~ w h a t t o u r . . . ? ! ~

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Peter Stark or usually known as Peter Parker was inside the tower working on projects inside his dad's lab and he needed some supplies so he went over to the lower labs to get some.

"Hello Mr. Stark!", The interns greeted him with respect since they knew he was the heir to SI. "Please call me Peter, Mr. Stark is my father." The interns nodded.

"We have a tour coming over to this level if that's ok with you, M- Peter."

~ Peter POV ~

"Yea, it's fine just make sure they don't touch any of the projects.", I said as I continued trying to find the parts I needed for my project-- which was a potato launcher.

We have educational tours in the tower often, mostly consisting old businessmen or tourists that want to see the Stark Tower in person. We rarely get any schools to do tours here, since the fee for it is quite expensive.

As I was trying to find the right screws for my project, Ned and MJ went to my floor to help. "We have a tour coming over at this floor any minute now so behave yourselves.", MJ gave us that glare she always does and we nodded.

"Wait, are they teenagers? I wanna show them my lightsabers I've been working on." Ned says, it looks like his eyes are sparkling from excitement. "No, Ned that's dangerous.", MJ sighed as she nodded her head in disapproval.

"Do you ever wonder what would happen if our class went here without us noticing? That would be so funny.", Ned suddenly spoke up, that would be a nightmare. "I mean it has some pros too, Flash could see that we aren't lying about our internships..", MJ replied to him and he nodded back. I was too busy trying to find spare parts, who knew it could be this hard?

"Boss, the tour has arrived.", Friday said, MJ scolded us about how they might think were immature so we started behaving ourselves. We were discussing behind a glass where the lab separated us from the hall.

We heard a faint 'What the hell' and we looked over at who said it.

We saw... our class. "Mr. Parker, Mr. Leeds, Ms. Jones! Why are you all doing here without permission slips! Did you break in?!", Mr. Harrington shouted at us. That was the most ridiculous accusation I have ever heard.

My eyes widened, what were they doing here?! "We didn't break in I-"

"This is unacceptable behavior!", I heard faint whispers and side glances the students were throwing me. This was so embarrassing. I continued getting scolded by my teacher while my friends were right behind me, thinking of what to say.

"Mr. Harrington, we-", Ned tried to speak up but got interrupted by Mr. Harrington pressing a red button right beneath one of the desks. The lights immediately blared as I tried to explain to my stubborn teacher that I was meant to be here.

It was useless to explain seeing that some guards were already stomping into the room where this fiasco had been endured. "My students sneaked in the Stark Tower!"

"No we didn't, we live and work here!", I protested as the security guards came. They looked at me and back at Mr. Harrington in confusion. "Take them away! What do you think you're doing?!", Mr. Harrington demanded.

"I'm afraid we can't do that.", The guards spoke. Leading to Mr. Harrington becoming even more frustrated.

"And why not?!"

"He's our boss, uh- sir.", One of them said to Mr. Harrington and he turned pale. "This can't be possible, he's a teen!", Mr. Harrington protested against the guards and I had enough of it.

"Ok.. that's it I'm calling dad!", I said as I told Friday to get me dad. He came running into the hall and entered the lab. "Pete? Are you ok? Fri told me you needed me.", The students were in shock since none of them really knew Tony Stark was my dad.

"T-Tony Stark is your dad.", Flash stuttered. As if it wasn't obvious enough.. "Well yes, but since you got your proof I'm going back to working with Ned and MJ.", I said as I slowly tried to walk away from the mess but my dad interrupted me.

"Wait, no, explain to me what happened.", He demanded glancing over to my class, to the guards, and then me.

"Sir- Mr. Stark.. this lad over here pressed the red button, which was only for emergencies, so we thought-", One of the guards spoke up but was interrupted.

"Mr. Stark, three of my students are in the tower unsupervised, how can I not press the button?!"

"You thought my son and his friends were break ins?", He calmly asked Mr. Harrington.

He nodded.

"Well I can assure you he's not. We have top notch security and no teenager will be able to break in without a pass. You may leave now seeing as you just created a scene for no reason."



(A/N): I got no idea what to write

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