~ s l e e p & t h r e a t s ~

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(A/N): I think I might start renaming all my chapters into a similar type to this one, it's cool.


~3rd Person POV~

"Give me your purse! Now!", The robber said as he violently pointed a gun towards the innocent bypasser. She was only on her way home, she didn't expect for this to happen. "Y-yes, here, please don't hurt me!", She pleaded as she handed him her purse.

The robber started running away with her purse, the lady had accepted that her belongings were now long gone, except that wasn't the case.

Peter spotted the two while he was swinging along the buildings, "Hey! You!", He shouted as he chased after the robber. Before the robber could get away from him, Peter webbed his feet, making it so he was unable to escape.

He took the purse back from the criminal while calling the cops so they could arrest him. He then spotted the lady by a shop, almost in tears by being robbed. "Hey, miss? I think this might belong to you.", He handed her purse back.

"Oh thank you so much, I have important files in here, I'm so glad you retrieved it!", He nodded and made his leave by webbing one of the buildings and flinging him towards the Stark Tower.

He was so done in the morning. It was already 2:00 A.M, he was supposed to be asleep 3 hours ago. "Time to get some sleep.", He thought as he undressed himself from his Spiderman suit and plopped in the bed.

~Peter POV~

I woke up to arguing and screaming. It was 5 in the morning, Are you serious? Who is screaming this early.. I only had 3 hours of sleep and this was not a pleasant way to wake up.

My head was pounding incessantly and it felt like I was being crushed by a plane. Pills- I need pills- I searched for some pain killers and found them by the bathroom cabinet. Thank goodness.

Although the screaming outside still wasn't stopping. What is so important that you have to be screaming about it at 5 A.M in the morning?

"What is happeni-", I was interrupted by screams the moment I stepped outside. I attempted to speak up again, "Y'all-", I got interrupted, again. Oh my gosh.

"Hello! Everyone?!", I screamed and everyone went silent for a bit, only for them to continue arguing not even 5 seconds later. "Oh my gosh, can you all shut up!", I screamed again, this time they all stayed silent and stared at me, while glaring at eachother.

"What happened here?", I demanded. They all stayed silent and refused to answer my question. "Ok then, it's too early for this, I'm going to get ready for school.", I sighed and stepped out, only for my name to be called out.

"Peter, what has got your pants in a knot?", Sam asked jokingly, I smiled sarcastically and shot webs at him to stick him to the ground. "Well this awfully gives me deja vu from somewhere.", Sam stated as Bucky nodded.

"Dad, can I not go to school please?", I asked him with my puppy eyes. Say yes please..

"Not this time, Petey.", He said and I nodded, school was going to be terrible

~Time Skip~

"And that's why you shouldn't cheat on your partners.", Mr. Harrington discussed, when he finished, the bell rang. Thank goodness, I can finally go home.. and sleep.

I grabbed my bag and dashed towards the front door, excited for the nap I was going to take right after school. "Hey Penis!", This was the worst timing. I just looked at the floor.

"What's wrong? Did you get dumped by fatso?", He said and that was the last of it. I just wanted to go home, is that too much to ask for ?!

"No flash, I suggest you go away before I accidentally kill you.", I said as I curled up my fists. Flash was caught off guard by my statement, but that quickly turned into a shit eating grin. "Penis, you can even hurt a fly.", he laughed annoyingly.

I punched him. Right in the jaw."Why can't you listen to instructions? I haven't had much sleep and I want to go take a nap, this is literally the worst timing for your shit!", He grabbed his jaw in shock, I continued.

"So listen to me carefully, and don't think that you have any power over me because I can kill you with a punch. You could have done this any other day but instead you decided to fuck me over on this specific day, where I am unfortunately in a bad mood and you just worsened it. I let you walk all over me, Flash, but this day was not your day. Don't try me.", I spoke as I walked towards the doors.

And yeah, I did get suspended for about a week but it was so worth it..

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