~ o n l i n e c l a s s e s ~

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~3rd Person POV~

Peter sighed as he tried to fix the glitch on his laptop for the 4th time this week. His teacher rambled on about something George Washington did, but in Peter's opinion, he couldn't care less. He groaned in frustration when he realized that this glitch on his laptop was simply unfixable, which was ironic for a Stark laptop.

You see, COVID-19 was the worse thing to happen to ever happen. He was stuck in his room and was forced to listen to his classes online rather than to hear it in real life. Although, it wasn't all bad since crime rates dropped by alot. "Less-hassle for Spider-Man", Peter thought. Yet at it again, trying to fix this unknown glitch on his laptop.

Little footsteps started to come towards his room, unbeknownst to Peter, the voice called out.

"Pete?", Morgan asked as she spotted Peter infront of his Stark laptop.

During this time, Peter couldn't hear her because of his headphones and was too busy with that weird glitch again, so Morgan took it upon herself to go over to him instead.

She tugged on his shirt, trying to catch his attention.

Peter looked down, "What are you doing here Morgan? Shouldn't you be with daddy?", He asked her quietly. "We're playing hide and seek!", She giggled.

"Oh no! Quick hide here before daddy finds you!", Peter played along. Unfortunately, he completely forgot that his camera was open and since his camera was too high to see Morgan, it looked like he was talking to the floor.

"Peter, what are you doing?", His teacher, Mr. Harrington asked sternly. Peter unmuted, "Uh- nothing sir, my sister just came in my room.", Peter spoke against his mic. He had one of those rainbow lit mics, solely for the purpose of gaming. I mean, even superheroes play games every now and then.

Morgan was caught off guard by this, she hadn't yet discovered what a mic was and was curious to know who Peter was talking to. "Pete? Why are you talking into a stick?..", She asked.

"Oh it's not a stick Morgan, it's a microphone, see? It's how we communicate through devices.", He said as he pointed towards the mic. Morgan nodded, she wanted a go at using this mic aswell. "Can I use it?"

"Yeah sure, just be careful?", Morgan nodded and curiously tapped on the mic. "Hi! I'm Morgan!", She giggled, happy to be apart of her big brothers hobbies.

"Uhm, Peter? Your mic is unmuted."

"Oh crap.", He thought as he completely forgot to turn off his mic, some students snickered at this.

"Oh, uh, sorr-", He got cut off by a worried Tony Stark looking around the room frantically. This time, the frame was big enough to see Tony looking around the room like a lunatic.

"Peter, have you seen Morga- oh, hi Morgan, Peter, and Peter's class.", Tony said while waving into the screen. "What the fuck.", One of the students stated out of shock.

Peter put Morgan down and told her to go with Tony. He was really starting to get embarassed here. "Out, get out.", He pointed to the door, before Tony could respond, a flying potato hit him.

"Just my luck.", Peter thought as he sighed and shook his head. He lowered his laptop so the class couldn't see much, but they could still see bits of it.

"POTATO WARRR!", Harley screamed as he shot more potatoes at Tony.

"BOTH OF YOU..", Peter continued.

At this point the whole class was star stuck to say anything. "OUT!", Peter screamed and Tony quickly took Morgan and at the same time pushed Harley out of the room. Peter groaned and opened his laptop, only to show a potato covered room.

"I am so sorry about tha-", Just as he thought things were going to get back to normal, a pirate ended up hacking and joining the zoom call.. infront of everyone.

Peter watched in horror as the pirate started speaking.

"Agent Parker, Agent Leeds, we need you.", Nick Fury spoke seriously, although it was hard to take him seriously since he had a green screened backround right behind him.

"For f%cks sake!", Peter smacked his head on his desk. "What do you need Director." , Ned asked, ignoring his best friend's protest, he understands the frustration yet can't help but laugh at it.

"We need you and Agent Parker to go on a mission to find, and destroy a hydra base, also sorry for interrupting.", Nick Fury apologized as he exited the zoom call. The class was silent. Peter was dreading going back to school when lockdown is over. He could already imagine the humiliation..

That's what he gets for being a superhero, anyway, time to get into action.

"Ned come over, also sir, we need to leave, I hope you understand, sorry bye!", Peter shut his laptop and dramatically sighed. "Atleast it's over now.", He thought.

Then a potato flew at him.


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