kind of rude considering I missed my shift today. The ladies who I work with wouldn't mind because they all see me like a granddaughter but I would still feel bad.
Dragging myself into the diner I see Hutton's familiar face but instead of the loving, safe, happy feeling I use to get around him I have the complete opposite. I feel like killing the bastard who has managed to take my virginity, get me pregnant, break my heart, make me lie to my loving boyfriend and have a freak out.
My manager and most loved friend and almost family, Jennet looks at me and her jaw almost makes contact with the ground, "Honey! I thought you weren’t coming in today?"
She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly, "Yeah, I hope its ok but this isn't for work, I need to meet someone."
"Ooohhhh!!" Instantly I know she thinks this is a date and I can't explain it due to the fact that no one here knows about the baby. I can't blame her for these assumptions though because, well, all you have to do is look at him. He is good looking even if I hate his guts. Just seeing his face makes me want to puke because of what he has done to me and put me through. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and a toned body which is easy to tell even through his clothing. Oliver is a lot cuter though and much more sweet.
I do my best in letting her know that this is not a pleasant meeting and she seems to catch on, "Can I use the quiet corner booth? I need to think..."
"Yes, of course honey! What do you want to drink? Anything to eat?"
"Can I have a coke please?" I ask while reaslising just how dry my throat is.
"Ok, I'll get it for you now dove!" she walks to the fridge that contains the glass bottles that hold soft drink and hands me the coke. In reach in my pocket for money but she shoos me off.
"Well?" I say from behind Hutton.
"Oh hi! I-I didn't hear you come in! It's loud I guess!"
"We're at the booth," I say with no compassion, love or even warmth in my voice.
He looks stunned at my cold words but doesn't say anything. What did he expect? That things would go back to what they use to be? I don't think so!
"Hutton, I don't care about small talk, tell me what you came to tell me and piss off! You did what you did and I'm with someone else now!"
"Are you sure you don't-" I cut him off.
"HUTTON! I don't give a shit about you or your life! Also, I care even less about your feelings! For all I care you could be about to burn in hell, in fact that thought is rather nice!" I snap with venom more poisonous than any snake could ever muster.
"Look, I still have feeling for you even if you don't care! I need to tell you something but before I do I need you to calm down!"
I take sharp breaths in and turn my face to his, "What?"
He takes in a deep breath and looks like what he's about to say is as deadly as a bomb, "One of my parents had Fragile X syndrome."
"OH WOW! I'm so sorry! Would you like me to kiss that wound better?" I say with heated sarcasm radiating off my harsh words. “What does that have to do with me?"
"It's genetic. I don't have it but I could be a carrier...I could pass it to my children"
Shock takes me over but I don't even really register what he just said, "What is that?"
"I don't really know to be honest, I got tested and told I was clean from it but if I ever have offspring I should get them tested. I never got to ask my parents because I'm adopted. From research on the internet the other day I found that it’s the most common type of inherited and developed disabilities. I use to block out what the doctors would say when they talked to me about it because I didn't want to know, I wish I listened now. The internet says that every kid will get different effects from it, some get distorted and long faces some have social problems, intelligence and learning difficulties, physical, speech and language, mental and or sensory problems. There's more but I think you get the picture and that's the best I can tell you without confusing myself. I'm pretty sure it can be tested for from 10 weeks pregnant, I don't know how far along you are but you should be able to get tested right?"
I sit with my whole world spinning. My child could have any or all of these problems. What happens then? Holy shit! My poor baby.
I feel arms wrap around me to comfort me and I know I am a crying mess. I don't object to the comforting. "That's why I said it wasn't mine and pushed you away. I never meant to hurt you, in any way! I never meant to do what I did at that party but I was on drugs and alcohol because i'm an idiot. I never intended on sleeping with you because there was always that risk of you getting pregnant and then what would happen? I would curse my child."
All of a sudden I am wrapped out of my sorrow by a voice filled with so much pain I can barely stand, "Work hey? Looks pretty cozy to me. You left your phone and didn't call me, I knew there was a storm coming so I came to check on you but it looks like you feel pretty safe. Who is this? I think I deserve to at least know who you're cheating on me with!"
I lift my head from the table and see the shock on his face as he sees it, "Do I look like I am cheating on you right now you bastard?"
"I-Um-" he stutters trying to find his words, "what's wrong?"
"Who is this?" Hutton asks.
Sinking back in my seat and shrugging off Hutton’s arms I wait for what is about to unfold.
"I'm her boyfriend, Oliver. Who are you?"
"I'm Hutton," I watch as Oliver's face turns to stone.
So... don't hate me......
Did you think that was going to happen?? The photo is of Hutton. Vote, comment and or fan me if you liked it please!! Thank you to everyone who has already been reading, adding to your reading list, voting, fanning and/or commenting!! It means so much!! I feel like my writing has been a bit crappy as of late but you guys are still as supportive as always so thank you!!
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