~ t h e p h o n e c a l l ~

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~Peter POV~

"Bro, can you teach me how to solve the equation..", Ned went on and pointed the tip of his pencil toward the board. We were currently in Physics class and we were trying to solve an equation about Isaac Newton's theory.

"Yeah, sure just divide the x by the power of-"

You are my daaad,

You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie.

I flushed crimson as my ringtone silenced the class as they all glanced at me, some of them snickering at my ringtone choice.

My eyes widened as I remembered that the specific ringtone only rings when my dad calls, if you were a normal person, that wouldn't worry you.. but if your dad was Tony Stark and you weren't officialized to be his son to the public yet, that would be extremely alarming.

"You know the rules Parker, phone, speaker.", Mr. Warren said, her voice strictly booming throughout the classroom. "I bet Penis doesn't even have a dad.", I hear Flash say and his goons laugh before I answer dad. Could this get any worse? I sulkily slide the phone to answer the call.

"What do you want dad?", I whisper-yelled, obviously irritated. "Jeez, calm down peter, I just wanted to ask you want you wanted for dinner, pizza or lasagna?", The students were confused as to why they vaguely recognized the voice of Tony Stark.

"I choose pizza, and why do you need my opinion on this?", I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. "We were tied up, and now the others are in a food fight throwing a bunch of leftover pie aroun-"




"Dad?..", I asked unsure of what happened. "Clint, YOU BASTARD!", I heard dad shout and some of the class snickered and laughed. Flash then realized that he was hearing the voice of Tony Stark and lashed out.

"No way Penis knows Tony Stark! Let alone be his dad!", Flash shouted and grabbed my phone. "We all know it's you, Peter's friend. Quit the Tony Stark act."

I mentally face palmed, how stupid can Flash be?! Suddenly the ruckus behind the phone call ended and the whole class laughed at me for having the quote and quote Tony Stark voice actor.

Just as they were laughing and throwing me pieces of paper balls, an iron cling was heard outside. Tony fucking Stark knocked down the door and stepped out his iron man suit.

"Now which one of you called my son 'Penis'?" The class all pointed to Flash and I'm sure he pissed his pants. "You will never bully nor look at my son again. Don't bully people in general or else I will sue you and your whole family and you will have the Earth's Mightiest Hero's on your tail."

Dad basically screamed and threatened him for half an hour until he finally said. "Teach, I'm going to borrow Peter for a bit..", He glanced at my teacher and back at me. "Let's go Pete, we need to get to dinner.", Before my teacher could protest he grabbed my arm and flew off with me.

What a way to reveal your secret son to the world.

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