~ f l a s h & n i c e ~

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(A/N): yEp, more of nice Flash. I really am getting addicted to it lol.

Aunt May died yesterday and the news spread around like wildfire. Everywhere I looked, I could always see someone giving me that pity face that they always do.

I hate it.

Today when I went to school Flash didn't bother me at all, which was weird. A turn of events perhaps? Or maybe it just had something to do with my aunt passing. We finished the 3rd class and we were heading to the cafeteria for lunch. "Hey Penis! didn't your aunt die yesterday?", One of Flash's friends shouted.

As soon as I said that, the flashback started. My hands covered in blood-- not my blood, no, but my aunts. I was holding her, just begging for it to all be a dream. It wasn't a dream. My eyes started brimming with tears.

"Come, look at this Flash! He's about to cry!", Another one if Flash's friends shouted, they weren't wrong I was definetely going to cry. I sped through the hallway to make it to the cafeteria. "Leave him alone Luis, Its not funny to make fun of people's dead family members."

I halted, what?

Why is he protecting me? This was weird, to the point where I was contemplating whether or not I travelled to an alternate dimension.

MJ and Ned were as shocked as I was. "Did he take drugs today?", I whispered to them.

MJ said and Ned agreed with me. They couldn't believe what they were hearing and seeing. "No I didn't take drugs, and Parker, I need to talk to you.", Flash said as he walked out the cafeteria. He waited for me by the cafeteria door and I hesitantly looked over to Mj and Ned to see if they were alright with it.

They nodded so I followed him to the hall. "Look I realized what I've done was horrible and you're probably not gonna forgive me but I'm sorry for bullying you and I-", He didn't have time to finished as I hugged him.

"It's alright, everyone deserves a 2nd chance."

"Please, let me explain myself. Since I have heard of your aunt passing, I kind of felt bad for all of the stuff I did to you- It's not a valid explanation but I, myself, have been dealing with a family member passing as well so I know how you feel.."

"Please forgive me.."

I smiled and nodded. I motioned for him to follow me into he cafeteria and from there, it was history,

And that's how my bully for some reason became one of my friends. MJ was skeptical at first but she just sent a bunch of threats to Flash and he listened while also keeping his distance away from Mj.

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