~ w h o ' s s o n ? ~

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(A/N): This is 2024 me speaking, my writing was terrible back then lol but I have unpublished drafts here and I'm wondering if y'all would want to read those? Edited by 2024 me of course.

I feel like I would also keep an unedited chapter by me at the end to see the change in my writing. Idk let me know if y'all are up to it!

~Peter POV~

Playing FIFA is one of my favourite things to do, other than saving the streets of New York, of course. It's a cool way to pass time and such. I was currently playing FIFA in the living room of the Stark Tower, I had nothing else to do anyway.

"Kid, don't you think you're spending too much time on those devices?", Dad asked me being the dad he is. "Dad, you bought me these devices.", I say back in a joking way. "Fair, fair, but c'mon spend some time outside of those electronics.", Dad says, still trying to convince me to do something else other than playing FIFA.

"I have nothing else to do..", I check the watch that shows me the crimes in New York and a hologram pops up, with no people to save, confirming that I had nothing else to do other than to play FIFA. "You could work on devices?", Dad suggested, "But I'm banned from Mr. Banner's lab.. over an accident.."

It wasn't an accident. You see, I had 'accidently' created a time portal with the help of Doctor Strange, for fun of course. But it didn't end well and I probably had caused the multiverse a lot of problems.

"Oh.. yeah I forgot about that.. Wait! You could meet the new security guards downstairs.", Dad suggested again, this time it seemed promising, they didn't know who I was so may be it was time for me to introduce myself to them.

"Actually I might do that Dad, thanks!", He smiled and nodded at me while I walked over to the elevator and spoke.

"Fri, take me to the lobby.", It started moving and playing the Spider-Man theme song dad specifically customized so it will play every time I use the elevator. 'Spider-Man Spider-Man does whatever a spider can'

I arrived at the lobby and exited the elevator. I walked through the halls, making my way towards the front entrance, occasionally being greeted here and there.

"Hey! are you the new security guards?", I walked over to them and they looked as if I destroyed their evening, not a good first impression..

"Kid, how did you get in here.", One of them asked me while the other just stared with authority. This entire situation reeked of disaster.

"Uh- I work here?", I won't let them know who I am for a start, I'll start by telling them that i work here instead. Technically, it wasn't a lie. I showed them my I.D and they looked at eachother and laughed. 'Rude..', I thought to myself.

"Nice try kid, only college students get internships. That ID is clearly a fake.", I frowned at them and walked back inside the lobby, ignoring their statements. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to meet dad's new security guards. I'll do it another time. I thought as I walked away.

Before I could even get three steps in, I felt an arm grab the back of my shirt. "Kid, this is private property, I need you to get out.", I pushed them away as respectfully as I could, "I work here!", I was really getting annoyed by this entire situation now.

"No you don't!", I opened my mouth to speak up, but before I could even respond they were already ripping off my ID and breaking it in two. The workers who were previously watching the situation were astonished by the audacity of these two men. I gaped in horror as they threw my broken ID back at me. "Respectfully, you can't do that! What the f%ck guys?", I retorted angrily.

They didn't respond to my statement, instead the two security guards grabbed me and dragged me outside. "Fri, tell dad to go outside!", The men couldn't stop laughing now, little do they know. They placed me down in front of the Stark Tower and started walking away. Before they could get away from me, the sudden voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y spooked them.

"Yes mini-boss, boss said he will be out shortly.", The men were confused as to why Friday responded to me. One whispered to the other and they nodded in agreement. They turned to me looking as mad as ever.

"You hacked the system! We need to tell Stark about this!", One of them pressed a red button and then suddenly the lights were going off.

The interns went outside and looked at me in fear, they already knew I was Tony Stark's son. "Guys! don't mess with that kid, he's boss' son!", One of the interns shouted. They already knew what was going to happen.

The men turned to me and still refused to believe what they were saying. "How much did you pay them, huh?", One of them spoke up.

"I didn't pay them anything you delusional wankers! I showed you my ID, can't you just believe me?", I was desperate to get out of this situation, I should've just stayed playing FIFA. "We aren't that dumb, kid. We are professionals! How dare you insult us by assuming that we would believe you!", They shouted angrily.

Suddenly, dad was behind them in his ironman suit, tapping them on both of their shoulders.

"Mr. Stark, this kid was trying to break in your building!", They told him. He rolled his eyes. "That's my son you idiots, didn't he show you his ID?"

Oh this was going to get good.

"Dad.. they broke my ID in half..", I showed him the broken ID and that's when he lost all his temper. He walked out his ironman suit and approached them.

"Both of you, fired."

"B-but,", They tried to protest but apparently dad was having none of it today. We were outside the Stark Towers and everyone walking by had just stopped to see all of this unfold. "Out! Now!", They both handed him their IDS and hurriedly rushed off to wherever they rushed off to.

"Now everybody, nothing to see here. Just next time, don't mess with my son like that.", I smiled at him and we both walked back to the penthouse. He gave me an ID that was identical to my other, broken, one. "We keep spares.", He spoke and we both laughed about the stupidity of the guards.

Never again.

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