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"So how was your first-day ova there?" Nonnie asked me.

"It was straight, but I miss ATL. Like, Columbus ain't shit compared to Atlanta. These people don't even have a cheesecake factory. What the fuck am I gonna do when I want some good cheesecake."

"Wheeet, how they don't have a cheesecake factory, its the SHIT!" she screamed in my ear.

"I know right, and lemme tell you how this nigga tried me today--" I started to say but my dad walked into my room. "Hold up girl, Imma call you later my dad's home."

"Ok, tell Papa Taylor I said haaaayyyy," she said in a weird voice, she always had a little crush on my dad, and it always disgusted me.

"Bye!" I said then hung up in her face. "Hey dad," I said then scooted closer to the edge of my bed, he came and sat next to me. My dad and I didn't have a bad relationship but it wasn't great either. He was there for my mama, my brother, and I when he and my mother were together. When they broke up he moved, but he sent us money every month, visited every other weekend and he spent every holiday with us. I love my dad with all my heart he never treated me wrong.

"Hey, baby girl," he says then kisses me on the cheek. "So I just want to know how you been feeling. You know with moving away, and starting a new journey."

"I miss ATL, I really do. But I couldn't stay down there especially with the way I was going school wise. I'm scared to start all the way over tho, I had a name for myself in Atlanta. I was ' Samia Taylor the girl you don't fuck wit' and now I'm just 'New girl with a big butt'. And a part of me don't want my old reputation back because that's the reason why I had to leave Atlanta in the first place. The other part of me wants me to get my reputation back because then nobody gon bother me, it's gonna be just like Atlanta but in Columbus, if that makes any sense." I vented.

"I understand that Mia, but you gotta change your ways. You can't be fighting everybody like how you were doing in Atlanta, especially at Carver. Mr.Lindsey ain't gon let you fight all the damn time he gon kick you outta school and not give a fuck. " He told me and I just nodded in response. "I need you to get your shit together, get focused on school. You the oldest now and you need to set an example for your little brother. Graduate high school, go to college and make a name for yourself, don't be like us." He told me and he's right.

Since my older brother died I'm the oldest and I have to set a good example for my younger brother. To be honest, I didn't have a good role model, I was just following my brother. He fought all the time, he got in the wrong crowds and he played almost every girl in ATL. I learned from him.I started fighting a lot, started smoking weed, and using niggas to get whatever I want. Its gonna be hard for me to change my ways because a bitch loves her weed, no lie. But I think imma stop Playing niggas and using them for all they got.

The last nigga I played tried to kill my ass, but I had my knife with me, he got sliced the fuck up. My brother already died so I didn't have anybody to fight him for me, I got one of the niggas from my brother gang to shoot up that nigga house and jump him. He never came at me crazy again. A lot of shit went down in Atlanta, I hope I don't have to turn into that person down here. Best believe they ain't gon know what hit em if I let that side of me out...

"I gotcha dad. Imma try and change my ways." I said in all honesty. he nodded then got off of my bed, "Dinners already done. So you can eat whatever time you want." he said then walked out of my room.

I laid down on my back and stared at the ceiling. I really hope I made the right decision.


I woke up, went into the bathroom, washed my body, then I brushed my teeth. I wrapped the towel around my body then went to my closet, trying to find out what I'm gonna wear today. After 30 minutes of deciding, I finally picked a pair of white slightly distressed jeans a purple shirt and a pair of vans.

I walked out of my room and walked into the kitchen seeing my dad trying to hide the Ihop bag. "See! I knew you weren't making that good food, you been buying it this whole time." I said fully walking into the kitchen.

He put the bag behind his back, "I don't know what you're talking about, yo dad knows how to cook. Matter fact I cooked all of this." he said.

I busted out laughing, "Ok daddy, I just didn't see that Ihop bag and the containers in the trash can."

"Exactly. Now come eat before it gets cold." He said then came and sat at the table, I sat down too.

We talked and ate our breakfast, then it was time for both of us to leave the house. I grabbed my keys, left the house and was on my way to the school.

I parked my car and Denise was waiting at the entrance for me. "Hey boo." I said once I was next to her.

"Hey. You finna hang around for a moment or you gon go straight to class?" She asked me.

"I mean its whateva, for real for real, whatchu finna do?" I asked her.

"I'm finna go meet up with some folks, you coming wit me?" She asked.

"Sure." I said then followed her to where ever she was going. She walked into the gym and walked towards a group of boys and girls.

"Hey yall, this my cousin Samia." she said introducing me to everyone.

The boy I talked to yesterday licked his lips looking at me, "I met her yesterday til she had to leave." He said, yesterday Denise said his name was some that start with a J... I think it was Jamal, or Junior, or some shit like that.

"Stopped licking those crusty ass lips nigga. My cousin don't want yo hoe ass." Denise said.

"Shut up, cause you wasn't saying shit when these 'crusty ass lips' was on you. Get the fuck on with that shit." He said to her.

"You gon get up off my cousin nie." I said going into defense mode, ain't nobody finna go in on my cousin like that, and that's on my mama.

"Oh, I see shawty got yo back on shit or whateva." He replied, surrendering.

"Yea, I got her back. So chill on her." I said to him. Denise just stood by me like she just used to him saying shit like that to her, but around me, that ain't gon fucking happen. We were just chilling and talking till it was time to go to first period.

I walked into my first period and sat in the same seat I did yesterday. A little while later the class started to fill in. Regina walked in with a bag of McDonald's, sat in her seat next to me, and started to eat her food.

"Regina..."Mrs.Pratt said.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Get out of my classroom with that food."

"Uhuh, everybody else got food and snacks but you wanna say sum to me!" she yelled.

"Like I said get out of my class."

"You really gon kick me out for food?"

"Yes, you and your McDonalds can go."

Regina got up and grabbed her food, "Da da da da da, I'm loving it, Bitch!" She said then left the room. The class roared with laughter and Mrs.Pratt face turned red like she was trying to keep he anger in check.

I couldn't be a teacher cause I woulda choke slammed some of these kids.


"I bet you cant pull her." one of my homeboys said when Samia and Denise walked away.

"On my moms you tryin me, I can get her."

"Bet a hunnid on it." he said opening his hand for a handshake. "Bet." I said back to him and shook his hand.

This finna be the easiest a hunnid dollars I ever got.


I know I been slacking on this book, my bad. It's only a couple more chapters in my book 'Strong', then this book will be my main priority.

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