~ c a r e e r s & r e v e l a t i o n s ~

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"The American revolution went on as..", I sighed and looked out the clock.. School really does make time slow down. I was in History class and it was almost the end of the day. I wasn't really listening since I have already learned most of the history of the American Revolution from Uncle Steve.

Ned nudged my foot and tilted his head over to the teacher, signaling that I should listen. He had a worried look on his face, making me look at the board to find the source of his concern.

I look up at the board and suddenly his concern for me makes sense.

"Career Day on Friday morning, 9-12 o'clock"

My eyes widened as I realized that the cover-up I had made, which was about living with my family, will not work anymore. Friday was in 2 Days! How was I supposed to find a solution for this in 2 Days?!

You see, my fake family is 'dead' and my real one is a bunch of famous super heroes. Not biologically, but they adopted me after my family had passed.

I could hire some actors but then there's a possibility that they would reveal my identity to the public, which was way worse than having to reveal it by showing them myself.

I realized I had no other choice than to show up with my real family.. on Friday.. in 2 days..

Great.. just great.

Apparently, Flash noticed me zoning-out and shouted from across the room. "Hey Penis! Who will you take as your family??Oh that's right, you don't have any!"

Flash's goons laughed as he continued insulting my 'dead' fake family. This guy needs to learn some manners.

A bitter sense washed over my veins but I concealed it, instead of using violence, I'll just show him who my real family are.

"Penis! Come here for a bit.."

Here we go again.

~~Time Skip~~

I headed back to the penthouse with some bruises from Flash. I will of course blame it on patrol again. "Hey Peter", Dad greeted me. "Hi, dad."

"Where did you get those bruises?", Mom asked and Dad looked at me, waiting for an answer. My heartbeat increased as I quickly try to make an excuse. "I fell?.." I said, my tone sounding unsure. "That sounds more like a question rather than an answe-", Dad spoke up, but I cut him off.

"Uh- I- oh well look at the time, I need to go do my homework." , I said as I looked at my watch and hurried over to my room. I glance behind me and see my dad furrowing his eyebrows at my sudden interruption.

~~Tony POV~~

Peter's silhouette slowly faded into the hallway as we both watched him hurry into his room.
"Do you think he knows that we know about his career day?", I asked Pep. "Nope , we'll take care of that bully." She said as she walked through the hallway.

I nodded and grabbed the tablet that has recordings of what that kid said to Peter. It's for his protection that we installed this in his watch, although he is unaware that we know all about the kid that has been bullying him for the past month or so.

We just have been waiting for the right opportunity to confront him. Which is going be on Friday.

~Time Skip~

~Peter POV ~

I woke up and realized that it was Friday.

Even after hearing endless taunts of Flash, this one should be the worse.

I went to school as per usual and it was 5 minutes until the parents arrive. Flash's dad, Mr. Thompson was the first to arrive in his 'luxury' suit. Of course the class wasn't used to the luxury that the Thompson family had, which is why their jaws dropped when they saw the expensive suit.

Each of the parents started filling up the room until only my parents were missing. The teacher started without my parents since they were aware of my fake status.

It was 10:58 and everyone's parents finished their speech already and they were waiting for mine. Are they not aware that my 'fake' parents are dead?!

I felt glares from around the classroom and started to feel a bit uncomfortable. I wanted to throw up and I was getting a bit light headed.

"Where is this brat's parents!", Mr. Thompson yelled, so that's where Flash got it from.

Mr. Thompson kept complaining until the door was burst open and Tony Stark and Pepper Potts walked in. My eyes widened and the whole class gasped, I looked at them in horror.

"Hello, sorry we're late, we got caught up in traffic." Mom said and walked over to me. "Uh- Mr- Mr. Stark what are you doing here?", The teacher stuttered. "We're here for my son Peter, he was using the fake name Peter Parker I believe.", Dad said to the teacher and walked to me.

Everyone's eyes were on me again and I heard a bunch of whispers while Ned and MJ were smirking.

"Hi dad, how did you find out about this?", I calmly asked them and then it hit me, my watch was bugged, gosh how could I have been so stupid.

"Well, your watch remember, and a certain someone was bullying my son and I wanted to clear things up for them.", I instantly panicked at dads words and put my hands over my face.

"Well his name is Eugune Thompson and I want him to stop bullying my child right now or else I will sue his family." Dad said and walked infront of the class. "And he has the avengers as aunts and uncles so you wouldn't want to mess with him.." Mom added.

The students nodded and a shivering Flash was seen. The day went on as the news of me being their son scattered, soon reaching the local news systems until reaching the national television.

That should humble Flash alot.

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