Just Lending A Hand

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"Your" POV:

I laid back on my bed, enjoying the cooling breeze my fan gave off, as I slowly watched the light outside my window fade. It was well past sunset, and my energy level matched the dark appearance of the sky.

I've felt this way nearly all day. When I woke up this morning, remembering it was Saturday, I fell back into bed and slept for another three hours. I was even tempted to not get up for breakfast, but my stomach managed to convince me. I just...felt so inexplicably tired. More than usual.

It's probably because I just went through a full week of school. The first of many to come...I miss summer already. At least the homework hasn't been that bad so far, I already finished my assignments due Monday and Tuesday.

I removed my gaze from my window, and up to the ceiling. Around an hour ago, Dad said he was going to bed, so it was only me awake in these late hours. I knew I should try to get some sleep, but at the moment, I was strangely...restless. I felt lethargic enough to not want to move much, but my mind was still active enough to where I couldn't doze off. It was weird.

Seeing as I was probably going to be awake for at least another hour or two, I decided to do something to pass the time. I adjusted the headphones around my head, and made sure the cord leading to the radio on my nightstand wasn't twisted in a damaging way.

I'm surprised this police scanner still worked. Dad bought it years ago, but he stopped giving it attention within a year, and left it in the garage to collect dust. I however, find it very useful and kind of priceless, for reasons Dad doesn't thankfully know about.

Tonight seemed like a quiet one so far. Nothing interesting was going on, which was good, considering the kinds of things I listen for with this radio...but I wouldn't mind something coming up.

I did eventually start dozing off, my eyelids dropped and my body relaxed...until the radio came alive again.

"Officers be advised, we have received an emergency alert at the Metroville Bank. A heist has taken place. The getaway vehicle is reported to be a brown 1957 Chevrolet. All available units, please copy."

That made my eyes snap open.

A bank robbery? The thought made suspense quicken my heartbeat, and I sat up from the sudden rush of adrenaline.

A big crime like that isn't something I've tackled yet...it was a little too spicy for my blood. But at the same time, I felt compelled to go. At least try to see what I can.

With my mind made up, I took off the headphones and got up. I opened my door and tip-toed as quietly as I could to my parents' bedroom, and opened the door. Luckily, Dad fixed the creaking hinges a while ago.

I could see the shape of his body in the king-sized bed. Good, he was still asleep. I closed the door and went back to my room, closing my door and moving toward to my closet. On the shelf above my hanging clothes and jackets, I reached for a box. I then leaned down and pick up a pair of black shoes.

Placing the box down on my bed, I took the cover of it off to reveal my super suit.

Calling it a "super suit" was an exaggeration in my opinion, since it was nothing like the fancy costumes all of the other Supers wore. It was way more unsophisticated; homemade with my own hands, with a few clothing items my parents discarded.

The centerpiece was a blue & black full-body wetsuit Mom stopped wearing, after she quit water sports. It fit me comfortably enough, and I made sure to cover or color over anything that people could use to identify it. Next, were old black water shoes Mom also stopped wearing.

Lastly, was a blue domino mask Dad wore for a theater assignment he did way back in college. It covered up the majority of my face while still fitting, so I was happy I didn't have to go find one myself.

I stood in front of the large mirror extending from my dresser, checking my appearance. All in all, my costume was something that went with my powers and hid my identity, so it was good enough for me.

I only wish the wetsuit was bulletproof, but it wasn't, so I had to be really careful with going out there to stop crimes. Anyone with a gun was truthfully too dangerous for me, which was why I didn't want to go and possibly meet face-to-face with armed robbers...

Eh. If I stayed hidden, I should be ok. And for my powers to be effective, I didn't have to get in front of anyone, so stealth was the way to go. There was a chance I wouldn't have to do anything anyway, since apparently the heist already happened. The robbers were either being chased down by police right now...or they got away with it.

I grabbed the two dark blue canteens hidden under the clothes in one of my drawers, and slipped their straps over my shoulders. I was ready to go.

I opened my window, and used the stepping stool in the corner of my room to get up and out of it into our backyard. I pushed my window shut, quietly, and turned my attention to the garden hose. Filling up my canteens didn't take long at all, and I was off, using the makeshift stairs made out of wood and bricks hidden behind some trees to get over our fence.

I ran down the alley, heading for the river that cut through Metroville less than a mile away from our house, which thankfully ran right by a secluded part of the area. While suited up like this, the river was my main form of transportation around the city, since it at least let me get to downtown in no time at all.

I still had to mostly walk the rest of the way to wherever I wanted to go since the river only extended so far in some places. Half of me wishes I could drive, but oh well. This was better than nothing.

Reaching it took me around 10 minutes, and I promptly used a rock as another stepping stool so I could jump over the railing, and slide down the side of the canal.

As I drew near to the water, instead of crashing right into it, I stood on top of it.

This has to have been the 100th time I've done it, but it still made me smile. With some arm and hand movements, I guided the water up and over, forming a wave I could surf on. Metroville Bank was across the river and further down, getting there shouldn't be an issue. Even now, I could hear screaming of police sirens, and...several popping sounds.

Either someone was launching fireworks, or there was a high speed chase going on.

But I could hear the noises getting louder. Were they coming this way? I needed to see above to the streets extending down the sides of and across the river, so I increased the height of my wave and continued to move.

Just as I thought, there was something going on in the distance, and it was moving to where I was. A brown car was surely speeding and swerving between lanes like the driver didn't have any sense, while two people leaned out of the backseat windows and opened fire on the police cars pursuing them.

Dispatch said the getaway car was brown, so they had to be the robbers right? I thought about what I could do...flood the streets? No...try shooting the car with ice? No, I could miss and hit another car. What could I do?

I bit my lip in concentration. Come on, think Y/N!

I was truthfully stumped, but then, the driver took a turn and started going across the elevated bridge in front of me.

How lucky am I?

I shot a hand out, and a column of water launched out of the river, up to the bridge. I condensed and made it lie across the lanes in front of the gunmen as a wall, giving the driver enough time to either brake or crash into it.

The poor fool was smart enough to choose the former. The car was moving too fast though, so it still crashed and became embedded in the water anyway, but it wasn't nearly as violent as I knew it would be. The force of the impact was enough to make the car's occupants whip around -none of them were wearing seatbelts-, and I could tell the gunmen dropped their weapons.

I snickered. That was easier than expected.

I waited patiently as officers got out of their cars and approached the criminals with their handguns drawn, while others went around to stop the incoming traffic. I didn't release the wall and let it fall back into the river until the robbers were handcuffed, but in that same instance, another car drove up behind the police cruisers.

A...red one?

I squinted, but when 4 people inside it got out and one smaller person peeked out from behind the car door, I about fell back in shock. The 'i' emblem on their red suits told me all I needed to know about them. For some reason, I didn't think about them being here. But I should've known, of course they would be.

Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl were the first to approach the officers, but I saw them stop and turn their heads towards me. I couldn't discern their expressions from the distance I was at, but based off of their widened eyes, I suspected they were surprised.

Which makes sense, this is the first time I think they've seen me. I'm sure they don't know who I am. The same went for their kids, Miss Disappear and The Dash, who both moved to stand in line with their parents. The small boy, who was in the Incredibile but decided to get out and walk towards his family, had to be Metaboy.

A light being shone on me made me snap to, and I saw a few officers standing to the bridge's side, two of them having their flashlights on me.

...All of this attention isn't sitting well with me. I should...probably leave. Yeah.

I sheepishly waved at the officers and red-clad superheroes, before turning around and jumping off of my water column as it collapsed. I swan dove into the river, forming an air bubble around my head so I could breathe underwater and keep my hair dry as I swam away.

I did not feel like talking to the police and especially not to The Incredibles. No way. Just the thought made me nervous, I had to refocus to keep my air bubble together and guide myself back to the part of the river I entered from.

What would they think of me? Of my dumb, ugly suit? What if I acted weird? What if I said the wrong things to them?

None of it was worth the risk. As much as I wanted to talk to them...I can't. I couldn't help the embarrassing circumstances that's happened to me in school, but one thing I refused to do, was to let myself look stupid in front of superheroes.

And, it was getting late. I needed to get home, before my father potentially went into my room for whatever reason and saw I wasn't there.

I've gone all this time without being caught...about 4 years of popping up to solve something minor, then disappearing. I wanted to keep it that way. I'm thankful superheroes aren't illegal anymore, but I still don't have the freedom to help people with my powers whenever I want to.

I wish Mom and Dad weren't the way they were.


2nd POV:

... ... ...

"...Who was that?"

The voice of his sister snapped the hero from his train of thought, and The Dash turned to glance down at Miss Disappear -it was funny how he was taller than her now, all his youth he's always been shorter- as their father answered.

"I have no idea. New superhero maybe?" Mr. Incredible looked out to the river with a squinted gaze. The eldest son of the family did the same, eyeing the area where the person dived into with curiosity spiraling in his blue eyes.

"Since they helped the police, I doubt they're a villian." The teen stated, crossing his arms as his mother approached the group, holding the hand of the family's youngest.

"I spoke with the officers. Whoever that was, wasn't familiar to any of them." Elastigirl spoke, and Miss Disappear nodded her head.

"Makes sense." She shrugged. "They just...left, after waving at least. Probably the shy-type, doesn't like making a big scene. I understand."

The Dash snorted; he couldn't relate. He was the exact opposite.

"Well...they did make this job easy on us. I'm thankful for that." Elastigirl brushed the manner aside for now, at ease if her low exhale was any indication. She started towards the red supercar. "The police have this handled now, so let's go."

Everyone followed her, except for The Dash, who took another few seconds to stare into the river before turning away to leave.

A super nobody knew, who can control water...interesting.

Not to mention, although he couldn't exactly tell from how far apart they were from each other...

He was getting the faintest gut feeling, that the super was a girl.

...He was very intrigued, to say the least.

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