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"Ight so whats the rules?" I asked them, sitting at the lunch table.

"You have to fuck her before graduation and have proof. If not you don't get the money." Slim said.

"Easy enough. Y'all betta have yall money ready cause I want my money right when I finish."

Slim laughed, "that's funny cause I know she ain't gon be easy at all. You ain't gon win this one."

"You really tryin me for real. I like challenges, so it don't even matter." I said. They really think I cant get this girl, they got me fucked up. I can have anybody I want.

"That's whatchu say nie..." Slim said then walked away laughing.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

All the other boys were just eating and talking, but I was thinking of how I was gonna get Samia attention.
One of the boys tapped my shoulder and pointed towards the Deli Line. I looked and seen Samia standing in line with this girl named Regina.

This is a perfect time.


"I swear she's the only class I have a problem in. That lady just don't like me." Regina said complaining about Mrs.Pratt.

"You gotta chill tho, her class is important and if you don't pass her class yo ass ain't walking across that stage." I told her.

"That's the same shit my mama told me... imma try. But when I graduate best believe imma fight that bitch."

"I--" I started to say but was soon interrupted.

"Excuse me Regina, but can I talk to Samia?" Jacob asks, I think that's his name.

"Go ahead. I'll save yo spot." She said then shooed me away.

We walked away from the line. "Listen Jacob, I'm hungry as hell. So whatchu want?" I said to him.

"First of all its Jacorey, baby--"

"I'm not yo baby."

"And I ain't Jacob."

"Whateva, whatchu want."

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out a lil bit, ya know to get to know each other." He said then licked his lips.

"No thanks, is that all?" I asked.

"Damn you just gon turn me down."

"I heard about you, and I ain't a weak-minded bitch. So that little line you tried to throw my way ain't gon work at all. Try that shit wit somebody else." I said then walked away to get back in line, leaving him there.

Once I got back in my spot Regina asked me what happened.

"He tried to spit game and I rejected him." I said plainly.

"GIRL! You turned down Jacorey ?"

"Yea, why you say it like that?"

"You the only person who ever done that, I'm just surprised."

"Well, I ain't like everybody else." I said then ordered my sandwich.


It was the end of the day and I was waiting for Denise to walk out her 7th-period class so I can leave.

She walked out the class smiling hard as fuck.

"Why you so happy?" I asked. Then she pulled out a sheet of paper out of her purse and handed it to me.

"You're so beautiful, your smile brightens my day every time I see it. You're the only reason I come to school, to be honest. This may be weird but I really like you. I'm scared you won't feel the same so I'll just admire you from afar. Just know it won't be long until you're mine. From- your secret admirer." I said reading the paper out loud. "OKAY, I see you bitch! You betta find out who that is, he sounds sweet." I told her.

"I know right. I wish he would just come out and tell me how he feels, so I won't have to turn into a damn FBI." She said. "Antyways, how was your day?" She asked as we walked towards my car.

"It was straight, Jacorey tried to spit game and I shut his ass down." I said.

"Yaaas bitch." She said then gave me a high five. "That boy is no good." She continued.

"Right, I haven't been here for a month and I already heard hella shit about him. I wouldn't dare."

"Good. Aye, you going to that party this weekend?" She asked.

"What party?" I asked.

"Every year, we have this big ass block party. Everybody and they mama be there. You comin?"

"Shidd, why not. I'll go witchu." I told her and she got happy all over again.

"YAY! We finna be so muthafuckin turnt."

"On me."


"Come on nie Denise, it does not take that damn long to find an outfit." I said to her. She has been staring at her closet for 2 fucking hours. "You know what get out my way, imma find something." I said pushing her out the way.

In a matter of minutes I found this cute shirt dress, then I picked out a pair of sandals for her.

"Here. Go to the bathroom, get dressed do whateva you gotta do. We already late as fuck."

"Girl have you ever heard of fashionably late."

"You saying that now but when we cant find a damn parking space don't complain." I said then she hurried up and ran to the bathroom to change.

I had my clothes with me cause I changed at her house. My dad would beat my ass if he saw what I was wearing.

30 minutes later she walked out of the bathroom and we were ready to go. We said goodbye to her mama, then we left the house.


We walked into the party late as hell and everybody was breaking their damn necks looking at us.

We must be looking real good.

"Hell nawl Monte! You foul as fuck bruhh on my mama!" This boy in the far back yelled at another boy.
He was just chillin in the corner laughing. "Man, it ain't even that serious. She was giving that pussy to everybody. Was passing that shit out like candy." The boy, who I'm assuming name is Monte, said. After that, the other boy attacked him with punches.

Monte instantly got up and tackled the other boy making him hit the floor. He turned into a whole nother person, he was beating the other boy ass.

Five people had to get Monte off the other boy but it was a struggle.

"Get the fuck off me bruhh! I swear ta god, get off me man!" Monte yelled moving trying to get them to let him go.

Denise and I were just standing up watching everything. This may be the wrong time but damn... Monte fine as hell.

They finally escorted him out the party, then everybody was leaving.

"Man we shoulda came on time. We missed every damn thing." I said.

"See, now we finna have the real party. Everybody just going outside to be messy. This happens all the time. Just wait for a moment." She told me.

We were talking for a couple minutes and just like she said everybody started walking back in.

I was looking at everybody walking in again. I saw Jacorey and all his friends walk in, I saw Regina, Di-Di, and some other people.

I wasn't worried about them tho, I was looking for Monte.

After a while I gave up, I guess he ain't coming back.

The DJ started playing "No limit" by G-Eazy ft A$AP Rocky and Cardi B. Everybody started singing along and getting turnt.

Denise looked at me... and I looked at her... that's when we knew... it was time to turn the fuck up.

We started singing the song loud as hell, then we started twerking to the beat. We started doing splits and all.

Everybody started circling us in and that's when we really went all out. We were so into the song we didn't see these other two girls get into our circle and tried to compete with us.

That's when everybody's attention was on us. "Oh hell nawl, we gotta win this." I said to Denise and she nodded agreeing with me.

"AWWWW SHIIITTTT! I SEE ITS FINNA BE A DANCE BATTLE! Well, in this case, a twerking battle." The DJ said then changed the song to "Freak Hoe" by Speaker Knockerz.
We let the other girls go first and we automatically knew we were finna win this. They were just moving back.

You know how Tina from Bob's Burgers be dancing, well that's how they looked.

When they finally tired themselves out, Denise and I started off simple, with a leg kick. Then we looked at each other and then we let that shit rip.

We started throwing that ass back, and we were throwing it back at the same time. If you saw us it woulda looked like we practiced this.

Right cheek, left cheek...

We started winding down making it seem like we were done, but we got on the floor and started twerking on the floor.

Everybody was recording us and screaming. We knew we had won for sure.
The other girls just turned around and left the circle. Denise and I got off the floor then high fived each other.

They weren't ready for all of this.

"HOMEGIRLS WITH THE LONG HAIR WON THAT ONE!" the DJ yelled referring to Denise and I. We laughed then walked out of the circle going to the kitchen.

We both grabbed a bottle of water. "You are now my party buddy." Denise said.

"Ight." I said. I'm really having fun at this party. We were calming down, then I saw Monte walk in but Jacorey was talking to him.

Fuck, they must be friends. Oh well. I was about to walk over there but Denise grabbed my hand.

"Whatchu doing?" She asked me.

"I'm finna go talk to that fine ass nigga who's wit Jacorey." I told her.

"No, don't do that let them come to us. We don't chase niggas."

"The fuck... hunty I go after who I want and right now I want him." I said then removed her hand. I started to walk and seen they were already gone.

"Damnit girl, I coulda got his number but you ova here holding me back."

"Have anybody ever told you that you act like a nigga?" She asked me.

"Yep and ion give a flying fuck." I said. "Come on let's go dance again." I told her then walked to the dance floor, she followed me.


It was around 3 am and people were leaving, I wasn't ready to leave yet and neither was Denise.

This boy walked up to the DJ and grabbed the microphone then said, "Ight, I see a lot of people leaving but yall already know what we finna do after this. So if you staying you betta be ready to do some crazy shit." He said laughing then put the microphone back.

What was that suppose to mean?

"Nisey, what he talkin bout?" I asked her.

"Oh, most people finna leave but the ones who stay we gon play Dare or Drink. Its truth or dare without the truth. We gon go around daring each other to do shit if you refuse you gotta take a shot of whatever liquor they tell you to drink." She informed me.

"That sounds fun as fuck." I said getting hype.

"Yea, it is fun but sometimes shit can get crazy. They'll give you a crazy dare and if you don't do it they'll make you take a shot of Hennessey. Either way, you fucked. It's better to do the dares."

When the house started to clear up a bit, we started to help clean up.

"Mia, go to the car and grab that backpack I put in the car." Denise said to me and handed me her car keys. I replied with a simple "Ight" then left the kitchen.

I was walking out the house and accidentally bumped into somebody. I looked up and seen it was Monte fine ass. "Oh shit, my bad ma." He said and I was caught off guard by his deep ass voice.

"You good, I bumped into you."

"You leaving already?"

"Nawl, finna get something out the car. I'll be back."

"Lemme go witchu then, it is dark out there."

"Sure." I said then walked out of the house with him behind me.

We made small talk as we walked to the car. Once we made it I opened the door and grabbed the bookbag Denise was talking bout.

When we made it back inside the house everybody was already in a circle and there were 3 bottles of Hennesey on the coffee table that's in the middle.

I took a seat next to Denise. "Finally what the hell took you so long?" She asked.

"Monte and I were talkin for a couple minutes before we walked back."

"Oooo, you a bold bitch."

"I thought you been knew that." I said then flipped my hair making her laugh.

In a matter of seconds, the circle was full and it was time to start the game.
"Who goin first?" I asked.

"We normally start off with Di-Di and work our way around." Denise informs me.

"Kk." I say then the game starts.

"Ight I dare Mookie to lick the bottom of Journey's shoe." Di-Di said.

"Oh, hell nawl fuck that, gimme a shot." Mookie said. Di-Di grabbed the tallest shot glass and poured the liquor to the rim of the glass.

Mookie looked at Di-Di like she was crazy. "Ight, I gotchu my turn." Mookie said then took the shot. When she finished the shot she had a disgusted look on her face making us laugh.

We were all going back and forth with dares and these people came up wit some crazy shit.

Its Denise turn now, "I dare Samia to make out with Monte for 30 seconds." She said.

I smirked, "I accept that dare." I said then got up and walked to Monte. We both leaned forward then started going at it...

I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Ight nie, that's more than 30 seconds!" Jacorey said pulling us away from each other.

We wiped our face and smirked at each other... I like this game.

It was now my turn, "I dare Denise to eat a whole onion wit no water."

"Hell nawl bitch! You wrong as fuck! Gimme a shot." She said, then I got one of the shot glasses and filled it up to the rim.

She took the shot and instantly started coughing. I was patting her on the back and she gave me the middle finger, which I laughed at.

Next, it was Jacorey's turn. "I dare Samia to gimme her number." He said then licked his lips.

"You sholl do lick yo lips a lot here," I said then threw a small container of Vaseline at him. "Antyways, it's 706-382-4797." I told him and he put it in his phone. I hope he knows I ain't gon text his ass back.

Now it was this boy named Slim turn, "I dare Corey and Samia to date till graduation." He said smirking.

"HELL NO! GIMME THE WHOLE DAMN BOTTLE!" I said reaching for the Hennessey bottle, but Jacorey grabbed it before me.

"Come on nie, we ain't even gotta be serious, you do what you want and I do what I want. Simple." He said to me.

"Y'all asses set me up... ight, just know I'm not gon take you seriously." I said to him and he just nodded.

*sigh* what the hell did I just get myself into...

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